2,752,672 research outputs found

    Solar Architecture: Designing Buildings to Use Solar Energy for Heating, Cooling, and Lighting

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    Key facts: - Simple architectural modifications allow residential and commercial buildings to use solar energy directly for heating, cooling, and lighting. - By designing buildings to match local conditions, solar energy can be harnessed anywhere in the world, even in cold, northern climates

    The Law School Product from the Buyer\u27s Point of View

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    Interning Dissent: The Law of Large Political Events

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    1968 är ett mytomspunnet år. Håller man sig till 1900-talet är det få årtal som kan konkurrera med 1968 i fråga om symbolisk laddning och dragningskraft. Denna dragningskraft utövar det även på omkringliggande årtal: i dag står 1968 mer för en epok än ett årtal. När denna epok börjar och slutar är oklart, men att den kulminerade 1968 råder det, så vitt jag kan bedöma, stor enighet om. 1968 betraktas allmänt som kulmen på en våg av ungdomsprotester, kravaller, mobilisering, livsstilsexperiment, en politisk vänstervåg, galna upptåg och framväxten av ett specifikt generationsmedvetande. Det är framför allt som generationsmarkör 1968 har skrivit in sig i historie

    The Just War Tradition and Natural Law

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    This Essay is divided into three parts. First, it briefly discusses Augustine on the notion of a naturalistic morality implanted in human minds and hearts. Second, it traces the ways in which such notions as human nature figure in Augustinian and post-Augustinian arguments concerning war and peace. Third, it takes the measure of our current international crises and challenges from the perspective of human dignity the naturalistic morality Augustine addresses when he insists that there is, in fact, a nature we share, trails in its wake far-reaching ethical complications

    Flexural properties of the equine hoof wall

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    The equine hoof wall is a hard keratinous structure which transmits forces generated when the hoof contacts the ground to the skeleton of the horse. During locomotion, the hoof capsule is known to yield under impact resulting in an inward curvature of the dorsal wall and expansion of the heels. However, whilst researchers have studied the tensile and compressive properties of the hoof wall, there is a lack of data on the flexural properties in different locations around the hoof capsule. In this study the flexural properties and hydration status of the hoof wall was investigated, in two orthogonal directions, in different locations around the hoof capsule. The hoof was divided into three regions: the dorsal-most aspect (toe); the medial and lateral regions (quarters) and the heels caudally. Beams were cut both perpendicular and parallel to the axis of the tubules, termed transverse and longitudinal beams respectively. Differences in the mechanical properties were then investigated using three-point bending tests. There were considerable differences in the mechanical properties around the hoof capsule; transverse beams from the toe were 81% stiffer and 28% stronger than those from the heels. This corresponded with differences in the hydration of the hoof wall; beams from the toe had a lower water content (24.1±0.25%) than those from the heels (28.3±0.37%). Differences in the flexural properties are thought to be largely a result of variation in the water content. Mechanical data are further discussed in relation to variation in the structure and loading of the hoof wall

    Meletius: Sive de iis quae inter christianos conveniunt Epistola

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    Reviewed Book: Grotius, Hugo. Meletius: Sive de iis quae inter christianos conveniunt Epistola. Leiden: E J Brill, 1988

    Review of An Army of Brigadiers: British Brigade Commanders at the Battle of Arras 1917 by Trevor Harvey

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    Review of An Army of Brigadiers: British Brigade Commanders at the Battle of Arras 1917 by Trevor Harvey

    Use of Residential Care in Europe for Children Aged Under Three: Some Lessons from Neurobiology

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    This critical commentary reviews the research into the use of residential care for children aged under three years and looks at some of the explanations that can be found for this in neurobiology. There continue to be high numbers and rates of these vulnerable children in institutions not only in the former Soviet states, but also in Western Europe. The new research provides strong evidence on the negative consequences for these children, particularly for those who remain in institutional care beyond the age of six months. Explanations from neurobiology sit well beside understandings drawn from attachment theory and start to show the mechanisms for this and also the ability of the brain to compensate