11 research outputs found

    A Bayesian Hyperprior Approach for Joint Image Denoising and Interpolation, with an Application to HDR Imaging

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    Recently, impressive denoising results have been achieved by Bayesian approaches which assume Gaussian models for the image patches. This improvement in performance can be attributed to the use of per-patch models. Unfortunately such an approach is particularly unstable for most inverse problems beyond denoising. In this work, we propose the use of a hyperprior to model image patches, in order to stabilize the estimation procedure. There are two main advantages to the proposed restoration scheme: Firstly it is adapted to diagonal degradation matrices, and in particular to missing data problems (e.g. inpainting of missing pixels or zooming). Secondly it can deal with signal dependent noise models, particularly suited to digital cameras. As such, the scheme is especially adapted to computational photography. In order to illustrate this point, we provide an application to high dynamic range imaging from a single image taken with a modified sensor, which shows the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.Comment: Some figures are reduced to comply with arxiv's size constraints. Full size images are available as HAL technical report hal-01107519v5, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 201

    On the generation of high dynamic range images: theory and practice from a statistical perspective

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    This dissertation studies the problem of high dynamic range (HDR) image generation from a statistical perspective. A thorough analysis of the camera acquisition process leads to a simplified yet realistic statistical model describing raw pixel values. The analysis and methods then proposed are based on this model. First, the theoretical performance bound of the problem is computed for the static case, where the acquisition conditions are controlled. Furthermore, a new method is proposed that, unlike previous methods, improves the reconstructed HDR image by taking into account the information carried by saturated samples. From a more practical perspective, two methods are proposed to generate HDR images in the more realistic and complex case where both objects and camera may exhibit motion. The first one is a multi-image, patch-based method, that simultaneously estimates and denoises the HDR image. The other is a single image approach that makes use of a general restoration method to generate the HDR image. This general restoration method, applicable to a wide range of problems, constitutes the last contribution of this dissertation

    Sur la génération d'images à grande gamme dynamique. Théorie et pratique : une perspective statistique

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    This dissertation studies the problem of high dynamic range (HDR) image generation from a statistical perspective. A thorough analysis of the camera acquisition process leads to a simplified yet realistic statistical model describing raw pixel values. The analysis and methods then proposed are based on this model. First, the theoretical performance bound of the problem is computed for the static case, where the acquisition conditions are controlled. Furthermore, a new method is proposed that, unlike previous methods, improves the reconstructed HDR image by taking into account the information carried by saturated samples. From a more practical perspective, two methods are proposed to generate HDR images in the more realistic and complex case where both objects and camera may exhibit motion. The first one is a multi-image, patch-based method, that simultaneously estimates and denoises the HDR image. The other is a single image approach that makes use of a general restoration method to generate the HDR image. This general restoration method, applicable to a wide range of problems, constitutes the last contribution of this dissertation.Cette thèse porte sur le problème de la génération d'images à grande gamme dynamique (HDR pour l'anglais High Dynamic Range). Une analyse approfondie du processus d'acquisition de la caméra conduit tout d'abord à un modèle statistique simplifié mais réaliste décrivant les valeurs brutes des pixels. Les analyses et méthodes proposées par la suite sont fondées sur ce modèle.Nous posons le problème de l'estimation de l'irradiance comme un problème d'estimation statistique et en calculons la borne de performance. Les performances des estimateurs d'irradiance classiques sont comparées à cette borne. Les résultats obtenus justifient l'introduction d'un nouvel estimateur qui, au contraire des méthodes de la littérature, prend en compte les échantillons saturés.D'un point de vue plus pratique, deux méthodes sont proposées pour générer des images HDR dans le cas plus réaliste et complexe de scènes dynamiques. Nous proposons tout d'abord une méthode multi-image qui utilise des voisinages (patches) pour estimer et débruiter l'image HDR de façon simultanée. Nous proposons également une approche qui repose sur l'acquisition d'une seule image. Cette approche repose sur une méthode générique, par patches, de résolution des problèmes inverses pour génerer l'image HDR. Cette méthode de restauration, d'un point de vue plus général et pour une large gamme d'applications, constitue la dernière contribution de cette thèse

    Interpolation of Low-Resolution Images for Improved Accuracy Using an ANN Quadratic Interpolator

