740 research outputs found

    Reliable Face Morphing Attack Detection in On-The-Fly Border Control Scenario with Variation in Image Resolution and Capture Distance

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    Face Recognition Systems (FRS) are vulnerable to various attacks performed directly and indirectly. Among these attacks, face morphing attacks are highly potential in deceiving automatic FRS and human observers and indicate a severe security threat, especially in the border control scenario. This work presents a face morphing attack detection, especially in the On-The-Fly (OTF) Automatic Border Control (ABC) scenario. We present a novel Differential-MAD (D-MAD) algorithm based on the spherical interpolation and hierarchical fusion of deep features computed from six different pre-trained deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Extensive experiments are carried out on the newly generated face morphing dataset (SCFace-Morph) based on the publicly available SCFace dataset by considering the real-life scenario of Automatic Border Control (ABC) gates. Experimental protocols are designed to benchmark the proposed and state-of-the-art (SOTA) D-MAD techniques for different camera resolutions and capture distances. Obtained results have indicated the superior performance of the proposed D-MAD method compared to the existing methods.Comment: The paper is accepted at the International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB) 202

    Representing an Object by Interchanging What with Where

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    Exploring representations is a fundamental step towards understanding vision. The visual system carries two types of information along separate pathways: One is about what it is and the other is about where it is. Initially, the what is represented by a pattern of activity that is distributed across millions of photoreceptors, whereas the where is 'implicitly' given as their retinotopic positions. Many computational theories of object recognition rely on such pixel-based representations, but they are insufficient to learn spatial information such as position and size due to the implicit encoding of the where information. 
Here we try transforming a retinal image of an object into its internal image via interchanging the what with the where, which means that patterns of intensity in internal image describe the spatial information rather than the object information. To be concrete, the retinal image of an object is deformed and turned over into a negative image, in which light areas appear dark and vice versa, and the object's spatial information is quantified with levels of intensity on borders of that image. 
Interestingly, the inner part excluding the borders of the internal image shows the position and scale invariance. In order to further understand how the internal image associates the what and where, we examined the internal image of a face which moves or is scaled on the retina. As a result, we found that the internal images form a linear vector space under the object translation and scaling. 
In conclusion, these results show that the what-where interchangeability might play an important role for organizing those two into internal representation of brain

    Depth Structure from Asymmetric Shading Supports Face Discrimination

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    To examine the effect of illumination direction on the ability of observers to discriminate between faces, we manipulated the direction of illumination on scanned 3D face models. In order to dissociate the surface reflectance and illumination components of front-view face images, we introduce a symmetry algorithm that can separate the symmetric and asymmetric components of the face in both low and high spatial frequency bands. Based on this approach, hybrid faces stimuli were constructed with different combinations of symmetric and asymmetric spatial content. Discrimination results with these images showed that asymmetric illumination information biased face perception toward the structure of the shading component, while the symmetric illumination information had little, if any, effect. Measures of perceived depth showed that this property increased systematically with the asymmetric but not the symmetric low spatial frequency component. Together, these results suggest that (1) the asymmetric 3D shading information dramatically affects both the perceived facial information and the perceived depth of the facial structure; and (2) these effects both increase as the illumination direction is shifted to the side. Thus, our results support the hypothesis that face processing has a strong 3D component

    A multi-camera approach to image-based rendering and 3-D/Multiview display of ancient chinese artifacts

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    Pixel-level Image Fusion Algorithms for Multi-camera Imaging System

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    This thesis work is motivated by the potential and promise of image fusion technologies in the multi sensor image fusion system and applications. With specific focus on pixel level image fusion, the process after the image registration is processed, we develop graphic user interface for multi-sensor image fusion software using Microsoft visual studio and Microsoft Foundation Class library. In this thesis, we proposed and presented some image fusion algorithms with low computational cost, based upon spatial mixture analysis. The segment weighted average image fusion combines several low spatial resolution data source from different sensors to create high resolution and large size of fused image. This research includes developing a segment-based step, based upon stepwise divide and combine process. In the second stage of the process, the linear interpolation optimization is used to sharpen the image resolution. Implementation of these image fusion algorithms are completed based on the graphic user interface we developed. Multiple sensor image fusion is easily accommodated by the algorithm, and the results are demonstrated at multiple scales. By using quantitative estimation such as mutual information, we obtain the experiment quantifiable results. We also use the image morphing technique to generate fused image sequence, to simulate the results of image fusion. While deploying our pixel level image fusion algorithm approaches, we observe several challenges from the popular image fusion methods. While high computational cost and complex processing steps of image fusion algorithms provide accurate fused results, they also makes it hard to become deployed in system and applications that require real-time feedback, high flexibility and low computation abilit

    Contributions of feature shapes and surface cues to the recognition and neural representation of facial identity

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    A full understanding of face recognition will involve identifying the visual information that is used to discriminate different identities and how this is represented in the brain. The aim of this study was to explore the importance of shape and surface properties in the recognition and neural representation of familiar faces. We used image morphing techniques to generate hybrid faces that mixed shape properties (more specifically, second order spatial configural information as defined by feature positions in the 2D-image) from one identity and surface properties from a different identity. Behavioural responses showed that recognition and matching of these hybrid faces was primarily based on their surface properties. These behavioural findings contrasted with neural responses recorded using a block design fMRI adaptation paradigm to test the sensitivity of Haxby et al.'s (2000) core face-selective regions in the human brain to the shape or surface properties of the face. The fusiform face area (FFA) and occipital face area (OFA) showed a lower response (adaptation) to repeated images of the same face (same shape, same surface) compared to different faces (different shapes, different surfaces). From the behavioural data indicating the critical contribution of surface properties to the recognition of identity, we predicted that brain regions responsible for familiar face recognition should continue to adapt to faces that vary in shape but not surface properties, but show a release from adaptation to faces that vary in surface properties but not shape. However, we found that the FFA and OFA showed an equivalent release from adaptation to changes in both shape and surface properties. The dissociation between the neural and perceptual responses suggests that, although they may play a role in the process, these core face regions are not solely responsible for the recognition of facial identity

    Creation of Large Scale Face Dataset Using Single Training Image

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    Face recognition (FR) has become one of the most successful applications of image analysis and understanding in computer vision. The learning-based model in FR is considered as one of the most favorable problem-solving methods to this issue, which leads to the requirement of large training data sets in order to achieve higher recognition accuracy. However, the availability of only a limited number of face images for training a FR system is always a common problem in practical applications. A new framework to create a face database from a single input image for training purposes is proposed in this dissertation research. The proposed method employs the integration of 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) and Differential Evolution (DE) algorithms. Benefitting from DE\u27s successful performance, 3D face models can be created based on a single 2D image with respect to various illumination and pose contexts. An image deformation technique is also introduced to enhance the quality of synthesized images. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is able to automatically create a virtual 3D face dataset from a single 2D image with high performance. Moreover the new dataset is capable of providing large number of face images equipped with abundant variations. The validation process shows that there is only an insignificant difference between the input image and the 2D face image projected by the 3D model. Research work is progressing to consider a nonlinear manifold learning methodology to embed the synthetically created dataset of an individual so that a test image of the person will be attracted to the respective manifold for accurate recognition
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