112 research outputs found

    Flight Deck Centered Cost Efficient 4d Trajectory Planning

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2015Hava trafik yönetimi teknolojilerindeki mevcut sistemlerin dönüşümü göz önüne alındığında, gelecek uçuş operasyonlarının ve kokpit içi sistemlerin yeni aviyonik sistemlere ve operasyonel prosedürlere ihtiyaç duyacağını söylemek mümkündür. Özellikle adaptif algoritmalar ve gelişmiş karar destek sistemleri bu ihtiyaçların temelini oluşturmaktadır. Bu konseptlerin hayata geçirilmesi Hava Trafik Yönetimi kapsamında görevlerin ve sorumlulukların değişmesinde büyük rol oynayacaktır. En iyi karar yeri, en iyi karar zamanı ve en iyi karar veren bu bağlamda temel faktörlerdir. Örneğin; kontrolcüler hava trafiğini yönetmede yüksek derecede rol sahibi olacak ve bireysel rotalara müdahale sayısını azaltacaklardır. Pilotlar uçuş esnasında daha aktif olacak; çevreyi gözlemleme ve yönetme, seçenekleri analiz ete veya gerektiği durumda ayırma manevrası uygulama gibi önemli görevlerde daha çok görev alacaktır. Uçuş ekibinin rolündeki bu değişimler mevcut görevlerin yeniden tanımlanmasına gidilmesinin yanı sıra insan faktörü performansını da etkileyecektir. Geleceğin kokpit içi sistemlerinde uçuş ekibinin bu yeni görevleri başarıyla gerçekleştirmesini sağlayan yeni nesil cihazlar ve algoritmalar gerekecektir.  Bu tez kapsamında yapılan ilk çalışma, yeni nesil sentetik vizyon ve artırılmış gerçeklik tabanlı görselleştirme teknolojileri kullanılarak görsel kokpit içi karar destek araçları ve arayüzleri tasarımıdır. Dizayn edilen bu araçların NextGen ve SESAR 2020+ programlarında tanımlanmış gelecek uçuş operasyonlarının gereksinimlerini karşılaması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu aviyonik sistemler ile pilotların niyet paylaşımı/pazarlığı ile işbirlikçi taktiksel planlama, çözümleri alternatifleri ile birlikte tam olarak anlama/analiz etme/yorumlama ve yeni çözüm önerme gibi uçuş operasyonlarında desteklenmesi vizyonlanmıştır. Ek olarak, gerekli cevabın farkında olma, uygulama veya çarpışma önleyici sisteme otomasyon yetkisi verme gibi görevlerde de karar destek sağlanması hedeflenmiştir. Görsel karar destek sistemleri uçuş ekibinin yeni otonom sistemler ile etkileşimini ve tüm taktiksel veriyi görselleştirerek içinde bulunulan durumu veya gelişmekte olan uçuş operasyonunu anlaşılır olmasını mümkün kılmaktadır. Bu proje kapsamında iki farklı görsel yapı sunulmaktadır. Kokpitin Primary Flight Display bölgesinde yer alan sentetik vizyon ekran çifti pilotların 4D ortamda durum farkındalığı ile düşük ve yüksek seviyede taktiksel görevleri yönetmesini sağlamaktadır. SVD kısmı pilota yapay görsellik sağlamakla beraber gerekli güdüm, uçuş ve kısıtlı seviyede operasyonel bilgileri içermektedir. Tunnel-in-the-sky konsepti ile pilot, odaklanılan veya karar verilen rotayı tüneller aracılığıyla manuel olarak takip edebilir. Bununla beraber standart sentetik vizyon (sanal gerçeklik) ekranı fonksiyonlarını da kullanabilir. İrtifa ve hız bilgileri, radar frekans değerleri, harita ve yükselti bilgisi, hava koşulları gibi temel uçuş operasyonu verisi bu ekranda gösterilmektedir. 4D Operasyonel Ekranı (4DOD) operasyon durumu ile ilgili farkındalığı artırmak ve uçuş niyeti üzerindeki modifikasyonları göstermek üzere yüksek seviyede operasyonel bilgileri sağlamaktadır. Pilot, hem kendi yörüngesini kontrol edebilmekte hem de trafikteki uçaklara ait rotaları izleyebilmektedir. Aynı zamanda ileriye dönük hızlandırılmış simulasyon fonksiyonu da bulunmaktadır. Kokpitin veri bağlantısı üzerinden yer ile rota ve uçuş planı paylaşımı sürecinin yönetilmesi bu ekran aracılığıyla olmaktadır. Haptik arayüzler ile uçuş ekibi gösterilen bilgileri ve görselleri 2D+zaman ve 3D+zaman boyutunda yönetebilmektedir. Sentetik vizyon ve 4DOD ekran çiftine paralel olarak pilotun görüş hizası üzerine inşa edilmiş Head-up Display (HUD)bulunmaktadır. HUD aracılığıyla pilot benzer şekilde temel uçuş durum bilgilerini aşağıya bakma gereği duymadan izleyebilmekte, tunnel-in-the-sky konsepti sayesinde hedef yörüngeyi tüneller arasından uçmaya çalışarak takip edebilmektedir. Bu görsel karar destek sistemleri ve algoritmalarının donanım olarak entegrasyonu, Boeing 737-800 uçuş simulatörü üzerinde gerçekleşmiştir. Sentetik vizyon ve 4DOD ekran çifti Primary Flight Display (PFD) monitörleri üzerinde çizdirilmiştir. Head-up Display (HUD), kaptan pilot ile ön cam arasına yerleştirilmiştir. Özel bir film kullanılarak görüntü arkadan mini-projeksiyon cihazı aracılığıyla yansıtılmıştır. Her bir görsel karar destek sistemi simulatörün ağına bağlanmış olup veri akışını kontrol eden ve yöneten algoritmalar düzenlenmiştir. Uçuş simulatörü, Hava Trafik Kontrolü test ortamı ile birleştirilerek geliştirilen yeni nesil aviyonik konseptlerinin uçuş operasyonları üzerindeki etkileri resmedilmiştir. Hava Trafik Kontrolü test ortamı trafik ve hava durumu tasarlayıcı, Hava Trafik Kontrol ekranları ve kontrolörün davranışının benzetim çalışmalarını yapan modellerden oluşmaktadır. Test ortamı aynı zamanda ALLFT+ tabanlı geçmiş uçuşlara ait gerçek veri kullanarak önceden belirlenmiş veya düzenlenebilen senaryoların oynatılmasını sağlamaktadır. Trafik ve hava durumu tasarlayıcı modül Demand Data Repository veritabanı üzerinden beslenen havaalanı ve hava sahası kapasite bilgilerini ve Aeronautical Information Publication'dan gelen operasyonel bilgileri içermektedir. Benzer şekilde, modifiye edilmiş senaryolar veya geçmiş hava durumu bilgileri METAR verisi üzerinden aktarılmaktadır. Test ortamı günümüz hava trafik kontrol ekranları, ses ile iletişim, otonom veya karar destekli kontrol operasyonlarını ifade eden modeller aracılığı ile hem günümüz operasyonlara hem de geleceğe yönelik çalışmalara ait senaryoları koşabilmektedir.  