29 research outputs found

    Exploration and adaptation of large language models for specialized domains

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    Large language models have transformed the field of natural language processing (NLP). Their improved performance on various NLP benchmarks makes them a promising tool—also for the application in specialized domains. Such domains are characterized by highly trained professionals with particular domain expertise. Since these experts are rare, improving the efficiency of their work with automated systems is especially desirable. However, domain-specific text resources hold various challenges for NLP systems. These challenges include distinct language, noisy and scarce data, and a high level of variation. Further, specialized domains present an increased need for transparent systems since they are often applied in high stakes settings. In this dissertation, we examine whether large language models (LLMs) can overcome some of these challenges and propose methods to effectively adapt them to domain-specific requirements. We first investigate the inner workings and abilities of LLMs and show how they can fill the gaps that are present in previous NLP algorithms for specialized domains. To this end, we explore the sources of errors produced by earlier systems to identify which of them can be addressed by using LLMs. Following this, we take a closer look at how information is processed within Transformer-based LLMs to better understand their capabilities. We find that their layers encode different dimensions of the input text. Here, the contextual vector representation, and the general language knowledge learned during pre-training are especially beneficial for solving complex and multi-step tasks common in specialized domains. Following this exploration, we propose solutions for further adapting LLMs to the requirements of domain-specific tasks. We focus on the clinical domain, which incorporates many typical challenges found in specialized domains. We show how to improve generalization by integrating different domain-specific resources into our models. We further analyze the behavior of the produced models and propose a behavioral testing framework that can serve as a tool for communication with domain experts. Finally, we present an approach for incorporating the benefits of LLMs while fulfilling requirements such as interpretability and modularity. The presented solutions show improvements in performance on benchmark datasets and in manually conducted analyses with medical professionals. Our work provides both new insights into the inner workings of pre-trained language models as well as multiple adaptation methods showing that LLMs can be an effective tool for NLP in specialized domains

    Deep Learning for Text Style Transfer: A Survey

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    Text style transfer is an important task in natural language generation, which aims to control certain attributes in the generated text, such as politeness, emotion, humor, and many others. It has a long history in the field of natural language processing, and recently has re-gained significant attention thanks to the promising performance brought by deep neural models. In this paper, we present a systematic survey of the research on neural text style transfer, spanning over 100 representative articles since the first neural text style transfer work in 2017. We discuss the task formulation, existing datasets and subtasks, evaluation, as well as the rich methodologies in the presence of parallel and non-parallel data. We also provide discussions on a variety of important topics regarding the future development of this task. Our curated paper list is at https://github.com/zhijing-jin/Text_Style_Transfer_SurveyComment: Computational Linguistics Journal 202

    Fighting the COVID-19 Infodemic:Modeling the Perspective of Journalists, Fact-Checkers, Social Media Platforms, Policy Makers, and the Society

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    With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the political and the medical aspects of disinformation merged as the problem got elevated to a whole new level to become the first global infodemic. Fighting this infodemic has been declared one of the most important focus areas of the World Health Organization, with dangers ranging from promoting fake cures, rumors, and conspiracy theories to spreading xenophobia and panic. Addressing the issue requires solving a number of challenging problems such as identifying messages containing claims, determining their check-worthiness and factuality, and their potential to do harm as well as the nature of that harm, to mention just a few. To address this gap, we release a large dataset of 16K manually annotated tweets for fine-grained disinformation analysis that (i) focuses on COVID-19, (ii) combines the perspectives and the interests of journalists, fact-checkers, social media platforms, policy makers, and society, and (iii) covers Arabic, Bulgarian, Dutch, and English. Finally, we show strong evaluation results using pretrained Transformers, thus confirming the practical utility of the dataset in monolingual vs. multilingual, and single task vs. multitask settings

