9,565 research outputs found

    Random and Adversarial Bit Error Robustness: {E}nergy-Efficient and Secure {DNN} Accelerators

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    Deep neural network (DNN) accelerators received considerable attention in recent years due to the potential to save energy compared to mainstream hardware. Low-voltage operation of DNN accelerators allows to further reduce energy consumption significantly, however, causes bit-level failures in the memory storing the quantized DNN weights. Furthermore, DNN accelerators have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks on voltage controllers or individual bits. In this paper, we show that a combination of robust fixed-point quantization, weight clipping, as well as random bit error training (RandBET) or adversarial bit error training (AdvBET) improves robustness against random or adversarial bit errors in quantized DNN weights significantly. This leads not only to high energy savings for low-voltage operation as well as low-precision quantization, but also improves security of DNN accelerators. Our approach generalizes across operating voltages and accelerators, as demonstrated on bit errors from profiled SRAM arrays, and achieves robustness against both targeted and untargeted bit-level attacks. Without losing more than 0.8%/2% in test accuracy, we can reduce energy consumption on CIFAR10 by 20%/30% for 8/4-bit quantization using RandBET. Allowing up to 320 adversarial bit errors, AdvBET reduces test error from above 90% (chance level) to 26.22% on CIFAR10

    A comprehensive survey on generative adversarial networks

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are a class of neural network architectures that have been used to generate a wide variety of realistic data, including images, videos, and audio. GANs consist of two main components: a generator network, which produces new data, and a discriminator network, which attempts to distinguish the generated data from real data. The two networks are trained in a competitive manner, with the generator trying to produce data that can fool the discriminator, and the discriminator trying to correctly identify the generated data. Since their introduction in 2014, GANs have been applied to a wide range of tasks, such as image synthesis, image-to-image translation, and text-to-image synthesis. GANs have also been used in various fields such as computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition. Despite their success, GANs have several limitations and challenges, including mode collapse, where the generator produces only a limited number of distinct samples, and instability during training. Several methods have been proposed to address these challenges, including regularization techniques, architectural modifications, and alternative training algorithms. Overall, GANs have proven to be a powerful tool for generating realistic data, and research on GANs is an active area of study in the field of machine learning. This survey paper aims to provide an overview of the GANs architecture and its variants, applications and challenges, and the recent developments in GANs

    Generating semantically enriched diagnostics for radiological images using machine learning

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    Development of Computer Aided Diagnostic (CAD) tools to aid radiologists in pathology detection and decision making relies considerably on manually annotated images. With the advancement of deep learning techniques for CAD development, these expert annotations no longer need to be hand-crafted, however, deep learning algorithms require large amounts of data in order to generalise well. One way in which to access large volumes of expert-annotated data is through radiological exams consisting of images and reports. Using past radiological exams obtained from hospital archiving systems has many advantages: they are expert annotations available in large quantities, covering a population-representative variety of pathologies, and they provide additional context to pathology diagnoses, such as anatomical location and severity. Learning to auto-generate such reports from images presents many challenges such as the difficulty in representing and generating long, unstructured textual information, accounting for spelling errors and repetition or redundancy, and the inconsistency across different annotators. In this thesis, the problem of learning to automate disease detection from radiological exams is approached from three directions. Firstly, a report generation model is developed such that it is conditioned on radiological image features. Secondly, a number of approaches are explored aimed at extracting diagnostic information from free-text reports. Finally, an alternative approach to image latent space learning from current state-of-the-art is developed that can be applied to accelerated image acquisition.Open Acces

    A novel hybrid teaching learning based multi-objective particle swarm optimization

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    How to obtain a good convergence and well-spread optimal Pareto front is still a major challenge for most meta-heuristic multi-objective optimization (MOO) methods. In this paper, a novel hybrid teaching learning based particle swarm optimization (HTL-PSO) with circular crowded sorting (CCS), named HTL-MOPSO, is proposed for solving MOO problems. Specifically, the new HTL-MOPSO combines the canonical PSO search with a teaching-learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm in order to promote the diversity and improve search ability. Also, CCS technique is developed to improve the diversity and spread of solutions when truncating the external elitism archive. The performance of HTL-MOPSO algorithm was tested on several well-known benchmarks problems and compared with other state-of-the-art MOO algorithms in respect of convergence and spread of final solutions to the true Pareto front. Also, the individual contributions made by the strategies of HTL-PSO and CCS are analyzed. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of HTL-MOPSO and demonstrate its superior ability to find solutions of better spread and diversity, while assuring a good convergence

    A Survey on Continuous Time Computations

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    We provide an overview of theories of continuous time computation. These theories allow us to understand both the hardness of questions related to continuous time dynamical systems and the computational power of continuous time analog models. We survey the existing models, summarizing results, and point to relevant references in the literature