Projenin ikinci aşaması ve ana amacı ise taktiksel 4D yörünge planlaması ve otomasyon araçları ile donatılmış uçak için "conflict resolution", ya da potansiyel çarpışma önleyici ve bunu otonom olarak yapan sistemler için teorik çerçeve tasarlanmasıdır. Yoğun trafik ortamında veya yeni rota hesaplanması gibi durumlarda yerden bağımsız, uçak üzerinde ve otonom olarak hem gerçeklenebilir, hem de maliyeti düşük rotaların üretilmesi istenmektedir. Önerilen 4D yörünge planlama metodu hem olasılıksal hem de deterministik algoritmaların yeni özelliklerini içermekle beraber iki yöntemin de başarılı taraflarını birleştirmektedir. Uçak performans modeli ise yörünge tayini için gerekli bir bileşen olup BADA 4 üzerinden sağlanmaktadır. Uçağın kinodinamik modellemesinde standart yörünge uygulamalarında kullanılan 3-serbestlik dereceli veya diğer adıyla nokta kütle hareket modeli kullanılmıştır. Bu modelde uçağın hali hazırda kendi içerisinde kararlı ve kontrol edilebilir olduğu kabul edilip, takip ettiği yörünge ile ilgilenilmektedir. Uçağa etkiyen kuvvetlerin veya uçak performansının modellenmesi EUROCONTROL'ün bir ürünü olan Base of Aircraft Data (BADA) aracılığıyla yapılmıştır. Projede son sürüm olan BADA 4 kullanılmıştır. Bu versiyon, öncekilerden farklı olarak uçağa etkiyen kuvvetleri uçağın durumları ve atmosfer koşullarına bağlı olarak parametrik ifade etmektedir. Teknik altyapısını Boeing'in sağladığı bu veritabanı, gelişmiş modellemeleri sayesinde nominal değerlerin üzerine çıkarak parametre öngörmesi ve optimizasyon gibi işlemleri yapılabilir kılmaktadır. Oluşturulan bu performans modeli yüksek-seviye hibrid uçuş kalıpları otomatları ve alçak-seviye manevra otomatlarını kapsamaktadır. Bu modellemedeki amaç, uçak hareketini tırmanma, seyir ve alçalma şeklinde üç farklı kalıp altında toplamaktır. Her bir uçuş kalıbı kendine özel manevra sekansı içermektedir. BADA 4 matematiksel modelleri aracılığıyla her bir uçuş kalıbı için tanımlı manevra sekansını düşük maliyet ile gerçekleştiren parametreler öngörülmüştür. Esasında bu problem, bir uçağın başlangıç ve bitiş olarak verilen iki nokta arasında en düşük maliyetli rotayı takip etmesi problemidir. Uçak denklemlerinin ve kısıtlamaların lineer olarak ifade edilememesi, bu problemin tek bir seferde global olarak çözülmesini zorlaştırmaktadır. Ek olarak bu modülün uçak üzerinde çalışacağı düşünülecek olursa bu hesaplamaların çok kısa zaman aralıklarında gerçekleşmesi beklenmektedir. Çok-modlu yaklaşım sayesinde kompleks olan yörünge planlama problemini global olarak çözmek yerine lokal ve düşük maliyetli yörüngeler tayin edilmektedir. Bu noktadaki dezavantaj ise yaklaşımın verdiği çözümün optimum değerden uzaklaşmasıdır.  Daha üst seviyede ise hesaplanan düşük maliyetli lokal rota parçaları oluşturan ve uzayı tarayan RRT* algoritması kullanılmıştır. RRT*,örnekleme tabanlı bir hareket planlama algoritması olup hava sahasını keşfetmeye çalışarak lokal yörünge segmentleri üzerinden ayırma yapmaktadır. İlk adım olarak uzayda bir konum örnekleyip, ardından uçuş kalıpları ve gelişmiş performans modelini kullanarak uçağı bu noktaya düşük maliyet ile getirmeye çalışmaktadır. Örneklenen konuma, mesafe olarak ağaçta hali hazırda bulunan en yakın konumdan bağlanmaya çalışılır. Bu, arama uzayının hızlı ve ilerleyerek keşfedilmesinin temelidir. Lokal maliyetlerin yanında başlangıç konumundan itibaren harcanan maliyet de hesaba katıldığı için ağaç sürekli olarak toplam maliyeti düşük olan uçuş segmenti sekanslarını üreterek büyür. Önceden belirlenmiş örnekleme sayısına ulaşıldığında algoritma durur. Kullanılan algoritma aynı zamanda belirli koşullar altında asimptotik optimalliği sağlamaktadır. Asimptotik optimallik, örnekleme sayısı sonsuza yaklaştıkça problemin optimal çözüme yakınsama özelliğidir. RRT* aynı zamanda olasılıksal bütünlüğü sağlamaktadır: Örnekleme sayısı sonsuza yaklaştıkça çözüm bulma olasılığı 1'e yakınsamaktadır. Bunlara ek olarak, örnekleme için cross-entropy yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntem ile örnekleme problemi stokastik optimizasyon problemine dönüştürülerek hızlı bir şekilde minimum maliyetli yörünge sekansı oluşturulmuştur. Akıllı örnekleme yapılırken halihazırdaki uçuş planları kullanılmış, dolayısıyla örnekleme sayısının düşük tutulabilmesi sağlanmıştır. Standart rastgele örnekler almak yerine daha akıllı örnekleme yapmak, optimum sonuca daha çabuk ulaşılmasını sağlamıştır. Ancak, her adımda oluşturulan küme içinden ağırlıklandırması yüksek olan elit set çekildiği için hesaplama yükü artmıştır.  Proje kapsamında hem Avrupa'nın hem Amerika'nın hava trafik yönetimi konusunda yaptığı kapsamlı araştırmalar incelenmiş ve buradaki trendler takip edilmiştir. Hava trafik yönetiminde kapasiteyi artırmak üzere yer kontrolcülerinin görevlerini daha çok genel akışı yönetmesi vizyonlanmış; pilotların ise daha çok aktif rol aldığı bir dünya çizilmiştir. Pilotlara karar vermelerinde destek olacak görsel sistemler tasarlanmış, yer ile uçağın aynı anda işbirlikçi bir biçimde uçuş operasyonunu yönettiği konseptler eklenmiştir. Bunların yanında çarpışmaları gözleyen ve gerektiği durumda otonom ayırma yapabilen sistemler için algoritma tasarlanmıştır. Geleceğin hava trafik koşullaru vizyonlanarak göz önünde bulundurulmuş, önerilen yöntemin hem bugünün hem de geleceğin hava trafik yönetim sistemine katkı sağlaması amaçlanmıştır.Considering the transformation in roles of existing air traffic management technologies, future flight operations and flight deck systems will need additional avionics and operational procedures that involve adaptive algorithms and advanced decision support tools.  