5,372 research outputs found

    Mesh-based video coding for low bit-rate communications

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    In this paper, a new method for low bit-rate content-adaptive mesh-based video coding is proposed. Intra-frame coding of this method employs feature map extraction for node distribution at specific threshold levels to achieve higher density placement of initial nodes for regions that contain high frequency features and conversely sparse placement of initial nodes for smooth regions. Insignificant nodes are largely removed using a subsequent node elimination scheme. The Hilbert scan is then applied before quantization and entropy coding to reduce amount of transmitted information. For moving images, both node position and color parameters of only a subset of nodes may change from frame to frame. It is sufficient to transmit only these changed parameters. The proposed method is well-suited for video coding at very low bit rates, as processing results demonstrate that it provides good subjective and objective image quality at a lower number of required bits

    Intra-WZ quantization mismatch in distributed video coding

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    During the past decade, Distributed Video Coding (DVC) has emerged as a new video coding paradigm, shifting the complexity from the encoder-to the decoder-side. This paper addresses a problem of current DVC architectures that has not been studied in the literature so far, that is, the mismatch between the intra and Wyner-Ziv (WZ) quantization processes. Due to this mismatch, WZ rate is spent even for spatial regions that are accurately approximated by the side-information. As a solution, this paper proposes side-information generation using selective unidirectional motion compensation from temporally adjacent WZ frames. Experimental results show that the proposed approach yields promising WZ rate gains of up to 7% relative to the conventional method


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    The ongoing research on Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is focused on flexibility and increased rate distortion (RD) performance. Besides Slepian-Wolf (SW) coding and coder control, a good side information (SI) quality is essential for high RD performance. The SI is typically extracted by temporal inter-/extrapolation. Fast motion is still a challenge. Two global motion guided adaptive temporal inter-/extrapolation (GTIE/GpTIE) schemes are proposed. They incorporate fast camera motion by global motion estimation and subsequent refinement. The issue of occlusion and revelation at the frame border is solved by an adaptive temporal inter-/extrapolation method. Simulation results show an RD performance increase of up to 3.1 dB

    Fully Scalable Video Coding Using Redundant-Wavelet Multihypothesis and Motion-Compensated Temporal Filtering

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    In this dissertation, a fully scalable video coding system is proposed. This system achieves full temporal, resolution, and fidelity scalability by combining mesh-based motion-compensated temporal filtering, multihypothesis motion compensation, and an embedded 3D wavelet-coefficient coder. The first major contribution of this work is the introduction of the redundant-wavelet multihypothesis paradigm into motion-compensated temporal filtering, which is achieved by deploying temporal filtering in the domain of a spatially redundant wavelet transform. A regular triangle mesh is used to track motion between frames, and an affine transform between mesh triangles implements motion compensation within a lifting-based temporal transform. Experimental results reveal that the incorporation of redundant-wavelet multihypothesis into mesh-based motion-compensated temporal filtering significantly improves the rate-distortion performance of the scalable coder. The second major contribution is the introduction of a sliding-window implementation of motion-compensated temporal filtering such that video sequences of arbitrarily length may be temporally filtered using a finite-length frame buffer without suffering from severe degradation at buffer boundaries. Finally, as a third major contribution, a novel 3D coder is designed for the coding of the 3D volume of coefficients resulting from the redundant-wavelet based temporal filtering. This coder employs an explicit estimate of the probability of coefficient significance to drive a nonadaptive arithmetic coder, resulting in a simple software implementation. Additionally, the coder offers the possibility of a high degree of vectorization particularly well suited to the data-parallel capabilities of modern general-purpose processors or customized hardware. Results show that the proposed coder yields nearly the same rate-distortion performance as a more complicated coefficient coder considered to be state of the art

