13 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of segment routing technology in reducing the bandwidth and cloud resources provisioning times in network function virtualization architectures

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    Network Function Virtualization is a new technology allowing for a elastic cloud and bandwidth resource allocation. The technology requires an orchestrator whose role is the service and resource orchestration. It receives service requests, each one characterized by a Service Function Chain, which is a set of service functions to be executed according to a given order. It implements an algorithm for deciding where both to allocate the cloud and bandwidth resources and to route the SFCs. In a traditional orchestration algorithm, the orchestrator has a detailed knowledge of the cloud and network infrastructures and that can lead to high computational complexity of the SFC Routing and Cloud and Bandwidth resource Allocation (SRCBA) algorithm. In this paper, we propose and evaluate the effectiveness of a scalable orchestration architecture inherited by the one proposed within the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and based on the functional separation of an NFV orchestrator in Resource Orchestrator (RO) and Network Service Orchestrator (NSO). Each cloud domain is equipped with an RO whose task is to provide a simple and abstract representation of the cloud infrastructure. These representations are notified of the NSO that can apply a simplified and less complex SRCBA algorithm. In addition, we show how the segment routing technology can help to simplify the SFC routing by means of an effective addressing of the service functions. The scalable orchestration solution has been investigated and compared to the one of a traditional orchestrator in some network scenarios and varying the number of cloud domains. We have verified that the execution time of the SRCBA algorithm can be drastically reduced without degrading the performance in terms of cloud and bandwidth resource costs

    A framework for the joint placement of edge service infrastructure and User Plane Functions for 5G

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    Achieving less than 1 ms end-to-end communication latency, required for certain 5G services and use cases, is imposing severe technical challenges for the deployment of next-generation networks. To achieve such an ambitious goal, the service infrastructure and User Plane Function (UPF) placement at the network edge, is mandatory. However, this solution implies a substantial increase in deployment and operational costs. To cost-effectively solve this joint placement problem, this paper introduces a framework to jointly address the placement of edge nodes (ENs) and UPFs. Our framework proposal relies on Integer Linear Programming (ILP) and heuristic solutions. The main objective is to determine the ENs and UPFs’ optimal number and locations to minimize overall costs while satisfying the service requirements. To this aim, several parameters and factors are considered, such as capacity, latency, costs and site restrictions. The proposed solutions are evaluated based on different metrics and the obtained results showcase over 20% cost savings for the service infrastructure deployment. Moreover, the gap between the UPF placement heuristic and the optimal solution is equal to only one UPF in the worst cases, and a computation time reduction of over 35% is achieved in all the use cases studied.Postprint (author's final draft

    Cloud Services Brokerage for Mobile Ubiquitous Computing

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    Recently, companies are adopting Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) to efficiently deliver enterprise services to users (or consumers) on their personalized devices. MCC is the facilitation of mobile devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, notebooks, and smart watches) to access virtualized services such as software applications, servers, storage, and network services over the Internet. With the advancement and diversity of the mobile landscape, there has been a growing trend in consumer attitude where a single user owns multiple mobile devices. This paradigm of supporting a single user or consumer to access multiple services from n-devices is referred to as the Ubiquitous Cloud Computing (UCC) or the Personal Cloud Computing. In the UCC era, consumers expect to have application and data consistency across their multiple devices and in real time. However, this expectation can be hindered by the intermittent loss of connectivity in wireless networks, user mobility, and peak load demands. Hence, this dissertation presents an architectural framework called, Cloud Services Brokerage for Mobile Ubiquitous Cloud Computing (CSB-UCC), which ensures soft real-time and reliable services consumption on multiple devices of users. The CSB-UCC acts as an application middleware broker that connects the n-devices of users to the multi-cloud services. The designed system determines the multi-cloud services based on the user's subscriptions and the n-devices are determined through device registration on the broker. The preliminary evaluations of the designed system shows that the following are achieved: 1) high scalability through the adoption of a distributed architecture of the brokerage service, 2) providing soft real-time application synchronization for consistent user experience through an enhanced mobile-to-cloud proximity-based access technique, 3) reliable error recovery from system failure through transactional services re-assignment to active nodes, and 4) transparent audit trail through access-level and context-centric provenance

    SLA Violation Detection Model and SLA Assured Service Brokering (SLaB) in Multi-Cloud Architecture

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    Cloud brokering facilitates CSUs to find cloud services according to their requirements. In the current practice, CSUs or Cloud Service Brokers (CSBs) select cloud services according to SLA committed by CSPs in their website. In our observation, it is found that most of the CSPs do not fulfill the service commitment mentioned in the SLA agreement. Verified cloud service performances against their SLA commitment of CSPs provide an additional trust on CSBs to recommend services to the CSUs. In this thesis work, we propose a SLA assured service-brokering framework, which considers both committed and delivered SLA by CSPs in cloud service recommendation to the users. For the evaluation of the performance of CSPs, two evaluation techniques: Heat Map and IFL are proposed, which include both directly measurable and non-measurable parameters in the performance evaluation CSPs. These two techniques are implemented using real data measured from CSPs. The result shows that Heat Map technique is more transparent and consistent in CSP performance evaluation than IFL technique. In this work, regulatory compliance of the CSPs is also analyzed and visualized in performance heat map table to provide legal status of CSPs. Moreover, missing points in their terms of service and SLA document are analyzed and recommended to add in the contract document. In the revised European GPDR, DPIA is going to be mandatory for all organizations/tools. The decision recommendation tool developed using above mentioned evaluation techniques may cause potential harm to individuals in assessing data from multiple CSPs. So, DPIA is carried out to assess the potential harm/risks to individuals due to our tool and necessary precaution to be taken in the tool to minimize possible data privacy risks. It also analyzes the service pattern and future performance behavior of CSPs to help CSUs in decision making to select appropriate CSP