The first part of the thesis presents novel visual flight deck decision support tools and interfaces utilizing next generation synthetic vision and augmented reality based visualisation technologies in order to meet the requirements of the future flight operations defined in NextGen and SESAR 2020+ visions. These avionics are envisioned to aid pilots for conducting their new in-flight tasks such as; collaborative tactical planning with intent negotiation/sharing; fully understanding/analysing/interpreting solution with their alternatives and proposing modification on the solution subject to negotiation; and aware of required response, execute it or allow collision avoidance module to perform its automated response. Visual Decision Support Tools allow the flight crew to interact with new autonomous systems and provide with visual understanding on the evolving flight operation by fusing all tactical level data and visualising them. In this work, two groups of display structure have been proposed. A split head-down \textit{Synthetic Vision} screen pair aims to support the pilots in managing both low level and high level tactical tasks with fully understanding the situation in 4D. Synthetic Vision Display (SVD) side provides the pilots synthetic vision and also incorporates required additional guidance and limited operational information. 4D Operational Display (4DOD) provides higher level operational information giving building enhanced understanding on the states of the operation and results of any modification on processing flight intent. Haptic interfaces allow the flight crew to change demonstrated detail levels in both 2D+time and 3D+time. The other display, which is \textit{Head-Up-Display (HUD)}, provides pilot to efficiently operate flight operation by eliminating the need of looking to head-down screen; and aims to present all essential flight information in the pilot's forward field through augmented reality implementations. For hardware integration and experimental purposes, an integrated testbed including full replica B737-800 Flight Deck Testbed and ATM Testbed has been modified as enabling operational tests and validations of these new tools. The main purpose of this study is to provide a theoretical framework for tactical 4D-trajectory planning and conflict resolution of an aircraft equipped with novel automation tools. The proposed 4D-trajectory-planning method uses recent algorithmic advances in both probabilistic and deterministic methods to fully benefit from both approaches. We have constructed an aircraft performance model based on BADA 4 with high-level hybrid flight template automatons and low-level flight maneuver automatons. This multi-modal flight trajectory approach is utilized to generate cost-efficient local trajectory segments instead of solving complex trajectory-generation problems globally. The proposed sampling-based trajectory planning algorithm spatially explores the airspace and provides proper separation through local trajectory segments and guarantees asymptotic optimality under certain conditions. Moreover, we have integrated the cross-entropy method, which transforms the sampling problem into a stochastic optimization problem, rapidly converges on the minimum cost trajectory sequence by utilizing available flight plans, and reduces the amount of sampling. The integration of the proposed strategies lets us solve challenging, real-time in-tactical 4D-trajectory planning problems within the current and the envisioned future realm of air traffic management systems.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Aircraft Trajectory Planning Considering Ensemble Forecasting of Thunderstorms

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorConvective weather poses a major threat that compromises the safe operation of flights while inducing delay and cost. The aircraft trajectory planning problem under thunderstorm evolution is addressed in this thesis, proposing two novel heuristic approaches that incorporate uncertainties in the evolution of convective cells. In this context, two additional challenges are faced. On the one hand, studies have demonstrated that given the computational power available nowadays, the best way to characterize weather uncertainties is through ensemble forecasting products, hence compatibility with them is crucial. On the other hand, for the algorithms to be used during a flight, they must be fast and deliver results in a few seconds. As a first methodology, three variants of the Scenario-Based Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees (SB-RRTs) are proposed. Each of them builds a tree to explore the free airspace during an iterative and random process. The so-called SB-RRT, the SB-RRT∗ and the Informed SB-RRT∗ find point-to-point safe trajectories by meeting a user-defined safety threshold. Additionally, the last two techniques converge to solutions of minimum flight length. In a second instance, the Augmented Random Search (ARS) algorithm is used to sample trajectories from a directed graph and deform them iteratively in the search for an optimal path. The aim of such deformations is to adapt the initial graph to the unsafe set and its possible changes. In