5,680 research outputs found

    Alumni Listing, 1923-1932

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    This is a merged set of alumni lists, one covering the classes of 1923-1927, and the other the classes of 1928-1932. There are faculty lists as well

    Дешифрування псевдонімів як аспект вивчення музичної культури (за матеріалами журналу «Музика» 1920-х років)

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    У статті зібрано, класифіковано та частково ідентифіковано різні види псевдонімного прикриття, якими користувалися автори журналу «Музика» в 1923–1927 pоках. Укладено словник псевдонімів, що є важливими кроком у формуванні нового напряму джерелознавчих досліджень в українській музикознавчій науці – музичної псевдонімії.В статье собраны, классифицированы и частично идентифицированы разные виды псевдонимов, которыми пользовались авторы журнала «Музыка» в 1923–1927 годах. Составлен словарь псевдонимов, что стало важным шагом в формировании нового направления истоковедческих исследований отечественного музыковедения – музыкальной псевдонимии.The author of the article has gathered, classified and partly identified different kinds of pseudonym shielding used by the authors of the magazine «Muzyka» (Music) during 1923–1927. The pseudonyms dictionary is compiled which is considered to be a consequential step in the forminy process of musical pseudonymia – a new branch of investigation in Ukrainian musical science

    Chapter 11 - Food, Beverage, and Tobacco, pp. 300-308

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    The Catherwood Library and ILR School at Cornell are pleased to again make available an extremely important index of major labor union publications, long out of print. It is Lloyd G. Reynolds and Charles C. Killingsworth\u27s Trade Union Publications: The Official Journals, Convention Proceedings and Constitutions of International Unions and Federations, 1850-1941. Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1944

    UK World War I and interwar data for business cycle and growth analysis

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    This article contributes new time series for studying the UK economy during World War I and the interwar period. The time series are per capita hours worked and average capital income, labor income, and consumption tax rates. Uninterrupted time series of these variables are provided for an annual sample that runs from 1913 to 1938. The authors highlight the usefulness of these time series with several empirical applications. The per capita hours worked data are used in a growth accounting exercise to measure the contributions of capital, labor, and productivity to output growth. The average tax rates are employed in a Bayesian model averaging experiment to reevaluate the Benjamin and Kochin (1979) regression.Business cycles ; Economic development ; Real-time data

    Димитър Михалчев 1880 - 1967. Dimitr Michalcev 1880 - 1967

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    Dimitri Michaltscew was the most recognised and influential Bulgarian philosopher of the XXth century. The book section deals with his diplomatic career as a Bulgarian ambassador in Czechoslovakia (1923-1927). The section reveals Michaltscew’s political and personal relations with the president Tomas Masaryk, Emil Cermak-Kozak, Aneta Hodina, and others

    Witkacy’s Amusia

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    Witkacy suffered from amusia as a child and as an adult person. He was seriously interested in music only for a little over twenty years (1890–1914?). He wrote his main works as an amusic. The relation between amusia and metaphysical feelings may suggest that Witkacy wrote dramas and created painting compositions in order to evoke the lost strangeness of being. Amusia could have also been the reason for Witkacy’s ambiguity – he was defending and degrading high art at the same time

    Expression Publishing Problems on Pages of Newspaper "Dilo" ("Affair") (1923–1927)

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    Розглянуто рецепцію питань з видавничої справи на сторінках газети "Діло" від моменту ратифікації прав Польщі на Східну Галичину до прийняття нового пресового закону, взаємозв'язок культури видання із проблемами галузі, а також окреслено запропоновані журналістами шляхи вирішення видавничих проблем. It is reviewed the reception problems of publishing on pages of newspaper "Dilo" ("Affair") from the moment of ratification claim of Poland on East Galicia to reception the new press law, interconnection culture of publishing with problems of branch, and also is distinguished called-up by journalists ways of solution publishing problems

    U.K. World War I and interwar data for business cycle and growth analysis

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    This article contributes new time series for studying the U.K. economy during World War I and the interwar period. The time series are per capita hours worked and average tax rates of capital income, labor income, and consumption. Uninterrupted time series of these variables are provided for an annual sample that runs from 1913 to 1938. We highlight the usefulness of these time series with several empirical applications. We use per capita hours worked in a growth accounting exercise to measure the contributions of capital, labor, and productivity to output growth. The average tax rates are employed in a Bayesian model averaging experiment to reevaluate the Benjamin and Kochin (1979) regression.