83 research outputs found

    A Case for Custom, Composable Composition Operators

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    Programming languages typically support a fixed set of com- position operators, with fixed semantics. This may impose limits on software designers, in case a desired operator or semantics are not supported by a language, resulting in suboptimal quality characteristics of the designed software system. We demonstrate this using the well-known State design pattern, and propose the use of a composition infrastructure that allows the designer to define custom, composable composition operators. We demonstrate how this approach improves several quality factors of the State design pattern, such as reusability and modularity, while taking a reason- able amount of effort to define the necessary pattern-related code

    Using Transformation-Aspects in Model-Driven Software Product Lines

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    International audienceModel-Driven Software Product Lines (MD-SPL) are configured by using configuration models and Problem Space metamodels that capture product line scope. Products are derived by means of successive model transformations, starting from problem space models and based on the configuration models. Fine-variations of MD-SPLs correspond to characteristics that afect particular elements of models involved in the model transformations. In this paper, we present an approach to create MD-SPL including fine-variations. We configure products creating fine-feature configurations. Then, based on such configurations, we create MD-SPLs using principles of Aspects Oriented Development. Thus, our approach allows to derive products including fine-grained details of configuration

    Weak memory models using event structures

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    National audienceIn this article, we investigate a denotational semantics based on event structures for a very simple imperative and concurrent programming language. The model incorporates behaviours of weak memory models such as reordering of instructions and non-locality. Our model can then be used to define a function from programs to their possible outcomes that can be used to give a formal semantics to a processor or a programming language. Most of the semantic ideas come from game semantics and its recent development based on event structures, but taking advantage of the first-order setting, we present in this paper a self-contained simplification of these ideas

    Session Types in a Linearly Typed Multi-Threaded Lambda-Calculus

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    We present a formalization of session types in a multi-threaded lambda-calculus (MTLC) equipped with a linear type system, establishing for the MTLC both type preservation and global progress. The latter (global progress) implies that the evaluation of a well-typed program in the MTLC can never reach a deadlock. As this formulated MTLC can be readily embedded into ATS, a full-fledged language with a functional programming core that supports both dependent types (of DML-style) and linear types, we obtain a direct implementation of session types in ATS. In addition, we gain immediate support for a form of dependent session types based on this embedding into ATS. Compared to various existing formalizations of session types, we see the one given in this paper is unique in its closeness to concrete implementation. In particular, we report such an implementation ready for practical use that generates Erlang code from well-typed ATS source (making use of session types), thus taking great advantage of the infrastructural support for distributed computing in Erlang.Comment: This is the original version of the paper on supporting programming with dyadic session types in AT

    Cooking the Books: Formalizing JMM Implementation Recipes

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    The Java Memory Model (JMM) is intended to characterize the meaning of concurrent Java programs. Because of the model\u27s complexity, however, its definition cannot be easily transplanted within an optimizing Java compiler, even though an important rationale for its design was to ensure Java compiler optimizations are not unduly hampered because of the language\u27s concurrency features. In response, Lea\u27s JSR-133 Cookbook for Compiler Writers, an informal guide to realizing the principles underlying the JMM on different (relaxed-memory) platforms was developed. The goal of the cookbook is to give compiler writers a relatively simple, yet reasonably efficient, set of reordering-based recipes that satisfy JMM constraints. In this paper, we present the first formalization of the cookbook, providing a semantic basis upon which the relationship between the recipes defined by the cookbook and the guarantees enforced by the JMM can be rigorously established. Notably, one artifact of our investigation is that the rules defined by the cookbook for compiling Java onto Power are inconsistent with the requirements of the JMM, a surprising result, and one which justifies our belief in the need for formally provable definitions to reason about sophisticated (and racy) concurrency patterns in Java, and their implementation on modern-day relaxed-memory hardware. Our formalization enables simulation arguments between an architecture-independent intermediate representation of the kind suggested by Lea with machine abstractions for Power and x86. Moreover, we provide fixes for cookbook recipes that are inconsistent with the behaviors admitted by the target platform, and prove the correctness of these repairs

    A Framework for Resource Dependent EDSLs in a Dependently Typed Language (Pearl)

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    Idris' Effects library demonstrates how to embed resource dependent algebraic effect handlers into a dependently typed host language, providing run-time and compile-time based reasoning on type-level resources. Building upon this work, Resources is a framework for realising Embedded Domain Specific Languages (EDSLs) with type systems that contain domain specific substructural properties. Differing from Effects, Resources allows a language’s substructural properties to be encoded within type-level resources that are associated with language variables. Such an association allows for multiple effect instances to be reasoned about autonomically and without explicit type-level declaration. Type-level predicates are used as proof that the language’s substructural properties hold. Several exemplar EDSLs are presented that illustrates our framework’s operation and how dependent types provide correctness-by-construction guarantees that substructural properties of written programs hold

    Search based software engineering: Trends, techniques and applications

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    © ACM, 2012. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version is available from the link below.In the past five years there has been a dramatic increase in work on Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE), an approach to Software Engineering (SE) in which Search-Based Optimization (SBO) algorithms are used to address problems in SE. SBSE has been applied to problems throughout the SE lifecycle, from requirements and project planning to maintenance and reengineering. The approach is attractive because it offers a suite of adaptive automated and semiautomated solutions in situations typified by large complex problem spaces with multiple competing and conflicting objectives. This article provides a review and classification of literature on SBSE. The work identifies research trends and relationships between the techniques applied and the applications to which they have been applied and highlights gaps in the literature and avenues for further research.EPSRC and E

    Exploring Membranes for Controlling Aspects

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    In most aspect-oriented languages, aspects have an unrestricted global view of computation. Several approaches for aspect scoping and more strongly encapsulated modules have been formulated to restrict this controversial power of aspects. This paper proposes to leverage the concept of programmable membranes developed by Boudol, Schmitt and Stefani, as a means to tame aspects by customizing the semantics of aspect weaving locally. Membranes subsume previous proposals in a uniform framework. Because membranes give structure to computation, they enable flexible scoping of aspects; because they are programmable, they make it possible to define visibility and safety constraints, both for the advised program and for the aspects. We first de- scribe membranes for AOP without committing to any specific language design. In addition, we then illustrate an extension of AspectScheme with membranes, and explore the instantiation of programmable membranes in the Kell calculus. The power and simplicity of membranes open interesting perspectives to unify multiple approaches that tackle the unrestricted power of aspect-oriented programming