the end, the ARS determines the population of trajectories that, on average, minimizes a combination of flight time, time in storms, and fuel consumption Both methodologies are tested considering a dynamic model of an aircraft flying between two waypoints at a constant flight level. Test scenarios consist of realistic weather forecasts described by an ensemble of equiprobable members. Moreover, the influence of relevant parameters, such as the maximum number of iterations, safety margin (in SB-RRTs) or relative weights between objectives (in ARS) is analyzed. Since both algorithms and their convergence processes are random, sensitivity analyses are conducted to show that after enough iterations the results match. Finally, through parallelization on graphical processing units, the required computational times are reduced substantially to become compatible with near real-time operation. In either case, results show that the suggested approaches are able to avoid dangerous and uncertain stormy regions, minimize objectives such as time of flight, flown distance or fuel consumption and operate in less than 10 seconds.Los fenómenos convectivos representan una gran amenaza que compromete la seguridad de los vuelos, a la vez que incrementa los retrasos y costes. En esta tesis se aborda el problema de la planificación de vuelos bajo la influencia de tormentas, proponiendo dos nuevos métodos heurísticos que incorporan incertidumbre en la evolución de las células convectivas. En este contexto, se intentará dar respuesta a dos desafíos adicionales. Por un lado, hay estudios que demuestran que, con los recursos computacionales disponibles hoy en día, la mejor manera de caracterizar la incertidumbre meteorológica es mediante productos de tipo “ensemble”. Por tanto, la compatibilidad con ellos es crucial. Por otro lado, para poder emplear los algoritmos durante el vuelo, deben de ser rápidos y obtener resultados en pocos segundos. Como primera aproximación, se proponen tres variantes de los “Scenario-Based Rapidly-Exploring Random Trees” (SB-RRTs). Cada uno de ellos crea un árbol que explora el espacio seguro durante un proceso iterativo y aleatorio. Los denominados SB-RRT, SB-RRT∗ e Informed SB-RRT∗ calculan trayectorias entre dos puntos respetando un margen de seguridad impuesto por el usuario. Además, los dos últimos métodos convergen en soluciones de mínima distancia de vuelo. En segundo lugar, el algoritmo “Augmented Random Search” (ARS) se utiliza para muestrear trajectorias de un grafo dirigido y deformarlas iterativamente en busca del camino óptimo. El fin de tales deformaciones es adaptar el grafo inicial a las zonas peligrosas y a los cambios que puedan sufrir. Finalmente, el ARS calcula aquella población de trayectorias que, de media, minimiza una combinación del tiempo de vuelo, el tiempo en zonas tormentosas y el consumo de combustible. Ambas metodologías se testean considerando un modelo de avión volando punto a punto a altitud constante. Los casos de prueba se basan en datos meteorológicos realistas formados por un grupo de predicciones equiprobables. Además, se analiza la influencia de los parámetros más importantes como el máximo número de iteraciones, el margen de seguridad (en SB-RRTs) o los pesos relativos de cada objetivo (en ARS). Como ambos algoritmos y sus procesos de convergencia son aleatorios, se realizan análisis de sensibilidad para mostrar que, tras suficientes iteraciones, los resultados coinciden. Por último, mediante técnicas de paralelización en procesadores gráficos, se reducen enormemente los tiempos de cálculo, siendo compatibles con una operación en tiempo casi-real. En ambos casos los resultados muestran que los algoritmos son capaces de evitar zonas inciertas de tormenta, minimizar objetivos como el tiempo de vuelo, la distancia recorrida o el consumo de combustible, en menos de 10 segundos de ejecución.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Aeroespacial por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Ernesto Staffetti Giammaria.- Secretario: Alfonso Valenzuela Romero.- Vocal: Valentin Polishchu

    Coordination on Systems of Multiple UAVs

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    Esta tesis trata acerca de métodos para coordinar las trayectorias de un sistema de Vehículos Aéreos no Tripulados y Autónomos (en adelante UAVs). El primer conjunto de técnicas desarrolladas durante la tesis se agrupan dentro de las técnicas de planificación de trayectorias. En este caso, el objetivo es generar planes de vuelo para un conjunto de vehículos coordinadamente de forma que no se produzcan colisiones entre ellos. Además, este tipo de técnicas puede usarse para modificar el plan de vuelo de un subconjunto de UAVs en tiempo real. Entre los algoritmos desarrollados en la tesis podemos destacar la adaptación de algoritmos evolutivos como los Algoritmos Genéticos y el Particle Swarm (Enjambre de Partículas), la incorporación de nuevas formas de muestreo del espacio para la aplicación del algoritmo Optimal Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRT*) en sistemas multi-UAV usando técnicas de muestreo novedosas. También se ha estudiado el comportamiento de parte de estos algoritmos en situaciones variables de incertidumbre del estado del sistema. En particular, se propone el uso del Filtro de Partículas para estimar la posición relativa entre varios UAVs. Además, se estudia la aplicación de métodos reactivos para la resolución de colisiones en tiempo real. Esta tesis propone un nuevo algoritmo para la