17,173 research outputs found

    Japanese Education and Japanese Elementary School

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    Pendidikan merupakan jantung kehidupan bagi masyarakat Jepang. Sebagai negara yang miskin sumber daya alam serta rawan bencana alam, bangsa Jepang sangat menggantungkan kepada proses pendidikan dalam memberdayakan sumber daya manusianya untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup bangsa serta bersaing dengan bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia dalam bidang politik, ekonomi, teknologi dan lain-lain. Dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain terutama dari kelompok G8(kelompok Negara-negara industri maju di dunia,) Jepang mempunyai sistem pendidikan yang unik. Kalau negara industri maju lainnya menitik beratkan dalam pengembangan intelegensi tapi Jepang lebih memberdayakan mental untuk bekerja keras, bergotong royong dan kesetia kawanan sosial, dan pantang menyerah dalam menghadapi setiap permasalahan. Pendidikan Jepang pada awalnya banyak dipengaruhi oleh Cina, namun dalam iperkembangan selanjutnya Jepang juga mengadopsi sistem pendidikan barat dengan tetap mempertahankan ruh pendidikan Jepang sendiri yakni sikap mental pantang menyerah dan menjunjung tinggi gotong royong sesama bangsa Jepang sendiri. Sekolah dasar di Jepang mengutamakan pembentukan sikap dan mental di awal-awal tahun mulai kelas satu sampai kelas tiga kemudian mulai memfokuskan pengkajian ilmu pengetahuan mulai kelas empat sekolah dasar dan seterusnya. Matematika, ilmu pengetahuan(Sain), dan teknologi merupakan aspek penting dalam kurikulum pendidikan di Jepang dalam pembentukan pola pikir yang logis, sistematis dan prosedural bagi bangsa Jepang. Mulai tahun 2002, pelajaran bahasa Inggris resmi masuk dalam kurikulum sekolah dasar di Jepang

    Very High Energy Gamma Rays from PSR1706-44

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    We have obtained evidence of gamma-ray emission above 1 TeV from PSR1706-44, using a ground-based telescope of the atmospheric \v{C}erenkov imaging type located near Woomera, South Australia. This object, a Îł\gamma-ray source discovered by the COS B satellite (2CG342-02), was identified with the radio pulsar through the discovery of a 102 ms pulsed signal with the EGRET instrument of the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. The flux of the present observation above a threshold of 1 TeV is ∌\bf \sim 1 ⋅\cdot 10−11^{-11} photons cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1}, which is two orders of magnitude smaller than the extrapolation from GeV energies. The analysis is not restricted to a search for emission modulated with the 102 ms period, and the reported flux is for all Îł\gamma-rays from PSR1706-44, pulsed and unpulsed. The energy output in the TeV region corresponds to about 10−3^{-3} of the spin down energy loss rate of the neutron star.Comment: 13 pages, latex format (article), 2 figures include

    Groups and information disclosure: Olson and Putnam Hypotheses.

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    There is controversy between Putnam and Olson concerning the role of groups. Putnam argued that small groups contribute to economic growth, whereas Olson asserted that small groups hamper economic growth through rent-seeking behavior. Since the end of the 1990s in Japan, there has been a remarkable rise in the rate of enactment of public information-disclosure ordinances by local governments. This paper uses the panel data of Japan to compare the effects of Putnam-type horizontally structured groups and Olson-type vertically structured groups on government information disclosures. The Arellano-Bond type dynamic panel model is employed to control for unobserved fixed effects and endogeneity bias. The major findings are as follows: (1) the Putnam-type group has a positive influence on information disclosure; (2) the Olson-type group has a detrimental effect on information disclosure. These findings support both the Putnam and Olson hypotheses. The characteristics of a particular group should be considered carefully when the influence of that group is examined.Putnam, Olson, interest group, social capital, information-disclosure ordinance

    Electric foot-shock stress drives TNF-alpha production in the liver of IL-6-deficient mice

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    Objectives: Accumulating evidence has shown that interleukin-6 (IL-6) has pleiotropic effects on a variety of biological functions, including its antiapoptotic potential during liver injury. Our previous work demonstrated that restraint stress-induced elevation of plasma IL-6 negatively regulates plasma tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha). Herein, we further clarified the mechanism underlying the above finding and investigated the effect of IL-6 on liver apoptosis triggered by stress. Methods: Male C57BL/6J and IL-6-deficient C57BL/SV129 mice were exposed to 1 h of electric foot-shock stress. Thereafter, the serum, liver and spleen TNF-alpha levels were measured at several time points. Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), liver caspase-3 and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling ( TUNEL) activities were analyzed to evaluate the severity of liver injury and apoptosis. Results: The liver, but not the spleen, of the IL-6-deficient mice exhibited a significant increase in TNF-alpha level after stress in parallel with serum TNF-alpha elevation, whereas no such TNF-alpha responses were found in the wild animals. No significant differences in stress-induced elevation of serum ALT levels, liver caspase-3 activities and the number of TUNEL-positive hepatocytes were found between the wild and IL-6-deficient mice. Conclusions: Taken together, these results indicate that IL-6 may play a critical role in suppressing TNF-alpha production in the liver, thereby decreasing the blood TNF-alpha level. In contrast, IL-6 secretion was shown to have no protective effect on stress-triggered liver injury. Copyright (C) 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel

