15,944 research outputs found

    Effect of steriles states on lepton magnetic moments and neutrinoless double beta decay

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    We address the impact of sterile fermion states on the anomalous magnetic moment of charged leptons, as well as their contribution to neutrinoless double beta decays. We illustrate our results in a minimal, effective extension of the Standard Model by one sterile fermion state, and in a well-motivated framework of neutrino mass generation, embedding the Inverse Seesaw into the Standard Model. The simple "3+1" effective case succeeds in alleviating the tension related to the muon anomalous magnetic moment, albeit only at the 3σ\sigma level, and for light sterile states (corresponding to a }cosmologically disfavoured regime). Interestingly, our analysis shows that a future 0ν2β0 \nu 2 \beta observation does not necessarily imply an inverted hierarchy for the active neutrinos in this simple extension. Although the Inverse Seesaw realisation here addressed could indeed ease the tension in (g2)μ(g-2)_\mu, bounds from lepton universality in kaon decays mostly preclude this from happening. However, these scenarios can also have a strong impact on the interpretation of a future 0ν2β0 \nu 2 \beta signal regarding the hierarchy of the active neutrino mass spectrum.Comment: 25 pages, 19 figure

    Radiative corrections to MhM_h from three generations of Majorana neutrinos and sneutrinos

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    In this work we study the radiative corrections to the mass of the lightest Higgs boson of the MSSM from three generations of Majorana neutrinos and sneutrinos. The spectrum of the MSSM is augmented by three right handed neutrinos and their supersymmetric partners. A seesaw mechanism of type I is used to generate the physical neutrino masses and oscillations that we require to be in agreement with present neutrino data. We present a full one-loop computation of these Higgs mass corrections, and analyze in full detail their numerical size in terms of both the MSSM and the new (s)neutrino parameters. A critical discussion on the different possible renormalization schemes and their implications is included.Comment: 42 pages, 39 figures, 1 appendix, version published in AHE

    Summary of the NOW'98 Phenomenology Working Group

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    Summary of the Phenomenology Working Group at the Europhysics Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW'98), 7-9 September 1998, Amsterdam.Comment: 66 page

    The Increase in the Primordial He-4 Yield in the Two-Doublet Four-Neutrino Mixing Scheme

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    We assess the effects on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) of lepton number generation in the early universe resulting from the two-doublet four-neutrino mass/mixing scheme. It has been argued that this neutrino mass/mixing arrangement gives the most viable fit to the existing data. We study full 4 x 4 mixing matrices and show how possible symmetries in these can affect the BBN He-4 abundance yields. Though there is as yet no consensus on the reliability of BBN calculations with neutrino flavor mixing, we show that, in the case where the sign of the lepton number asymmetry is unpredictable, BBN considerations may pick out specific relationships between mixing angles. In particular, reconciling the observed light element abundances with a \bar\nu_\mu \bar\nu_e oscillation interpretation of LSND would allow unique new constraints on the neutrino mixing angles in this model.Comment: 12 pages, including 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Higgs Boson Masses in the MSSM with Heavy Majorana Neutrinos

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    We present a full diagrammatic computation of the one-loop corrections from the neutrino/sneutrino sector to the renormalized neutral CP-even Higgs boson self-energies and the lightest Higgs boson mass, Mh, within the context of the so-called MSSM-seesaw scenario. This consists of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with the addition of massive right handed Majorana neutrinos and their supersymmetric partners, and where the seesaw mechanism is used for the lightest neutrino mass generation. We explore the dependence on all the parameters involved, with particular emphasis in the role played by the heavy Majorana scale. We restrict ourselves to the case of one generation of neutrinos/sneutrinos. For the numerical part of the study, we consider a very wide range of values for all the parameters involved. We find sizeable corrections to Mh, which are negative in the region where the Majorana scale is large (10^{13}-10^{15} GeV) and the lightest neutrino mass is within a range inspired by data (0.1-1 eV). For some regions of the MSSM-seesaw parameter space, the corrections to Mh are substantially larger than the anticipated Large Hadron Collider precision.Comment: Latex, 50 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables. Discussion improved. Comments and some new approximate formulae have been added. Published version on JHE

    Implications of CHOOZ results for the decoupling of solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations

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    We have considered the results of solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillation experiments in the scheme of mixing of three neutrinos with a mass hierarchy. It is shown that the recent results of the CHOOZ experiment imply that |U_{e3}|^2<<1 (U is the neutrino mixing matrix), that the oscillations of solar neutrinos are described by the two-generation formalism and that the oscillations of solar and atmospheric neutrinos decouple. It is also shown that if not only |U_{e3}|^2<<1 but also |U_{e3}|<<1, then the oscillations of atmospheric neutrinos do not depend on matter effects and are described by the two-generation formalism. In this case, with an appropriate identification of the mixing parameters, the two-generation analyses of solar and atmospheric neutrino data provide direct information on the mixing parameters of three neutrinos. We discuss the possibility to get information on |U_{e3}|^2 in long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Consistency of the dynamical high-scale type-I seesaw mechanism

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    We analyze the consistency of electroweak breaking within the simplest high-scale Standard Model type-I seesaw mechanism. We derive the full two-loop RGEs of the relevant parameters, including the quartic Higgs self-coupling of the Standard Model. For the simplest case of bare "right-handed" neutrino mass terms we find that, with large Yukawa couplings, the Higgs quartic self-coupling becomes negative much below the seesaw scale, so that the model may be inconsistent even as an effective theory. We show, however, that the "dynamical" type-I high-scale seesaw with spontaneous lepton number violation has better stability properties.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, Published versio