33 research outputs found

    Automatic Malware Detection

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    The problem of automatic malware detection presents challenges for antivirus vendors. Since the manual investigation is not possible due to the massive number of samples being submitted every day, automatic malware classication is necessary. Our work is focused on an automatic malware detection framework based on machine learning algorithms. We proposed several static malware detection systems for the Windows operating system to achieve the primary goal of distinguishing between malware and benign software. We also considered the more practical goal of detecting as much malware as possible while maintaining a suciently low false positive rate. We proposed several malware detection systems using various machine learning techniques, such as ensemble classier, recurrent neural network, and distance metric learning. We designed architectures of the proposed detection systems, which are automatic in the sense that extraction of features, preprocessing, training, and evaluating the detection model can be automated. However, antivirus program relies on more complex system that consists of many components where several of them depends on malware analysts and researchers. Malware authors adapt their malicious programs frequently in order to bypass antivirus programs that are regularly updated. Our proposed detection systems are not automatic in the sense that they are not able to automatically adapt to detect the newest malware. However, we can partly solve this problem by running our proposed systems again if the training set contains the newest malware. Our work relied on static analysis only. In this thesis, we discuss advantages and drawbacks in comparison to dynamic analysis. Static analysis still plays an important role, and it is used as one component of a complex detection system.The problem of automatic malware detection presents challenges for antivirus vendors. Since the manual investigation is not possible due to the massive number of samples being submitted every day, automatic malware classication is necessary. Our work is focused on an automatic malware detection framework based on machine learning algorithms. We proposed several static malware detection systems for the Windows operating system to achieve the primary goal of distinguishing between malware and benign software. We also considered the more practical goal of detecting as much malware as possible while maintaining a suciently low false positive rate. We proposed several malware detection systems using various machine learning techniques, such as ensemble classier, recurrent neural network, and distance metric learning. We designed architectures of the proposed detection systems, which are automatic in the sense that extraction of features, preprocessing, training, and evaluating the detection model can be automated. However, antivirus program relies on more complex system that consists of many components where several of them depends on malware analysts and researchers. Malware authors adapt their malicious programs frequently in order to bypass antivirus programs that are regularly updated. Our proposed detection systems are not automatic in the sense that they are not able to automatically adapt to detect the newest malware. However, we can partly solve this problem by running our proposed systems again if the training set contains the newest malware. Our work relied on static analysis only. In this thesis, we discuss advantages and drawbacks in comparison to dynamic analysis. Static analysis still plays an important role, and it is used as one component of a complex detection system

    GRADUATION: a GDPR-based mutation methodology

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    Adopting the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enhances different business and research opportunities that evidence the necessity of appropriate solutions supporting specification, processing, testing, and assessing the overall (personal) data management. This paper proposes GRADUATION (GdpR-bAseD mUtATION) methodology for mutation analysis of data protection policies test cases. The new methodology provides generic mutation operators about the currently applicable EU Data Protection Regulation. The preliminary implementation of the steps involved in the GDPR-based mutant derivation is also described

    Utilising flow aggregation to classify benign imitating attacks

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    Cyber-attacks continue to grow, both in terms of volume and sophistication. This is aided by an increase in available computational power, expanding attack surfaces, and advancements in the human understanding of how to make attacks undetectable. Unsurprisingly, machine learning is utilised to defend against these attacks. In many applications, the choice of features is more important than the choice of model. A range of studies have, with varying degrees of success, attempted to discriminate between benign traffic and well-known cyber-attacks. The features used in these studies are broadly similar and have demonstrated their effectiveness in situations where cyber-attacks do not imitate benign behaviour. To overcome this barrier, in this manuscript, we introduce new features based on a higher level of abstraction of network traffic. Specifically, we perform flow aggregation by grouping flows with similarities. This additional level of feature abstraction benefits from cumulative information, thus qualifying the models to classify cyber-attacks that mimic benign traffic. The performance of the new features is evaluated using the benchmark CICIDS2017 dataset, and the results demonstrate their validity and effectiveness. This novel proposal will improve the detection accuracy of cyber-attacks and also build towards a new direction of feature extraction for complex ones

    Agents in a privacy-preserving world

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    Privacy is a fluid concept. It is both difficult to define and difficult to achieve. The large amounts of data currently available at hands of companies and administrations increase individual concerns on what is yet to be known about us. For the sake of penalisation and customisation, we often need to give up and supply information that we consider sensitive and private. Other sensitive information is inferred from information that seems harmless. Even when we explicitly require privacy and anonymity, profiling and device fingerprinting may disclose information about us leading to reidentification. Mobile devices and the internet of things make keeping our live private still more difficult. Agent technologies can play a fundamental role to provide privacy-aware solutions. Agents are inherently suitable in the heterogeneous environment in which our devices work, and we can delegate to them the task of protecting our privacy. Agents should be able to reason about our privacy requirements, and may collaborate (or not) with other agents to help us to achieve our privacy goals. We are presented in the connected world with multiple interests, profiles, and also through multiple agentified devices. We envision our agentified devices to collaborate among themselves and with other devices so that our privacy preferences are satisfied. We believe that this is an overlooked field. Our work intends to start shedding some light on the topic by outlining the requirements and challenges where agent technologies can provide a decisive role

