1,286 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Ecological Status of the Introduced Nile Monitor (Varanus niloticus) in Florida: Forecasting Presence and Population Expansion Using Computational Geographic Information Systems

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    The Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus) is a large, carnivorous lizard that has become a notorious invasive species in Florida, USA. Initially released in the 1980s from the pet trade, the species has since established at least three breeding populations and spread throughout much of southern Florida. While current control efforts have failed to eradicate V. niloticus, it is important to attain a better understanding of its invasive dynamics to guide and inform better control strategies. In this study, available georeferenced records of V. niloticus in Florida were compiled and linked to a habitat classification map to evaluate ecotype preferences. Factored with bioclimatic data, the regional spread of V. niloticus was modelled for contemporary and projected (i.e., in the year 2050) presence using Maxent and Mahalanobis Distance models. Study results indicate that V. niloticus maintains a strong presence in eastern Lee County on the southwestern coast. Populations in Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties on the southeastern coast may be interconnected, contrary to current descriptions that they are separated from each another. Model forecasts of conditions for the year 2050 identify widespread expansion of V. niloticus in Florida, particularly northward with the establishment of a new population center in Pasco County in the western central peninsula. This is the first known modelling study of V. niloticus in Florida and identifies regions at greater risk for future population expansion

    New records of biting and predaceous midges from Florida, including species new to the fauna of the United States (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)

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    We provide new records of biting and predaceous midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from Florida, including the first documented United States records of Atrichopogon (Atrichopogon) caribbeanus Ewen, Dasyhelea griseola Wirth, D. scissurae Macfie, and Brachypogon (Brachypogon) woodruffi Spinelli and Grogan. Atrichopogon (Meloehelea) downesi Wirth, Forcipomyia (Thyridomyia) monilicornis (Coquillett), F. (T.) nodosa Saunders, Ceratoculicoides blantoni Wirth and Ratanaworabhan, Mallochohelea albibasis (Malloch), Bezzia (Bezzia) imbifida Dow and Turner and B. (B.) mallochi Wirth are recorded for the first time from Florida. Forcipomyia (Thyridomyia) johannseni Thomsen, Bezzia (Bezzia) expolita (Coquillett), and B. (B.) pulverea (Coquillett) are deleted from the ceratopogonid fauna of Florida. Dasyhelea koenigi Delécolle and Rieb is a junior objective synonym of Dasyhelea scissurae Macfie (NEW SYNONYM). The total number of Ceratopogonidae recorded from Florida is now 249 species contained within 27 genera

    Effects of a Severe Cold Event on the Subtropical, Estuarine-Dependent Common Snook, Centropomus undecimalis

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    The effects of infrequent disturbance events on marine fishes are often difficult to determine, due largely to lack of sufficient pre- and post-disturbance event data. In January 2010, subtropical southwestern Florida (USA) experienced extreme cold for 13 days, which caused extensive mortality of many fish species. The effect of this severe cold event on common snook (Centropomus undecimalis), an economically important gamefish, was assessed using three years (2007-2009) of pre-event and one year (2010) of post-event data from a tag-recapture program conducted over 28 km of Gulf of Mexico barrier islands of Florida. All metrics pointed to a significant effect of the severe cold event: post-disturbance apparent survival of marked fish was 96-97% lower than pre-disturbance, and post-disturbance common snook abundance was 75.57% and 41.88% less than in 2008 and 2009, the two years immediately pre-event. Although severe cold events have impacted subtropical Florida in the past, these events are infrequent (the previous recorded event was \u3e30 years prior), and documentation of the impacts on common snook have not previously been published

    Seasonal and Diurnal Behavioral Patterns of Bottlenose Dolphins, \u3ci\u3eTursiops truncatus\u3c/i\u3e, That Exhibit High Site and Low Site Fidelity to Mississippi Sound

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    This study examined whether bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) exhibit site fidelity to the Mississippi Sound and how the seasonal and diurnal behavioral patterns of dolphins that exhibit high site fidelity to the Mississippi Sound differ from those of dolphins with lower site fidelity. Opportunistic surveys conducted from July 2006 to April 2010 were analyzed. Statistical analyses consisted of nonparametric tests (Spearman\u27s correlation, loglinear models, and Pearson\u27s chi-square) to compare behavioral patterns of high site fidelity, mixed, and low site fidelity groups. Behavioral patterns significantly differed between site fidelity groups across seasons and diurnal periods. Feeding behavior was observed significantly more often in lower site fidelity groups, which coincides with seasonal prey species migrations. These findings suggest that lower site fidelity dolphins may migrate through the Mississippi Sound to pursue seasonal prey species. Sighting patterns of dolphins suggest the Mississippi Sound is characterized by seasonal migrations of low site fidelity dolphins during the spring and summer. Higher site fidelity dolphins that are potential seasonal residents and year round residents may also exhibit seasonal movements in the Mississippi Sound. Knowledge of the behavioral patterns of high site fidelity and low site fidelity dolphins may lead to improved conservation efforts for potential inshore and coastal stocks to ensure better population health in an area that is highly vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance such as commercial fishing, boat traffic, and pollution

    A Quantitative Assessment of the January 2010 Cold Spell Effect on Mangrove Utilizing Coral Reef Fishes from Biscayne National Park, Florida

