21 research outputs found

    Harmonizing CMMI-DEV 1.2 and XP Method to Improve The Software Development Processes in Small Software Development Firms

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    Most software development organizations are small firms, and they have realized the need to manage and improve their software development and management activities. Traditional Software Process Improvement (SPI) models and standards are not realistic for these firms because of high cost, limited resources and strict project deadlines. Therefore, these firms need a lightweight software development method and an appropriate SPI model to manage and improve their software development and management processes. This study aims to construct a suitable software development process improvement framework for Small Software Development Firms (SSDFs) based on eXtreme Programming (XP) method and Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development Version 1.2 (CMMI-Dev1.2) model. Four stages are involved in developing the framework: (1) aligning XP practices to the specific goals of CMMI-Dev1.2 Key Process Areas (KPAs); (2) developing the proposed software development process improvement framework based on extending XP method by adapting the Extension-Based Approach (EBA), CMMI-Dev1.2, and generic elements of the SPI framework; (3) verifying the compatibility of the proposed framework to the KPAs of CMMI-Dev1.2 by using focus group method coupled with Delphi technique; and (4) validating the modified framework by using CMMI-Dev1.2 questionnaire as a main item to validate the suitability of the modified framework for SSDFs, and conducting two case studies to validate the applicability and effectiveness of this framework for these firms. The result of aligning XP practices to the KPAs of CMMI-Dev1.2 shows that twelve KPAs are largely supported by XP practices, eight KPAs are partially supported by XP practices, and two KPAs are not-supported by XP practices. The main contributions of this study are: software development process improvement framework for SSDFs, elicit better understanding of how to construct the framework, and quality improvement of the software development processes. There are possible avenues for extending this research to fulfil the missing specific practices of several KPAs, examining other agile practices and using CMMI-Dev1.3 to improve the framework, and conducting more case studie

    The Impact of Human Error in the Use of Agricultural Tractors: A Case Study Research in Vineyard Cultivation in Italy

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    Recently, standards and regulations concerning occupational safety have become more and more rigorous. Nevertheless, the number of accidents and victims has not decreased significantly, as reported by official statistics. In Italy, the agricultural sector is certainly one of the most affected by this situation, especially taking into account the occurrence of serious injuries and fatalities related to the use of tractors. The main reasons for such a situation can be ascribed to the peculiarities of agricultural operations. Therefore, when analyzing the root causes of agricultural accidents, a user-centered approach is needed in order to make the development of health and safety interventions easier and more effective. Based on this, the present paper proposes a practical case study research focused on integrating the factor of human error into the risk assessment procedures of agricultural activities in vineyard cultivation. Such an approach allowed us to consider the impact of human errorwhile performing work activities (e.g., the use of a tractor)on hazards and related hazardous events in a thorough manner. The proposed approach represents a novelty in the sector of the safety assessment of agricultural activities, providing a first valuable basis for further analysis and implementation by researchers and practitioners

    Identifying and Addressing Critical Issues in the Indian Construction Industry: Perspectives of Large Building Construction Clients

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    The Indian construction industry faces increasing challenges amidst serious performance shortfalls. Confronting similar issues in past decades, other countries such as the UK, USA, and Singapore commissioned high-powered studies and set up industry development bodies to address their own priorities. Initiatives in other countries are briefly reviewed before outlining the launch of the “Construction Industry Improvement Initiative India” (Ci3 India) that aims to address our own challenges. This paper focuses on identifying and launching a platform to address the current and imminent critical issues in the Indian Construction Industry. Nineteen critical issues were identifed, verifed, and validated through four focus group sessions at two Regional Roundtables with 54 high calibre large building construction clients, academicians, and other invited experts. The identifed issues were consolidated to 10 Action Items. Seven Action Teams were then mobilized to work on the 10 Action Items. Having consolidated a base consensus of clients on the way forward, it was also proposed to develop a “Construction Clients’ Charter” that will set out basic principles, protocols, and targeted good practices by lead clients, who by voluntarily agreeing and implementing these together, could catalyse signifcant industry improvement

    Towards an Interoperable Approach for Modelling and Managing Smart Building Data: The Case of the CESI Smart Building Demonstrator

