66 research outputs found

    Symmetric Encryption Algorithms: Review and Evaluation Study

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    The increased exchange of data over the Internet in the past two decades has brought data security and confidentiality to the fore front. Information security can be achieved by implementing encryption and decryption algorithms to ensure data remains secure and confidential, especially when transmitted over an insecure communication channel. Encryption is the method of coding information to prevent unauthorized access and ensure data integrity and confidentiality, whereas the reverse process is known as decryption. All encryption algorithms aim to secure data, however, their performance varies according to several factors such as file size, type, complexity, and platform used. Furthermore, while some encryption algorithms outperform others, they have been proven to be vulnerable against certain attacks. In this paper, we present a general overview of common encryption algorithms   and explain their inner workings. Additionally, we select ten different symmetric encryption algorithms and conduct a simulation in Java to test their performance. The algorithms we compare are: AES, BLOWFISH, RC2, RC4, RC6, DES, DESede, SEED, XTEA, and IDEA. We present the results of our simulation in terms of encryption speed, throughput, and CPU utilization rate for various file sizes ranging from 1MB to 1GB. We further analyze our results for all measures that have been tested, taking into account the level of security they provide

    Adaptive security

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    Automated runtime security adaptation has great potential in providing timely and fine grained security control. In this thesis we study the practical utility of a runtime security-performance trade off for the pervasive Secure Socket Layer (SSL/TLS) protocol. To that end we address a number of research challenges. We develop an Adaptive Security methodology to extend non-adaptive legacy security systems with adaptive features. We also create a design of such an extended system to support the methodology. The design aids in identifying additional key components necessary for the creation of an adaptive security system. We furthermore apply our methodology to the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol to create a design and implementation of a practical Adaptive SSL (ASSL) solution that supports runtime security adaptation in response to cross-cutting environmental concerns. The solution effectively adapts security at runtime, only reducing maximum server load by 15% or more depending on adaptation decision complexity. Next we address the security-performance trade off research challenge. Following our methodology we conduct an offline study of factors affecting server performance when security is adapted. These insights allow for the creation of policies that can trade off security and performance by taking into account the expected future state of the system under adaptation. In so doing we found that client SSL session duration, requested file size and current security algorithm play roles predicting future system state. Notably, performance deviation is smaller when sessions are longer and files are smaller and vice versa. A complete Adaptive Security solution which successfully demonstrates our methodology is implemented with trade-off policies and ASSL as key components. We show that the solution effectively utilises available processing resources to increase security whilst still respecting performance guarantees.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Implementing IPsec using the Five-layer security framework and FPGAs.

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    Secure Remote Control and Configuration of FPX Platform in Gigabit Ethernet Environment

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    Because of its flexibility and high performance, reconfigurable logic functions implemented on the Field-programmable Port Extender (FPX ) are well suited for implementing network processing such as packet classification, filtering and intrusion detection functions. This project focuses on two key aspects of the FPX system. One is providing a Gigabit Ethernet interface by designing logic for a FPGA which is located on a line card. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) packets are handled in hardware and Ethernet frames are processed and transformed into cells suitable for standard FPX application. The other effort is to provide a secure channel to enable remote control and configuration of the FPX system through public internet. A suite of security hardware cores were implemented that include the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC), Message Digest Version 5 (MD5) and Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1). An architecture and an associated protocol have been developed which provide a secure communication channel between a control console and a hardware-based reconfigurable network node. This solution is unique in that it does not require a software process to run on the network stack, so that it has both higher performance and prevents the node from being hacked using traditional vulnerabilities found in common operating systems. The mechanism can be applied to the design and implementation of re-motely managed FPX systems. A hardware module called the Secure Control Packet Processor (SCPP) has been designed for a FPX based firewall. It utilizes AES or 3DES in Error Propagation Block Chaining (EPBC) mode to ensure data confidentiality and data integrity. There is also an authenticated engine that uses HMAC. to generate the acknowledgments. The system can protect the FPX system against attacks that may be sent over the control and configuration channel. Based on this infrastructure, an enhanced protocol is addressed that provides higher efficiency and can defend against replay attack. To support that, a control cell encryption module was designed and tested in the FPX system

    Design implementation and analysis of a dynamic cryptography algorithm with applications