resolución de colisiones entre múltiples UAVs en presencia de obstáculos fijos llamado G-ORCA. Este algoritmo soluciona varios problemas que han surgido al aplicar el algoritmo ORCA en su variante 3D en sistemas compuestos por vehículos reales. Su seguridad se ha demostrado tanto analíticamente, como empíricamente en pruebas con sistemas reales. De hecho, durante esta tesis numerosos experimentos en sistemas multi-UAV reales compuestos hasta por 4 UAVs han sido ejecutados. En dichos experimentos, se realiza una coordinación autónoma de UAVs en las que se asegura la ejecución de trayectorias libres de colisiones garantizando por tanto la seguridad del sistema. Una característica reseñable de esta tesis es que los algoritmos desarrollados han sido probados e integrados en sistemas más complejos que son usados en aplicaciones reales. En primer lugar, se presenta un sistema para aumentar la duración del vuelo de planeadores aprovechando las corrientes ascendentes de viento generadas por el calor (térmicas). En segundo lugar, un sistema de detección y resolución de colisiones coordinado para sistemas con múltiples UAVs reactivo ha sido diseñado, desarrollado y probado experimentalmente. Este sistema ha sido integrado dentro de un sistema automático de construcción de estructuras mediante múltiples UAVs.The aim of this thesis is to propose methods to coordinately generate trajectories for a system of Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The first set of proposed techniques developed in this thesis can be defined as trajectory planning techniques. In this case, the objective is to generate coordinated flight plans for a system of UAVs in such a way that no collision are produced among each pair of UAVs. Besides, these techniques can be applied online in order to modify the original flight plan whenever a potential collision is detected. Amongst the developed algorithms in this thesis we can highlight the adaptation of evolutionary algorithms such as Genetic Algorithms and Particle Swarm, and the application of Optimal Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRT*) algorithm into a system of several UAVs with novel sampling techniques. In addition, many of these techniques have been adapted in order to be applicable when only uncertain knowledge of the state of the system is available. In particular, the use of the Particle Filter is proposed in order to estimate the relative position between UAVs. The estimation of the position as well as the uncertainty related to this estimation are then taken into account in the conflict resolution system. All techniques proposed in this thesis have been validated by performing several simulated and real tests. For this purpose, a method for randomly generating a huge test batch is presented in chapter 3. This will allow to test the behavior of the proposed methods in a great variety of situations. During the thesis, several real experimentations with fleets composed by up to four UAVs are presented. In these experiments, the UAVs in the system are automatically coordinated in order to ensure collision-free trajectories and thus guarantee the safety of the system. The other main topic of this thesis is the application of reactive methods for real-time conflict resolution. This thesis proposes a novel algorithm for collision resolution amongst multiple UAVs in the presence of static obstacles, which has been called Generalized-Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance (G-ORCA). This algorithm overcomes several issues that have been detected into the algorithm 3D-ORCA in real applications. A remarkable characteristic of this thesis is that the developed algorithms have been applied as a part of more complex systems. First, a coordinated system for flight endurance extension of gliding aircrafts by profiting the ascending wind is presented. Second, a reactive collision avoidance block has been designed, developed and tested experimentally based in the aforementioned G-ORCA algorithm. This block has been integrated into a system for assembly construction with multiple UAVs


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    Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) worldwide have been making a considerable effort for the development of a better method for planning optimal airspace capacity, efficiency, and safety. These goals require separation and sequencing of aircraft before they depart. Prior approaches have tactically achieved these goals to some extent. However, dealing with increasingly congested airspace and new environmental factors with high levels of uncertainty still remains the challenge when deterministic approach is used. Hence due to the nature of uncertainties, we take a stochastic approach and propose a suite of analytics models for (1) Flight Time Prediction, (2) Aircraft Trajectory Clustering, (3) Aircraft Trajectory Prediction, and (4) Aircraft Conflict Detection and Resolution long before aircraft depart. The suite of data-driven models runs on a scalable Data Management System that continuously processes streaming massive flight data to achieve the strategic airspace planning for optimal capacity, efficiency, and safety. (1) Flight Time Prediction. Unlike other systems that collect and use features only for the arrival airport to build a data-driven model for predicting flight times, we use a richer set of features along the potential route, such as weather parameters and air traffic data in addition to those that are particular to the arrival airport. Our