318 research outputs found

    Security Analysis for Distributed IoT-Based Industrial Automation

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    Internet of Things (IoT) technologies enable development of reconfigurable manufacturing systems--a new generation of modularized industrial equipment suitable for highly customized manufacturing. Sequential control in these systems is largely based on discrete events, whereas their formal execution semantics is specified as control interpreted Petri nets (CIPN). Despite industry-wide use of programming languages based on the CIPN formalism, formal verification of such control applications in the presence of adversarial activity is not supported. Consequently, in this article, we introduce security-aware modeling and verification techniques for CIPN-based sequential control applications. Specifically, we show how CIPN models of networked industrial IoT controllers can be transformed into time Petri net (TPN)-based models and composed with plant and security-aware channel models in order to enable system-level verification of safety properties in the presence of network-based attacks. Additionally, we introduce realistic channel-specific attack models that capture adversarial behavior using nondeterminism. Moreover, we show how verification results can be utilized to introduce security patches and facilitate design of attack detectors that improve system resiliency and enable satisfaction of critical safety properties. Finally, we evaluate our framework on an industrial case study

    A Conceptual Framework for Adapation

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    This paper presents a white-box conceptual framework for adaptation that promotes a neat separation of the adaptation logic from the application logic through a clear identification of control data and their role in the adaptation logic. The framework provides an original perspective from which we survey archetypal approaches to (self-)adaptation ranging from programming languages and paradigms, to computational models, to engineering solutions

    A Conceptual Framework for Adapation

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    This paper presents a white-box conceptual framework for adaptation that promotes a neat separation of the adaptation logic from the application logic through a clear identification of control data and their role in the adaptation logic. The framework provides an original perspective from which we survey archetypal approaches to (self-)adaptation ranging from programming languages and paradigms, to computational models, to engineering solutions

    A Conceptual Framework for Adapation

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    We present a white-box conceptual framework for adaptation. We called it CODA, for COntrol Data Adaptation, since it is based on the notion of control data. CODA promotes a neat separation between application and adaptation logic through a clear identification of the set of data that is relevant for the latter. The framework provides an original perspective from which we survey a representative set of approaches to adaptation ranging from programming languages and paradigms, to computational models and architectural solutions

    Using Learning Theory in a Hypermedia-Based Petri Net Modeling Tutorial

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    The primary aim of this paper is to examine the dominant schools of thought in relation to educational theories and learning styles and in what manner various hypermedia technologies can be integrated into educational theories to enhance the design and delivery of educational content. The specific focus of this paper is to create teaching material for Petri net modeling fundamentals. Guided by the principles of Bloom?s revised taxonomy, a tutorial on Petri net Modeling Fundamentals is developed and implemented. The material in the tutorial is designed specifically to accommodate the lower-order thinking levels of Bloom?s revised taxonomy and the various learning styles proposed in the Felder-Silverman learning style model

    Socionic Multi-Agent Systems Based on Reflexive Petri Nets and Theories of Social Self-Organisation

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    This contribution summarises the core results of the transdisciplinary ASKO project, part of the German DFG's programme Sozionik, which combines sociologists' and computer scientists' skills in order to create improved theories and models of artificial societies. Our research group has (a) formulated a social theory, which is able to explain fundamental mechanisms of self-organisation in both natural and artificial societies, (b) modelled this in a mathematical way using a visual formalism, and (c) developed a novel multi-agent system architecture which is conceptually coherent, recursively structured (hence non-eclectic) and based on our social theory. The article presents an outline of both a sociological middle-range theory of social self-organisation in educational institutions, its formal, Petri net based model, including a simulation of one of its main mechanisms, and the multi-agent system architecture SONAR. It describes how the theory was created by a re-analysis of some grand social theories, by grounding it empirically, and finally how the theory was evaluated by modelling its concepts and statements.Multi-Agents Systems, Petri Nets, Self-Organisation, Social Theories

    Two Decades of Maude

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    This paper is a tribute to José Meseguer, from the rest of us in the Maude team, reviewing the past, the present, and the future of the language and system with which we have been working for around two decades under his leadership. After reviewing the origins and the language's main features, we present the latest additions to the language and some features currently under development. This paper is not an introduction to Maude, and some familiarity with it and with rewriting logic are indeed assumed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Perfomance Analysis and Resource Optimisation of Critical Systems Modelled by Petri Nets

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    Un sistema crítico debe cumplir con su misión a pesar de la presencia de problemas de seguridad. Este tipo de sistemas se suele desplegar en entornos heterogéneos, donde pueden ser objeto de intentos de intrusión, robo de información confidencial u otro tipo de ataques. Los sistemas, en general, tienen que ser rediseñados después de que ocurra un incidente de seguridad, lo que puede conducir a consecuencias graves, como el enorme costo de reimplementar o reprogramar todo el sistema, así como las posibles pérdidas económicas. Así, la seguridad ha de ser concebida como una parte integral del desarrollo de sistemas y como una necesidad singular de lo que el sistema debe realizar (es decir, un requisito no funcional del sistema). Así pues, al diseñar sistemas críticos es fundamental estudiar los ataques que se pueden producir y planificar cómo reaccionar frente a ellos, con el fin de mantener el cumplimiento de requerimientos funcionales y no funcionales del sistema. A pesar de que los problemas de seguridad se consideren, también es necesario tener en cuenta los costes incurridos para garantizar un determinado nivel de seguridad en sistemas críticos. De hecho, los costes de seguridad puede ser un factor muy relevante ya que puede abarcar diferentes dimensiones, como el presupuesto, el rendimiento y la fiabilidad. Muchos de estos sistemas críticos que incorporan técnicas de tolerancia a fallos (sistemas FT) para hacer frente a las cuestiones de seguridad son sistemas complejos, que utilizan recursos que pueden estar comprometidos (es decir, pueden fallar) por la activación de los fallos y/o errores provocados por posibles ataques. Estos sistemas pueden ser modelados como sistemas de eventos discretos donde los recursos son compartidos, también llamados sistemas de asignación de recursos. Esta tesis se centra en los sistemas FT con recursos compartidos modelados mediante redes de Petri (Petri nets, PN). Estos sistemas son generalmente tan grandes que el cálculo exacto de su rendimiento se convierte en una tarea de cálculo muy compleja, debido al problema de la explosión del espacio de estados. Como resultado de ello, una tarea que requiere una exploración exhaustiva en el espacio de estados es incomputable (en un plazo prudencial) para sistemas grandes. Las principales aportaciones de esta tesis son tres. Primero, se ofrecen diferentes modelos, usando el Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado (Unified Modelling Language, UML) y las redes de Petri, que ayudan a incorporar las cuestiones de seguridad y tolerancia a fallos en primer plano durante la fase de diseño de los sistemas, permitiendo así, por ejemplo, el análisis del compromiso entre seguridad y rendimiento. En segundo lugar, se proporcionan varios algoritmos para calcular el rendimiento (también bajo condiciones de fallo) mediante el cálculo de cotas de rendimiento superiores, evitando así el problema de la explosión del espacio de estados. Por último, se proporcionan algoritmos para calcular cómo compensar la degradación de rendimiento que se produce ante una situación inesperada en un sistema con tolerancia a fallos