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    Buildings have a significant impact on energy consumption and carbon emissions. Smart buildings are deemed to play a crucial role in improving the energy performance of buildings and cities. Managing a smart building requires the modelling of data concerning smart systems and components. While there is a significant amount of research on optimising building energy using the smart building concept, there is a dearth of studies investigating the modelling and management of smart systems’ data, which is the starting point for establishing the necessary digital environment for representing a smart building. This study aimed to develop and test a solution for modelling and managing smart building information using an industry foundation classes (IFCs)-based BIM process. A conceptual model expressed in the SysML language was proposed to define a smart building. Five BIM approaches were identified as potential ‘prototypes’ for representing and exchanging smart building information. The fidelity of each approach is checked through a BIM-based validation process using an open-source visualisation platform. The different prototypes were also assessed using a multi-criteria comparison method to identify the preferred approach for modelling and managing smart building information. The preferred approach was prototyped and tested in a use case focused on building energy consumption monitoring to evaluate its ability to manage and visualise the smart building data. The use case was applied in a real case study using a full-scale demonstrator, namely, the ‘Nanterre 3’ (N3) smart building located at the CESI campus in Paris-Nanterre. The findings demonstrated that an open BIM format in the form of IFCs could achieve adequate modelling of smart building data without information loss. Future extensions of the proposed approach were finally outlined

    Aus Fehlern in der Softwareentwicklung lernen. Wie durch Fehleranalysen die Prozesse der Anforderungsanalyse und der Qualitätssicherung verbessert werden können

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    Softwarefehler existieren, seit Menschen Software entwickeln. Fehler können mitunter zu erheblichen wirtschaftlichen Verlusten und im schlimmsten Fall zum Verlust von Leben führen. Viele Fehler können auf Mängel im Prozess der Anforderungsanalyse zurückgeführt werden. Je später ein Anforderungsfehler entdeckt und behoben wird, desto aufwändiger wird die Korrektur. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt, wie aus Fehlern in der Softwareentwicklung gelernt werden kann. Sie beschreibt ein Verfahren zu Fehleranalyse, auf dessen Basis insbesondere Prozesse der Anforderungsanalyse und der Qualitätssicherung verbessert werden können. Ziel der Verbesserungen ist es, Anforderungsfehler und mögliche Folgefehler im Entwurf und der Implementierung zu vermeiden oder zumindest früher zu finden. In dieser Arbeit wird zunächst ein Modell hergeleitet, das erklärt, warum Anforderungsfehler entstehen. Für bestimmte Typen von Anforderungsfehlern werden auf der Grundlage empirische Befunde konkrete Ursachen im Prozess der Anforderungsanalyse aufgezeigt. Dieses Erklärungsmodell ist Bestandteil eines Verfahrens zur Fehleranalyse, das den Anspruch erhebt, über die Auswertung von Fehlern Rückschlüsse über mögliche Ursachen im Prozess zu ziehen. Das Verfahren ist eine Weiterentwicklung der Orthogonal Defect Classification, kurz ODC. ODC wird in der Arbeit ausführlich dargestellt und auf der Grundlage empirischer Befunde kritisch gewürdigt. Das weiterentwickelte Verfahren zur Fehleranalyse wurde im Rahmen einer einjährigen Fallstudie bei dem IT-Dienstleister einer großen deutschen Versicherung erfolgreich angewandt. Hierbei wurden nachträglich reale Fehler von zwei Softwareentwicklungsprojekten einer geschäftskritischen Anwendungssoftware klassifiziert und analysiert, um Verbesserungspotenziale zu identifizieren. Das in der Arbeit entwickelte Verfahren zur Fehleranalyse leistet einen unmittelbaren Beitrag zur Lösung des aufgezeigten Praxisproblems: sie ist ein Instrument, um Prozessmängel der Anforderungsanalyse zu identifizieren, die systematisch Anforderungsfehler und Folgefehler verursachen

    Characterizing and Diagnosing Architectural Degeneration of Software Systems from Defect Perspective

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    The architecture of a software system is known to degrade as the system evolves over time due to change upon change, a phenomenon that is termed architectural degeneration. Previous research has focused largely on structural deviations of an architecture from its baseline. However, another angle to observe architectural degeneration is software defects, especially those that are architecturally related. Such an angle has not been scientifically explored until now. Here, we ask two relevant questions: (1) What do defects indicate about architectural degeneration? and (2) How can architectural degeneration be diagnosed from the defect perspective? To answer question (1), we conducted an exploratory case study analyzing defect data over six releases of a large legacy system (of size approximately 20 million source lines of code and age over 20 years). The relevant defects here are those that span multiple components in the system (called multiple-component defects - MCDs). This case study found that MCDs require more changes to fix and are more persistent across development phases and releases than other types of defects. To answer question (2), we developed an approach (called Diagnosing Architectural Degeneration - DAD) from the defect perspective, and validated it in another, confirmatory, case study involving three releases of a commercial system (of size over 1.5 million source lines of code and age over 13 years). This case study found that components of the system tend to persistently have an impact on architectural degeneration over releases. Especially, such impact of a few components is substantially greater than that of other components. These results are new and they add to the current knowledge on architectural degeneration. The key conclusions from these results are: (i) analysis of MCDs is a viable approach to characterizing architectural degeneration; and (ii) a method such as DAD can be developed for diagnosing architectural degeneration