feature engineering process generates an extensive set of multidimensional time series data which goes through Time Series Clustering with Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) to generate a single set of representative features at each time instance. The features are fed into various regression and deep learning models and the best performing models with most accurate ETA predictions are selected. Evaluations on extensive set of real trajectory, weather, and airport data in Europe verify our prediction system generates more accurate ETAs with far less variance than those of European ANSP, EUROCONTROL’s. This translates to more accurately predicted flight arrival times, enabling airlines to make more cost-effective ground resource allocation and ANSPs to make more efficient flight scheduling. (2) Aircraft Trajectory Clustering. The novel divide-cluster-merge; DICLERGE system clusters aircraft trajectories by dividing them into the three standard major flight phases: climb, en-route, and descent. Trajectory segments in each phase are clustered in isolation, then merged together. Our unique approach also discovers a representative trajectory, the model for the entire trajectory set. (3) Aircraft Trajectory Prediction. Our approach considers airspace as a 3D grid network, where each grid point is a location of a weather observation. We hypothetically build cubes around these grid points, so the entire airspace can be considered as a set of cubes. Each cube is defined by its centroid, the original grid point, and associated weather parameters that remain homogeneous within the cube during a period of time. Then, we align raw trajectories to a set of cube centroids which are basically fixed 3D positions independent of trajectory data. This creates a new form of trajectories which are 4D joint cubes, where each cube is a segment that is associated with not only spatio-temporal attributes but also with weather parameters. Next, we exploit machine learning techniques to train inference models from historical data and apply a stochastic model, a Hidden Markov Model (HMM), to predict trajectories taking environmental uncertainties into account. During the process, we apply time series clustering to generate input observations from an excessive set of weather parameters to feed into the Viterbi algorithm. The experiments use a real trajectory dataset with pertaining weather observations and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to the trajectory prediction process for Air Traffic Management. (4) Aircraft Conflict Detection. We propose a novel data-driven system to address a long-range aircraft conflict detection and resolution (CDR) problem. Given a set of predicted trajectories, the system declares a conflict when a protected zone of an aircraft on its trajectory is infringed upon by another aircraft. The system resolves the conflict by prescribing an alternative solution that is optimized by perturbing at least one of the trajectories involved in the conflict. To achieve this, the system learns from descriptive patterns of historical trajectories and pertinent weather observations and builds a Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Using a variant of the Viterbi algorithm, the system avoids the airspace volume in which the conflict is detected and generates a new optimal trajectory that is conflict-free. The key concept upon which the system is built is the assumption that the airspace is nothing more than a horizontally and vertically concatenated set of spatio-temporal data cubes where each cube is considered as an atomic unit. We evaluate the system using real trajectory datasets with pertinent weather observations from two continents and demonstrate its effectiveness for strategic CDR. Overall, in this thesis, we develop a suite of analytics models and algorithms to accurately identify current patterns in the massive flight data and use these patterns to predict future behaviors in the airspace. Upon prediction of a non-ideal outcome, we prescribe a solution to plan airspace for optimal capacity, efficiency, and safety

    Machine Learning-Enhanced Aircraft Landing Scheduling under Uncertainties

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    This paper addresses aircraft delays, emphasizing their impact on safety and financial losses. To mitigate these issues, an innovative machine learning (ML)-enhanced landing scheduling methodology is proposed, aiming to improve automation and safety. Analyzing flight arrival delay scenarios reveals strong multimodal distributions and clusters in arrival flight time durations. A multi-stage conditional ML predictor enhances separation time prediction based on flight events. ML predictions are then integrated as safety constraints in a time-constrained traveling salesman problem formulation, solved using mixed-integer linear programming (MILP). Historical flight recordings and model predictions address uncertainties between successive flights, ensuring reliability. The proposed method is validated using real-world data from the Atlanta Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC ZTL). Case studies demonstrate an average 17.2% reduction in total landing time compared to the First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) rule. Unlike FCFS, the proposed methodology considers uncertainties, instilling confidence in scheduling. The study concludes with remarks and outlines future research directions

    A method of ATFCM based on trajectory based operations.

