4,421 research outputs found

    A Memetic Algorithm for Hybrid Flowshops with Flexible Machine Availability Constraints

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    This paper considers the problem of scheduling hybrid flowshops with machine availability constraints (MAC) to minimize makespan. The paper deals with a specific case of MAC caused by preventive maintenance (PM) operations. Contrary to previous papers considering fixed or/and conservative policies, we explore a case in which PM activities might be postponed or expedited while necessary. Regarding this flexibility in PM activities, we expect to obtain more efficient schedule. A simple technique is employed to schedule production jobs along with the flexible MACs caused by PM. To solve the problem, we present a high performing metaheuristic based on memetic algorithm incorporating some advanced features. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, the paper compares the proposed algorithm with several wellknown algorithms taken from the literature. Finally, we conclude that the proposed algorithm outperforms other algorithms

    The Impact of Powers-of-Two Based Schedule on the Minimization of Inventory Costs in a Multi Product Manufacturing Environment

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    This paper discusses about the scheduling problem of a multi product manufacturing industry. Often there has been a problem of applying optimization algorithms to solve the makespan minimization criterion of a job shop due to its inherent NP-hard nature. It is therefore unrealistic to try obtaining a solution through a commercial solver in polynomial time. In this context, we propose a computationally effective heuristic, which is based on the powers-of-two policy in inventory, for solving the minimum makespan problem of job shop scheduling. The research discussed in the current paper is a real time scheduling problem faced by a large scale and complex turbine manufacturing job shop. It is worth noting that by integrating the material requirements planning (MRP) with the feasible schedule obtained, this policy also proves to be useful in minimizing the inventory costs

    Assembly job shop scheduling problems with component availability constraints.

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    Job shop scheduling has been widely studied for several decades. In generalized of the job shop scheduling problem, n jobs are to be processed on m machines under specific routings and due dates. The majority of job shop scheduling research concentrates on manufacturing environments processing string-type jobs with a linear routing where no assembly operations are involved. However, many manufacturing environments produce complex products with multi-level assembly job structures and cannot be scheduled efficiently with existing job shop scheduling techniques. Little research has been done in the area of assembly job shop scheduling, and we are not aware any of those studies consider on the availability of purchased components and the impact of component availability on the performance of assembly job shops. This research focuses on scheduling job shops that process jobs requiring multiple-levels of assembly and it also considers the availability of components that are procured from outside suppliers. By considering material constraints during production scheduling, manufacturers can increase resource utilization and improve due date performance.To represent assembly job shop scheduling problems with component availability constraints, a modified disjunctive graph formulation is developed in this research. A mixed-integer programming model with the objective of minimizing the total weighted-tardiness is also developed in this research. Several heuristic methods, described as modified shifting bottleneck procedure (MSBP), efficient shifting bottleneck procedure (ESBP) and rolling horizon procedure (RHP), are proposed to reduce the computational time required for assembly job shop scheduling problems. These methods are extended from the shifting bottleneck procedure. The performance of various flavors of the MSBP and ESBP is demonstrated on a set of test instances and compared with different dispatching rules that are widely used in practice. Results show that MSBP and ESBP outperform the dispatching rules by 18% to 16% on average.This dissertation not only studies the assembly job shop scheduling problem with component availability constraints, but also demonstrates how the decomposition methodology can reduce the complexity of NP-hard problems. Based on the relative preference of solution quality and computational time, recommendations for appropriate methods to solve assembly job shop scheduling problems with different problem sizes are given in the conclusions of this dissertation

    Solving no-wait two-stage flexible flow shop scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machines and rework time by the adjusted discrete Multi Objective Invasive Weed Optimization and fuzzy dominance approach

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    Purpose: Adjusted discrete Multi-Objective Invasive Weed Optimization (DMOIWO) algorithm, which uses fuzzy dominant approach for ordering, has been proposed to solve No-wait two-stage flexible flow shop scheduling problem. Design/methodology/approach: No-wait two-stage flexible flow shop scheduling problem by considering sequence-dependent setup times and probable rework in both stations, different ready times for all jobs and rework times for both stations as well as unrelated parallel machines with regards to the simultaneous minimization of maximum job completion time and average latency functions have been investigated in a multi-objective manner. In this study, the parameter setting has been carried out using Taguchi Method based on the quality indicator for beater performance of the algorithm. Findings: The results of this algorithm have been compared with those of conventional, multi-objective algorithms to show the better performance of the proposed algorithm. The results clearly indicated the greater performance of the proposed algorithm. Originality/value: This study provides an efficient method for solving multi objective no-wait two-stage flexible flow shop scheduling problem by considering sequence-dependent setup times, probable rework in both stations, different ready times for all jobs, rework times for both stations and unrelated parallel machines which are the real constraints.Peer Reviewe

