9 research outputs found

    Improved Compact Visibility Representation of Planar Graph via Schnyder's Realizer

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    Let GG be an nn-node planar graph. In a visibility representation of GG, each node of GG is represented by a horizontal line segment such that the line segments representing any two adjacent nodes of GG are vertically visible to each other. In the present paper we give the best known compact visibility representation of GG. Given a canonical ordering of the triangulated GG, our algorithm draws the graph incrementally in a greedy manner. We show that one of three canonical orderings obtained from Schnyder's realizer for the triangulated GG yields a visibility representation of GG no wider than 22n4015\frac{22n-40}{15}. Our easy-to-implement O(n)-time algorithm bypasses the complicated subroutines for four-connected components and four-block trees required by the best previously known algorithm of Kant. Our result provides a negative answer to Kant's open question about whether 3n62\frac{3n-6}{2} is a worst-case lower bound on the required width. Also, if GG has no degree-three (respectively, degree-five) internal node, then our visibility representation for GG is no wider than 4n93\frac{4n-9}{3} (respectively, 4n73\frac{4n-7}{3}). Moreover, if GG is four-connected, then our visibility representation for GG is no wider than n1n-1, matching the best known result of Kant and He. As a by-product, we obtain a much simpler proof for a corollary of Wagner's Theorem on realizers, due to Bonichon, Sa\"{e}c, and Mosbah.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, the preliminary version of this paper is to appear in Proceedings of the 20th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), Berlin, Germany, 200

    Compact Floor-Planning via Orderly Spanning Trees

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    Floor-planning is a fundamental step in VLSI chip design. Based upon the concept of orderly spanning trees, we present a simple O(n)-time algorithm to construct a floor-plan for any n-node plane triangulation. In comparison with previous floor-planning algorithms in the literature, our solution is not only simpler in the algorithm itself, but also produces floor-plans which require fewer module types. An equally important aspect of our new algorithm lies in its ability to fit the floor-plan area in a rectangle of size (n-1)x(2n+1)/3. Lower bounds on the worst-case area for floor-planning any plane triangulation are also provided in the paper.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, An early version of this work was presented at 9th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD 2001), Vienna, Austria, September 2001. Accepted to Journal of Algorithms, 200

    Orderly Spanning Trees with Applications

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    We introduce and study the {\em orderly spanning trees} of plane graphs. This algorithmic tool generalizes {\em canonical orderings}, which exist only for triconnected plane graphs. Although not every plane graph admits an orderly spanning tree, we provide an algorithm to compute an {\em orderly pair} for any connected planar graph GG, consisting of a plane graph HH of GG, and an orderly spanning tree of HH. We also present several applications of orderly spanning trees: (1) a new constructive proof for Schnyder's Realizer Theorem, (2) the first area-optimal 2-visibility drawing of GG, and (3) the best known encodings of GG with O(1)-time query support. All algorithms in this paper run in linear time.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, A preliminary version appeared in Proceedings of the 12th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2001), Washington D.C., USA, January 7-9, 2001, pp. 506-51

    The DFS-heuristic for orthogonal graph drawing☆☆Some of these result were published in the author's PhD thesis at Rutgers University; the author would like to thank her advisor, Prof. Endre Boros, for much helpful input. The results in Section 5 have been presented at the 8th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, Ottawa, 1996, see [1].

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    AbstractIn this paper, we present a new heuristic for orthogonal graph drawings, which creates drawings by performing a depth-first search and placing the nodes in the order they are encountered. This DFS-heuristic works for graphs with arbitrarily high degrees, and particularly well for graphs with maximum degree 3. It yields drawings with at most one bend per edge, and a total number of m−n+1 bends for a graph with n nodes and m edges; this improves significantly on the best previous bound of m−2 bends


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    This thesis investigates the following general constrained clustering problem: given a dimension dd, an LpL^p-norm, a set XRdX\subset\R^d, a positive integer kk and a finite set MN\mathcal M\subset\N, find the optimal kk-partition {A1,...,Ak}\{A_1,...,A_k\} of XX w.r.t. the LpL^p-norm satisfying AiM|A_i|\in \mathcal M, i=1,...,ki=1,...,k. First of all, we prove that the problem is NP-hard even if k=2k=2 (for all p>1p>1), or d=2d=2 and M=2|\mathcal M|=2 (with Euclidean norm). Moreover, we put in evidence that the problem is computationally hard if pp is a non-integer rational. When d=2d=2, k=2k=2 and M={m,nm}\mathcal M=\{m,n-m\}, we design an algorithm for solving the problem in time O(nm3log2n)O(n\sqrt[3]m \log^2 n) in the case of Euclidean norm; this result relies on combinatorial geometry techniques concerning kk-sets and dynamic convex hulls. Finally, we study the problem in fixed dimension dd with k=2k=2; by means of tools of real algebraic geometry and numerical techniques for localising algebraic roots we construct a polynomial-time method for solving the constrained clustering problem with integer pp given in unary notation

    New Approaches to Classic Graph-Embedding Problems - Orthogonal Drawings & Constrained Planarity

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    Drawings of graphs are often used to represent a given data set in a human-readable way. In this thesis, we consider different classic algorithmic problems that arise when automatically generating graph drawings. More specifically, we solve some open problems in the context of orthogonal drawings and advance the current state of research on the problems clustered planarity and simultaneous planarity

    2-Visibility Drawings of Planar Graphs

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    In a 2-visibility drawing the vertices of a given graph are represented by rectangular boxes and the adjacency relations are expressed by horizontal and vertical lines drawn between the boxes. In this paper we want to emphasize this model as a practical alternative to other representations of graphs, and to demonstrate the quality of the produced drawings. We give several approaches, heuristics as well as provably good algorithms, to represent planar graphs within this model. To this, we present a polynomial time algorithm to compute a bend-minimum orthogonal drawing under the restriction that the number of bends at each edge is at most 1