    LoRaWAN Physical Layer-Based Attacks and Countermeasures, A Review

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    As LoRaWAN is one of the most popular long-range wireless protocols among low-power IoT applications, more and more focus is shifting towards security. In particular, physical layer topics become relevant to improve the security of LoRaWAN nodes, which are often limited in terms of computational power and communication resources. To this end, e.g., detection methods for wireless attacks improve the integrity and robustness of LoRaWAN access. Further, wireless physical layer techniques have potential to enhance key refreshment and device authentication. In this work, we aim to provide a comprehensive review of various vulnerabilities, countermeasures and security enhancing features concerning the LoRaWAN physical layer. Afterwards, we discuss the impact of the reviewed topics on LoRaWAN security and, subsequently, we identify research gaps as well as promising future research directions

    vProfile: Voltage-Based Sender Identification on Controller Area Networks

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    Modern vehicles are becoming more accessible targets for cyberattacks due to the proliferation of wireless communication channels. The intra-vehicle Controller Area Network (CAN) bus lacks sender authentication, exposing critical components to interference from less secure, wirelessly compromised modules. To address CAN's vulnerability, this thesis proposes vProfile, a sender identification system based on voltage fingerprints of electronic control units (ECU). vProfile exploits the physical properties of ECU output voltages on the CAN bus to determine the authenticity of bus messages, which enables the detection of both hijacked ECUs and external devices connected to the bus. We show the potential of vProfile using experiments on two production vehicles with precision and recall scores of over 99.99%. We also show the impact of temperature and battery voltage variations on vProfile and provide a method to adapt to those changes. The improved identification rates and more straightforward design of vProfile make it an attractive improvement over existing methods

    A Survey and Evaluation of Android-Based Malware Evasion Techniques and Detection Frameworks

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    Android platform security is an active area of research where malware detection techniques continuously evolve to identify novel malware and improve the timely and accurate detection of existing malware. Adversaries are constantly in charge of employing innovative techniques to avoid or prolong malware detection effectively. Past studies have shown that malware detection systems are susceptible to evasion attacks where adversaries can successfully bypass the existing security defenses and deliver the malware to the target system without being detected. The evolution of escape-resistant systems is an open research problem. This paper presents a detailed taxonomy and evaluation of Android-based malware evasion techniques deployed to circumvent malware detection. The study characterizes such evasion techniques into two broad categories, polymorphism and metamorphism, and analyses techniques used for stealth malware detection based on the malware’s unique characteristics. Furthermore, the article also presents a qualitative and systematic comparison of evasion detection frameworks and their detection methodologies for Android-based malware. Finally, the survey discusses open-ended questions and potential future directions for continued research in mobile malware detection

    EdgeTDC: On the Security of Time Difference of Arrival Measurements in CAN Bus Systems

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    A Controller Area Network (CAN bus) is a message- based protocol for intra-vehicle communication designed mainly with robustness and safety in mind. In real-world deployments, CAN bus does not offer common security features such as message authentication. Due to the fact that automotive suppliers need to guarantee interoperability, most manufacturers rely on a decade- old standard (ISO 11898) and changing the format by introducing MACs is impractical. Research has therefore suggested to address this lack of authentication with CAN bus Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) that augment the bus with separate modules. IDSs attribute messages to the respective sender by measuring physical- layer features of the transmitted frame. Those features are based on timings, voltage levels, transients—and, as of recently, Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) measurements. In this work, we show that TDoA-based approaches presented in prior art are vulnerable to novel spoofing and poisoning attacks. We describe how those proposals can be fixed and present our own method called EdgeTDC. Unlike existing methods, EdgeTDC does not rely on Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with high sampling rate and high dynamic range to capture the signals at sample level granularity. Our method uses time-to-digital converters (TDCs) to detect the edges and measure their timings. Despite being inexpensive to implement, TDCs offer low latency, high location precision and the ability to measure every single edge (rising and falling) in a frame. Measuring each edge makes analog sampling redundant and allows the calculation of statistics that can even detect tampering with parts of a message. Through extensive experimentation, we show that EdgeTDC can successfully thwart masquerading attacks in the CAN system of modern vehicles