7 research outputs found

    A BASILar Approach for Building Web APIs on top of SPARQL Endpoints

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    The heterogeneity of methods and technologies to publish open data is still an issue to develop distributed systems on the Web. On the one hand, Web APIs, the most popular approach to offer data services, implement REST principles, which focus on addressing loose coupling and interoperability issues. On the other hand, Linked Data, available through SPARQL endpoints, focus on data integration between distributed data sources. The paper proposes BASIL, an approach to build Web APIs on top of SPARQL endpoints, in order to benefit of the advantages from both Web APIs and Linked Data approaches. Compared to similar solution, BASIL aims on minimising the learning curve for users to promote its adoption. The main feature of BASIL is a simple API that does not introduce new specifications, formalisms and technologies for users that belong to both Web APIs and Linked Data communities

    Simplified SPARQL REST API - CRUD on JSON Object Graphs via URI Paths

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    Within the Semantic Web community, SPARQL is one of the predominant languages to query and update RDF knowledge. However, the complexity of SPARQL, the underlying graph structure and various encodings are common sources of confusion for Semantic Web novices. In this paper we present a general purpose approach to convert any given SPARQL endpoint into a simple to use REST API. To lower the initial hurdle, we represent the underlying graph as an interlinked view of nested JSON objects that can be traversed by the API path.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, ESWC 2018 demo pape

    Facilitating the Exploitation of Linked Open Statistical Data: JSON-QB API Requirements and Design Criteria

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    Recently, many organizations have opened up their data for others to reuse. A major part of these data concern statistics such as demographic and social indicators. Linked Data is a promising paradigm for opening data because it facilitates data integration on the Web. Re- cently, a growing number of organizations adopted linked data paradigm and provided Linked Open Statistical Data (LOSD). These data can be exploited to create added value services and applications that require integrated data from multiple sources. In this paper, we suggest that in order to unleash the full potential of LOSD we need to facilitate the interaction with LOSD and hide most of the complexity. Moreover, we describe the requirements and design criteria of a JSON-QB API that (i) facilitates the development of LOSD tools through a style of interaction familiar to web developers and (ii) offers a uniform way to access LOSD. A proof of concept implementation of the JSON-QB API demonstrates part of the proposed functionality

    Streamlining Knowledge Graph Construction with a fa\c{c}ade: The SPARQL Anything project

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    What should a data integration framework for knowledge engineers look like? Recent research on Knowledge Graph construction proposes the design of a fa\c{c}ade, a notion borrowed from object-oriented software engineering. This idea is applied to SPARQL Anything, a system that allows querying heterogeneous resources as-if they were in RDF, in plain SPARQL 1.1, by overloading the SERVICE clause. SPARQL Anything supports a wide variety of file formats, from popular ones (CSV, JSON, XML, Spreadsheets) to others that are not supported by alternative solutions (Markdown, YAML, DOCx, Bibtex). Features include querying Web APIs with high flexibility, parametrised queries, and chaining multiple transformations into complex pipelines. In this paper, we describe the design rationale and software architecture of the SPARQL Anything system. We provide references to an extensive set of reusable, real-world scenarios from various application domains. We report on the value-to-users of the founding assumptions of its design, compared to alternative solutions through a community survey and a field report from the industry.Comment: 15 page

    Decentralized Control and Adaptation in Distributed Applications via Web and Semantic Web Technologies

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    The presented work provides an approach and an implementation for enabling decentralized control in distributed applications composed of heterogeneous components by benefiting from the interoperability provided by the Web stack and relying on semantic technologies for enabling data integration. In particular, the concept of Smart Components enables adaptability at runtime through an adaptation layer and is complemented by a reference architecture as well as a prototypical implementation