19 research outputs found

    Evolution of technical debt remediation in Python: A case study on the Apache Software Ecosystem

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    In recent years, the evolution of software ecosystems and the detection of technical debt received significant attention by researchers from both industry and academia. While a few studies that analyze various aspects of technical debt evolution already exist, to the best of our knowledge, there is no large-scale study that focuses on the remediation of technical debt over time in Python projects -- i.e., one of the most popular programming languages at the moment. In this paper, we analyze the evolution of technical debt in 44 Python open-source software projects belonging to the Apache Software Foundation. We focus on the type and amount of technical debt that is paid back. The study required the mining of over 60K commits, detailed code analysis on 3.7K system versions, and the analysis of almost 43K fixed issues. The findings show that most of the repayment effort goes into testing, documentation, complexity and duplication removal. Moreover, more than half of the Python technical debt in the ecosystem is short-term being repaid in less than two months. In particular, the observations that a minority of rules account for the majority of issues fixed and spent effort, suggest that addressing those kinds of debt in the future is important for research and practice

    Explanation of the Model Checker Verification Results

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    Immer wenn neue Anforderungen an ein System gestellt werden, müssen die Korrektheit und Konsistenz der Systemspezifikation überprüft werden, was in der Praxis in der Regel manuell erfolgt. Eine mögliche Option, um die Nachteile dieser manuellen Analyse zu überwinden, ist das sogenannte Contract-Based Design. Dieser Entwurfsansatz kann den Verifikationsprozess zur Überprüfung, ob die Anforderungen auf oberster Ebene konsistent verfeinert wurden, automatisieren. Die Verifikation kann somit iterativ durchgeführt werden, um die Korrektheit und Konsistenz des Systems angesichts jeglicher Änderung der Spezifikationen sicherzustellen. Allerdings ist es aufgrund der mangelnden Benutzerfreundlichkeit und der Schwierigkeiten bei der Interpretation von Verifizierungsergebnissen immer noch eine Herausforderung, formale Ansätze in der Industrie einzusetzen. Stellt beispielsweise der Model Checker bei der Verifikation eine Inkonsistenz fest, generiert er ein Gegenbeispiel (Counterexample) und weist gleichzeitig darauf hin, dass die gegebenen Eingabespezifikationen inkonsistent sind. Hier besteht die gewaltige Herausforderung darin, das generierte Gegenbeispiel zu verstehen, das oft sehr lang, kryptisch und komplex ist. Darüber hinaus liegt es in der Verantwortung der Ingenieurin bzw. des Ingenieurs, die inkonsistente Spezifikation in einer potenziell großen Menge von Spezifikationen zu identifizieren. Diese Arbeit schlägt einen Ansatz zur Erklärung von Gegenbeispielen (Counterexample Explanation Approach) vor, der die Verwendung von formalen Methoden vereinfacht und fördert, indem benutzerfreundliche Erklärungen der Verifikationsergebnisse der Ingenieurin bzw. dem Ingenieur präsentiert werden. Der Ansatz zur Erklärung von Gegenbeispielen wird mittels zweier Methoden evaluiert: (1) Evaluation anhand verschiedener Anwendungsbeispiele und (2) eine Benutzerstudie in Form eines One-Group Pretest-Posttest Experiments.Whenever new requirements are introduced for a system, the correctness and consistency of the system specification must be verified, which is often done manually in industrial settings. One viable option to traverse disadvantages of this manual analysis is to employ the contract-based design, which can automate the verification process to determine whether the refinements of top-level requirements are consistent. Thus, verification can be performed iteratively to ensure the system’s correctness and consistency in the face of any change in specifications. Having said that, it is still challenging to deploy formal approaches in industries due to their lack of usability and their difficulties in interpreting verification results. For instance, if the model checker identifies inconsistency during the verification, it generates a counterexample while also indicating that the given input specifications are inconsistent. Here, the formidable challenge is to comprehend the generated counterexample, which is often lengthy, cryptic, and complex. Furthermore, it is the engineer’s responsibility to identify the inconsistent specification among a potentially huge set of specifications. This PhD thesis proposes a counterexample explanation approach for formal methods that simplifies and encourages their use by presenting user-friendly explanations of the verification results. The proposed counterexample explanation approach identifies and explains relevant information from the verification result in what seems like a natural language statement. The counterexample explanation approach extracts relevant information by identifying inconsistent specifications from among the set of specifications, as well as erroneous states and variables from the counterexample. The counterexample explanation approach is evaluated using two methods: (1) evaluation with different application examples, and (2) a user-study known as one-group pretest and posttest experiment

