1,620 research outputs found

    Magnetic Actuators and Suspension for Space Vibration Control

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    The research on microgravity vibration isolation performed at the University of Virginia is summarized. This research on microgravity vibration isolation was focused in three areas: (1) the development of new actuators for use in microgravity isolation; (2) the design of controllers for multiple-degree-of-freedom active isolation; and (3) the construction of a single-degree-of-freedom test rig with umbilicals. Described are the design and testing of a large stroke linear actuator; the conceptual design and analysis of a redundant coarse-fine six-degree-of-freedom actuator; an investigation of the control issues of active microgravity isolation; a methodology for the design of multiple-degree-of-freedom isolation control systems using modern control theory; and the design and testing of a single-degree-of-freedom test rig with umbilicals

    Input-output analysis of stochastic base flow uncertainty

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    We adopt an input-output approach to analyze the effect of persistent white-in-time structured stochastic base flow perturbations on the mean-square properties of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations. Such base flow variations enter the linearized dynamics as multiplicative sources of uncertainty that can alter the stability of the linearized dynamics and their receptivity to exogenous excitations. Our approach does not rely on costly stochastic simulations or adjoint-based sensitivity analysis. We provide verifiable conditions for mean-square stability and study the frequency response of the flow subject to additive and multiplicative sources of uncertainty using the solution to the generalized Lyapunov equation. For small-amplitude base flow perturbations, we bypass the need to solve large generalized Lyapunov equations by adopting a perturbation analysis. We use our framework to study the destabilizing effects of stochastic base flow variations in transitional parallel flows, and the reliability of numerically estimated mean velocity profiles in turbulent channel flows. We uncover the Reynolds number scaling of critically destabilizing perturbation variances and demonstrate how the wall-normal shape of base flow modulations can influence the amplification of various length scales. Furthermore, we explain the robust amplification of streamwise streaks in the presence of streamwise base flow variations by analyzing the dynamical structure of the governing equations as well as the Reynolds number dependence of the energy spectrum.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figure

    Dynamic Modeling and Stability Analysis of Stochastic Multi-Physical Systems Applied to Electric Power Systems

