65 research outputs found

    Decidability and Complexity of Tree Share Formulas

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    Fractional share models are used to reason about how multiple actors share ownership of resources. We examine the decidability and complexity of reasoning over the "tree share" model of Dockins et al. using first-order logic, or fragments thereof. We pinpoint a connection between the basic operations on trees union, intersection, and complement and countable atomless Boolean algebras, allowing us to obtain decidability with the precise complexity of both first-order and existential theories over the tree share model with the aforementioned operations. We establish a connection between the multiplication operation on trees and the theory of word equations, allowing us to derive the decidability of its existential theory and the undecidability of its full first-order theory. We prove that the full first-order theory over the model with both the Boolean operations and the restricted multiplication operation (with constants on the right hand side) is decidable via an embedding to tree-automatic structures

    When is Containment Decidable for Probabilistic Automata?

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    The containment problem for quantitative automata is the natural quantitative generalisation of the classical language inclusion problem for Boolean automata. We study it for probabilistic automata, where it is known to be undecidable in general. We restrict our study to the class of probabilistic automata with bounded ambiguity. There, we show decidability (subject to Schanuel's conjecture) when one of the automata is assumed to be unambiguous while the other one is allowed to be finitely ambiguous. Furthermore, we show that this is close to the most general decidable fragment of this problem by proving that it is already undecidable if one of the automata is allowed to be linearly ambiguous

    Weak memory models using event structures

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    National audienceIn this article, we investigate a denotational semantics based on event structures for a very simple imperative and concurrent programming language. The model incorporates behaviours of weak memory models such as reordering of instructions and non-locality. Our model can then be used to define a function from programs to their possible outcomes that can be used to give a formal semantics to a processor or a programming language. Most of the semantic ideas come from game semantics and its recent development based on event structures, but taking advantage of the first-order setting, we present in this paper a self-contained simplification of these ideas

    On Thin Air Reads: Towards an Event Structures Model of Relaxed Memory

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    To model relaxed memory, we propose confusion-free event structures over an alphabet with a justification relation. Executions are modeled by justified configurations, where every read event has a justifying write event. Justification alone is too weak a criterion, since it allows cycles of the kind that result in so-called thin-air reads. Acyclic justification forbids such cycles, but also invalidates event reorderings that result from compiler optimizations and dynamic instruction scheduling. We propose the notion of well-justification, based on a game-like model, which strikes a middle ground. We show that well-justified configurations satisfy the DRF theorem: in any data-race free program, all well-justified configurations are sequentially consistent. We also show that rely-guarantee reasoning is sound for well-justified configurations, but not for justified configurations. For example, well-justified configurations are type-safe. Well-justification allows many, but not all reorderings performed by relaxed memory. In particular, it fails to validate the commutation of independent reads. We discuss variations that may address these shortcomings

    Even Shorter Proofs Without New Variables

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    Comparing Labelled Markov Decision Processes

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    A labelled Markov decision process is a labelled Markov chain with nondeterminism, i.e., together with a strategy a labelled MDP induces a labelled Markov chain. The model is related to interval Markov chains. Motivated by applications of equivalence checking for the verification of anonymity, we study the algorithmic comparison of two labelled MDPs, in particular, whether there exist strategies such that the MDPs become equivalent/inequivalent, both in terms of trace equivalence and in terms of probabilistic bisimilarity. We provide the first polynomial-time algorithms for computing memoryless strategies to make the two labelled MDPs inequivalent if such strategies exist. We also study the computational complexity of qualitative problems about making the total variation distance and the probabilistic bisimilarity distance less than one or equal to one

    Non-Deterministic Functions as Non-Deterministic Processes

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    We study encodings of the ?-calculus into the ?-calculus in the unexplored case of calculi with non-determinism and failures. On the sequential side, we consider ?^?_?, a new non-deterministic calculus in which intersection types control resources (terms); on the concurrent side, we consider ??, a ?-calculus in which non-determinism and failure rest upon a Curry-Howard correspondence between linear logic and session types. We present a typed encoding of ?^?_? into ?? and establish its correctness. Our encoding precisely explains the interplay of non-deterministic and fail-prone evaluation in ?^?_? via typed processes in ??. In particular, it shows how failures in sequential evaluation (absence/excess of resources) can be neatly codified as interaction protocols

    Pareto-Rational Verification

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    Non-Deterministic Functions as Non-Deterministic Processes

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    We study encodings of the λ-calculus into the Ï€-calculus in the unexplored case of calculi with non-determinism and failures. On the sequential side, we consider λ^↯_⊕, a new non-deterministic calculus in which intersection types control resources (terms); on the concurrent side, we consider sÏ€, a Ï€-calculus in which non-determinism and failure rest upon a Curry-Howard correspondence between linear logic and session types. We present a typed encoding of λ^↯_⊕ into sÏ€ and establish its correctness. Our encoding precisely explains the interplay of non-deterministic and fail-prone evaluation in λ^↯_⊕ via typed processes in sÏ€. In particular, it shows how failures in sequential evaluation (absence/excess of resources) can be neatly codified as interactio

    Rational Verification for Nash and Subgame-Perfect Equilibria in Graph Games

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    We study a natural problem about rational behaviors in multiplayer non-zero-sum sequential infinite duration games played on graphs: rational verification, that consists in deciding whether all the rational answers to a given strategy satisfy some specification. We give the complexities of that problem for two major concepts of rationality: Nash equilibria and subgame-perfect equilibria, and for three major classes of payoff functions: energy, discounted-sum, and mean-payoff
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