11 research outputs found

    Bag-of-Features Image Indexing and Classification in Microsoft SQL Server Relational Database

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    This paper presents a novel relational database architecture aimed to visual objects classification and retrieval. The framework is based on the bag-of-features image representation model combined with the Support Vector Machine classification and is integrated in a Microsoft SQL Server database.Comment: 2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF), Gdynia, Poland, 24-26 June 201

    Towards human-centered cyber-physical systems: a modeling approach

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    In this paper we present a new CPS model that considers humans as holistic beings, where mind and body operate as a whole and characteristics like creativity and empathy emerge. These characteristics influence the way humans interact and collaborate with technical systems. Our vision is to integrate humans as holistic beings within CPS in order to move towards a human-machine symbiosis. This paper outlines a model for human-centered cyber-physical systems (HCPSs) that is based on our holistic system model URANOS. The model integrates human skills and values to make them accessible to the technical system, similarly to the way they are accessible to humans in human-to-human interaction. The goal is to reinforce the human being in his feeling of being in control of his life experience in a world of smart technologies. It could also help to reduce human bio-costs like stress, job fears, etc. The proposed model is illustrated by the case study of smart industrial machines, dedicated machines for smart factories, where we test the human integration through conversation

    Upowszechnianie wyników badań naukowych w międzynarodowych bazach danych : analiza biometryczna na przykładzie nauk technicznych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem elektrotechniki

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    The issues of bibliometrics, scientometrics, informetrics and webometrics have an important place among research subject undertaken by Polish and foreign scholars. Initially, these notions were used only by researchers in the fields of library science, scientometrics and information science. However, at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, quantitative methods became a fundamental tool for evaluation of, among others, sources of academic communication, academic research, research and academic centers. One of the elements of the evaluation is a quantitative analysis of academic publications in databases with international access. It is of particular importance in the case of technical sciences. This work is an attempt at a quantitative analysis of publications by Polish authors (affiliated to Polish technical universities) and Polish journals on electrotechnics in international databases. The contents are organized into four chapters with an introduction, conclusions, bibliography, name index and a list of figures and illustrations. Chapters one and two are devoted to theoretical issues, whereas chapters three and four – to practical issues. In the first chapter, selected issues concerning quantitative methods were presented, including an analysis of literature and a discussion over terminology carried out in book publications and journals. Moreover, selected examples of research conducted with the use of quantitative methods (including rankings and scientific reports) were discussed in this chapter). In chapter two, sources of information on academic publications, their origins and development (from bibliographic bases to citation indexes) were presented. A separate subchapter was devoted to databases of academic publications created by libraries of technical universities, and to indicators in the assessment of academic publications. Chapter three deals with electrotechnics as a field of science. An analysis was conducted with regard to the place of electrotechnics in science classifications based on selected examples, and the development of the teaching of electrotechnics at university level was shown. In this chapter, early and contemporary Polish journals on electrotechnics were presented, including journals published by technical universities themselves. Chapter four contains the results of an analysis of international databases (Scopus, WoS, CC), focusing on the representation of Polish journals, including their citations, and publications of authors with affiliation to Polish technical universities. Final conclusions of research and analyses have brought an answer to questions raised with regard to the assessment of representation in international databases of publications by Polish authors affiliated to Polish technical universities (in its various aspects, e.g., a publication type, language of publication, publication dynamics taking into account years of publications, cooperation with representatives of other European and non-European countries), and of Polish journals

    Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Both New and Rehabilitated

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    Buildings are one of the main causes of the emission of greenhouse gases in the world. Europe alone is responsible for more than 30% of emissions, or about 900 million tons of CO2 per year. Heating and air conditioning are the main cause of greenhouse gas emissions in buildings. Most buildings currently in use were built with poor energy efficiency criteria or, depending on the country and the date of construction, none at all. Therefore, regardless of whether construction regulations are becoming stricter, the real challenge nowadays is the energy rehabilitation of existing buildings. It is currently a priority to reduce (or, ideally, eliminate) the waste of energy in buildings and, at the same time, supply the necessary energy through renewable sources. The first can be achieved by improving the architectural design, construction methods, and materials used, as well as the efficiency of the facilities and systems; the second can be achieved through the integration of renewable energy (wind, solar, geothermal, etc.) in buildings. In any case, regardless of whether the energy used is renewable or not, the efficiency must always be taken into account. The most profitable and clean energy is that which is not consumed