2,466 research outputs found

    Clinical Temporal Relation Extraction with Probabilistic Soft Logic Regularization and Global Inference

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    There has been a steady need in the medical community to precisely extract the temporal relations between clinical events. In particular, temporal information can facilitate a variety of downstream applications such as case report retrieval and medical question answering. Existing methods either require expensive feature engineering or are incapable of modeling the global relational dependencies among the events. In this paper, we propose a novel method, Clinical Temporal ReLation Exaction with Probabilistic Soft Logic Regularization and Global Inference (CTRL-PG) to tackle the problem at the document level. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets, I2B2-2012 and TB-Dense, demonstrate that CTRL-PG significantly outperforms baseline methods for temporal relation extraction.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 7 tables, accepted by AAAI 202

    Temporal disambiguation of relative temporal expressions in clinical texts using temporally fine-tuned contextual word embeddings.

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    Temporal reasoning is the ability to extract and assimilate temporal information to reconstruct a series of events such that they can be reasoned over to answer questions involving time. Temporal reasoning in the clinical domain is challenging due to specialized medical terms and nomenclature, shorthand notation, fragmented text, a variety of writing styles used by different medical units, redundancy of information that has to be reconciled, and an increased number of temporal references as compared to general domain texts. Work in the area of clinical temporal reasoning has progressed, but the current state-of-the-art still has a ways to go before practical application in the clinical setting will be possible. Much of the current work in this field is focused on direct and explicit temporal expressions and identifying temporal relations. However, there is little work focused on relative temporal expressions, which can be difficult to normalize, but are vital to ordering events on a timeline. This work introduces a new temporal expression recognition and normalization tool, Chrono, that normalizes temporal expressions into both SCATE and TimeML schemes. Chrono advances clinical timeline extraction as it is capable of identifying more vague and relative temporal expressions than the current state-of-the-art and utilizes contextualized word embeddings from fine-tuned BERT models to disambiguate temporal types, which achieves state-of-the-art performance on relative temporal expressions. In addition, this work shows that fine-tuning BERT models on temporal tasks modifies the contextualized embeddings so that they achieve improved performance in classical SVM and CNN classifiers. Finally, this works provides a new tool for linking temporal expressions to events or other entities by introducing a novel method to identify which tokens an entire temporal expression is paying the most attention to by summarizing the attention weight matrices output by BERT models

    "When they say weed causes depression, but it's your fav antidepressant": Knowledge-aware Attention Framework for Relationship Extraction

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    With the increasing legalization of medical and recreational use of cannabis, more research is needed to understand the association between depression and consumer behavior related to cannabis consumption. Big social media data has potential to provide deeper insights about these associations to public health analysts. In this interdisciplinary study, we demonstrate the value of incorporating domain-specific knowledge in the learning process to identify the relationships between cannabis use and depression. We develop an end-to-end knowledge infused deep learning framework (Gated-K-BERT) that leverages the pre-trained BERT language representation model and domain-specific declarative knowledge source (Drug Abuse Ontology (DAO)) to jointly extract entities and their relationship using gated fusion sharing mechanism. Our model is further tailored to provide more focus to the entities mention in the sentence through entity-position aware attention layer, where ontology is used to locate the target entities position. Experimental results show that inclusion of the knowledge-aware attentive representation in association with BERT can extract the cannabis-depression relationship with better coverage in comparison to the state-of-the-art relation extractor

    Enhance Representation Learning of Clinical Narrative with Neural Networks for Clinical Predictive Modeling

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    Medicine is undergoing a technological revolution. Understanding human health from clinical data has major challenges from technical and practical perspectives, thus prompting methods that understand large, complex, and noisy data. These methods are particularly necessary for natural language data from clinical narratives/notes, which contain some of the richest information on a patient. Meanwhile, deep neural networks have achieved superior performance in a wide variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks because of their capacity to encode meaningful but abstract representations and learn the entire task end-to-end. In this thesis, I investigate representation learning of clinical narratives with deep neural networks through a number of tasks ranging from clinical concept extraction, clinical note modeling, and patient-level language representation. I present methods utilizing representation learning with neural networks to support understanding of clinical text documents. I first introduce the notion of representation learning from natural language processing and patient data modeling. Then, I investigate word-level representation learning to improve clinical concept extraction from clinical notes. I present two works on learning word representations and evaluate them to extract important concepts from clinical notes. The first study focuses on cancer-related information, and the second study evaluates shared-task data. The aims of these two studies are to automatically extract important entities from clinical notes. Next, I present a series of deep neural networks to encode hierarchical, longitudinal, and contextual information for modeling a series of clinical notes. I also evaluate the models by predicting clinical outcomes of interest, including mortality, length of stay, and phenotype predictions. Finally, I propose a novel representation learning architecture to develop a generalized and transferable language representation at the patient level. I also identify pre-training tasks appropriate for constructing a generalizable language representation. The main focus is to improve predictive performance of phenotypes with limited data, a challenging task due to a lack of data. Overall, this dissertation addresses issues in natural language processing for medicine, including clinical text classification and modeling. These studies show major barriers to understanding large-scale clinical notes. It is believed that developing deep representation learning methods for distilling enormous amounts of heterogeneous data into patient-level language representations will improve evidence-based clinical understanding. The approach to solving these issues by learning representations could be used across clinical applications despite noisy data. I conclude that considering different linguistic components in natural language and sequential information between clinical events is important. Such results have implications beyond the immediate context of predictions and further suggest future directions for clinical machine learning research to improve clinical outcomes. This could be a starting point for future phenotyping methods based on natural language processing that construct patient-level language representations to improve clinical predictions. While significant progress has been made, many open questions remain, so I will highlight a few works to demonstrate promising directions
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