48 research outputs found


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    Anonymity networks such as Tor and other related tools are powerful means of increas- ing the anonymity and privacy of Internet users’ communications. Tor is currently the most widely used solution by whistleblowers to disclose confidential information and denounce censorship measures, including violations of civil rights, freedom of expres- sion, or guarantees of free access to information. However, recent research studies have shown that Tor is vulnerable to so-called powerful correlation attacks carried out by global adversaries or collaborative Internet censorship parties. In the Tor ”arms race” scenario, we can see that as new censorship, surveillance, and deep correlation tools have been researched, new, improved solutions for preserving anonymity have also emerged. In recent research proposals, unobservable encapsulation of IP packets in covert media channels is one of the most promising defenses against such threat models. They leverage WebRTC-based covert channels as a robust and practical approach against powerful traf- fic correlation analysis. At the same time, these solutions are difficult to combat through the traffic-blocking measures commonly used by censorship authorities. In this dissertation, we propose TorKameleon, a censorship evasion solution de- signed to protect Tor users with increased censorship resistance against powerful traffic correlation attacks executed by global adversaries. The system is based on flexible K- anonymization input circuits that can support TLS tunneling and WebRTC-based covert channels before forwarding users’ original input traffic to the Tor network. Our goal is to protect users from machine and deep learning correlation attacks between incom- ing user traffic and observed traffic at different Tor network relays, such as middle and egress relays. TorKameleon is the first system to implement a Tor pluggable transport based on parameterizable TLS tunneling and WebRTC-based covert channels. We have implemented the TorKameleon prototype and performed extensive validations to ob- serve the correctness and experimental performance of the proposed solution in the Tor environment. With these evaluations, we analyze the necessary tradeoffs between the performance of the standard Tor network and the achieved effectiveness and performance of TorKameleon, capable of preserving the required unobservability properties.Redes de anonimização como o Tor e soluções ou ferramentas semelhantes são meios poderosos de aumentar a anonimidade e a privacidade das comunicações de utilizadores da Internet . O Tor é atualmente a rede de anonimato mais utilizada por delatores para divulgar informações confidenciais e denunciar medidas de censura tais como violações de direitos civis e da liberdade de expressão, ou falhas nas garantias de livre acesso à informação. No entanto, estudos recentes mostram que o Tor é vulnerável a adversários globais ou a entidades que colaboram entre si para garantir a censura online. Neste cenário competitivo e de jogo do “gato e do rato”, é possível verificar que à medida que novas soluções de censura e vigilância são investigadas, novos sistemas melhorados para a preservação de anonimato são também apresentados e refinados. O encapsulamento de pacotes IP em túneis encapsulados em protocolos de media são uma das mais promissoras soluções contra os novos modelos de ataque à anonimidade. Estas soluções alavancam canais encobertos em protocolos de media baseados em WebRTC para resistir a poderosos ataques de correlação de tráfego e a medidas de bloqueios normalmente usadas pelos censores. Nesta dissertação propomos o TorKameleon, uma solução desenhada para protoger os utilizadores da rede Tor contra os mais recentes ataques de correlação feitos por um modelo de adversário global. O sistema é baseado em estratégias de anonimização e reencaminhamento do tráfego do utilizador através de K nós, utilizando também encap- sulamento do tráfego em canais encobertos em túneis TLS ou WebRTC. O nosso objetivo é proteger os utilizadores da rede Tor de ataques de correlação implementados através de modelos de aprendizagem automática feitos entre o tráfego do utilizador que entra na rede Tor e esse mesmo tráfego noutro segmento da rede, como por exemplo nos nós de saída da rede. O TorKameleon é o primeiro sistema a implementar um Tor pluggable transport parametrizável, baseado em túneis TLS ou em canais encobertos em protocolos media. Implementamos um protótipo do sistema e realizamos uma extensa avalição expe- rimental, inserindo a solução no ambiente da rede Tor. Com base nestas avaliações, anali- zamos o tradeoff necessário entre a performance da rede Tor e a eficácia e a performance obtida do TorKameleon, que garante as propriedades de preservação de anonimato

