39 research outputs found

    Modeling of IoT devices in Business Processes: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    [EN] The Internet of Things (IoT) enables to connect the physical world to digital business processes (BP). By using the IoT, a BP can, e.g.: 1) take into account real-world data to take more informed business decisions, and 2) automate and/or improve BP tasks. To achieve these benefits, the integration of IoT and BPs needs to be successful. The first step to this end is to support the modeling of IoT-enhanced BPs. Although numerous researchers have studied this subject, it is unclear what is the current state of the art in terms of current modeling solutions and gaps. In this work, we carry out a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) to find out how current solutions are modelling IoT into business processes. After studying 600 papers, we identified and analyzed in depth a total of 36 different solutions. In addition, we report on some important issues that should be addressed in the near future, such as, for instance the lack of standardization.This research has been funded by Internal Funds KU Leuven (Interne Fondsen KU Leuven) and the financial support of the Spanish State Research Agency under the project TIN2017-84094-R and co-financed with ERDF.Torres Bosch, MV.; Serral, E.; Valderas, P.; Pelechano Ferragud, V.; Grefen, P. (2020). Modeling of IoT devices in Business Processes: A Systematic Mapping Study. IEEE. 221-230. https://doi.org/10.1109/CBI49978.2020.00031S22123

    Enhancing Variability Modeling in Process-Aware Information Systems through Change Patterns

