77 research outputs found

    Cross Layer Aware Adaptive MAC based on Knowledge Based Reasoning for Cognitive Radio Computer Networks

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    In this paper we are proposing a new concept in MAC layer protocol design for Cognitive radio by combining information held by physical layer and MAC layer with analytical engine based on knowledge based reasoning approach. In the proposed system a cross layer information regarding signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR) and received power are analyzed with help of knowledge based reasoning system to determine minimum power to transmit and size of contention window, to minimize backoff, collision, save power and drop packets. The performance analysis of the proposed protocol indicates improvement in power saving, lowering backoff and significant decrease in number of drop packets. The simulation environment was implement using OMNET++ discrete simulation tool with Mobilty framework and MiXiM simulation library.Comment: 8 page

    Polynomial-Time Verification and Testing of Implementations of the Snapshot Data Structure

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    We analyze correctness of implementations of the snapshot data structure in terms of linearizability. We show that such implementations can be verified in polynomial time. Additionally, we identify a set of representative executions for testing and show that the correctness of each of these executions can be validated in linear time. These results present a significant speedup considering that verifying linearizability of implementations of concurrent data structures, in general, is EXPSPACE-complete in the number of program-states, and testing linearizability is NP-complete in the length of the tested execution. The crux of our approach is identifying a class of executions, which we call simple, such that a snapshot implementation is linearizable if and only if all of its simple executions are linearizable. We then divide all possible non-linearizable simple executions into three categories and construct a small automaton that recognizes each category. We describe two implementations (one for verification and one for testing) of an automata-based approach that we develop based on this result and an evaluation that demonstrates significant improvements over existing tools. For verification, we show that restricting a state-of-the-art tool to analyzing only simple executions saves resources and allows the analysis of more complex cases. Specifically, restricting attention to simple executions finds bugs in 27 instances, whereas, without this restriction, we were only able to find 14 of the 30 bugs in the instances we examined. We also show that our technique accelerates testing performance significantly. Specifically, our implementation solves the complete set of 900 problems we generated, whereas the state-of-the-art linearizability testing tool solves only 554 problems

    A New Scheme for Minimizing Malicious Behavior of Mobile Nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    The performance of Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANET) depends on the cooperation of all active nodes. However, supporting a MANET is a cost-intensive activity for a mobile node. From a single mobile node perspective, the detection of routes as well as forwarding packets consume local CPU time, memory, network-bandwidth, and last but not least energy. We believe that this is one of the main factors that strongly motivate a mobile node to deny packet forwarding for others, while at the same time use their services to deliver its own data. This behavior of an independent mobile node is commonly known as misbehaving or selfishness. A vast amount of research has already been done for minimizing malicious behavior of mobile nodes. However, most of them focused on the methods/techniques/algorithms to remove such nodes from the MANET. We believe that the frequent elimination of such miss-behaving nodes never allowed a free and faster growth of MANET. This paper provides a critical analysis of the recent research wok and its impact on the overall performance of a MANET. In this paper, we clarify some of the misconceptions in the understating of selfishness and miss-behavior of nodes. Moreover, we propose a mathematical model that based on the time division technique to minimize the malicious behavior of mobile nodes by avoiding unnecessary elimination of bad nodes. Our proposed approach not only improves the resource sharing but also creates a consistent trust and cooperation (CTC) environment among the mobile nodes. The simulation results demonstrate the success of the proposed approach that significantly minimizes the malicious nodes and consequently maximizes the overall throughput of MANET than other well known schemes.Comment: 10 pages IEEE format, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, IJCSIS July 2009, ISSN 1947 5500, Impact Factor 0.42

    Cognitive Adaptive Mac Based on Knowledge Based Reasoning For Cognitive Radio Computer Networks

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    In this paper we are proposing a new concept in MAC layer protocol design for Cognitive radio by combining information held by physical layer and MAC layer with analytical engine based on knowledge based reasoning approach. In the proposed system a cross layer information regarding signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR) and received power are analyzed with help of knowledge based reasoning system to determine minimum power to transmit and size of contention window, to minimize backoff, collision, save power and drop packets. The performance analysis of the proposed protocol indicates improvement in power saving ,lowering backoff and significant decrease in number of drop packets. The simulation environment was implement using OMNET++ discrete simulation tool with Mobilty framework and MiXiM simulation library

    SRP-HEE: A Modified Stateless Routing Protocol based on Homomorphic Energy based Encryption for Wireless Sensor Network

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    Due to the wireless nature, the sensors node data are prone to location privacy of source and classification of the packet by unauthorized parties. Data encryption is one of the most effective ways to thwart unauthorized access to the data and trace information. Traditional wireless network security solutions are not viable for WSNs In this paper, a novel distributed forward aware factor based heuristics towards generating greedy routing using stateless routing is SRP-HEE for wireless sensor network. The model employs the homomorphic Energy based encryption technique. Energy based Encryption model is devoted as homomorphic mechanism due to their less computational complexity. Additionally, privacy constraint becoming a critical issue in the wireless sensor networks (WSNs) because sensor nodes are generally prone to attacks which deplete energy quickly as it is exposed to mobile sink frequently for data transmission. Through inclusion of the Forward aware factor on the Greedy routing strategies, it is possible to eliminate the attacking node which is depleting the energy of the source node. Heuristic conditions are used for optimizing the sampling rate and battery level for tackling the battery capacity constraints of the wireless sensor nodes. The Node characteristics of the propagating node have been analysed utilizing kalman filter and linear regression. The cooperative caching of the network information will enable to handle the fault condition by changing the privacy level of the network. The Simulation results demonstrate that SRP-HEE model outperforms existing technique on basis of Latency, Packet Delivery Ratio, Network Overhead, and Energy Utilization of nodes

    Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The applications of wireless sensor networks comprise a wide variety of scenarios. In most of them, the network is composed of a significant number of nodes deployed in an extensive area in which not all nodes are directly connected. Then, the data exchange is supported by multihop communications. Routing protocols are in charge of discovering and maintaining the routes in the network. However, the appropriateness of a particular routing protocol mainly depends on the capabilities of the nodes and on the application requirements. This paper presents a review of the main routing protocols proposed for wireless sensor networks. Additionally, the paper includes the efforts carried out by Spanish universities on developing optimization techniques in the area of routing protocols for wireless sensor networks

    Maintaining Acyclicity of Concurrent Graphs*

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of preserving acyclicity in a directed graph (for shared memory architecture) that is concurrently being updated by threads adding/deleting vertices and edges. To the best of our knowledge, no previous paper has presented a con- current graph data structure. We implement the concurrent directed graph data-structure as a concurrent adjacency list representation. We extend the lazy list implementation of concurrent linked lists for maintaining concurrent adjacency lists. There exists a number of graph applications which require the acyclic invariant in a directed graph. One such example is Serialization Graph Testing Algorithm used in databases and transactional memory. We present two concurrent algorithms for maintaining acyclicity in a concurrent graph: (i) Based on obstruction-free snapshots (ii) Using wait-free reachability. We compare the performance of these algorithms against the coarse-grained locking strategy, commonly used technique for allowing concurrent updates. We present the speedup obtained by these algorithms over sequential execution. As a future direction, we plan to extend this data structure for other progress conditions