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    This thesis describes a method towards a more proactive approach for Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) Demand and Capacity Balancing (DCB). This new ATFCM DCB method focuses on reducing the expected Air Traffic Control (ATC) Separation Management (SM) tactical interventions. It is based on the identification of “hotspots” and mitigating them at pre-flight phase by applying minor adjustments on aircraft’s Times of Arrivals (TOAs) at points of conflict located at en-route crossing and merging junctions (hotspots). The adjustments of TOAs are achieved through optimal speed changes in aircraft speed profiles, applied before and after each junction whilst maintaining each aircraft’s flight time and the entropy of the whole traffic network. The approach postulates that the TOA adjustments may be transformed into a pre-tactical ATFCM DCB measure. This can be achieved by translating TOA adjustments into time constraints at junctions, issued by the Network Manager (NM) in the Reference Business Trajectories (RBTs) to produce de-randomized and well-behaved (conflict free) traffic scenarios to reduce the probability of conflicts. Several real high-density scenarios of the current and forecasted traffic in European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) airspace network are simulated using specialized modelling tools to validate the method. A novel Linear Programming (LP) optimisation model is formulated and used to compute optimal speed changes that remove all conflicts in the scenarios with minimum cascading effect. This method should enable a reduction in ATC workload, leading to improvements in airspace capacity, flight and network efficiency as well as safety. This approach is fully aligned to Trajectory Based Operation (TBO) principles. As a holistic solution, this new ATFCM DCB method should change the conventional capacity-limiting factor, currently established by the number of aircraft simultaneously entering each sector (sector count) to another factor where the level of traffic complexity, flying towards junctions is identified and mitigated at pre-flight phase.PhD in Aerospac

    Applications of stochastic modeling in air traffic management : Methods, challenges and opportunities for solving air traffic problems under uncertainty

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    In this paper we provide a wide-ranging review of the literature on stochastic modeling applications within aviation, with a particular focus on problems involving demand and capacity management and the mitigation of air traffic congestion. From an operations research perspective, the main techniques of interest include analytical queueing theory, stochastic optimal control, robust optimization and stochastic integer programming. Applications of these techniques include the prediction of operational delays at airports, pre-tactical control of aircraft departure times, dynamic control and allocation of scarce airport resources and various others. We provide a critical review of recent developments in the literature and identify promising research opportunities for stochastic modelers within air traffic management

    Resource-Constrained Airline Ground Operations: Optimizing Schedule Recovery under Uncertainty

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    Die zentrale europäische Verkehrsflusssteuerung (englisch: ATFM) und Luftverkehrsgesellschaften (englisch: Airlines) verwenden unterschiedliche Paradigmen für die Priorisierung von Flügen. Während ATFM jeden Flug als individuelle Einheit betrachtet, um die Kapazitätsauslastung aller Sektoren zu steuern, bewerten Airlines jeden Flug als Teilabschnitt eines Flugzeugumlaufes, eines Crew-Einsatzplanes bzw. einer Passagierroute. Infolgedessen sind ATFM-Zeitfenster für Flüge in Kapazitätsengpässen oft schlecht auf die Ressourcenabhängigkeiten innerhalb eines Airline-Netzwerks abgestimmt, sodass die Luftfahrzeug-Bodenabfertigung – als Verbindungselement bzw. Bruchstelle zwischen einzelnen Flügen im Netzwerk – als Hauptverursacher primärer und reaktionärer Verspätungen in Europa gilt. Diese Dissertation schließt die Lücke zwischen beiden Paradigmen, indem sie ein integriertes Optimierungsmodell für die Flugplanwiederherstellung entwickelt. Das Modell ermöglicht Airlines die Priorisierung zwischen Flügen, die von einem ATFM-Kapazitätsengpass betroffen sind, und berücksichtigt dabei die begrenzte Verfügbarkeit von Abfertigungsressourcen am Flughafen. Weiterhin werden verschiedene Methoden untersucht, um die errechneten Flugprioritäten vertraulich innerhalb von kooperativen Lösungsverfahren mit externen Stakeholdern austauschen zu können. Das integrierte Optimierungsmodell ist eine Erweiterung des Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems und integriert das Bodenprozessmanagement von Luftfahrzeugen mit bestehenden Ansätzen für die Steuerung von Flugzeugumläufen, Crew-Einsatzplänen und Passagierrouten. Das Modell soll der Verkehrsleitzentrale einer Airline als taktische Entscheidungsunterstützung dienen und arbeitet dabei mit einer Vorlaufzeit von mehr als zwei Stunden bis zur nächsten planmäßigen Verkehrsspitze. Systemimmanente Unsicherheiten über Prozessabweichungen und mögliche zukünftige Störungen werden in der Optimierung in Form von stochastischen Prozesszeiten und mittels des neu-entwickelten Konzeptes stochastischer Verspätungskostenfunktionen berücksichtigt. Diese Funktionen schätzen die Kosten der Verspätungsausbreitung im Airline-Netzwerk flugspezifisch auf der Basis historischer Betriebsdaten ab, sodass knappe Abfertigungsressourcen am Drehkreuz der Airline den kritischsten Flugzeugumläufen zugeordnet werden können. Das Modell wird innerhalb einer Fallstudie angewendet, um die taktischen Kosten einer Airline in Folge von verschiedenen Flugplanstörungen zu minimieren. Die Analyseergebnisse zeigen, dass die optimale Lösung sehr sensitiv in Bezug auf die Art, den Umfang und die Intensität einer Störung reagiert und es folglich keine allgemeingültige optimale Flugplanwiederherstellung für verschiedene Störungen gibt. Umso dringender wird der Einsatz eines flexiblen und effizienten Optimierungsverfahrens empfohlen, welches die komplexen Ressourcenabhängigkeiten innerhalb eines Airline-Netzwerks berücksichtigt und kontextspezifische Lösungen generiert. Um die Effizienz eines solchen Optimierungsverfahrens zu bestimmen, sollte das damit gewonnene Steuerungspotenzial im