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    [ES] La naturaleza aleatoria que caracteriza algunos fenómenos en sistemas físicos reales (e.g., ingeniería, biología, economía, finanzas, epidemiología y otros) nos ha planteado el desafío de un cambio de paradigma del modelado matemático y el análisis de sistemas dinámicos, y a tratar los fenómenos aleatorios como variables aleatorias o procesos estocásticos. Este enfoque novedoso ha traído como consecuencia nuevas especificidades que la teoría clásica del modelado y análisis de sistemas dinámicos deterministas no ha podido cubrir. Afortunadamente, maravillosas contribuciones, realizadas sobre todo en el último siglo, desde el campo de las matemáticas por científicos como Kolmogorov, Langevin, Lévy, Itô, Stratonovich, sólo por nombrar algunos; han abierto las puertas para un estudio bien fundamentado de la dinámica de sistemas físicos perturbados por ruido. En la presente tesis se discute el uso de ecuaciones diferenciales algebraicas estocásticas (EDAEs) para el modelado de sistemas multifísicos en red afectados por perturbaciones estocásticas, así como la evaluación de su estabilidad asintótica a través de exponentes de Lyapunov (ELs). El estudio está enfocado en EDAEs d-index-1 y su reformulación como ecuaciones diferenciales estocásticas ordinarias (EDEs). Fundamentados en la teoría ergódica, es factible analizar los ELs a través de sistemas dinámicos aleatorios (SDAs) generados por EDEs subyacentes. Una vez garantizada la existencia de ELs bien definidas, hemos procedido al uso de técnicas de simulación numérica para determinar los ELs numéricamente. Hemos implementado métodos numéricos basados en descomposición QR discreta y continua para el cómputo de la matriz de solución fundamental y su uso en el cálculo de los ELs. Las características numéricas y computacionales más relevantes de ambos métodos se ilustran mediante pruebas numéricas. Toda esta investigación sobre el modelado de sistemas con EDAEs y evaluación de su estabilidad a través de ELs calculados numéricamente, tiene una interesante aplicación en ingeniería. Esta es la evaluación de la estabilidad dinámica de sistemas eléctricos de potencia. En el presente trabajo de investigación, implementamos nuestros métodos numéricos basados en descomposición QR para el test de estabilidad dinámica en dos modelos de sistemas eléctricos de potencia de una-máquina bus-infinito (OMBI) afectados por diferentes perturbaciones ruidosas. El análisis en pequeña-señal evidencia el potencial de las técnicas propuestas en aplicaciones de ingeniería.[CA] La naturalesa aleatòria que caracteritza alguns fenòmens en sistemes físics reals (e.g., enginyeria, biologia, economia, finances, epidemiologia i uns altres) ens ha plantejat el desafiament d'un canvi de paradigma del modelatge matemàtic i l'anàlisi de sistemes dinàmics, i a tractar els fenòmens aleatoris com a variables aleatòries o processos estocàstics. Aquest enfocament nou ha portat com a conseqüència noves especificitats que la teoria clàssica del modelatge i anàlisi de sistemes dinàmics deterministes no ha pogut cobrir. Afortunadament, meravelloses contribucions, realitzades sobretot en l'últim segle, des del camp de les matemàtiques per científics com Kolmogorov, Langevin, Lévy, Itô, Stratonovich, només per nomenar alguns; han obert les portes per a un estudi ben fonamentat de la dinàmica de sistemes físics pertorbats per soroll. En la present tesi es discuteix l'ús d'equacions diferencials algebraiques estocàstiques (EDAEs) per al modelatge de sistemes multifísicos en xarxa afectats per pertorbacions estocàstiques, així com l'avaluació de la seua estabilitat asimptòtica a través d'exponents de Lyapunov (ELs). L'estudi està enfocat en EDAEs d-index-1 i la seua reformulació com a equacions diferencials estocàstiques ordinàries (EDEs). Fonamentats en la teoria ergòdica, és factible analitzar els ELs a través de sistemes dinàmics aleatoris (SDAs) generats per EDEs subjacents. Una vegada garantida l'existència d'ELs ben definides, hem procedit a l'ús de tècniques de simulació numèrica per a determinar els ELs numèricament. Hem implementat mètodes numèrics basats en descomposició QR discreta i contínua per al còmput de la matriu de solució fonamental i el seu ús en el càlcul dels ELs. Les característiques numèriques i computacionals més rellevants de tots dos mètodes s'illustren mitjançant proves numèriques. Tota aquesta investigació sobre el modelatge de sistemes amb EDAEs i avaluació de la seua estabilitat a través d'ELs calculats numèricament, té una interessant aplicació en enginyeria. Aquesta és l'avaluació de l'estabilitat dinàmica de sistemes elèctrics de potència. En el present treball de recerca, implementem els nostres mètodes numèrics basats en descomposició QR per al test d'estabilitat dinàmica en dos models de sistemes elèctrics de potència d'una-màquina bus-infinit (OMBI) afectats per diferents pertorbacions sorolloses. L'anàlisi en xicotet-senyal evidencia el potencial de les tècniques proposades en aplicacions d'enginyeria.[EN] The random nature that characterizes some phenomena in the real-world physical systems (e.g., engineering, biology, economics, finance, epidemiology, and others) has posed the challenge of changing the modeling and analysis paradigm and treat these phenomena as random variables or stochastic processes. Consequently, this novel approach has brought new specificities that the classical theory of modeling and analysis for deterministic dynamical systems cannot cover. Fortunately, stunning contributions made overall in the last century from the mathematics field by scientists such as Kolmogorov, Langevin, Lévy, Itô, Stratonovich, to name a few; have opened avenues for a well-founded study of the dynamics in physical systems perturbed by noise. In the present thesis, we discuss stochastic differential-algebraic equations (SDAEs) for modeling multi-physical network systems under stochastic disturbances, and their asymptotic stability assessment via Lyapunov exponents (LEs). We focus on d-index-1 SDAEs and their reformulation as ordinary stochastic differential equations (SDEs). Supported by the ergodic theory, it is feasible to analyze the LEs via the random dynamical system (RDSs) generated by the underlying SDEs. Once the existence of well-defined LEs is guaranteed, we proceed to the use of numerical simulation techniques to determine the LEs numerically. Discrete and continuous QR decomposition-based numerical methods are implemented to compute the fundamental solution matrix and use it in the computation of the LEs. Important numerical and computational features of both methods are illustrated through numerical tests. All this investigation concerning systems modeling through SDAEs and their stability assessment via computed LEs finds an appealing engineering application in the dynamic stability assessment of power systems. In this research work, we implement our QR-based numerical methods for testing the dynamic stability in two types of single-machine infinite-bus (SMIB) power system models perturbed by different noisy disturbances. The analysis in small-signal evidences the potential of the proposed techniques in engineering applications.Mi agradecimiento al estado ecuatoriano que, a través del Programa de Becas para el Fortalecimiento y Desarrollo del Talento Humano en Ciencia y Tecnología 2012 de la Secretaría Nacional de Educación Superior, Ciencia y Tecnología (SENESCYT), han financiado mis estudios de doctorado.González Zumba, JA. (2020). Dynamic Modeling and Stability Analysis of Stochastic Multi-Physical Systems Applied to Electric Power Systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/158558TESI

    A Cybernetics Update for Competitive Deep Learning System

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    A number of recent reports in the peer-reviewed literature have discussed irreproducibility of results in biomedical research. Some of these articles suggest that the inability of independent research laboratories to replicate published results has a negative impact on the development of, and confidence in, the biomedical research enterprise. To get more resilient data and to achieve higher reproducible result, we present an adaptive and learning system reference architecture for smart learning system interface. To get deeper inspiration, we focus our attention on mammalian brain neurophysiology. In fact, from a neurophysiological point of view, neuroscientist LeDoux finds two preferential amygdala pathways in the brain of the laboratory mouse. The low road is a pathway which is able to transmit a signal from a stimulus to the thalamus, and then to the amygdala, which then activates a fast-response in the body. The high road is activated simultaneously. This is a slower road which also includes the cortical parts of the brain, thus creating a conscious impression of what the stimulus is (to develop a rational mechanism of defense for instance). To mimic this biological reality, our main idea is to use a new input node able to bind known information to the unknown one coherently. Then, unknown "environmental noise" or/and local "signal input" information can be aggregated to known "system internal control status" information, to provide a landscape of attractor points, which either fast or slow and deeper system response can computed from. In this way, ideal cybernetics system interaction levels can be matched exactly to practical system modeling interaction styles, with no paradigmatic operational ambiguity and minimal information loss. The present paper is a relevant contribute to classic cybernetics updating towards a new General Theory of Systems, a post-Bertalanffy Systemics

    Multiple perspectives on the concept of conditional probability

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    Conditional probability is a key to the subjectivist theory of probability; however, it plays a subsidiary role in the usual conception of probability where its counterpart, namely independence is of basic importance. The paper investigates these concepts from various perspectives in order to shed light on their multi-faceted character. We will include the mathematical, philosophical, and educational perspectives. Furthermore, we will inspect conditional probability from the corners of competing ideas and solving strategies. For the comprehension of conditional probability, a wider approach is urgently needed to overcome the well-known problems in learning the concepts, which seem nearly unaffected by teaching