220 research outputs found

    What does fault tolerant Deep Learning need from MPI?

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    Deep Learning (DL) algorithms have become the de facto Machine Learning (ML) algorithm for large scale data analysis. DL algorithms are computationally expensive - even distributed DL implementations which use MPI require days of training (model learning) time on commonly studied datasets. Long running DL applications become susceptible to faults - requiring development of a fault tolerant system infrastructure, in addition to fault tolerant DL algorithms. This raises an important question: What is needed from MPI for de- signing fault tolerant DL implementations? In this paper, we address this problem for permanent faults. We motivate the need for a fault tolerant MPI specification by an in-depth consideration of recent innovations in DL algorithms and their properties, which drive the need for specific fault tolerance features. We present an in-depth discussion on the suitability of different parallelism types (model, data and hybrid); a need (or lack thereof) for check-pointing of any critical data structures; and most importantly, consideration for several fault tolerance proposals (user-level fault mitigation (ULFM), Reinit) in MPI and their applicability to fault tolerant DL implementations. We leverage a distributed memory implementation of Caffe, currently available under the Machine Learning Toolkit for Extreme Scale (MaTEx). We implement our approaches by ex- tending MaTEx-Caffe for using ULFM-based implementation. Our evaluation using the ImageNet dataset and AlexNet, and GoogLeNet neural network topologies demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed fault tolerant DL implementation using OpenMPI based ULFM

    Model-Based Proactive Read-Validation in Transaction Processing Systems

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    Concurrency control protocols based on read-validation schemes allow transactions which are doomed to abort to still run until a subsequent validation check reveals them as invalid. These late aborts do not favor the reduction of wasted computation and can penalize performance. To counteract this problem, we present an analytical model that predicts the abort probability of transactions handled via read-validation schemes. Our goal is to determine what are the suited points-along a transaction lifetime-to carry out a validation check. This may lead to early aborting doomed transactions, thus saving CPU time. We show how to exploit the abort probability predictions returned by the model in combination with a threshold-based scheme to trigger read-validations. We also show how this approach can definitely improve performance-leading up to 14 % better turnaround-as demonstrated by some experiments carried out with a port of the TPC-C benchmark to Software Transactional Memory

    Supporting automatic recovery in offloaded distributed programming models through MPI-3 techniques

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    In this paper we describe the design of fault tolerance capabilities for general-purpose offload semantics, based on the OmpSs programming model. Using ParaStation MPI, a production MPI-3.1 implementation, we explore the features that, being standard compliant, an MPI stack must support to provide the necessary fault tolerance guarantees, based on MPI's dynamic process management. Our results, including synthetic benchmarks and applications, reveal low runtime overhead and efficient recovery, demonstrating that the existing MPI standard provided us with sufficient mechanisms to implement an effective and efficient fault-tolerant solution.This research received funding from the European Community’s 7th Framework Programme via the DEEP-ER project under Grant Agreement no. 610476. This work has also been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contract TIN2012-34557) and by Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272). Antonio J. Peña is cofinanced by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva fellowship number IJCI-2015-23266. The authors thank Jorge Bell´on, from BSC, for his technical support with the Nanos++ internals.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Accurate Energy and Performance Prediction for Frequency-Scaled GPU Kernels

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    Energy optimization is an increasingly important aspect of today’s high-performance computing applications. In particular, dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) has become a widely adopted solution to balance performance and energy consumption, and hardware vendors provide management libraries that allow the programmer to change both memory and core frequencies manually to minimize energy consumption while maximizing performance. This article focuses on modeling the energy consumption and speedup of GPU applications while using different frequency configurations. The task is not straightforward, because of the large set of possible and uniformly distributed configurations and because of the multi-objective nature of the problem, which minimizes energy consumption and maximizes performance. This article proposes a machine learning-based method to predict the best core and memory frequency configurations on GPUs for an input OpenCL kernel. The method is based on two models for speedup and normalized energy predictions over the default frequency configuration. Those are later combined into a multi-objective approach that predicts a Pareto-set of frequency configurations. Results show that our approach is very accurate at predicting extema and the Pareto set, and finds frequency configurations that dominate the default configuration in either energy or performance.DFG, 360291326, CELERITY: Innovative Modellierung für Skalierbare Verteilte Laufzeitsystem

    Performance Models for Data Transfers: A Case Study with Molecular Chemistry Kernels

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    With increasing complexity of hardwares, systems with different memory nodes are ubiquitous in High Performance Computing (HPC). It is paramount to develop strategies to overlap the data transfers between memory nodes with computations in order to exploit the full potential of these systems. In this article, we consider the problem of deciding the order of data transfers between two memory nodes for a set of independent tasks with the objective to minimize the makespan. We prove that with limited memory capacity, obtaining the optimal order of data transfers is a NP-complete problem. We propose several heuristics for this problem and provide details about their favorable situations. We present an analysis of our heuristics on traces, obtained by running 2 molecular chemistry kernels, namely, Hartree-Fock (HF) and Coupled Cluster Single Double (CCSD) on 10 nodes of an HPC system. Our results show that some of our heuristics achieve significant overlap for moderate memory capacities and are very close to the lower bound of makespan

    Helmholtz Portfolio Theme Large-Scale Data Management and Analysis (LSDMA)

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    The Helmholtz Association funded the "Large-Scale Data Management and Analysis" portfolio theme from 2012-2016. Four Helmholtz centres, six universities and another research institution in Germany joined to enable data-intensive science by optimising data life cycles in selected scientific communities. In our Data Life cycle Labs, data experts performed joint R&D together with scientific communities. The Data Services Integration Team focused on generic solutions applied by several communities
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