7 research outputs found

    On optimizing over lift-and-project closures

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    The lift-and-project closure is the relaxation obtained by computing all lift-and-project cuts from the initial formulation of a mixed integer linear program or equivalently by computing all mixed integer Gomory cuts read from all tableau's corresponding to feasible and infeasible bases. In this paper, we present an algorithm for approximating the value of the lift-and-project closure. The originality of our method is that it is based on a very simple cut generation linear programming problem which is obtained from the original linear relaxation by simply modifying the bounds on the variables and constraints. This separation LP can also be seen as the dual of the cut generation LP used in disjunctive programming procedures with a particular normalization. We study some properties of this separation LP in particular relating it to the equivalence between lift-and-project cuts and Gomory cuts shown by Balas and Perregaard. Finally, we present some computational experiments and comparisons with recent related works

    Approximating the Split Closure

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    Computational Experiments with Cross and Crooked Cross Cuts

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    In this paper, we study whether cuts obtained from two simplex tableau rows at a time can strengthen the bounds obtained by Gomory mixed-integer (GMI) cuts based on single tableau rows. We also study whether cross and crooked cross cuts, which generalize split cuts, can be separated in an effective manner for practical mixed-integer programs (MIPs) and can yield a nontrivial improvement over the bounds obtained by split cuts. We give positive answers to both these questions for MIPLIB 3.0 problems. Cross cuts are a special case of the t-branch split cuts studied by Li and Richard [Li Y, Richard J-PP (2008) Cook, Kannan and Schrijvers's example revisited. Discrete Optim. 5:724–734]. Split cuts are 1-branch split cuts, and cross cuts are 2-branch split cuts. Crooked cross cuts were introduced by Dash, Günlük, and Lodi [Dash S, Günlük O, Lodi A (2010) MIR closures of polyhedral sets. Math Programming 121:33–60] and were shown to dominate cross cuts by Dash, Günlük, and Molinaro [Dash S, Günlük O, Molinaro M (2012b) On the relative strength of different generalizations of split cuts. IBM Technical Report RC25326, IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY].United States. Office of Naval Research (Grant N000141110724

    Lattice reformulation cuts

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    Here we consider the question whether the lattice reformulation of a linear integer program can be used to produce effective cutting planes. In particular, we aim at deriving split cuts that cut off more of the integrality gap than Gomory mixed-integer (GMI) inequalities generated from LP-tableaus, while being less computationally demanding than generating the split closure. We consider integer programs (IPs) in the form max{ Ax=b x =Zn+}, where the reformulation takes the form max\{cx +cQ> -xu u =Zn-m Z n - m\}, where Q is an n (n - m) integer matrix. Working on an optimal LP-tableau in the u -space allows us to generate n - m GMIs in addition to the m GMIs associated with the optimal tableau in the x space. These provide new cuts that can be seen as GMIs associated to n - m nonelementary split directions associated with the reformulation matrix \Q . On the other hand it turns out that the corner polyhedra associated to an LP basis and the GMI or split closures are the same whether working in the x or u spaces. Our theoretical derivations are accompanied by an illustrative computational study. The computations show that the effectiveness of the cuts generated by this approach depends on the quality of the reformulation obtained by the reduced basis algorithm used to generate Q and that it is worthwhile to generate several rounds of such cuts. However, the effectiveness of the cuts deteriorates as the number of constraints is increased

    Topics in exact precision mathematical programming

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    The focus of this dissertation is the advancement of theory and computation related to exact precision mathematical programming. Optimization software based on floating-point arithmetic can return suboptimal or incorrect resulting because of round-off errors or the use of numerical tolerances. Exact or correct results are necessary for some applications. Implementing software entirely in rational arithmetic can be prohibitively slow. A viable alternative is the use of hybrid methods that use fast numerical computation to obtain approximate results that are then verified or corrected with safe or exact computation. We study fast methods for sparse exact rational linear algebra, which arises as a bottleneck when solving linear programming problems exactly. Output sensitive methods for exact linear algebra are studied. Finally, a new method for computing valid linear programming bounds is introduced and proven effective as a subroutine for solving mixed-integer linear programming problems exactly. Extensive computational results are presented for each topic.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dr. William J. Cook; Committee Member: Dr. George Nemhauser; Committee Member: Dr. Robin Thomas; Committee Member: Dr. Santanu Dey; Committee Member: Dr. Shabbir Ahmed; Committee Member: Dr. Zonghao G

    Generating general-purpose cutting planes for mixed-integer programs

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    Franz WesselmannPaderborn, Univ., Diss., 201