23 research outputs found

    Improved capacity and fairness of massive machine type communications in millimetre wave 5G network

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    In the Fifth Generation (5G) wireless standard, the Internet of Things (IoT) will interconnect billions of Machine Type Communications (MTC) devices. Fixed and mobile wearable devices and sensors are expected to contribute to the majority of IoT traffic. MTC device mobility has been considered with three speeds, namely zero (fixed) and medium and high speeds of 30 and 100 kmph. Different values for device mobility are used to simulate the impact of device mobility on MTC traffic. This work demonstrates the gain of using distributed antennas on MTC traffic in terms of spectral efficiency and fairness among MTC devices, which affects the number of devices that can be successfully connected. The mutual use of Distributed Base Stations (DBS) with Remote Radio Units (RRU) and the adoption of the millimetre wave band, particularly in the 26 GHz range, have been considered the key enabling technologies for addressing MTC traffic growth. An algorithm has been set to schedule this type of traffic and to show whether MTC devices completed their traffic upload or failed to reach the margin. The gains of the new architecture have been demonstrated in terms of spectral efficiency, data throughput and the fairness index

    The 2016 Two-Player GVGAI Competition

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    This paper showcases the setting and results of the first Two-Player General Video Game AI competition, which ran in 2016 at the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence and the IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games. The challenges for the general game AI agents are expanded in this track from the single-player version, looking at direct player interaction in both competitive and cooperative environments of various types and degrees of difficulty. The focus is on the agents not only handling multiple problems, but also having to account for another intelligent entity in the game, who is expected to work towards their own goals (winning the game). This other player will possibly interact with first agent in a more engaging way than the environment or any non-playing character may do. The top competition entries are analyzed in detail and the performance of all agents is compared across the four sets of games. The results validate the competition system in assessing generality, as well as showing Monte Carlo Tree Search continuing to dominate by winning the overall Championship. However, this approach is closely followed by Rolling Horizon Evolutionary Algorithms, employed by the winner of the second leg of the contest

    An Intelligent Computer-Aided Scheme for Classifying Multiple Skin Lesions

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    Skin diseases cases are increasing on a daily basis and are difficult to handle due to the global imbalance between skin disease patients and dermatologists. Skin diseases are among the top 5 leading cause of the worldwide disease burden. To reduce this burden, computer-aided diagnosis systems (CAD) are highly demanded. Single disease classification is the major shortcoming in the existing work. Due to the similar characteristics of skin diseases, classification of multiple skin lesions is very challenging. This research work is an extension of our existing work where a novel classification scheme is proposed for multi-class classification. The proposed classification framework can classify an input skin image into one of the six non-overlapping classes i.e., healthy, acne, eczema, psoriasis, benign and malignant melanoma. The proposed classification framework constitutes four steps, i.e., pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and classification. Different image processing and machine learning techniques are used to accomplish each step. 10-fold cross-validation is utilized, and experiments are performed on 1800 images. An accuracy of 94.74% was achieved using Quadratic Support Vector Machine. The proposed classification scheme can help patients in the early classification of skin lesions.</p

    Associated Random Neural Networks for Collective Classification of Nodes in Botnet Attacks

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    Botnet attacks are a major threat to networked systems because of their ability to turn the network nodes that they compromise into additional attackers, leading to the spread of high volume attacks over long periods. The detection of such Botnets is complicated by the fact that multiple network IP addresses will be simultaneously compromised, so that Collective Classification of compromised nodes, in addition to the already available traditional methods that focus on individual nodes, can be useful. Thus this work introduces a collective Botnet attack classification technique that operates on traffic from an n-node IP network with a novel Associated Random Neural Network (ARNN) that identifies the nodes which are compromised. The ARNN is a recurrent architecture that incorporates two mutually associated, interconnected and architecturally identical n-neuron random neural networks, that act simultneously as mutual critics to reach the decision regarding which of n nodes have been compromised. A novel gradient learning descent algorithm is presented for the ARNN, and is shown to operate effectively both with conventional off-line training from prior data, and with on-line incremental training without prior off-line learning. Real data from a 107 node packet network is used with over 700,000 packets to evaluate the ARNN, showing that it provides accurate predictions. Comparisons with other well-known state of the art methods using the same learning and testing datasets, show that the ARNN offers significantly better performance

    A Novel Secure Occupancy Monitoring Scheme Based on Multi-Chaos Mapping

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    Smart building control, managing queues for instant points of service, security systems, and customer support can benefit from the number of occupants information known as occupancy. Due to interrupted real-time continuous monitoring capabilities of state-of-the-art cameras, a vision-based system can be easily deployed for occupancy monitoring. However, processing of images or videos over insecure channels can raise several privacy concerns due to constant recording of an image or video footage. In this context, occupancy monitoring along with privacy protection is a challenging task. This paper presents a novel chaos-based lightweight privacy preserved occupancy monitoring scheme. Persons’ movements were detected using a Gaussian mixture model and Kalman filtering. A specific region of interest, i.e., persons’ faces and bodies, was encrypted using multi-chaos mapping. For pixel encryption, Intertwining and Chebyshev maps were employed in confusion and diffusion processes, respectively. The number of people was counted and the occupancy information was sent to the ThingSpeak cloud platform. The proposed chaos-based lightweight occupancy monitoring system is tested against numerous security metrics such as correlation, entropy, Number of Pixel Changing Rate (NPCR), Normalized Cross Correlation (NCC), Structural Content (SC), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Square Error (MSE), Peak to Signal Noise Ratio (PSNR), and Time Complexity (TC). All security metrics confirm the strength of the proposed scheme