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    [EN] The increasing adoption of process-aware information systems (PAISs) together with the high variability in business processes has resulted in collections of process families. These families correspond to a business process model and its variants, which can comprise hundreds or thousands of different ways of realizing this process. Modeling and managing process variability in this context can be very challenging due to the size of these families. Motivated by this challenge, several approaches enabling process variability have been developed. However, with these approaches PAIS engineers usually are required to model and manage one by one all the elements of a process family and ensure its correctness by their own. This can be tedious and error-prone especially when a process family comprises hundreds or thousands of process variants. For example, variability may not be properly reflected since PAIS engineers need to be aware of each variation of each process variant. Thus, there is a need of methods that allow PAIS engineers to model process variability more explicitly, especially at a level of abstraction higher than the one provided by the existing process variability approaches. However, how process variability is represented in existing approaches becomes critical for these methods (e.g., what language constructs are used to model process variability). In this context, the use of modeling patterns (reusable solutions to a commonly occurring problem) is a promising way to address these issues. For example, patterns have been proved as an efficient solution to model individual business processes. The objective of this thesis is to enhance the modeling of variability in process families through change patterns. First, we conduct a systematic study to analyze existing process variability approaches regarding their expressiveness with respect to process variability modeling as well as their process support. Thus, we can identify how process variability is actually modeled by existing approaches (i.e., a core set of variability-specific language constructs). In addition, based on the obtained empirical evidence, we derive the VIVACE framework, a complete characterization of process variability which comprises also a core set of features fostering process variability. VIVACE enables PAIS engineers to evaluate existing process variability approaches as well as to select that variability approach meeting their requirements best. In addition, it helps process engineers in dealing with PAISs supporting process variability. Second, to facilitate variability modeling in process families, based on the identified language constructs, we present a set of 10 change patterns and show how they can be implemented in a process variability approach. In particular, these patterns support process family modeling and evolution and are able to ensure process family correctness. In order to prove their effectiveness and analyze their suitability, we applied these change patterns in a real scenario. More concretely, we conduct a case study with a safety standard with a high degree of variability. The case study results show that the application of the change patterns can reduce the effort for process family modeling in a 34% and for evolution in a 40%. In addition, we have analyzed how PAIS engineers apply the patterns and their perceptions of this application. Most of them expressed some benefit when applying the change patterns, did not perceived an increase of mental effort for applying the patterns, and agreed upon the usefulness and ease of use of the patterns.[ES] La creciente adopción de sistemas de información dirigidos por procesos de negocio (PAIS) junto con la alta variabilidad en dichos procesos, han dado lugar a la aparición de colecciones de familias de procesos. Estas familias están constituidas por un modelo de proceso de negocio y sus variantes, las cuales pueden comprender entre cientos y miles de diferentes formas de llevar a cabo ese proceso. Gestionar la variabilidad en este contexto puede resultar muy difícil dado el tamaño que estas familias pueden alcanzar. Motivados por este desafío, se han desarrollado varias soluciones que permiten la gestión de la variabilidad en los procesos de negocio. Sin embargo, con estas soluciones los ingenieros deben crear y gestionar uno por uno todos los elementos de las familias de procesos y asegurar ellos mismos su corrección. Esto puede resultar tedioso y propenso a errores especialmente cuando las familias están compuestas de miles de variantes. Por ejemplo, la variabilidad puede no quedar adecuadamente representada ya que los ingenieros deben ser conscientes de todas y cada una de las variaciones de todas las variantes. Así, son necesarios nuevos métodos que permitan modelar la variabilidad de los procesos de una manera más explícita, a un nivel de abstracción más alto del proporcionado por las soluciones actuales. Sin embargo, cómo se representa la variabilidad en estos métodos resulta crítico (ej.: qué primitivas se utilizan). En este contexto, el uso de patrones de modelado (soluciones reutilizables a un problema recurrente) resultan un camino prometedor. Por ejemplo, los patrones han sido probados como una solución eficaz para gestionar procesos de negocio individuales. El objetivo de esta tesis es mejorar el modelado de la variabilidad en las familias de procesos a través del uso de patrones de cambio. En primer lugar, hemos llevado a cabo un estudio sistemático con el fin de analizar las soluciones existentes que permiten gestionar la variabilidad en los procesos, así como el soporte que estas proporcionan. Así, hemos sido capaces de identificar y analizar cuál es el conjunto básico de primitivas específicas para representar la variabilidad. Además, basándonos en la evidencia empírica obtenida, hemos derivado el marco de evaluación VIVACE, el cual recoge las primitivas de variabilidad y un conjunto básico de características que favorecen la variabilidad en los procesos. El principal objetivo de VIVACE es conformar una completa caracterización de la variabilidad en los procesos de negocio. Asimismo, VIVACE permite evaluar las soluciones que gestionan la variabilidad en los procesos, así como seleccionar la solución que se ajuste mejor a sus necesidades. Finalmente, VIVACE puede ayudar a los ingenieros a gestionar PAISs con variabilidad. En segundo lugar, para facilitar el modelado de la variabilidad en las familias de procesos, basándonos en las primitivas identificadas, hemos definido un conjunto de 10 patrones de cambio y hemos mostrado cómo estos patrones pueden ser implementados. En particular, estos patrones ayudan al modelado y la evolución de familias de procesos y son capaces de garantizar la corrección de la propia familia. Para probar su efectividad y analizar su idoneidad, hemos aplicado estos patrones de cambio en un escenario real. En concreto, hemos llevado a cabo un caso de estudio con un estándar de seguridad con un alto nivel de variabilidad. Los resultados de este caso demuestran que la aplicación de nuestros patrones de cambio puede reducir el esfuerzo para el modelado de familias de procesos en un 34% y para la evolución de esos modelos en un 40%. Además, hemos analizado cómo los ingenieros aplican los patrones y cuáles son sus percepciones de esta aplicación. Como resultado, la mayoría de ellos encontró beneficios al aplicar los patrones. Además, no percibieron un aumento en el esfuerzo mental necesario para aplicarlos y estuvieron de acuerdo en la utilid[CA] La creixent adopció de sistemes d'informació dirigits per processos de negoci (PAIS) junt amb l'alta variabilitat en eixos processos, han donat lloc a la aparició de col·leccions de famílies de processos. Estes famílies es formen de un model de procés de negoci i les seues variants, les quals poden comprendre entre cents i milers de diferents formes de dur a terme eixe procés. Modelar la variabilitat dels processos en este context pot resultar molt difícil donat la grandària que aquestes famílies poden aconseguir. Motivats per este desafiament, s'han desenvolupat diverses solucions que permeten la gestió de la variabilitat en els processos de negoci. No obstant, amb aquestes solucions els enginyers que treballen amb PAIS han de crear i gestionar un a un tots els elements de les famílies de processos i assegurar ells mateixos la seua correcció. Això pot resultar tediós i propens a errors especialment quan les famílies es componen de cents o milers de variants. Per exemple, la variabilitat pot no quedar adequadament representada ja que els enginyers han de ser conscients de totes i cadascuna una de les variacions de totes les variants. Per quest motiu, son necessaris nous mètodes que permeten als enginyers de PAIS modelar la variabilitat dels processos de manera més explícita, sobretot a un nivell d'abstracció més alt del proporcionat per les solucions actuals. No obstant, com es representa la variabilitat en aquestos mètodes resulta crític (ex.: quines primitives s'utilitzen per a modelar la variabilitat en els processos). En aquest context, l'ús de patrons de modelatge (solucions reutilitzables a un problema recurrent) resulten un camí prometedor. Per exemple, els patrons han sigut provats com una solució eficaç per modelar i gestionar processos de negoci individuals. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi 'es millorar el modelatge de la variabilitat en les famílies de processos a través de l'ús de patrons de canvi. En primer lloc, hem dut a terme un estudi sistemàtic per a analitzar les solucions existents per a gestionar la variabilitat en els processos, així com el suport que aquestes proporcionen. D'aquesta manera, som capaços d'identificar i analitzar quin 'es el conjunt bàsic de primitives específiques per a representar la variabilitat. A més, basant-nos en l'evidència empírica obtinguda, hem derivat el marc d'evacuació VIVACE, el qual arreplega les primitives de variabilitat i un conjunt bàsic de característiques que afavoreixen la variabilitat en els processos. Així mateix, VIVACE permet als enginyers de PAIS avaluar les solucions per a gestionar la variabilitat en els processos, així com seleccionar la solució que s'ajusta millor a les seues necessitats. Finalment, VIVACE també pot ajudar als enginyers a gestionar PAISs que donen suport a aquesta variabilitat. En segon lloc, per a facilitar el modelatge de la variabilitat en les famílies de processos, basant-nos en les primitives identificades, hem definit un conjunt de 10 patrons de canvi i hem mostrat com aquestos poden ser implementats. En particular, estos patrons ajuden al modelatge i l'evolució de famílies de processos i garanteixen la correcció de la pròpia família. Per a provar la seua efectivitat i analitzar la seua idoneïtat, hem aplicat els patrons de canvi en un escenari real. En particular, hem dut a terme un cas d'estudi amb un estàndard de seguretat amb un alt nivell de variabilitat. Els resultats de aquest cas demostren que l'aplicació dels nostres patrons de canvi poden reduir l'esforç per al modelatge de famílies de processos en un 34% i per a l'evolució de eixos models en un 40%. A més, hem analitzat com els enginyers de PAIS apliquen els patrons i quines son les seues percepcions d'esta aplicació. Com a resultat, la majoria d'ells va trobar beneficis al aplicar els patrons de canvi. A més, no van percebre un augment en l'esforç mental necessari per a aplicar-los i van estar d'acord en la utilitat i fAyora Esteras, C. (2015). Enhancing Variability Modeling in Process-Aware Information Systems through Change Patterns [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58426TESI