    A Survey on LLM-generated Text Detection: Necessity, Methods, and Future Directions

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    The powerful ability to understand, follow, and generate complex language emerging from large language models (LLMs) makes LLM-generated text flood many areas of our daily lives at an incredible speed and is widely accepted by humans. As LLMs continue to expand, there is an imperative need to develop detectors that can detect LLM-generated text. This is crucial to mitigate potential misuse of LLMs and safeguard realms like artistic expression and social networks from harmful influence of LLM-generated content. The LLM-generated text detection aims to discern if a piece of text was produced by an LLM, which is essentially a binary classification task. The detector techniques have witnessed notable advancements recently, propelled by innovations in watermarking techniques, zero-shot methods, fine-turning LMs methods, adversarial learning methods, LLMs as detectors, and human-assisted methods. In this survey, we collate recent research breakthroughs in this area and underscore the pressing need to bolster detector research. We also delve into prevalent datasets, elucidating their limitations and developmental requirements. Furthermore, we analyze various LLM-generated text detection paradigms, shedding light on challenges like out-of-distribution problems, potential attacks, and data ambiguity. Conclusively, we highlight interesting directions for future research in LLM-generated text detection to advance the implementation of responsible artificial intelligence (AI). Our aim with this survey is to provide a clear and comprehensive introduction for newcomers while also offering seasoned researchers a valuable update in the field of LLM-generated text detection. The useful resources are publicly available at: https://github.com/NLP2CT/LLM-generated-Text-Detection

    An E-Passport System with Multi-Stage Authentication : A Casestudy of the Security of Sri Lankaas E-Passport

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    E-passport or Electronic passport is one of the newly established research areas, especially since in the last few years there have been numerous reported attempts of illegal immigration across a number of country borders. Therefore, many countries are choosing to introduce electronic passports for their citizens and to automate the verification process at their border control security. The current e-passport systems are based on two technologies: RFID and Biometrics. New applications of RFID technology have been introduced in various aspects of people2019;s lives. Even though this technology has existed for more than a decade, it still holds considerable security and privacy risks. But together with RFID and biometric technologies an e-passport verification system can reduce fraud, identity theft and will help governments worldwide to improve security at their country borders. In 2017 Sri Lankan government proposed to introduce a new epassport scheme which will contain embedded RFID tags for person identification purpose. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel multi-stage e-passport verification scheme based on watermarking, biometrics and RFID

    A survey of timing channels and countermeasures

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    A timing channel is a communication channel that can transfer information to a receiver/decoder by modulating the timing behavior of an entity. Examples of this entity include the interpacket delays of a packet stream, the reordering packets in a packet stream, or the resource access time of a cryptographic module. Advances in the information and coding theory and the availability of high-performance computing systems interconnected by high-speed networks have spurred interest in and development of various types of timing channels. With the emergence of complex timing channels, novel detection and prevention techniques are also being developed to counter them. In this article, we provide a detailed survey of timing channels broadly categorized into network timing channel, in which communicating entities are connected by a network, and in-system timing channel, in which the communicating entities are within a computing system. This survey builds on the last comprehensive survey by Zander et al. [2007] and considers all three canonical applications of timing channels, namely, covert communication, timing side channel, and network flow watermarking. We survey the theoretical foundations, the implementation, and the various detection and prevention techniques that have been reported in literature. Based on the analysis of the current literature, we discuss potential future research directions both in the design and application of timing channels and their detection and prevention techniques