    Bridging the Gap between ABM and MAS: A Disaster-Rescue Simulation Using Jason and NetLogo

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    An agent is an autonomous computer system situated in an environment to fulfill a design objective. Multi-Agent Systems aim to solve problems in a flexible and robust way by assembling sets of agents interacting in cooperative or competitive ways for the sake of possibly common objectives. Multi-Agent Systems have been applied to several domains ranging from many industrial sectors, e-commerce, health and even entertainment. Agent-Based Modeling, a sort of Multi-Agent Systems, is a technique used to study complex systems in a wide range of domains. A natural or social system can be represented, modeled and explained through a simulation based on agents and interactions. Such a simulation can comprise a variety of agent architectures like reactive and cognitive agents. Despite cognitive agents being highly relevant to simulate social systems due their capability of modelling aspects of human behaviour ranging from individuals to crowds, they still have not been applied extensively. A challenging and socially relevant domain are the Disaster-Rescue simulations that can benefit from using cognitive agents to develop a realistic simulation. In this paper, a Multi-Agent System applied to the Disaster-Rescue domain involving cognitive agents based on the Belief–Desire–Intention architecture is presented. The system aims to bridge the gap in combining Agent-Based Modelling and Multi-Agent Systems approaches by integrating two major platforms in the field of Agent-Based Modeling and Belief-Desire Intention multi-agent systems, namely, NetLogo and Jason

    Predicting stock price changes based on the limit order book: a survey

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    This survey starts with a general overview of the strategies for stock price change predictions based on market data and in particular Limit Order Book (LOB) data. The main discussion is devoted to the systematic analysis, comparison, and critical evaluation of the state-of-the-art studies in the research area of stock price movement predictions based on LOB data. LOB and Order Flow data are two of the most valuable information sources available to traders on the stock markets. Academic researchers are actively exploring the application of different quantitative methods and algorithms for this type of data to predict stock price movements. With the advancements in machine learning and subsequently in deep learning, the complexity and computational intensity of these models was growing, as well as the claimed predictive power. Some researchers claim accuracy of stock price movement prediction well in excess of 80%. These models are now commonly employed by automated market-making programs to set bids and ask quotes. If these results were also applicable to arbitrage trading strategies, then those algorithms could make a fortune for their developers. Thus, the open question is whether these results could be used to generate buy and sell signals that could be exploited with active trading. Therefore, this survey paper is intended to answer this question by reviewing these results and scrutinising their reliability. The ultimate conclusion from this analysis is that although considerable progress was achieved in this direction, even the state-of-art models can not guarantee a consistent profit in active trading. Taking this into account several suggestions for future research in this area were formulated along the three dimensions: input data, model’s architecture, and experimental setup. In particular, from the input data perspective, it is critical that the dataset is properly processed, up-to-date, and its size is sufficient for the particular model training. From the model architecture perspective, even though deep learning models are demonstrating a stronger performance than classical models, they are also more prone to over-fitting. To avoid over-fitting it is suggested to optimize the feature space, as well as a number of layers and neurons, and apply dropout functionality. The over-fitting problem can be also addressed by optimising the experimental setup in several ways: Introducing the early stopping mechanism; Saving the best weights of the model achieved during the training; Testing the model on the out-of-sample data, which should be separated from the validation and training samples. Finally, it is suggested to always conduct the trading simulation under realistic market conditions considering transactions costs, bid–ask spreads, and market impact

    A Critical Review on Battery Aging and State Estimation Technologies of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Prospects and Issues

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) have had a meteoric rise in acceptance in recent decades due to mounting worries about greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, and the depletion of fossil resource supplies because of their superior efficiency and performance. EVs have now gained widespread acceptance in the automobile industry as the most viable alternative for decreasing CO2 production. The battery is an integral ingredient of electric vehicles, and the battery management system (BMS) acts as a bridge between them. The goal of this work is to give a brief review of certain key BMS technologies, including state estimation, aging characterization methodologies, and the aging process. The consequences of battery aging limit its capacity and arise whether the battery is used or not, which is a significant downside in real-world operation. That is why this paper presents a wide range of recent research on Li-ion battery aging processes, including estimations from multiple areas. Afterward, various battery state indicators are thoroughly explained. This work will assist in defining new relevant domains and constructing commercial models and play a critical role in future research in this expanding area by providing a clear picture of the present status of estimating techniques of the major state indicators of Li-ion batteries

    Languages of games and play: A systematic mapping study

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    Digital games are a powerful means for creating enticing, beautiful, educational, and often highly addictive interactive experiences that impact the lives of billions of players worldwide. We explore what informs the design and construction of good games to learn how to speed-up game development. In particular, we study to what extent languages, notations, patterns, and tools, can offer experts theoretical foundations, systematic techniques, and practical solutions they need to raise their productivity and improve the quality of games and play. Despite the growing number of publications on this topic there is currently no overview describing the state-of-the-art that relates research areas, goals, and applications. As a result, efforts and successes are often one-off, lessons learned go overlooked, language reuse remains minimal, and opportunities for collaboration and synergy are lost. We present a systematic map that identifies relevant publications and gives an overview of research areas and publication venues. In addition, we categorize research perspectives along common objectives, techniques, and approaches, illustrated by summaries of selected languages. Finally, we distill challenges and opportunities for future research and development