    Designing the Didactic Strategy Modeling Language (DSML) From PoN: An Activity Oriented EML Proposal

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    [EN] This paper presents the design of the didactic strategy modeling language (DSML) according to the principles of Physics of Notations (PoN). The DSML is a visual and activity-oriented language for learning design characterized by the representation of different activities according to the nature of the task. Once the language is designed, a blind interpretation study is conducted to validate the semantic transparency of the learning activity iconography. The results of the paper allow to refine the icons. In addition to this, an authoring tool for DSML, which is integrated to an LMS, is presented. As a result, a model driven course was designed as a DSML pre-validation.Ruiz, A.; Panach Navarrete, JI.; Pastor López, O.; Giraldo-Velásquez, FD.; Arciniegas, JL.; Giraldo, WJ. (2018). Designing the Didactic Strategy Modeling Language (DSML) From PoN: An Activity Oriented EML Proposal. IEEE-RITA: Latin-American Learning Technologies Journal. 13(4):136-143. https://doi.org/10.1109/RITA.2018.2879262S13614313

    Tendências do BPM

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoAtualmente, as organizações encontram-se inseridas em ambientes de mercado cada vez mais competitivos, deparando-se com várias dificuldades, em que face a estas, necessitam de encontrar soluções. Por essa razão, viram o BPM como uma solução para melhorar o seu negócio. Um dos objetivos do BPM é ter a capacidade de identificar, monitorar e otimizar processos de negócio cujo resultado final é um conjunto de atividades realizadas. Com base nesta monitorização e otimização, as organizações tornam-se capazes de identificar possíveis lacunas nos seus processos e com isto melhorá-los. Com isto, verificou-se a falta de informação existente cientificamente em relação à identificação de novas tendências para o BPM. Neste sentido, com este trabalho propomos realizar uma investigação seguindo a metodologia de pesquisa em Design Science Research, em que iniciamos uma pesquisa de levantamento de tendência seguindo a abordagem proposta por Webster e Watson (2002), com base em duas conferências internacionais em BPM de ranking elevado, em que se identificou os tópicos mais abordados como também problemas e soluções desde 2013 até 2015. Posteriormente, com informação recolhida ao longo de três anos, através da criação de um framework identificamos algumas tendências para o BPM, de forma a melhorá-lo. Para garantir a credibilidade dos resultados, através da criação de um inquérito por questionário realizou-se a avaliação dos resultados obtidos.Nowadays, the market gets more and more competitive, thus companies need to learn how to manage and find the right solutions for their business when facing challenges. For that reason, they saw BPM as a great tool to expand their business. One of the features of BPM is the capacity to identify, monetize and optimize processes within the business which ultimately allow for an aggregation of performed activities. Thanks to these features, the business have been capable of identifying possible gaps in their processes and how to improve them. With this, it was verified the lack of scientific information regarding the identification of new trends for BPM. Therefore, with this work we propose to conduct an investigation that follows the searching methodology in Design Science Research, where we initiate a search of lifting trends as proposed by Webster and Watson (2002). This is based on two international conferences on BPM, in which it identified the most discussed topics and also the problems and solutions since 2013 until 2015. After this investigation, with collected information over 3 years, through the creation of framework we identify some BPM trends. To approve this results, we created a survey that was held an evaluation of the final results