    Segmentation, registration,and selective watermarking of retinal images

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    In this dissertation, I investigated some fundamental issues related to medical image segmentation, registration, and watermarking. I used color retinal fundus images to perform my study because of the rich representation of different objects (blood vessels, microaneurysms, hemorrhages, exudates, etc.) that are pathologically important and have close resemblance in shapes and colors. To attack this complex subject, I developed a divide-and-conquer strategy to address related issues step-by-step and to optimize the parameters of different algorithm steps. Most, if not all, objects in our discussion are related. The algorithms for detection, registration, and protection of different objects need to consider how to differentiate the foreground from the background and be able to correctly characterize the features of the image objects and their geometric properties. To address these problems, I characterized the shapes of blood vessels in retinal images and proposed the algorithms to extract the features of blood vessels. A tracing algorithm was developed for the detection of blood vessels along the vascular network. Due to the noise interference and various image qualities, the robust segmentation techniques were used for the accurate characterization of the objects shapes and verification. Based on the segmentation results, a registration algorithm was developed, which uses the bifurcation and cross-over points of blood vessels to establish the correspondence between the images and derive the transformation that aligns the images. A Region-of-Interest (ROI) based watermarking scheme was proposed for image authenticity. It uses linear segments extracted from the image as reference locations for embedding and detecting watermark. Global and locally-randomized synchronization schemes were proposed for bit-sequence synchronization of a watermark. The scheme is robust against common image processing and geometric distortions (rotation and scaling), and it can detect alternations such as moving or removing of the image content

    Multimedia Protection using Content and Embedded Fingerprints

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    Improved digital connectivity has made the Internet an important medium for multimedia distribution and consumption in recent years. At the same time, this increased proliferation of multimedia has raised significant challenges in secure multimedia distribution and intellectual property protection. This dissertation examines two complementary aspects of the multimedia protection problem that utilize content fingerprints and embedded collusion-resistant fingerprints. The first aspect considered is the automated identification of multimedia using content fingerprints, which is emerging as an important tool for detecting copyright violations on user generated content websites. A content fingerprint is a compact identifier that captures robust and distinctive properties of multimedia content, which can be used for uniquely identifying the multimedia object. In this dissertation, we describe a modular framework for theoretical modeling and analysis of content fingerprinting techniques. Based on this framework, we analyze the impact of distortions in the features on the corresponding fingerprints and also consider the problem of designing a suitable quantizer for encoding the features in order to improve the identification accuracy. The interaction between the fingerprint designer and a malicious adversary seeking to evade detection is studied under a game-theoretic framework and optimal strategies for both parties are derived. We then focus on analyzing and understanding the matching process at the fingerprint level. Models for fingerprints with different types of correlations are developed and the identification accuracy under each model is examined. Through this analysis we obtain useful guidelines for designing practical systems and also uncover connections to other areas of research. A complementary problem considered in this dissertation concerns tracing the users responsible for unauthorized redistribution of multimedia. Collusion-resistant fingerprints, which are signals that uniquely identify the recipient, are proactively embedded in the multimedia before redistribution and can be used for identifying the malicious users. We study the problem of designing collusion resistant fingerprints for embedding in compressed multimedia. Our study indicates that directly adapting traditional fingerprinting techniques to this new setting of compressed multimedia results in low collusion resistance. To withstand attacks, we propose an anti-collusion dithering technique for embedding fingerprints that significantly improves the collusion resistance compared to traditional fingerprints

    Framework for privacy-aware content distribution in peer-to- peer networks with copyright protection