    A Comparative Study on Japanese and Indonesian Elementary School

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    Pendidikan dasar secara umum terbagi dalam dua lembaga pendidikan yakni sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama. Proses pendidikan yang berlangsung di sekolah dasar merupakan landasan yang sangat penting untuk proses pendidikan di lembaga selanjutnya. Tujuan yang sangat penting dari proses pendidikan di sekolah dasar adalah pengembangan otot, emosi, sosialisasi, pengenalan lingkungan,dan aspek kebahasaan. Kemudian, mulai kelas empat di sekolah dasar ,para siswa mendalami ilmu pengtahuan secara intensif. Sekolah dsar di Jepang menekankan pada pendidikan mental sehingga anak bisa lebih ulet, tabah, toleran, dan optimis dalam hidup bermasyarakat. Pendidikan moral, olah raga, ketrampilan, dan pendidikan kesejahteraan keluarga sangat penting dalampengembangan kepribadian siswa. Pelajaran matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan banyak diajarkan dengan pendekatan kontekstual di sekolah dasar di Indonesia dan Jepang. Kedua Negara juga mulai memberikan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kepada siswa sekolah dasar untuk mengenalkan secara dini bahasa dab kebudayan bangsa lain serta mempersiapkan mereka dalam persaingan global. Melakukan studi banding terhadap kondisi pendidikan Negara lain membuat kita memperoleh informasi yang benar terhadap pencapaian kita dan Negara lain di bidang pendidikan serta membuat langkah-langkah perbaikan berdasarkan data yang terpercaya bukan kabar burung yang tidak jelas

    Pregnancy after liver transplantation with tacrolimus immunosuppression: A single center's experience update at 13 years

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    Background. Chronic liver disease often leads to amenorrhea in women of childbearing age. There are several reports of successful pregnancy after liver transplantation (LTx) with cyclosporine A immunosuppression. Tacrolimus has been increasingly used in solid-organ transplantation, and the effect of the drug on pregnancy is still of interest to clinicians. This study updates our single-center experience. Methods. All pregnancies after LTx with tacrolimus immunosuppression were followed prospectively. Patients' clinical courses during pregnancy and labor along with gestational period and birth weight were catalogued. Changes in liver function, renal function, and immunosuppression also were recorded. The birth weight percentile was calculated on the basis of the gestational period using a standard chart. Results. Thirty-seven mothers delivered 49 babies. Three mothers delivered three times, and six mothers delivered two times. Thirty-six mothers (97%) survived the pregnancy, and 36 allografts (97%) survived. The one death and graft loss was in a patient who demonstrated infra-aortic arterial graft, which clotted by the gravid uterus during labor. The patient developed a gangrenous liver and died before she could undergo retransplantation. The mean gestational period was 36.4±3. 2 weeks, excluding two premature deliveries at 23 and 24 weeks gestation. Twenty-two babies (46.9%) were delivered by cesarean section, and the other babies were delivered vaginally. In addition to the two premature babies, one baby, who was born to a mother with Alagille syndrome, died from congenital birth defects. The rest of the newborns survived. The mean birth weight was 2,797±775 g, with 38 babies (78%) weighing more than 2,000 g. The mean birth weight percentile to gestational period was 54±23. Four babies (8.5%) had a birth weight percentile of less than 25, and 28 babies (59.6%) had a birth weight percentile greater than 50. Twelve patients demonstrated an increase in hepatic enzymes without jaundice during the pregnancy. All of them responded to augmentation of immunosuppression. Conclusion. The present report reconfirms the safety of tacrolimus during pregnancy after LTx. Preterm delivery and low birth weight seem to be a persistent problem in all solid-organ transplantation under any form of immunosuppression. However, toxemia of pregnancy and new onset of hypertension seem to be have a low occurrence with the use of tacrolimus

    The relation between visceral adipose tissue accumulation and biochemical tests in university students.

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    We evaluated the visceral adipose tissue accumulation in university students in Okayama prefecture, Japan. Fifty-eight Japanese university students (10 men and 48 women, age 18.4 +/- 0.6 years)were enrolled in this study. Fat distribution was evaluated by visceral fat (V) and subcutaneous fat (S) areas measured with computed tomography (CT) scanning at umbilical levels. Anthropometric parameters,i.e., height, weight, waist circumference, hip circumference, and body fat percentage; blood examination; and blood pressure (BP) were also measured. In 58 subjects, the V area was 23.4 +/- 21.0 cm(2) and the S area was 122.5 +/- 57.9 cm(2). V areas were significantly correlated with hepatic enzymes, uric acid, triglyceride, and BP in men, while they were weakly correlated with hepatic enzymes, triglyceride, and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in women. Correlation coefficients between V areas and clinical parameters were comparatively higher than those between other body composition parameters,i.e., S areas, weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage, and clinical parameters. The present study suggests that visceral adipose tissue accumulation is important for hepatic enzymes, uric acid, triglyceride, and BP in university students.</p

    TeV Gamma Ray Emission from Southern Sky Objects and CANGAROO Project

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    We report recent results of the CANGAROO Collaboration on very high energy gamma ray emission from pulsars, their nebulae, SNR and AGN in the southern sky. Observations are made in South Australia using the imaging technique of detecting atmospheric Cerenkov light from gamma rays higher than about 1 TeV. The detected gamma rays are most likely produced by the inverse Compton process by electrons which also radiate synchrotron X-rays. Together with information from longer wavelengths, our results can be used to infer the strength of magnetic field in the emission region of gamma rays as well as the energy of the progenitor electrons. A description of the CANGAROO project is also given, as well as details of the new telescope of 7 m diameter which is scheduled to be in operation within two years.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX 2.09 with aipproc.sty & epsfig.sty, to appear in proceedings of the 4th Compton Symposium, Williamsburg, 199