    Neural information extraction from natural language text

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    Natural language processing (NLP) deals with building computational techniques that allow computers to automatically analyze and meaningfully represent human language. With an exponential growth of data in this digital era, the advent of NLP-based systems has enabled us to easily access relevant information via a wide range of applications, such as web search engines, voice assistants, etc. To achieve it, a long-standing research for decades has been focusing on techniques at the intersection of NLP and machine learning. In recent years, deep learning techniques have exploited the expressive power of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and achieved state-of-the-art performance in a wide range of NLP tasks. Being one of the vital properties, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) can automatically extract complex features from the input data and thus, provide an alternative to the manual process of handcrafted feature engineering. Besides ANNs, Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs), a coupling of graph theory and probabilistic methods have the ability to describe causal structure between random variables of the system and capture a principled notion of uncertainty. Given the characteristics of DNNs and PGMs, they are advantageously combined to build powerful neural models in order to understand the underlying complexity of data. Traditional machine learning based NLP systems employed shallow computational methods (e.g., SVM or logistic regression) and relied on handcrafting features which is time-consuming, complex and often incomplete. However, deep learning and neural network based methods have recently shown superior results on various NLP tasks, such as machine translation, text classification, namedentity recognition, relation extraction, textual similarity, etc. These neural models can automatically extract an effective feature representation from training data. This dissertation focuses on two NLP tasks: relation extraction and topic modeling. The former aims at identifying semantic relationships between entities or nominals within a sentence or document. Successfully extracting the semantic relationships greatly contributes in building structured knowledge bases, useful in downstream NLP application areas of web search, question-answering, recommendation engines, etc. On other hand, the task of topic modeling aims at understanding the thematic structures underlying in a collection of documents. Topic modeling is a popular text-mining tool to automatically analyze a large collection of documents and understand topical semantics without actually reading them. In doing so, it generates word clusters (i.e., topics) and document representations useful in document understanding and information retrieval, respectively. Essentially, the tasks of relation extraction and topic modeling are built upon the quality of representations learned from text. In this dissertation, we have developed task-specific neural models for learning representations, coupled with relation extraction and topic modeling tasks in the realms of supervised and unsupervised machine learning paradigms, respectively. More specifically, we make the following contributions in developing neural models for NLP tasks: 1. Neural Relation Extraction: Firstly, we have proposed a novel recurrent neural network based architecture for table-filling in order to jointly perform entity and relation extraction within sentences. Then, we have further extended our scope of extracting relationships between entities across sentence boundaries, and presented a novel dependency-based neural network architecture. The two contributions lie in the supervised paradigm of machine learning. Moreover, we have contributed in building a robust relation extractor constrained by the lack of labeled data, where we have proposed a novel weakly-supervised bootstrapping technique. Given the contributions, we have further explored interpretability of the recurrent neural networks to explain their predictions for the relation extraction task. 2. Neural Topic Modeling: Besides the supervised neural architectures, we have also developed unsupervised neural models to learn meaningful document representations within topic modeling frameworks. Firstly, we have proposed a novel dynamic topic model that captures topics over time. Next, we have contributed in building static topic models without considering temporal dependencies, where we have presented neural topic modeling architectures that also exploit external knowledge, i.e., word embeddings to address data sparsity. Moreover, we have developed neural topic models that incorporate knowledge transfers using both the word embeddings and latent topics from many sources. Finally, we have shown improving neural topic modeling by introducing language structures (e.g., word ordering, local syntactic and semantic information, etc.) that deals with bag-of-words issues in traditional topic models. The class of proposed neural NLP models in this section are based on techniques at the intersection of PGMs, deep learning and ANNs. Here, the task of neural relation extraction employs neural networks to learn representations typically at the sentence level, without access to the broader document context. However, topic models have access to statistical information across documents. Therefore, we advantageously combine the two complementary learning paradigms in a neural composite model, consisting of a neural topic and a neural language model that enables us to jointly learn thematic structures in a document collection via the topic model, and word relations within a sentence via the language model. Overall, our research contributions in this dissertation extend NLP-based systems for relation extraction and topic modeling tasks with state-of-the-art performances

    VGCN-BERT : augmenting BERT with graph embedding for text classification : application to offensive language detection