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    The era of digital imaging has transitioned into a new one. Conversion to real-time, high-resolution images is considered vital. Interpolation is employed in order to increase the number of pixels per image, thereby enhancing spatial resolution. Interpolation's real advantage is that it can be deployed on user end devices. Despite raising the number of pixels per inch to enhances the spatial resolution, it may not improve the image's clarity, hence diminishing its quality. This strategy is designed to increase image quality by enhancing image sharpness and spatial resolution simultaneously. Proposed is an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Quadratic Interpolator for interpolating 3-D images. This method applies Lagrange interpolating polynomial and Lagrange interpolating basis function to the parameter space using a deep neural network. The degree of the polynomial is determined by the frequency of gradient orientation events within the region of interest. By manipulating interpolation coefficients, images can be upscaled and enhanced. By mapping between low- and high-resolution images, the ANN quadratic interpolator optimizes the loss function. ANN Quadratic interpolator does a good work of reducing the amount of image artefacts that occur during the process of interpolation. The weights of the proposed ANN Quadratic interpolator are seeded by transfer learning, and the layers are trained, validated, and evaluated using a standard dataset. The proposed method outperforms a variety of cutting-edge picture interpolation algorithms.

    Space adaptive and hierarchical Bayesian variational models for image restoration

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    The main contribution of this thesis is the proposal of novel space-variant regularization or penalty terms motivated by a strong statistical rational. In light of the connection between the classical variational framework and the Bayesian formulation, we will focus on the design of highly flexible priors characterized by a large number of unknown parameters. The latter will be automatically estimated by setting up a hierarchical modeling framework, i.e. introducing informative or non-informative hyperpriors depending on the information at hand on the parameters. More specifically, in the first part of the thesis we will focus on the restoration of natural images, by introducing highly parametrized distribution to model the local behavior of the gradients in the image. The resulting regularizers hold the potential to adapt to the local smoothness, directionality and sparsity in the data. The estimation of the unknown parameters will be addressed by means of non-informative hyperpriors, namely uniform distributions over the parameter domain, thus leading to the classical Maximum Likelihood approach. In the second part of the thesis, we will address the problem of designing suitable penalty terms for the recovery of sparse signals. The space-variance in the proposed penalties, corresponding to a family of informative hyperpriors, namely generalized gamma hyperpriors, will follow directly from the assumption of the independence of the components in the signal. The study of the properties of the resulting energy functionals will thus lead to the introduction of two hybrid algorithms, aimed at combining the strong sparsity promotion characterizing non-convex penalty terms with the desirable guarantees of convex optimization

    Bayesian plug & play methods for inverse problems in imaging.