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    Cryptographers need to provide the world with a new encryption standard. DES, the major encryption algorithm for the past fifteen years, is nearing the end of its useful life. Its 56-bit key size is vulnerable to a brute-force attack on powerful microprocessors and recent advances in linear cryptanalysis and differential cryptanalysis indicate that DES is vulnerable to other attacks as well. A more recent attack called XSL, proposes a new attack against AES and Serpent. The attack depends much more critically on the complexity of the nonlinear components than on the number of rounds. Ciphers with small S-boxes and simple structures are particularly vulnerable. Serpent has small S-boxes and a simple structure. AES has larger S-boxes, but a very simple algebraic description. If the attack is proven to be correct, cryptographers predict it to break AES with a 2; 80 complexity, over the coming years; Many of the other unbroken algorithms---Khufu, REDOC II, and IDEA---are protected by patents. RC2 is broken. The U.S. government has declassified the Skipjack algorithm in the Clipper and Capstone chips

    Near Field Communication Applications

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    Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short-range, low power contactless communication between NFC-enabled devices that are held in the closed proximity to each other. NFC technology has been moving rapidly from its initial application areas of mobile payment services and contactless ticketing to the diversity of new areas. Three specific NFC tags highlighted in the thesis have different structures in terms of memory, security and usage in different applications. NFC information tags exploit the data exchange format NDEF standardized by NFC Forum. NFC applications are rapidly stepping into novel and diverse application areas. Often they are deployed in combination with different devices and systems through their integrability and adaptability features. The diverse application areas where NFC tags and cards are used cover smart posters, contactless ticketing, keys and access control, library services, entertainment services, social network services, education, location based services, work force and retail management and healthcare. In designing different NFC applications, it is necessary to take into consideration different design issues such as to choosing the NFC tools and devices according to the technical requirements of the application, considering especially the memory, security and price factors as well as their relation to the purpose and usage of the final product. The security aspect of the NFC tags is remarkably important in selecting the proper NFC device. The race between hackers attacking and breaking the security systems of programmable high level products and manufacturers to produce reliable secure systems and products seems to never end. This has proven to be case, for example, for trying MIFARE Ultralight and DESFire MF3ICD40 tags. An important consideration of studying the different applications of NFC tags and cards during the thesis work was to understand the ubiquitous character of NFC technology.Lähitunnistus yhteys tekniikka (NFC) on lyhyen tähtäimen, pienitehoinen, kontaktiton yhteydenpito NFC yhteensopivien laitteiden välillä, jossa laitteet pidetään toistensä välittömässä läheisyydessä tiedon siirtämiseksi niiden välillä. NFC-teknologia on siirtynyt nopeasti sen alkuperäisiltä toimialueilta eli mobiili maksupalvelujen ja kontaktittomien lippujen sovellusalueilta moninaisille uusille alueille. Kolmella NFC tagillä, joita on käsitelty tässä tutkielmassa, on muistin, turvallisuuden ja käytön kannalta erilaisiä rakenteita, joita käytetään eri sovelluksissa. NFC-tagit käyttävät tiedonvälityksessä NFC Forumin standardoimaa NDEF-tiedonvaihtoformaattia. NFC sovellukset esiintyvät yhä enenevässä määrin nopeasti kehyttyvillä, uudenlaisilla ja monipuolisilla sovellusalueilla, usein yhdessä eri laitteiden ja järjestelmien kanssa. NFC on käytettävissä erinäisten laitteiden kanssa erilaisissa järjestelmäympäristöissä. Monipuoliset sovellusalueet, joissa muun muassa NFC-tagejä ja -kortteja käytetään sisältävät seuraavanlaisia sovelluksia: älykkäät julisteet, kontaktittomat liput, avaimet ja pääsynvalvonta, kirjastopalvelut, viihdepalvelut, sosiaalisen verkoston palvelut, kasvatukseen ja koulutukseen liittyvät palvelut, sijaintiperustaiset palvelut, työvoiman ja vähittäiskaupan hallinto-palvelut ja terveyspalvelut. Erilaisten NFC-sovelluksien suunnittelussa on väistämätöntä ottaa erilaisia suunnitteluasioita huomioon kuten valita NFC-työkalut ja laitteet sovelluksen teknisten vaatimusten mukaan. Erilaiset tärkeät tekijät kuten muisti, tietoturvallisuusominaisuudet ja hinta ja niiden kaikkien toimivuus lopputuotteen kannalta on otettava huomioon. Tietoturvallisuusnäkökohta on erityisen tärkeä oikean NFC laitteen valitsemisessa, sillä käynnissä on loputon kilpajuoksu hakkerien, jotka yrittävät rikkoa ohjelmoitavien korkeatasoisten laitteiden ja tuotteiden tietoturvajärjestelmiä, ja valmistajien, jotka pyrkivät tuottamaan luotettavia varmoja järjestelmiä, välillä. Tietoturvariskiin liittyviä ongelmia on löydetty esimerkiksi MIFARE Ultralight ja DESFire MF3ICD40 tageista. Tärkeä havainto, joka saatiin erilaisten NFC sovelluksien tutkimisesta, oli oivaltaa NFCteknologian potentiaalinen kaikkialle ulottuva, yleiskäyttöinen luonne