    Biometrics for internet‐of‐things security: A review

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    The large number of Internet‐of‐Things (IoT) devices that need interaction between smart devices and consumers makes security critical to an IoT environment. Biometrics offers an interesting window of opportunity to improve the usability and security of IoT and can play a significant role in securing a wide range of emerging IoT devices to address security challenges. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive survey on the current biometrics research in IoT security, especially focusing on two important aspects, authentication and encryption. Regarding authentication, contemporary biometric‐based authentication systems for IoT are discussed and classified based on different biometric traits and the number of biometric traits employed in the system. As for encryption, biometric‐cryptographic systems, which integrate biometrics with cryptography and take advantage of both to provide enhanced security for IoT, are thoroughly reviewed and discussed. Moreover, challenges arising from applying biometrics to IoT and potential solutions are identified and analyzed. With an insight into the state‐of‐the‐art research in biometrics for IoT security, this review paper helps advance the study in the field and assists researchers in gaining a good understanding of forward‐looking issues and future research directions

    Optimizing the Cloud Resources, Bandwidth and Deployment Costs in Multi-Providers Network Function Virtualization Environment

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    The introduction of network function virtualization (NFV) leads to a new business model in which the Telecommunication Service Provider needs to rent cloud resources to infrastructure provider (InP) at prices as low as possible. Lowest prices can be achieved if the cloud resources can be rented in advance by allocating long-term virtual machines (VM). This is in contrast with the short-term VMs that are rented on demand and have higher costs. For this reason, we propose a proactive solution in which the cloud resource rent is planned in advance based on peak traffic knowledge. We illustrate the problem of determining the cloud resources in cloud infrastructures managed by different InPs and so as to minimize the sum of cloud resource, bandwidth and deployment costs. We formulate an integer linear problem (ILP) and due to its complexity, we introduce an efficient heuristic approach allowing for a remarkable computational complexity reduction. We compare our solution to a reactive solution in which the cloud resources are rented on demand and dimensioned according to the current traffic. Though the proposed proactive solution needs more cloud and bandwidth resources due to its peak allocation, its total resources cost may be lower than the one achieved when a reactive solution is applied. That is a consequence of the higher cost of short-term VMs. For instance, when a reactive solution is applied with traffic variation times of ten minutes, our proactive solution allows for lower total costs when the long-term VM rent is lower than the short-term VM one by 33%

    Evaluation of data centre networks and future directions

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    Traffic forecasts predict a more than threefold increase in the global datacentre workload in coming years, caused by the increasing adoption of cloud and data-intensive applications. Consequently, there has been an unprecedented need for ultra-high throughput and minimal latency. Currently deployed hierarchical architectures using electronic packet switching technologies are costly and energy-inefficient. Very high capacity switches are required to satisfy the enormous bandwidth requirements of cloud datacentres and this limits the overall network scalability. With the maturity of photonic components, turning to optical switching in data centres is a viable option to accommodate greater bandwidth and network flexibility while potentially minimising the latency, cost and power consumption. Various DCN architectures have been proposed to date and this thesis includes a comparative analysis of such electronic and optical topologies to judge their suitability based on network performance parameters and cost/energy effectiveness, while identifying the challenges faced by recent DCN infrastructures. An analytical Layer 2 switching model is introduced that can alleviate the simulation scalability problem and evaluate the performance of the underlying DCN architecture. This model is also used to judge the variation in traffic arrival/offloading at the intermediate queueing stages and the findings are used to derive closed form expressions for traffic arrival rates and delay. The results from the simulated network demonstrate the impact of buffering and versubscription and reveal the potential bottlenecks and network design tradeoffs. TCP traffic forms the bulk of current DCN workload and so the designed network is further modified to include TCP flows generated from a realistic traffic generator for assessing the impact of Layer 4 congestion control on the DCN performance with standard TCP and datacentre specific TCP protocols (DCTCP). Optical DCN architectures mostly concentrate on core-tier switching. However, substantial energy saving is possible by introducing optics in the edge tiers. Hence, a new approach to optical switching is introduced using Optical ToR switches which can offer better delay performance than commodity switches of similiar size, while having far less power dissipation. An all-optical topology has been further outlined for the efficient implementation of the optical switch meeting the future scalability demands

    Modelling, Dimensioning and Optimization of 5G Communication Networks, Resources and Services

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    This reprint aims to collect state-of-the-art research contributions that address challenges in the emerging 5G networks design, dimensioning and optimization. Designing, dimensioning and optimization of communication networks resources and services have been an inseparable part of telecom network development. The latter must convey a large volume of traffic, providing service to traffic streams with highly differentiated requirements in terms of bit-rate and service time, required quality of service and quality of experience parameters. Such a communication infrastructure presents many important challenges, such as the study of necessary multi-layer cooperation, new protocols, performance evaluation of different network parts, low layer network design, network management and security issues, and new technologies in general, which will be discussed in this book


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