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    The use of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks for multimedia distribution has spread out globally in recent years. This mass popularity is primarily driven by the efficient distribution of content, also giving rise to piracy and copyright infringement as well as privacy concerns. An end user (buyer) of a P2P content distribution system does not want to reveal his/her identity during a transaction with a content owner (merchant), whereas the merchant does not want the buyer to further redistribute the content illegally. Therefore, there is a strong need for content distribution mechanisms over P2P networks that do not pose security and privacy threats to copyright holders and end users, respectively. However, the current systems being developed to provide copyright and privacy protection to merchants and end users employ cryptographic mechanisms, which incur high computational and communication costs, making these systems impractical for the distribution of big files, such as music albums or movies.El uso de soluciones de igual a igual (peer-to-peer, P2P) para la distribución multimedia se ha extendido mundialmente en los últimos años. La amplia popularidad de este paradigma se debe, principalmente, a la distribución eficiente de los contenidos, pero también da lugar a la piratería, a la violación del copyright y a problemas de privacidad. Un usuario final (comprador) de un sistema de distribución de contenidos P2P no quiere revelar su identidad durante una transacción con un propietario de contenidos (comerciante), mientras que el comerciante no quiere que el comprador pueda redistribuir ilegalmente el contenido más adelante. Por lo tanto, existe una fuerte necesidad de mecanismos de distribución de contenidos por medio de redes P2P que no supongan un riesgo de seguridad y privacidad a los titulares de derechos y los usuarios finales, respectivamente. Sin embargo, los sistemas actuales que se desarrollan con el propósito de proteger el copyright y la privacidad de los comerciantes y los usuarios finales emplean mecanismos de cifrado que implican unas cargas computacionales y de comunicaciones muy elevadas que convierten a estos sistemas en poco prácticos para distribuir archivos de gran tamaño, tales como álbumes de música o películas.L'ús de solucions d'igual a igual (peer-to-peer, P2P) per a la distribució multimèdia s'ha estès mundialment els darrers anys. L'àmplia popularitat d'aquest paradigma es deu, principalment, a la distribució eficient dels continguts, però també dóna lloc a la pirateria, a la violació del copyright i a problemes de privadesa. Un usuari final (comprador) d'un sistema de distribució de continguts P2P no vol revelar la seva identitat durant una transacció amb un propietari de continguts (comerciant), mentre que el comerciant no vol que el comprador pugui redistribuir il·legalment el contingut més endavant. Per tant, hi ha una gran necessitat de mecanismes de distribució de continguts per mitjà de xarxes P2P que no comportin un risc de seguretat i privadesa als titulars de drets i els usuaris finals, respectivament. Tanmateix, els sistemes actuals que es desenvolupen amb el propòsit de protegir el copyright i la privadesa dels comerciants i els usuaris finals fan servir mecanismes d'encriptació que impliquen unes càrregues computacionals i de comunicacions molt elevades que fan aquests sistemes poc pràctics per a distribuir arxius de grans dimensions, com ara àlbums de música o pel·lícules

    Enhanced Block-Based Copy-Move Image Forgery Detection Using K-Means Clustering Technique

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    In this thesis, the effect of feature type and matching method has been analyzed by comparing different combinations of matching method – feature type for copy-move image forgery detection. The results showed an interaction between some of the features and some of the matching methods. Due to the importance of matching process, this thesis focused on improving the matching process by proposing an enhanced block-based copy-move forgery detection pipeline. The proposed pipeline relied on clustering the image blocks into clusters, and then independently performing the matching of the blocks within each cluster which will reduce the time required for matching and increase the true positive ratio (TPR) as well. In order to deploy the proposed pipeline, two combinations of matching method - feature type are considered. In the first case, Zernike Moments (ZMs) were combined with Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) and tested on three datasets. The experimental results showed that the proposed pipeline reduced the processing time by 73.05% to 84.70% and enhanced the accuracy of detection by 5.56% to 25.43%. In the second case, Polar Cosine Transform (PCT) was combined with Lexicographical Sort (LS). Although the proposed pipeline could not reduce the processing time, it enhanced the accuracy of detection by 32.46%. The obtained results were statistically analyzed, and it was proven that the proposed pipeline can enhance the accuracy of detection significantly based on the comparison with other two methods

    Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях

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    В настоящем электронном сборнике «Европейский и национальный контексты в научных исследованиях. Технология» представлены работы молодых ученых по геодезии и картографии, химической технологии и машиностроению, информационным технологиям, строительству и радиотехнике. Предназначены для работников образования, науки и производства. Будут полезны студентам, магистрантам и аспирантам университетов.=In this Electronic collected materials “National and European dimension in research. Technology” works in the fields of geodesy, chemical technology, mechanical engineering, information technology, civil engineering, and radio-engineering are presented. It is intended for trainers, researchers and professionals. It can be useful for university graduate and post-graduate students