7 research outputs found

    Ten years of ElPub : an analysis of its major trends

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    Electronic publishing constitutes one of the hottest topics discussed amongst researchers from a variety of disciplines since the seminal work by Harnad, in the 1980's, “The scholarly skywriting”, when its potentialities started to challenge the well-established business model of commercial publishers. It was certainly in this context that the first ElPub thinkers initiated the conference. In fact, the International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ElPub) is the realisation of an idea that was brought into reality in 1997 by a group of librarians, including the most persistent ElPubers Peter Linde and John Smith. In its very beginning, ElPub only comprised the presentation of papers. In 1999, there were two panel debates whose speakers were invited to participate and received grants from the conference for that. Over the subsequent years, ElPub has gradually incorporated features of greater, well-established international conferences. Especially since 2003, a variety of sessions started to be part of the conference programme, annually organised in two tracks, namely general and technical. Those sessions comprise: special sessions focusing on a specific topic and sponsored by a specific organisation, workshops - mostly on technical aspects of electronic publishing -, posters and demonstrations. A gradual increasing variety of topics has also been defined in the Call for Papers of the conference, as constituents of the topic. Since then, ElPub has covered a number of interesting topics, presented by people from ca. 44 countries so far

    Digital library : a bibliography of major information sources

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    Bibliografia internacional anotada sobre as principais fontes de informação lançadas a partir de 2000, relacionadas à biblioteca digital. Os tópicos cobertos são as bibliografias mais recentes, os livros e manuais, os periódicos especializados, os eventos específicos, as listas de discussão, os grupos e centros de pesquisa, os cursos e treinamentos e as principais organizações. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTInternational annotated bibliography about the major information sources related to digital library. The topics covered are: most recent bibliographies, books and manuals, specialized journals, specialized conferences, discussion lists, research groups and centers, training courses and major organizations

    Biblioteca digital: bibliografia das principais fontes de informação

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    Bibliografia internacional anotada sobre as principais fontes de informação lançadas a partir de 2000, relacionadas à biblioteca digital. Os tópicos cobertos são as bibliografias mais recentes, os livros e manuais, os periódicos especializados, os eventos específicos, as listas de discussão, os grupos e centros de pesquisa, os cursos e treinamentos e as principais organizações. Palavras-chave Bibliografia. Biblioteca digital.   Digital library: a bibliography of major information sources   Abstract International annotated bibliography about the major information sources related to digital library. The topics covered are: most recent bibliographies, books and manuals, specialized journals, specialized conferences, discussion lists, research groups and centers, training courses and major organizations. Keywords Bibliography. Digital library

    Drilled well yield and hydraulic properties in the Precambrian crystalline bedrock of Central Finland

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Műveltség és társadalmi szerepek: arisztokraták Magyarországon és Európában. Learning, Intellect and Social Roles: Aristocrats in Hungary and Europe

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    2013 szeptemberében az OTKA pályázat tagj ai meghívást kaptak az Eperjesi Egyetemre, a „M ű veltség és társadalmi szerepek: a 17–20. századi arisztokrácia m ű veltsége, m ű vészetet és az oktatás fejlesztését, a birtokok építését, modernizá- cióját támogató tevékenysége” cím ű konferenciára, amelyet a város polgármes- tere mellett a kassai magyar f ő konzul asszony nyitott meg. A 22 el ő adó közül többen elküldték tanulmányaikat jelen kötetünkbe. Többek között: Az MTA-DE Lendület Magyarország a középkori Európában kutatócsoport tagjainak tanulmányai Bárány Attila, „English chivalric insignia in Hungary”, pp. 73-96.; Györkös Attila, „Aventurier sans scrupule ou héros national? La carrière de Christophe Frangepan, aristocrate de la Renaissance” Novák Ádám, „The Seal Usage of Hungarian Aristocrats in the 15th century”, pp. 59-72

    Squatting movement and practice of procurement housing for poor people

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    This paper focuses on the squatting movement and the practice of procuring housing for poor people, which are needs neglected by the government. The squatting movement and practice have developed in the Western world in two waves of urban movement: in the 1960s-1970s and from 2000 up to now. This topic has become important again in the neoliberal world of growing social inequalities. Research methods include the analysis of existing studies, a comparison of Geneva (Switzerland), Rome (Italy), and New York (USA) as case studies, and the genera- lisation of lessons learned. The main recommendations are the reform of housing policy and the recovery of welfare state instruments


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    2002/2003XV Ciclo1975Versione digitalizzata della tesi di dottorato cartacea. Nell'originale cartaceo manca la pag. 41