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    Thèse de Doctorat de Mathématiques Appliquées (Université de Paris)Tesis de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica (Universidad de la República)This thesis deals with Bayesian methods for solving ill-posed inverse problems in imaging with learnt image priors. The first part of this thesis (Chapter 3) concentrates on two particular problems, namely joint denoising and decompression and multi-image super-resolution. After an extensive study of the noise statistics for these problem in the transformed (wavelet or Fourier) domain, we derive two novel algorithms to solve this particular inverse problem. One of them is based on a multi-scale self-similarity prior and can be seen as a transform-domain generalization of the celebrated non-local bayes algorithm to the case of non-Gaussian noise. The second one uses a neural-network denoiser to implicitly encode the image prior, and a splitting scheme to incorporate this prior into an optimization algorithm to find a MAP-like estimator. The second part of this thesis concentrates on the Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) model and some of its variants that show its capabilities to explicitly capture the probability distribution of high-dimensional datasets such as images. Based on these VAE models, we propose two ways to incorporate them as priors for general inverse problems in imaging : • The first one (Chapter 4) computes a joint (space-latent) MAP estimator named Joint Posterior Maximization using an Autoencoding Prior (JPMAP). We show theoretical and experimental evidence that the proposed objective function satisfies a weak bi-convexity property which is sufficient to guarantee that our optimization scheme converges to a stationary point. Experimental results also show the higher quality of the solutions obtained by our JPMAP approach with respect to other non-convex MAP approaches which more often get stuck in spurious local optima. • The second one (Chapter 5) develops a Gibbs-like posterior sampling algorithm for the exploration of posterior distributions of inverse problems using multiple chains and a VAE as image prior. We showhowto use those samples to obtain MMSE estimates and their corresponding uncertainty.Cette thèse traite des méthodes bayésiennes pour résoudre des problèmes inverses mal posés en imagerie avec des distributions a priori d’images apprises. La première partie de cette thèse (Chapitre 3) se concentre sur deux problèmes partic-uliers, à savoir le débruitage et la décompression conjoints et la super-résolutionmulti-images. Après une étude approfondie des statistiques de bruit pour ces problèmes dans le domaine transformé (ondelettes ou Fourier), nous dérivons deuxnouveaux algorithmes pour résoudre ce problème inverse particulie. L’un d’euxest basé sur une distributions a priori d’auto-similarité multi-échelle et peut êtrevu comme une généralisation du célèbre algorithme de Non-Local Bayes au cas dubruit non gaussien. Le second utilise un débruiteur de réseau de neurones pourcoder implicitement la distribution a priori, et un schéma de division pour incor-porer cet distribution dans un algorithme d’optimisation pour trouver un estima-teur de type MAP. La deuxième partie de cette thèse se concentre sur le modèle Variational Auto Encoder (VAE) et certaines de ses variantes qui montrent ses capacités à capturer explicitement la distribution de probabilité d’ensembles de données de grande dimension tels que les images. Sur la base de ces modèles VAE, nous proposons deuxmanières de les incorporer comme distribution a priori pour les problèmes inverses généraux en imagerie: •Le premier (Chapitre 4) calcule un estimateur MAP conjoint (espace-latent) nommé Joint Posterior Maximization using an Autoencoding Prior (JPMAP). Nous montrons des preuves théoriques et expérimentales que la fonction objectif proposée satisfait une propriété de bi-convexité faible qui est suffisante pour garantir que notre schéma d’optimisation converge vers un pointstationnaire. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent également la meilleurequalité des solutions obtenues par notre approche JPMAP par rapport à d’autresapproches MAP non convexes qui restent le plus souvent bloquées dans desminima locaux. •Le second (Chapitre 5) développe un algorithme d’échantillonnage a poste-riori de type Gibbs pour l’exploration des distributions a posteriori de problèmes inverses utilisant des chaînes multiples et un VAE comme distribution a priori. Nous montrons comment utiliser ces échantillons pour obtenir desestimations MMSE et leur incertitude correspondante.En esta tesis se estudian métodos bayesianos para resolver problemas inversos mal condicionados en imágenes usando distribuciones a priori entrenadas. La primera parte de esta tesis (Capítulo 3) se concentra en dos problemas particulares, a saber, el de eliminación de ruido y descompresión conjuntos, y el de superresolución a partir de múltiples imágenes. Después de un extenso estudio de las estadísticas del ruido para estos problemas en el dominio transformado (wavelet o Fourier),derivamos dos algoritmos nuevos para resolver este problema inverso en particular. Uno de ellos se basa en una distribución a priori de autosimilitud multiescala y puede verse como una generalización al dominio wavelet del célebre algoritmo Non-Local Bayes para el caso de ruido no Gaussiano. El segundo utiliza un algoritmo de eliminación de ruido basado en una red neuronal para codificar implícitamente la distribución a priori de las imágenes y un esquema de relajación para incorporar esta distribución en un algoritmo de optimización y así encontrar un estimador similar al MAP. La segunda parte de esta tesis se concentra en el modelo Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) y algunas de sus variantes que han mostrado capacidad para capturar explícitamente la distribución de probabilidad de conjuntos de datos en alta dimensión como las imágenes. Basándonos en estos modelos VAE, proponemos dos formas de incorporarlos como distribución a priori para problemas inversos genéricos en imágenes : •El primero (Capítulo 4) calcula un estimador MAP conjunto (espacio imagen y latente) llamado Joint Posterior Maximization using an Autoencoding Prior (JPMAP). Mostramos evidencia teórica y experimental de que la función objetivo propuesta satisface una propiedad de biconvexidad débil que es suficiente para garantizar que nuestro esquema de optimización converge a un punto estacionario. Los resultados experimentales también muestran la mayor calidad de las soluciones obtenidas por nuestro enfoque JPMAP con respecto a otros enfoques MAP no convexos que a menudo se atascan en mínimos locales espurios. •El segundo (Capítulo 5) desarrolla un algoritmo de muestreo tipo Gibbs parala exploración de la distribución a posteriori de problemas inversos utilizando múltiples cadenas y un VAE como distribución a priori. Mostramos cómo usar esas muestras para obtener estimaciones de MMSE y su correspondiente incertidumbr


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    Contributions au traitement des images multivariées

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    Ce mémoire résume mon activité pédagogique et scientifique en vue de l’obtention de l’habilitation à diriger des recherches

    A Bayesian Hyperprior Approach for Joint Image Denoising and Interpolation, With an Application to HDR Imaging

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