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    Le discours haineux est un problème sérieux sur les média sociaux. Dans ce mémoire, nous étudions le problème de détection automatique du langage haineux sur réseaux sociaux. Nous traitons ce problème comme un problème de classification de textes. La classification de textes a fait un grand progrès ces dernières années grâce aux techniques d’apprentissage profond. En particulier, les modèles utilisant un mécanisme d’attention tel que BERT se sont révélés capables de capturer les informations contextuelles contenues dans une phrase ou un texte. Cependant, leur capacité à saisir l’information globale sur le vocabulaire d’une langue dans une application spécifique est plus limitée. Récemment, un nouveau type de réseau de neurones, appelé Graph Convolutional Network (GCN), émerge. Il intègre les informations des voisins en manipulant un graphique global pour prendre en compte les informations globales, et il a obtenu de bons résultats dans de nombreuses tâches, y compris la classification de textes. Par conséquent, notre motivation dans ce mémoire est de concevoir une méthode qui peut combiner à la fois les avantages du modèle BERT, qui excelle en capturant des informations locales, et le modèle GCN, qui fournit les informations globale du langage. Néanmoins, le GCN traditionnel est un modèle d'apprentissage transductif, qui effectue une opération convolutionnelle sur un graphe composé d'éléments à traiter dans les tâches (c'est-à-dire un graphe de documents) et ne peut pas être appliqué à un nouveau document qui ne fait pas partie du graphe pendant l'entraînement. Dans ce mémoire, nous proposons d'abord un nouveau modèle GCN de vocabulaire (VGCN), qui transforme la convolution au niveau du document du modèle GCN traditionnel en convolution au niveau du mot en utilisant les co-occurrences de mots. En ce faisant, nous transformons le mode d'apprentissage transductif en mode inductif, qui peut être appliqué à un nouveau document. Ensuite, nous proposons le modèle Interactive-VGCN-BERT qui combine notre modèle VGCN avec BERT. Dans ce modèle, les informations locales captées par BERT sont combinées avec les informations globales captées par VGCN. De plus, les informations locales et les informations globales interagissent à travers différentes couches de BERT, ce qui leur permet d'influencer mutuellement et de construire ensemble une représentation finale pour la classification. Via ces interactions, les informations de langue globales peuvent aider à distinguer des mots ambigus ou à comprendre des expressions peu claires, améliorant ainsi les performances des tâches de classification de textes. Pour évaluer l'efficacité de notre modèle Interactive-VGCN-BERT, nous menons des expériences sur plusieurs ensembles de données de différents types -- non seulement sur le langage haineux, mais aussi sur la détection de grammaticalité et les commentaires sur les films. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que le modèle Interactive-VGCN-BERT surpasse tous les autres modèles tels que Vanilla-VGCN-BERT, BERT, Bi-LSTM, MLP, GCN et ainsi de suite. En particulier, nous observons que VGCN peut effectivement fournir des informations utiles pour aider à comprendre un texte haiteux implicit quand il est intégré avec BERT, ce qui vérifie notre intuition au début de cette étude.Hate speech is a serious problem on social media. In this thesis, we investigate the problem of automatic detection of hate speech on social media. We cast it as a text classification problem. With the development of deep learning, text classification has made great progress in recent years. In particular, models using attention mechanism such as BERT have shown great capability of capturing the local contextual information within a sentence or document. Although local connections between words in the sentence can be captured, their ability of capturing certain application-dependent global information and long-range semantic dependency is limited. Recently, a new type of neural network, called the Graph Convolutional Network (GCN), has attracted much attention. It provides an effective mechanism to take into account the global information via the convolutional operation on a global graph and has achieved good results in many tasks including text classification. In this thesis, we propose a method that can combine both advantages of BERT model, which is excellent at exploiting the local information from a text, and the GCN model, which provides the application-dependent global language information. However, the traditional GCN is a transductive learning model, which performs a convolutional operation on a graph composed of task entities (i.e. documents graph) and cannot be applied directly to a new document. In this thesis, we first propose a novel Vocabulary GCN model (VGCN), which transforms the document-level convolution of the traditional GCN model to word-level convolution using a word graph created from word co-occurrences. In this way, we change the training method of GCN, from the transductive learning mode to the inductive learning mode, that can be applied to new documents. Secondly, we propose an Interactive-VGCN-BERT model that combines our VGCN model with BERT. In this model, local information including dependencies between words in a sentence, can be captured by BERT, while the global information reflecting the relations between words in a language (e.g. related words) can be captured by VGCN. In addition, local information and global information can interact through different layers of BERT, allowing them to influence mutually and to build together a final representation for classification. In so doing, the global language information can help distinguish ambiguous words or understand unclear expressions, thereby improving the performance of text classification tasks. To evaluate the effectiveness of our Interactive-VGCN-BERT model, we conduct experiments on several datasets of different types -- hate language detection, as well as movie review and grammaticality, and compare them with several state-of-the-art baseline models. Experimental results show that our Interactive-VGCN-BERT outperforms all other models such as Vanilla-VGCN-BERT, BERT, Bi-LSTM, MLP, GCN, and so on. In particular, we have found that VGCN can indeed help understand a text when it is integrated with BERT, confirming our intuition to combine the two mechanisms

