93 research outputs found

    Predicting the Evolution of Communities with Online Inductive Logic Programming

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    In the recent years research on dynamic social network has increased, which is also due to the availability of data sets from streaming media. Modeling a network\u27s dynamic behaviour can be performed at the level of communities, which represent their mesoscale structure. Communities arise as a result of user to user interaction. In the current work we aim to predict the evolution of communities, i.e. to predict their future form. While this problem has been studied in the past as a supervised learning problem with a variety of classifiers, the problem is that the "knowledge" of a classifier is opaque and consequently incomprehensible to a human. Thus we have employed first order logic, and in particular the event calculus to represent the communities and their evolution. We addressed the problem of predicting the evolution as an online Inductive Logic Programming problem (ILP), where the issue is to learn first order logical clauses that associate evolutionary events, and particular Growth, Shrinkage, Continuation and Dissolution to lower level events. The lower level events are features that represent the structural and temporal characteristics of communities. Experiments have been performed on a real life data set form the Mathematics StackExchange forum, with the OLED framework for ILP. In doing so we have produced clauses that model both short term and long term correlations

    An Empirical Approach for Extreme Behavior Identification through Tweets Using Machine Learning

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    This research was supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE, Korea) under Industrial Technology Innovation Program. No.10063130, Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (NRF-2019R1A2C1006159), and MSIT(Ministry of Science and ICT), Korea, under the ITRC(Information Technology Research Center) support program (IITP-2019-2016-0-00313) supervised by the IITP (Institute for Information & communications Technology Promotion), and the 2018 Yeungnam University Research Grant.Peer reviewe

    A fuzzy logic-based text classification method for social media

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    Social media offer abundant information for studying people’s behaviors, emotions and opinions during the evolution of various rare events such as natural disasters. It is useful to analyze the correlation between social media and human-affected events. This study uses Hurricane Sandy 2012 related Twitter text data to conduct information extraction and text classification. Considering that the original data contains different topics, we need to find the data related to Hurricane Sandy. A fuzzy logic-based approach is introduced to solve the problem of text classification. Inputs used in the proposed fuzzy logic-based model are multiple useful features extracted from each Twitter’s message. The output is its degree of relevance for each message to Sandy. A number of fuzzy rules are designed and different defuzzification methods are combined in order to obtain desired classification results. This work compares the proposed method with the well-known keyword search method in terms of correctness rate and quantity. The result shows that the proposed fuzzy logic-based approach is more suitable to classify Twitter messages than keyword word method

    From Intrusion Detection to Attacker Attribution: A Comprehensive Survey of Unsupervised Methods

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    Over the last five years there has been an increase in the frequency and diversity of network attacks. This holds true, as more and more organisations admit compromises on a daily basis. Many misuse and anomaly based Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) that rely on either signatures, supervised or statistical methods have been proposed in the literature, but their trustworthiness is debatable. Moreover, as this work uncovers, the current IDSs are based on obsolete attack classes that do not reflect the current attack trends. For these reasons, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of unsupervised and hybrid methods for intrusion detection, discussing their potential in the domain. We also present and highlight the importance of feature engineering techniques that have been proposed for intrusion detection. Furthermore, we discuss that current IDSs should evolve from simple detection to correlation and attribution. We descant how IDS data could be used to reconstruct and correlate attacks to identify attackers, with the use of advanced data analytics techniques. Finally, we argue how the present IDS attack classes can be extended to match the modern attacks and propose three new classes regarding the outgoing network communicatio

    An autonomous system for maintenance scheduling data-rich complex infrastructure:Fusing the railways’ condition, planning and cost

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    National railways are typically large and complex systems. Their network infrastructure usually includes extended track sections, bridges, stations and other supporting assets. In recent years, railways have also become a data-rich environment. Railway infrastructure assets have a very long life, but inherently degrade. Interventions are necessary but they can cause lateness, damage and hazards. Every day, thousands of discrete maintenance jobs are scheduled according to time and urgency. Service disruption has a direct economic impact. Planning for maintenance can be complex, expensive and uncertain. Autonomous scheduling of maintenance jobs is essential. The design strategy of a novel integrated system for automatic job scheduling is presented; from concept formulation to the examination of the data to information transitional level interface, and at the decision making level. The underlying architecture configures high-level fusion of technical and business drivers; scheduling optimized intervention plans that factor-in cost impact and added value. A proof of concept demonstrator was developed to validate the system principle and to test algorithm functionality. It employs a dashboard for visualization of the system response and to present key information. Real track incident and inspection datasets were analyzed to raise degradation alarms that initiate the automatic scheduling of maintenance tasks. Optimum scheduling was realized through data analytics and job sequencing heuristic and genetic algorithms, taking into account specific cost & value inputs from comprehensive task cost modelling. Formal face validation was conducted with railway infrastructure specialists and stakeholders. The demonstrator structure was found fit for purpose with logical component relationships, offering further scope for research and commercial exploitation

    Susceptibility to Social Engineering in Social Networking Sites: The Case of Facebook

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    Past research has suggested that social engineering poses the most significant security risk. Recent studies have suggested that social networking sites (SNSs) are the most common source of social engineering attacks. The risk of social engineering attacks in SNSs is associated with the difficulty of making accurate judgments regarding source credibility in the virtual environment of SNSs. In this paper, we quantitatively investigate source credibility dimensions in terms of social engineering on Facebook, as well as the source characteristics that influence Facebook users to judge an attacker as credible, therefore making them susceptible to victimization. Moreover, in order to predict users’ susceptibility to social engineering victimization based on their demographics, we investigate the effectiveness of source characteristics on different demographic groups by measuring the consent intentions and behavior responses of users to social engineering requests using a role-play experiment