    Segmentation-based mesh design for motion estimation

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    Dans la plupart des codec vidéo standard, l'estimation des mouvements entre deux images se fait généralement par l'algorithme de concordance des blocs ou encore BMA pour « Block Matching Algorithm ». BMA permet de représenter l'évolution du contenu des images en décomposant normalement une image par blocs 2D en mouvement translationnel. Cette technique de prédiction conduit habituellement à de sévères distorsions de 1'artefact de bloc lorsque Ie mouvement est important. De plus, la décomposition systématique en blocs réguliers ne dent pas compte nullement du contenu de l'image. Certains paramètres associes aux blocs, mais inutiles, doivent être transmis; ce qui résulte d'une augmentation de débit de transmission. Pour paillier a ces défauts de BMA, on considère les deux objectifs importants dans Ie codage vidéo, qui sont de recevoir une bonne qualité d'une part et de réduire la transmission a très bas débit d'autre part. Dans Ie but de combiner les deux exigences quasi contradictoires, il est nécessaire d'utiliser une technique de compensation de mouvement qui donne, comme transformation, de bonnes caractéristiques subjectives et requiert uniquement, pour la transmission, l'information de mouvement. Ce mémoire propose une technique de compensation de mouvement en concevant des mailles 2D triangulaires a partir d'une segmentation de l'image. La décomposition des mailles est construite a partir des nœuds repartis irrégulièrement Ie long des contours dans l'image. La décomposition résultant est ainsi basée sur Ie contenu de l'image. De plus, étant donné la même méthode de sélection des nœuds appliquée à l'encodage et au décodage, la seule information requise est leurs vecteurs de mouvement et un très bas débit de transmission peut ainsi être réalise. Notre approche, comparée avec BMA, améliore à la fois la qualité subjective et objective avec beaucoup moins d'informations de mouvement. Dans la premier chapitre, une introduction au projet sera présentée. Dans Ie deuxième chapitre, on analysera quelques techniques de compression dans les codec standard et, surtout, la populaire BMA et ses défauts. Dans Ie troisième chapitre, notre algorithme propose et appelé la conception active des mailles a base de segmentation, sera discute en détail. Ensuite, les estimation et compensation de mouvement seront décrites dans Ie chapitre 4. Finalement, au chapitre 5, les résultats de simulation et la conclusion seront présentés.Abstract: In most video compression standards today, the generally accepted method for temporal prediction is motion compensation using block matching algorithm (BMA). BMA represents the scene content evolution with 2-D rigid translational moving blocks. This kind of predictive scheme usually leads to distortions such as block artefacts especially when the motion is important. The two most important aims in video coding are to receive a good quality on one hand and a low bit-rate on the other. This thesis proposes a motion compensation scheme using segmentation-based 2-D triangular mesh design method. The mesh is constructed by irregularly spread nodal points selected along image contour. Based on this, the generated mesh is, to a great extent, image content based. Moreover, the nodes are selected with the same method on the encoder and decoder sides, so that the only information that has to be transmitted are their motion vectors, and thus very low bit-rate can be achieved. Compared with BMA, our approach could improve subjective and objective quality with much less motion information."--Résumé abrégé par UM

    JPEG 2000 Extensions for Scalable Coding of Discontinuous Media

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    In this paper we propose novel extensions to JPEG 2000 for the coding of discontinuous media which includes piecewise smooth imagery such as depth maps and optical flows. These extensions use breakpoints to model discontinuity boundary geometry and apply a breakpoint dependent Discrete Wavelet Transform (BP-DWT) to the input imagery. The highly scalable and accessible coding features provided by the JPEG 2000 compression framework are preserved by our proposed extensions, with the breakpoint and transform components encoded as independent bit streams that can be progressively decoded. Comparative rate-distortion results are provided along with corresponding visual examples which highlight the advantages of using breakpoint representations with accompanying BD-DWT and embedded bit-plane coding. Recently our proposed extensions have been adopted and are in the process of being published as a new Part 17 to the JPEG 2000 family of coding standards

    Network-on-Chip Based H.264 Video Decoder on a Field Programmable Gate Array

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    This thesis develops the first fully network-on-chip (NoC) based h.264 video decoder implemented in real hardware on a field programmable gate array (FPGA). This thesis starts with an overview of the h.264 video coding standard and an introduction to the NoC communication paradigm. Following this, a series of processing elements (PEs) are developed which implement the component algorithms making up the h.264 video decoder. These PEs, described primarily in VHDL with some Verilog and C, are then mapped to an NoC which is generated using the CONNECT NoC generation tool. To demonstrate the scalability of the proposed NoC based design, a second NoC based video decoder is implemented on a smaller FPGA using the same PEs on a more compact NoC topology. The performance of both decoders, as well as their component PEs, is evaluated on real hardware. An analysis of the performance results is conducted and recommendations for future work are made based on the results of this analysis. Aside from the development of the proposed decoder, a major contribution of this thesis is the release of all source materials for this design as open source hardware and software. The release of these materials will allow other researchers to more easily replicate this work, as well as create derivative works in the areas of NoC based designs for FPGA, video coding and decoding, and related areas

    An improved algorithm for deinterlacing video streams

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    The MPEG-4 standard for computerized video incorporates the concept of a video object pLane While in the simplest case this can be the full rectangular frame, the standard supports a hierarchical set of arbitrary shaped planes, one for each content sensitive video object. Herein is proposed a method for extracting arbitrary planes from video that does not already contain video object plane information; Deinterlacing is the process of taking two video fields, each at half the height of the finalized image frame, and combining them into that finalized frame. As the fields are not captured simultaneously, temporal artifacts may result. Herein is proposed a method to use the above mentioned video object planes to calculate the intra-field motion of objects in the video stream and correct for such motion leading to a higher quality deinterlaced output.*; *This dissertation is a compound document (contains both a paper copy and a CD as part of the dissertation)