    AI approaches to understand human deceptions, perceptions, and perspectives in social media

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    Social media platforms have created virtual space for sharing user generated information, connecting, and interacting among users. However, there are research and societal challenges: 1) The users are generating and sharing the disinformation 2) It is difficult to understand citizens\u27 perceptions or opinions expressed on wide variety of topics; and 3) There are overloaded information and echo chamber problems without overall understanding of the different perspectives taken by different people or groups. This dissertation addresses these three research challenges with advanced AI and Machine Learning approaches. To address the fake news, as deceptions on the facts, this dissertation presents Machine Learning approaches for fake news detection models, and a hybrid method for topic identification, whether they are fake or real. To understand the user\u27s perceptions or attitude toward some topics, this study analyzes the sentiments expressed in social media text. The sentiment analysis of posts can be used as an indicator to measure how topics are perceived by the users and how their perceptions as a whole can affect decision makers in government and industry, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is difficult to measure the public perception of government policies issued during the pandemic. The citizen responses to the government policies are diverse, ranging from security or goodwill to confusion, fear, or anger. This dissertation provides a near real-time approach to track and monitor public reactions toward government policies by continuously collecting and analyzing Twitter posts about the COVID-19 pandemic. To address the social media\u27s overwhelming number of posts, content echo-chamber, and information isolation issue, this dissertation provides a multiple view-based summarization framework where the same contents can be summarized according to different perspectives. This framework includes components of choosing the perspectives, and advanced text summarization approaches. The proposed approaches in this dissertation are demonstrated with a prototype system to continuously collect Twitter data about COVID-19 government health policies and provide analysis of citizen concerns toward the policies, and the data is analyzed for fake news detection and for generating multiple-view summaries

    “It ain’t all good:" Machinic abuse detection and marginalisation in machine learning

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    Online abusive language has been given increasing prominence as a societal problem over the past few years as people are increasingly communicating on online platforms. This increase in prominence has resulted in an increase in academic attention to the issue, particularly within the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), which has proposed multiple datasets and machine learning methods for the detection of text-based abuse. Recently, the issue of disparate impacts of machine learning has been given attention, showing that marginalised groups in society are disproportionately negatively affected by automated content moderation systems. Moreover, a number of challenges have been identified for abusive language detection technologies, including poor model performance across datasets and a lack of ability of models to contextualise potentially abusive speech within the context of speaker intentions. This dissertation aims to ask how NLP models for online abuse detection can address issues of generalisation and context. Through critically examining the task of online abuse detection, I highlight how content moderation acts as protective filter that seeks to maintain a sanitised environment. I find that when considering automated content moderation systems through this lens, it is made clear that such systems are centred around experiences of some bodies at the expense of others, often those who are already marginalised. In efforts to address this, I propose two different modelling processes that a) centre the the mental and emotional states of the speaker by representing documents through the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) categories that they invoke, and using Multi-Task Learning (MTL) to model abuse, such that the model takes aims to take account the intentions of the speaker. I find that through the use of LIWC for representing documents, machine learning models for online abuse detection can see improvements in classification scores on in-domain and out-of-domain datasets. Similarly, I show that through a use of MTL, machine learning models can gain improvements by using a variety of auxiliary tasks that combine data for content moderation systems and data for related tasks such as sarcasm detection. Finally, I critique the machine learning pipeline in an effort to identify paths forward that can bring into focus the people who are excluded and are likely to experience harms from machine learning models for content moderation