    Lucky thirteen: Breaking the TLS and DTLS record protocols

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    The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol aims to provide confidentiality and integrity of data in transit across untrusted networks. TLS has become the de facto secure protocol of choice for Internet and mobile applications. DTLS is a variant of TLS that is growing in importance. In this paper, we present distinguishing and plaintext recovery attacks against TLS and DTLS. The attacks are based on a delicate timing analysis of decryption processing in the two protocols. We include experimental results demonstrating the feasibility of the attacks in realistic network environments for several different implementations of TLS and DTLS, including the leading OpenSSL implementations. We provide countermeasures for the attacks. Finally, we discuss the wider implications of our attacks for the cryptographic design used by TLS and DTLS

    Cryptography for Ultra-Low Power Devices

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    Ubiquitous computing describes the notion that computing devices will be everywhere: clothing, walls and floors of buildings, cars, forests, deserts, etc. Ubiquitous computing is becoming a reality: RFIDs are currently being introduced into the supply chain. Wireless distributed sensor networks (WSN) are already being used to monitor wildlife and to track military targets. Many more applications are being envisioned. For most of these applications some level of security is of utmost importance. Common to WSN and RFIDs are their severely limited power resources, which classify them as ultra-low power devices. Early sensor nodes used simple 8-bit microprocessors to implement basic communication, sensing and computing services. Security was an afterthought. The main power consumer is the RF-transceiver, or radio for short. In the past years specialized hardware for low-data rate and low-power radios has been developed. The new bottleneck are security services which employ computationally intensive cryptographic operations. Customized hardware implementations hold the promise of enabling security for severely power constrained devices. Most research groups are concerned with developing secure wireless communication protocols, others with designing efficient software implementations of cryptographic algorithms. There has not been a comprehensive study on hardware implementations of cryptographic algorithms tailored for ultra-low power applications. The goal of this dissertation is to develop a suite of cryptographic functions for authentication, encryption and integrity that is specifically fashioned to the needs of ultra-low power devices. This dissertation gives an introduction to the specific problems that security engineers face when they try to solve the seemingly contradictory challenge of providing lightweight cryptographic services that can perform on ultra-low power devices and shows an overview of our current work and its future direction

    Security of Contactless Smart Card Protocols

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    Tato práce analyzuje hrozby pro protokoly využívající bezkontaktní čipové karty a představuje metodu pro poloautomatické hledání zranitelností v takových protokolech pomocí model checkingu. Návrh a implementace bezpečných aplikací jsou obtížné úkoly, i když je použit bezpečný hardware. Specifikace na vysoké úrovni abstrakce může vést k různým implementacím. Je důležité používat čipovou kartu správně, nevhodná implementace protokolu může přinést zranitelnosti, i když je protokol sám o sobě bezpečný. Cílem této práce je poskytnout metodu, která může být využita vývojáři protokolů k vytvoření modelu libovolné čipové karty, se zaměřením na bezkontaktní čipové karty, k vytvoření modelu protokolu a k použití model checkingu pro nalezení útoků v tomto modelu. Útok může být následně proveden a pokud není úspěšný, model je upraven pro další běh model checkingu. Pro formální verifikaci byla použita platforma AVANTSSAR, modely jsou psány v jazyce ASLan++. Jsou poskytnuty příklady pro demonstraci použitelnosti navrhované metody. Tato metoda byla použita k nalezení slabiny bezkontaktní čipové karty Mifare DESFire. Tato práce se dále zabývá hrozbami, které není možné pokrýt navrhovanou metodou, jako jsou útoky relay. This thesis analyses contactless smart card protocol threats and presents a method of semi-automated vulnerability finding in such protocols using model checking. Designing and implementing secure applications is difficult even when secure hardware is used. High level application specifications may lead to different implementations. It is important to use the smart card correctly, inappropriate protocol implementation may introduce a vulnerability, even if the protocol is secure by itself. The goal of this thesis is to provide a method that can be used by protocol developers to create a model of arbitrary smart card, with focus on contactless smart cards, to create a model of the protocol, and to use model checking to find attacks in this model. The attack can be then executed and if not successful, the model is refined for another model checker run. The AVANTSSAR platform was used for the formal verification, models are written in the ASLan++ language. Examples are provided to demonstrate usability of the proposed method. This method was used to find a weakness of Mifare DESFire contactless smart card. This thesis also deals with threats not possible to cover by the proposed method, such as relay attacks.