    Verifying goal-oriented specifications used in model-driven development processes

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    [EN] Goal-oriented requirements engineering promotes the use of goals to elicit, elaborate, structure, specify, analyze, negotiate, document, and modify requirements. Thus, goal-oriented specifications are essential for capturing the objectives that the system to be developed should achieve. However, the application of goal oriented specifications into model-driven development (MDD) processes is still handcrafted, not aligned in the automated flow from models to code. In other words, the experience of analysts and designers is necessary to manually transform the input goal-oriented models into system models for code generation (models compilation). Some authors have proposed guidelines to facilitate and partially automate this translation, but there is a lack of techniques to assess the adequacy of goal-oriented models as starting point of MDD processes. In this paper, we present and evaluate a verification approach that guarantees the automatic, correct, and complete transformation of goal-oriented models into design models used by specific MDD solutions. In particular, this approach has been put into practice by adopting a well-known goal-oriented modeling approach, the i* framework, and an industrial MDD solution called Integranova.This work has been developed with the support of FONDECYT under the projects AMoDDI 11130583 and TESTMODE 11121395.This work is also supported by EOSSAC project, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish government (TIN2013-44641-P).Giachetti Herrera, GA.; Marín, B.; López, L.; Franch, X.; Pastor López, O. (2017). Verifying goal-oriented specifications used in model-driven development processes. Information Systems. 64:41-62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.is.2016.06.011S41626

    Towards a decision-aware declarative process modeling language for knowledge-intensive processes

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    Modeling loosely framed and knowledge-intensive business processes with the currently available process modeling languages is very challenging. Some lack the flexibility to model this type of processes, while others are missing one or more-perspectives needed to add the necessary level of detail to the models. In this paper we have composed a list of requirements that a modeling language should fulfil in order to adequately support the modeling of this type of processes. Based on these requirements, a metamodel for a new modeling language was developed that satisfies them all. The new language, called DeciClare, incorporates parts of several existing modeling languages, integrating them with new solutions to requirements that had not yet been met, Deciclare is a declarative modeling language at its core, and therefore, can inherently deal with the flexibility required to model loosely framed processes. The complementary resource and data perspectives add the capability to reason about, respectively, resources and data values. The latter makes it possible to encapsulate the knowledge that governs the process flow by offering support for decision modeling. The abstract syntax of DeciClare has been implemented in the form of an Ecore model. Based on this implementation, the language-domain appropriateness of the language was validated by domain experts using the arm fracture case as application scenario. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Towards a Business Process Modeling Technique for Agile Development of Case Management Systems

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    A modern organization needs to adapt its behavior to changes in the business environment by changing its Business Processes (BP) and corresponding Business Process Support (BPS) systems. One way of achieving such adaptability is via separation of the system code from the process description/model by applying the concept of executable process models. Furthermore, to ease introduction of changes, such process model should separate different perspectives, for example, control-flow, human resources, and data perspectives, from each other. In addition, for developing a completely new process, it should be possible to start with a reduced process model to get a BPS system quickly running, and then continue to develop it in an agile manner. This article consists of two parts, the first sets requirements on modeling techniques that could be used in the tools that supports agile development of BPs and BPS systems. The second part suggests a business process modeling technique that allows to start modeling with the data/information perspective which would be appropriate for processes supported by Case or Adaptive Case Management (CM/ACM) systems. In a model produced by this technique, called data-centric business process model, a process instance/case is defined as sequence of states in a specially designed instance database, while the process model is defined as a set of rules that set restrictions on allowed states and transitions between them. The article details the background for the project of developing the data-centric process modeling technique, presents the outline of the structure of the model, and gives formal definitions for a substantial part of the model