    Neural information extraction from natural language text

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    Natural language processing (NLP) deals with building computational techniques that allow computers to automatically analyze and meaningfully represent human language. With an exponential growth of data in this digital era, the advent of NLP-based systems has enabled us to easily access relevant information via a wide range of applications, such as web search engines, voice assistants, etc. To achieve it, a long-standing research for decades has been focusing on techniques at the intersection of NLP and machine learning. In recent years, deep learning techniques have exploited the expressive power of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and achieved state-of-the-art performance in a wide range of NLP tasks. Being one of the vital properties, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) can automatically extract complex features from the input data and thus, provide an alternative to the manual process of handcrafted feature engineering. Besides ANNs, Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs), a coupling of graph theory and probabilistic methods have the ability to describe causal structure between random variables of the system and capture a principled notion of uncertainty. Given the characteristics of DNNs and PGMs, they are advantageously combined to build powerful neural models in order to understand the underlying complexity of data. Traditional machine learning based NLP systems employed shallow computational methods (e.g., SVM or logistic regression) and relied on handcrafting features which is time-consuming, complex and often incomplete. However, deep learning and neural network based methods have recently shown superior results on various NLP tasks, such as machine translation, text classification, namedentity recognition, relation extraction, textual similarity, etc. These neural models can automatically extract an effective feature representation from training data. This dissertation focuses on two NLP tasks: relation extraction and topic modeling. The former aims at identifying semantic relationships between entities or nominals within a sentence or document. Successfully extracting the semantic relationships greatly contributes in building structured knowledge bases, useful in downstream NLP application areas of web search, question-answering, recommendation engines, etc. On other hand, the task of topic modeling aims at understanding the thematic structures underlying in a collection of documents. Topic modeling is a popular text-mining tool to automatically analyze a large collection of documents and understand topical semantics without actually reading them. In doing so, it generates word clusters (i.e., topics) and document representations useful in document understanding and information retrieval, respectively. Essentially, the tasks of relation extraction and topic modeling are built upon the quality of representations learned from text. In this dissertation, we have developed task-specific neural models for learning representations, coupled with relation extraction and topic modeling tasks in the realms of supervised and unsupervised machine learning paradigms, respectively. More specifically, we make the following contributions in developing neural models for NLP tasks: 1. Neural Relation Extraction: Firstly, we have proposed a novel recurrent neural network based architecture for table-filling in order to jointly perform entity and relation extraction within sentences. Then, we have further extended our scope of extracting relationships between entities across sentence boundaries, and presented a novel dependency-based neural network architecture. The two contributions lie in the supervised paradigm of machine learning. Moreover, we have contributed in building a robust relation extractor constrained by the lack of labeled data, where we have proposed a novel weakly-supervised bootstrapping technique. Given the contributions, we have further explored interpretability of the recurrent neural networks to explain their predictions for the relation extraction task. 2. Neural Topic Modeling: Besides the supervised neural architectures, we have also developed unsupervised neural models to learn meaningful document representations within topic modeling frameworks. Firstly, we have proposed a novel dynamic topic model that captures topics over time. Next, we have contributed in building static topic models without considering temporal dependencies, where we have presented neural topic modeling architectures that also exploit external knowledge, i.e., word embeddings to address data sparsity. Moreover, we have developed neural topic models that incorporate knowledge transfers using both the word embeddings and latent topics from many sources. Finally, we have shown improving neural topic modeling by introducing language structures (e.g., word ordering, local syntactic and semantic information, etc.) that deals with bag-of-words issues in traditional topic models. The class of proposed neural NLP models in this section are based on techniques at the intersection of PGMs, deep learning and ANNs. Here, the task of neural relation extraction employs neural networks to learn representations typically at the sentence level, without access to the broader document context. However, topic models have access to statistical information across documents. Therefore, we advantageously combine the two complementary learning paradigms in a neural composite model, consisting of a neural topic and a neural language model that enables us to jointly learn thematic structures in a document collection via the topic model, and word relations within a sentence via the language model. Overall, our research contributions in this dissertation extend NLP-based systems for relation extraction and topic modeling tasks with state-of-the-art performances