    Single machine scheduling with general positional deterioration and rate-modifying maintenance

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    We present polynomial-time algorithms for single machine problems with generalized positional deterioration effects and machine maintenance. The decisions should be taken regarding possible sequences of jobs and on the number of maintenance activities to be included into a schedule in order to minimize the overall makespan. We deal with general non-decreasing functions to represent deterioration rates of job processing times. Another novel extension of existing models is our assumption that a maintenance activity does not necessarily fully restore the machine to its original perfect state. In the resulting schedules, the jobs are split into groups, a particular group to be sequenced after a particular maintenance period, and the actual processing time of a job is affected by the group that job is placed into and its position within the group

    Optimal Ship Maintenance Scheduling Under Restricted Conditions and Constrained Resources

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    The research presented in this dissertation addresses the application of evolution algorithms, i.e. Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Differential Evolution algorithm (DE) to scheduling problems in the presence of restricted conditions and resource limitations. This research is motivated by the scheduling of engineering design tasks in shop scheduling problems and ship maintenance scheduling problems to minimize total completion time. The thesis consists of two major parts; the first corresponds to the first appended paper and deals with the computational complexity of mixed shop scheduling problems. A modified Genetic algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. Computational experiments, conducted to evaluate its performance against known optimal solutions for different sized problems, show its superiority in computation time and the high applicability in practical mixed shop scheduling problems. The second part considers the major theme in the second appended paper and is related to the ship maintenance scheduling problem and the extended research on the multi-mode resource-constrained ship scheduling problem. A heuristic Differential Evolution is developed and applied to solve these problems. A mathematical optimization model is also formulated for the multi-mode resource-constrained ship scheduling problem. Through the computed results, DE proves its effectiveness and efficiency in addressing both single and multi-objective ship maintenance scheduling problem

    Vehicle Minimization for the Multimodal Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows

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    The algorithm proposed here is used for heuristic solutions for the Multimodal Multiple Vehicle Routing Problem with Unloading Capacity, Pickup and Dropoff, and Time Windows, solved so as to minimize the number of vehicles used, subject to varying objective function values for each vehicle. The MVRP is simplified and split into a routing problem and a scheduling problem. The routing problem is addressed by Dijkstra\u27s Algorithm. This generates a new network for the second stage of the algorithm. It is assumed that the shortest path is the correct path to use, and shipments each travel unimodally. The scheduling problem is addressed by treating the various paths as though they were machines, with vehicle number being treated approximately as capacity for the machines, and unloading capacity being treated as a second stage in the processing. The problem is analyzed by assigning all shipments which can be assigned elsewhere away from the most expensive mode and then assigning only leftover shipments to the most expensive mode. Multiple resolutions of the scheduling problem result in feasible solutions for less expensive modes, which results in a feasible solution for every mode, and a low cost solution in terms of vehicles used

    A dispatching-fuzzy ahp-topsis model for scheduling flexible job-shop systems in industry 4.0 context

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    Scheduling flexible job-shop systems (FJSS) has become a major challenge for different smart factories due to the high complexity involved in NP-hard problems and the constant need to satisfy customers in real time. A key aspect to be addressed in this particular aim is the adoption of a multi-criteria approach incorporating the current dynamics of smart FJSS. Thus, this paper proposes an integrated and enhanced method of a dispatching algorithm based on fuzzy AHP (FAHP) and TOPSIS. Initially, the two first steps of the dispatching algorithm (identification of eligible operations and machine selection) were implemented. The FAHP and TOPSIS methods were then integrated to underpin the multi-criteria operation selection process. In particular, FAHP was used to calculate the criteria weights under uncertainty, and TOPSIS was later applied to rank the eligible operations. As the fourth step of dispatching the algorithm, the operation with the highest priority was scheduled together with its initial and final time. A case study from the smart apparel industry was employed to validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The results evidenced that our approach outperformed the current company’s scheduling method by a median lateness of 3.86 days while prioritizing high-throughput products for earlier delivery. View Full-Tex
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