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    This study examined the effects of the January 2010 cold spell on mangrove utilizing coral reef fishes off the southeast coast of Florida, USA, in the vicinity of Biscayne National Park (BNP). An ongoing, fishery-independent mangrove visual survey documenting fish assemblages in BNP provided data from the years 1998 to 2014 for examination. Of particular interest were the presence, abundance, and size structure for five mangrove utilizing coral reef fishes: sergeant major (Abudefduf saxatilis), yellowfin mojarra (Gerres cinereus), schoolmaster snapper (Lutjanus apodus), gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus), and great barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda). These species were selected for analysis due to their economic and ecologic importance, their potential as environmental indicators, their connectedness to multiple habitats, and their abundance within the available data set. Data were collected using a modified visual ‘belt transect’ method, consisting of 60 m2 transects running parallel to the mangrove shorelines. Data for average length of fish were reconstructed to form standard normal distributions and the resulting lengths were assigned to various age-classes to create species-specific length-frequency distributions. Variations in presence and abundance were examined across three time periods (1998-2009; 2010-2011; 2012-2014), as well as comparisons of length-frequency distributions. Following the January 2010 cold spell, the presence and abundance values for the two years immediately following the event were significantly decreased compared to the years prior to the cold spell for most of the five species at either mainland (ML) or leeward key (LK) locations. Additionally, the presence and abundance estimates typically remained statistically decreased when compared against the remaining years in the available data set. The size structures for the majority of the five species at either location, however, were not consistently significantly different between the three time periods, as was hypothesized. Instead, the analyses showed mixed results, with the size structure typically shifting towards smaller individuals immediately following the event. These findings suggest that drops in water temperature resulting from cold spells are capable of directly impacting mangrove utilizing reef fish species, albeit to varying degrees depending on various factors, such as physiological tolerances, ecological life history strategies, and habitat requirements

    The Bay Scallop, Argopecten irradians, in Florida Coastal Waters

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    The bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, supported a small commercial fishery in Florida from the late 1920’s through the 1940’s; peak landings were in 1946 (214,366 lbs of meats), but it currently supports one of the most popular and family-oriented fisheries along the west coast of Florida. The primary habitat of the short-lived (18 months) bay scallop is seagrass beds. Peak spawning occurs in the fall. Human population growth and coastal development that caused habitat changes and reduced water quality probably are the main causes of a large decline in the scallop’s abundance. Bay scallop restoration efforts in bays where they have become scarce have centered on releasing pediveligers and juveniles into grass beds and holding scallops in cages where they woul

    Population Changes and Location-Specific Differences for Otolith-Derived Age and Growth of Recreationally Harvested Spotted Seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) From Alabama in 2007

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    Spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus), is a nonmigratory game fish common in the Gulf of Mexico that is important in estuarine ecosystems. Population dynamics of spotted seatrout were examined using otolith-based age-and-growth models derived from observed and back-calculated length-at-age values. These data were used to identify sex-based differences and annular variation. Recent growth was quantified, using marginal increment analysis for comparisons between sexes and the two major bays in Alabama (Mobile Bay and Mississippi Sound). Sex ratios were also compared for these locations. Our results show that females were larger than males and that fish collected in Mobile Bay were larger than those from Mississippi Sound. Combined data from both bays resulted in a sex ratio that approached 1 : 1; however, examination of each bay individually showed that the Mississippi Sound had a female-biased population and that Mobile Bay had a male-biased population. Differences in observed length-at-age measurements became evident between males and females by age 2 with females typically larger than males, whereas the maximum age for males was greater. The oldest females were age 5 and the oldest males were age 8. Compared to previous estimates of trout growth in Alabama, results showed an increase in the modal length of fish and increased growth rates. Results suggest faster growth of the fish in the current population and decreased harvest of larger fish compared to historic estimates. This may be indicative of ecosystem-wide changes in spotted seatrout populations and highlights the need to closely monitor this population

    Linking The Creative Process To Innovation Through Software-Enabled Activities

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    This research addresses what creativity is by presenting numerous different perspectives. It also offers a managerial vision on how to encourage creativity by using software features that currently exist in commonly used business applications that could enable more people to be creative more often. It is argued that currently there are many software features that can enable the execution of the primary tasks necessary to support and stimulate creativity and innovation. This paper presents a model that links the process for creativity to innovation, summarizes the software-enabled primary tasks, and illustrates how its structure produces innovation as the outcome. The result is a more efficient and effective link between creativity and innovation by using software as the catalyst

    La Web semántica y las tecnologías del lenguaje humano

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    The implementation of semantic web address the current represents a paradigm shift, as it has to be passed from a web-based and natural language created in a structured and organized web, where content will be semantically labeled the main element. This will represent a new philosophy and way of working, as the development and creation of content for this website require a great deal of effort. This is the point where they can speak human language technologies to provide mechanisms and tools to assist the implementation and expansion of this new paradigm

    Exploring the Relationship between Membership Turnover and Productivity in Online Communities

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    One of the more disruptive reforms associated with the modern Internet is the emergence of online communities working together on knowledge artefacts such as Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap. Recently it has become clear that these initiatives are vulnerable because of problems with membership turnover. This study presents a longitudinal analysis of 891 WikiProjects where we model the impact of member turnover and social capital losses on project productivity. By examining social capital losses we attempt to provide a more nuanced analysis of member turnover. In this context social capital is modelled from a social network perspective where the loss of more central members has more impact. We find that only a small proportion of WikiProjects are in a relatively healthy state with low levels of membership turnover and social capital losses. The results show that the relationship between social capital losses and project performance is U-shaped, and that member withdrawal has significant negative effect on project outcomes. The results also support the mediation of turnover rate and network density on the curvilinear relationship