Vergleich zu aktuell genutzten Verfahren über einen längeren Zeitraum untersucht werden. Aus den in dieser Dissertation analysierten Störungsszenarien kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass die flexible Standplatzvergabe, Passagier-Direkttransporte, beschleunigte Abfertigungsverfahren und die gezielte Verspätung von Abflügen sehr gute Steuerungsoptionen sind und während 95 Prozent der Saison Anwendung finden könnten, um geringe bis mittlere Verspätungen von Einzelflügen effizient aufzulösen. Bei Störungen, die zu hohen Verspätungen im gesamten Airline-Netzwerk führen, ist eine vollständige Integration aller in Betracht gezogenen Steuerungsoptionen erforderlich, um eine erhebliche Reduzierung der taktischen Kosten zu erreichen. Dabei ist insbesondere die Möglichkeit, Ankunfts- und Abflugzeitfenster zu tauschen, von hoher Bedeutung für eine Airline, um die ihr zugewiesenen ATFM-Verspätungen auf die Flugzeugumläufe zu verteilen, welche die geringsten Einschränkungen im weiteren Tagesverlauf aufweisen. Die Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten im nachgelagerten Airline-Netzwerk zeigt, dass eine Optimierung auf Basis deterministischer Verspätungskosten die taktischen Kosten für eine Airline überschätzen kann. Die optimale Flugplanwiederherstellung auf Basis stochastischer Verspätungskosten unterscheidet sich deutlich von der deterministischen Lösung und führt zu weniger Passagierumbuchungen am Drehkreuz. Darüber hinaus ist das vorgeschlagene Modell in der Lage, Flugprioritäten und Airline-interne Kostenwerte für ein zugewiesenes ATFM-Zeitfenster zu bestimmen. Die errechneten Flugprioritäten können dabei vertraulich in Form von optimalen Verspätungszeitfenstern pro Flug an das ATFM übermittelt werden, während die Definition von internen Kostenwerten für ATFM-Zeitfenster die Entwicklung von künftigen Handelsmechanismen zwischen Airlines unterstützen kann.:1 Introduction 2 Status Quo on Airline Operations Management 3 Schedule Recovery Optimization Approach with Constrained Resources 4 Implementation and Application 5 Case Study Analysis 6 ConclusionsAir Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) and airlines use different paradigms for the prioritisation of flights. While ATFM regards each flight as individual entity when it controls sector capacity utilization, airlines evaluate each flight as part of an aircraft rotation, crew pairing and passenger itinerary. As a result, ATFM slot regulations during capacity constraints are poorly coordinated with the resource interdependencies within an airline network, such that the aircraft turnaround -- as the connecting element or breaking point between individual flights in an airline schedule -- is the major contributor to primary and reactionary delays in Europe. This dissertation bridges the gap between both paradigms by developing an integrated schedule recovery model that enables airlines to define their optimal flight priorities for schedule disturbances arising from ATFM capacity constraints. These priorities consider constrained airport resources and different methods are studied how to communicate them confidentially to external stakeholders for the usage in collaborative solutions, such as the assignment of reserve resources or ATFM slot swapping. The integrated schedule recovery model is an extension of the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem and integrates aircraft turnaround operations with existing approaches for aircraft, crew and passenger recovery. The model is supposed to provide tactical decision support for airline operations controllers at look-ahead times of more than two hours prior to a scheduled hub bank. System-inherent uncertainties about process deviations and potential future disruptions are incorporated into the optimization via stochastic turnaround process times and the novel concept of stochastic delay cost functions. These functions estimate the costs of delay propagation and derive flight-specific downstream recovery capacities from historical operations data, such that scarce resources at the hub airport can be allocated to the most critical turnarounds. The model is applied to the case study of a network carrier that aims at minimizing its tactical costs from several disturbance scenarios. The case study analysis reveals that optimal recovery solutions are very sensitive to the type, scope and intensity of a disturbance, such that there is neither a general optimal solution for different types of disturbance nor for disturbances of the same kind. Thus, airlines require a flexible and efficient optimization method, which considers the complex interdependencies among their constrained resources and generates context-specific solutions. To determine the efficiency of such an optimization method, its achieved network resilience should be studied in comparison to current procedures over longer periods of operation. For the sample of analysed scenarios in this dissertation, it can be concluded that stand reallocation, ramp direct services, quick-turnaround procedures and flight retiming are very efficient recovery options when only a few flights obtain low and medium delays, i.e., 95% of the season. For disturbances which induce high delay into the entire airline network, a full integration of all considered recovery options is required to achieve a substantial reduction of tactical costs. Thereby, especially arrival and departure slot swapping are valuable options for the airline to redistribute its assigned ATFM delays onto those aircraft that have the least critical constraints in their downstream rotations. The consideration of uncertainties in the downstream airline network reveals that an optimization based on deterministic delay costs may overestimate the tactical costs for the airline. Optimal recovery solutions based on stochastic delay costs differ significantly from the deterministic approach and are observed to result in less passenger rebooking at the hub airport. Furthermore, the proposed schedule recovery model is able to define flight priorities and internal slot values for the airline. Results show that the priorities can be communicated confidentially to ATFM by using the concept of 'Flight Delay Margins', while slot values may support future inter-airline slot trading mechanisms.:1 Introduction 2 Status Quo on Airline Operations Management 3 Schedule Recovery Optimization Approach with Constrained Resources 4 Implementation and Application 5 Case Study Analysis 6 Conclusion