    Linguistic Refactoring of Business Process Models

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    In the past decades, organizations had to face numerous challenges due to intensifying globalization and internationalization, shorter innovation cycles and growing IT support for business. Business process management is seen as a comprehensive approach to align business strategy, organization, controlling, and business activities to react flexibly to market changes. For this purpose, business process models are increasingly utilized to document and redesign relevant parts of the organization's business operations. Since companies tend to have a growing number of business process models stored in a process model repository, analysis techniques are required that assess the quality of these process models in an automatic fashion. While available techniques can easily check the formal content of a process model, there are only a few techniques available that analyze the natural language content of a process model. Therefore, techniques are required that address linguistic issues caused by the actual use of natural language. In order to close this gap, this doctoral thesis explicitly targets inconsistencies caused by natural language and investigates the potential of automatically detecting and resolving them under a linguistic perspective. In particular, this doctoral thesis provides the following contributions. First, it defines a classification framework that structures existing work on process model analysis and refactoring. Second, it introduces the notion of atomicity, which implements a strict consistency condition between the formal content and the textual content of a process model. Based on an explorative investigation, we reveal several reoccurring violation patterns are not compliant with the notion of atomicity. Third, this thesis proposes an automatic refactoring technique that formalizes the identified patterns to transform a non-atomic process models into an atomic one. Fourth, this thesis defines an automatic technique for detecting and refactoring synonyms and homonyms in process models, which is eventually useful to unify the terminology used in an organization. Fifth and finally, this thesis proposes a recommendation-based refactoring approach that addresses process models suffering from incompleteness and leading to several possible interpretations. The efficiency and usefulness of the proposed techniques is further evaluated by real-world process model repositories from various industries. (author's abstract

    Improving data preparation for the application of process mining

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    Immersed in what is already known as the fourth industrial revolution, automation and data exchange are taking on a particularly relevant role in complex environments, such as industrial manufacturing environments or logistics. This digitisation and transition to the Industry 4.0 paradigm is causing experts to start analysing business processes from other perspectives. Consequently, where management and business intelligence used to dominate, process mining appears as a link, trying to build a bridge between both disciplines to unite and improve them. This new perspective on process analysis helps to improve strategic decision making and competitive capabilities. Process mining brings together data and process perspectives in a single discipline that covers the entire spectrum of process management. Through process mining, and based on observations of their actual operations, organisations can understand the state of their operations, detect deviations, and improve their performance based on what they observe. In this way, process mining is an ally, occupying a large part of current academic and industrial research. However, although this discipline is receiving more and more attention, it presents severe application problems when it is implemented in real environments. The variety of input data in terms of form, content, semantics, and levels of abstraction makes the execution of process mining tasks in industry an iterative, tedious, and manual process, requiring multidisciplinary experts with extensive knowledge of the domain, process management, and data processing. Currently, although there are numerous academic proposals, there are no industrial solutions capable of automating these tasks. For this reason, in this thesis by compendium we address the problem of improving business processes in complex environments thanks to the study of the state-of-the-art and a set of proposals that improve relevant aspects in the life cycle of processes, from the creation of logs, log preparation, process quality assessment, and improvement of business processes. Firstly, for this thesis, a systematic study of the literature was carried out in order to gain an in-depth knowledge of the state-of-the-art in this field, as well as the different challenges faced by this discipline. This in-depth analysis has allowed us to detect a number of challenges that have not been addressed or received insufficient attention, of which three have been selected and presented as the objectives of this thesis. The first challenge is related to the assessment of the quality of input data, known as event logs, since the requeriment of the application of techniques for improving the event log must be based on the level of quality of the initial data, which is why this thesis presents a methodology and a set of metrics that support the expert in selecting which technique to apply to the data according to the quality estimation at each moment, another challenge obtained as a result of our analysis of the literature. Likewise, the use of a set of metrics to evaluate the quality of the resulting process models is also proposed, with the aim of assessing whether improvement in the quality of the input data has a direct impact on the final results. The second challenge identified is the need to improve the input data used in the analysis of business processes. As in any data-driven discipline, the quality of the results strongly depends on the quality of the input data, so the second challenge to be addressed is the improvement of the preparation of event logs. The contribution in this area is the application of natural language processing techniques to relabel activities from textual descriptions of process activities, as well as the application of clustering techniques to help simplify the results, generating more understandable models from a human point of view. Finally, the third challenge detected is related to the process optimisation, so we contribute with an approach for the optimisation of resources associated with business processes, which, through the inclusion of decision-making in the creation of flexible processes, enables significant cost reductions. Furthermore, all the proposals made in this thesis are validated and designed in collaboration with experts from different fields of industry and have been evaluated through real case studies in public and private projects in collaboration with the aeronautical industry and the logistics sector