    Semi-Automated Development of Conceptual Models from Natural Language Text

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    The process of converting natural language specifications into conceptual models requires detailed analysis of natural language text, and designers frequently make mistakes when undertaking this transformation manually. Although many approaches have been used to help designers translate natural language text into conceptual models, each approach has its limitations. One of the main limitations is the lack of a domain-independent ontology that can be used as a repository for entities and relationships, thus guiding the transition from natural language processing into a conceptual model. Such an ontology is not currently available because it would be very difficult and time consuming to produce. In this thesis, a semi-automated system for mapping natural language text into conceptual models is proposed. The model, which is called SACMES, combines a linguistic approach with an ontological approach and human intervention to achieve the task. The model learns from the natural language specifications that it processes, and stores the information that is learnt in a conceptual model ontology and a user history knowledge database. It then uses the stored information to improve performance and reduce the need for human intervention. The evaluation conducted on SACMES demonstrates that (1) designers’ creation of conceptual models is improved when using the system comparing with not using any system, and that (2) the performance of the system is improved by processing more natural language requirements, and thus, the need for human intervention has decreased. However, these advantages may be improved further through development of the learning and retrieval techniques used by the system

    Building the knowledge base for environmental action and sustainability

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    Generator-Composition for Aspect-Oriented Domain-Specific Languages

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    Software systems are complex, as they must cover a diverse set of requirements describing functionality and the environment. Software engineering addresses this complexity with Model-Driven Engineering ( MDE ). MDE utilizes different models and metamodels to specify views and aspects of a software system. Subsequently, these models must be transformed into code and other artifacts, which is performed by generators. Information systems and embedded systems are often used over decades. Over time, they must be modified and extended to fulfill new and changed requirements. These alterations can be triggered by the modeling domain and by technology changes in both the platform and programming languages. In MDE these alterations result in changes of syntax and semantics of metamodels, and subsequently of generator implementations. In MDE, generators can become complex software applications. Their complexity depends on the semantics of source and target metamodels, and the number of involved metamodels. Changes to metamodels and their semantics require generator modifications and can cause architecture and code degradation. This can result in errors in the generator, which have a negative effect on development costs and time. Furthermore, these errors can reduce quality and increase costs in projects utilizing the generator. Therefore, we propose the generator construction and evolution approach GECO, which supports decoupling of generator components and their modularization. GECO comprises three contributions: (a) a method for metamodel partitioning into views, aspects, and base models together with partitioning along semantic boundaries, (b) a generator composition approach utilizing megamodel patterns for generator fragments, which are generators depending on only one source and one target metamodel, (c) an approach to modularize fragments along metamodel semantics and fragment functionality. All three contributions together support modularization and evolvability of generators

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse

    Code generation for event-B

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    Stepwise refinement and Design-by-Contract are two formal approaches for modelling systems. These approaches are widely used in the development of systems. Both approaches have (dis-)advantages: in stepwise refinement a model starts with an abstraction of the system and more details are added through refinements. Each refinement must be provably consistent with the previous one. Hence, reasoning about abstract models is possible. A high level of expertise is necessary in mathematics to have a good command of the underlying languages, techniques and tools, making this approach less popular. Design-by-Contract, on the other hand, works on the program rather than the program model, so developers in the software industry are more likely to have expertise in it. However, the benefit of reasoning over more abstract models is lost. A question arises: is it possible to combine both approaches in the development of systems, providing the user with the benefits of both? This thesis answers this question by translating the stepwise refinement method with EventB to Design-by-Contract with Java and JML, so users can take full advantage of both formal approaches without losing their benefits. This thesis presents a set of syntactic rules that translates Event-B to JML-annotated Java code. It also presents the implementation of the syntactic rules as the EventB2Java tool. We used EventB2Java to translate several Event-B models. The tool generated JML-annotated Java code for all the considered Event-B models that serve as final implementation. We also used EventB2Java for the development of two software applications. Additionally, we compared EventB2Java against two other tools that also generate Java code from Event-B models. EventB2Java enables users to start the software development process in Event-B, where users can model the system and prove its consistency, to then transition to JML-annotated Java code, where users can continue the development process