363 research outputs found

    Tinto: Multisensor Benchmark for 3-D Hyperspectral Point Cloud Segmentation in the Geosciences

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    The increasing use of deep learning techniques has reduced interpretation time and, ideally, reduced interpreter bias by automatically deriving geological maps from digital outcrop models. However, accurate validation of these automated mapping approaches is a significant challenge due to the subjective nature of geological mapping and the difficulty in collecting quantitative validation data. Additionally, many state-of-the-art deep learning methods are limited to 2-D image data, which is insufficient for 3-D digital outcrops, such as hyperclouds. To address these challenges, we present Tinto, a multisensor benchmark digital outcrop dataset designed to facilitate the development and validation of deep learning approaches for geological mapping, especially for nonstructured 3-D data like point clouds. Tinto comprises two complementary sets: 1) a real digital outcrop model from Corta Atalaya (Spain), with spectral attributes and ground-truth data and 2) a synthetic twin that uses latent features in the original datasets to reconstruct realistic spectral data (including sensor noise and processing artifacts) from the ground truth. The point cloud is dense and contains 3242964 labeled points. We used these datasets to explore the abilities of different deep learning approaches for automated geological mapping. By making Tinto publicly available, we hope to foster the development and adaptation of new deep learning tools for 3-D applications in Earth sciences. The dataset can be accessed through this link: https://doi.org/10.14278/rodare.2256

    Review of Automatic Processing of Topography and Surface Feature Identification LiDAR Data Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Machine Learning (ML) applications on Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) data have provided promising results and thus this topic has been widely addressed in the literature during the last few years. This paper reviews the essential and the more recent completed studies in the topography and surface feature identification domain. Four areas, with respect to the suggested approaches, have been analyzed and discussed: the input data, the concepts of point cloud structure for applying ML, the ML techniques used, and the applications of ML on LiDAR data. Then, an overview is provided to underline the advantages and the disadvantages of this research axis. Despite the training data labelling problem, the calculation cost, and the undesirable shortcutting due to data downsampling, most of the proposed methods use supervised ML concepts to classify the downsampled LiDAR data. Furthermore, despite the occasional highly accurate results, in most cases the results still require filtering. In fact, a considerable number of adopted approaches use the same data structure concepts employed in image processing to profit from available informatics tools. Knowing that the LiDAR point clouds represent rich 3D data, more effort is needed to develop specialized processing tools

    A Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning in Remote Sensing: Theories, Tools and Challenges for the Community

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL), a re-branding of neural networks (NNs), has risen to the top in numerous areas, namely computer vision (CV), speech recognition, natural language processing, etc. Whereas remote sensing (RS) possesses a number of unique challenges, primarily related to sensors and applications, inevitably RS draws from many of the same theories as CV; e.g., statistics, fusion, and machine learning, to name a few. This means that the RS community should be aware of, if not at the leading edge of, of advancements like DL. Herein, we provide the most comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art RS DL research. We also review recent new developments in the DL field that can be used in DL for RS. Namely, we focus on theories, tools and challenges for the RS community. Specifically, we focus on unsolved challenges and opportunities as it relates to (i) inadequate data sets, (ii) human-understandable solutions for modelling physical phenomena, (iii) Big Data, (iv) non-traditional heterogeneous data sources, (v) DL architectures and learning algorithms for spectral, spatial and temporal data, (vi) transfer learning, (vii) an improved theoretical understanding of DL systems, (viii) high barriers to entry, and (ix) training and optimizing the DL.Comment: 64 pages, 411 references. To appear in Journal of Applied Remote Sensin

    Development of Mining Sector Applications for Emerging Remote Sensing and Deep Learning Technologies

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    This thesis uses neural networks and deep learning to address practical, real-world problems in the mining sector. The main focus is on developing novel applications in the area of object detection from remotely sensed data. This area has many potential mining applications and is an important part of moving towards data driven strategic decision making across the mining sector. The scientific contributions of this research are twofold; firstly, each of the three case studies demonstrate new applications which couple remote sensing and neural network based technologies for improved data driven decision making. Secondly, the thesis presents a framework to guide implementation of these technologies in the mining sector, providing a guide for researchers and professionals undertaking further studies of this type. The first case study builds a fully connected neural network method to locate supporting rock bolts from 3D laser scan data. This method combines input features from the remote sensing and mobile robotics research communities, generating accuracy scores up to 22% higher than those found using either feature set in isolation. The neural network approach also is compared to the widely used random forest classifier and is shown to outperform this classifier on the test datasets. Additionally, the algorithms’ performance is enhanced by adding a confusion class to the training data and by grouping the output predictions using density based spatial clustering. The method is tested on two datasets, gathered using different laser scanners, in different types of underground mines which have different rock bolting patterns. In both cases the method is found to be highly capable of detecting the rock bolts with recall scores of 0.87-0.96. The second case study investigates modern deep learning for LiDAR data. Here, multiple transfer learning strategies and LiDAR data representations are examined for the task of identifying historic mining remains. A transfer learning approach based on a Lunar crater detection model is used, due to the task similarities between both the underlying data structures and the geometries of the objects to be detected. The relationship between dataset resolution and detection accuracy is also examined, with the results showing that the approach is capable of detecting pits and shafts to a high degree of accuracy with precision and recall scores between 0.80-0.92, provided the input data is of sufficient quality and resolution. Alongside resolution, different LiDAR data representations are explored, showing that the precision-recall balance varies depending on the input LiDAR data representation. The third case study creates a deep convolutional neural network model to detect artisanal scale mining from multispectral satellite data. This model is trained from initialisation without transfer learning and demonstrates that accurate multispectral models can be built from a smaller training dataset when appropriate design and data augmentation strategies are adopted. Alongside the deep learning model, novel mosaicing algorithms are developed both to improve cloud cover penetration and to decrease noise in the final prediction maps. When applied to the study area, the results from this model provide valuable information about the expansion, migration and forest encroachment of artisanal scale mining in southwestern Ghana over the last four years. Finally, this thesis presents an implementation framework for these neural network based object detection models, to generalise the findings from this research to new mining sector deep learning tasks. This framework can be used to identify applications which would benefit from neural network approaches; to build the models; and to apply these algorithms in a real world environment. The case study chapters confirm that the neural network models are capable of interpreting remotely sensed data to a high degree of accuracy on real world mining problems, while the framework guides the development of new models to solve a wide range of related challenges
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