11 research outputs found

    Detecting complex events in user-generated video using concept classifiers

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    Automatic detection of complex events in user-generated videos (UGV) is a challenging task due to its new characteristics differing from broadcast video. In this work, we firstly summarize the new characteristics of UGV, and then explore how to utilize concept classifiers to recognize complex events in UGV content. The method starts from manually selecting a variety of relevant concepts, followed byconstructing classifiers for these concepts. Finally, complex event detectors are learned by using the concatenated probabilistic scores of these concept classifiers as features. Further, we also compare three different fusion operations of probabilistic scores, namely Maximum, Average and Minimum fusion. Experimental results suggest that our method provides promising results. It also shows that Maximum fusion tends to give better performance for most complex events

    Métodos de inspección para la evaluación de calidad web

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    More than thirty years after the invention of the web, the need persists to evaluate the quality of websites and have instruments that support this task. During the COVID-19 pandemic, given the impossibility of carrying out in-person user experience studies, inspection methods gained renewed validity. These guidelines, applied by experts, can range from checking the level of achievement of specific attributes to global assessments. Therefore, this chapter reviews the main inspection methods for website quality evaluation

    CAT-CAD: A Computer-Aided Diagnosis Tool for Cataplexy

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    Narcolepsy with cataplexy is a severe lifelong disorder characterized, among others, by sudden loss of bilateral face muscle tone triggered by emotions (cataplexy). A recent approach for the diagnosis of the disease is based on a completely manual analysis of video recordings of patients undergoing emotional stimulation made on-site by medical specialists, looking for specific facial behavior motor phenomena. We present here the CAT-CAD tool for automatic detection of cataplexy symptoms, with the double aim of (1) supporting neurologists in the diagnosis/monitoring of the disease and (2) facilitating the experience of patients, allowing them to conduct video recordings at home. CAT-CAD includes a front-end medical interface (for the playback/inspection of patient recordings and the retrieval of videos relevant to the one currently played) and a back-end AI-based video analyzer (able to automatically detect the presence of disease symptoms in the patient recording). Analysis of patients’ videos for discovering disease symptoms is based on the detection of facial landmarks, and an alternative implementation of the video analyzer, exploiting deep-learning techniques, is introduced. Performance of both approaches is experimentally evaluated using a benchmark of real patients’ recordings, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed solutions

    Provenance : from long-term preservation to query federation and grid reasoning

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    Social User Mining: User Profiling of Social Media Network Based on Multimedia Data Mining

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    In recent years, the pervasive use of social media has generated extraordinary amounts of data that has started to gain an increasing amount of attention. Each social media source utilizes different data types such as textual and visual. For example, Twitter is used to transmit short text messages, whereas Flickr is used to convey images and videos. Moreover, Facebook uses all of these data types. From the social media users’ standpoint, it is highly desirable to find patterns from different data formats. The result of the huge amount of data from different sources or types has provided many opportunities for researchers in the fields of data mining and data analytics. Not only the methods and tools to organize and manage such data have become extremely important, but also methods and tools to discover hidden knowledge from such data, which can be used for a variety of applications. For example, the mining of a user's profile on social media could help to discover any missing information, including the user's location or gender information. However, the task of developing such methods and tools is very challenging. Social media data is unstructured and different from traditional data because of its privacy settings, data noise, and large capacity of data. Moreover, combining image features and text information annotated by users reveals interesting properties of social user mining, and serves as a useful tool for discovering unknown information about the users. Minimal research has been conducted on the combination of image and text data for social user mining. To address these challenges and to discover unknown information about users, we proposed a novel mining framework for social user mining that includes: 1) a data assemble module for different media source, 2) a data integration module, and 3) mining applications. First, we introduced a data assemble module in order to process both the textual and the visual information from different media sources, and evaluated the appropriate multimedia features for social user mining. Then, we proposed a new data integration method in order to integrate the textual and the visual data. Unlike the previous approaches that used a content based approach to merge multiple types of features, our main approach is based on image semantics through a semi-automatic image tagging system. Lastly, we presented two different application as an example of social user mining, gender classification and user location

    Interoperability of semantics in news production

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    Personality representation: predicting behaviour for personalised learning support

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    The need for personalised support systems comes from the growing number of students that are being supported within institutions with shrinking resources. Over the last decade the use of computers and the Internet within education has become more predominant. This opens up a range of possibilities in regard to spreading that resource further and more effectively. Previous attempts to create automated systems such as intelligent tutoring systems and learning companions have been criticised for being pedagogically ineffective and relying on large knowledge sources which restrict their domain of application. More recent work on adaptive hypermedia has resolved some of these issues but has been criticised for the lack of support scope, focusing on learning paths and alternative content presentation. The student model used within these systems is also of limited scope and often based on learning history or learning styles.This research examines the potential of using a personality theory as the basis for a personalisation mechanism within an educational support system. The automated support system is designed to utilise a personality based profile to predict student behaviour. This prediction is then used to select the most appropriate feedback from a selection of reflective hints for students performing lab based programming activities. The rationale for the use of personality is simply that this is the concept psychologists use for identifying individual differences and similarities which are expressed in everyday behaviour. Therefore the research has investigated how these characteristics can be modelled in order to provide a fundamental understanding of the student user and thus be able to provide tailored support. As personality is used to describe individuals across many situations and behaviours, the use of such at the core of a personalisation mechanism may overcome the issues of scope experienced by previous methods.This research poses the following question: can a representation of personality be used to predict behaviour within a software system, in such a way, as to be able to personalise support?Putting forward the central claim that it is feasible to capture and represent personality within a software system for the purpose of personalising services.The research uses a mixed methods approach including a number and combination of quantitative and qualitative methods for both investigation and determining the feasibility of this approach.The main contribution of the thesis has been the development of a set of profiling models from psychological theories, which account for both individual differences and group similarities, as a means of personalising services. These are then applied to the development of a prototype system which utilises a personality based profile. The evidence from the evaluation of the developed prototype system has demonstrated an ability to predict student behaviour with limited success and personalise support.The limitations of the evaluation study and implementation difficulties suggest that the approach taken in this research is not feasible. Further research and exploration is required –particularly in the application to a subject area outside that of programming