311 research outputs found

    The Birth of Mass Media: Printmaking in Early Modern Europe

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    In the digital age, when images and films can be streamed with lightning speed onto computers at the press of a button, it is hard to fathom the society-altering impact the new printed image had when it first appeared in Europe around 1400. The introduction of printed images or repeatable pictorial statements irrevocably changed the practice of manually producing images one by one, by making them available in identical form, as multiple examples printed onto paper, a material that was newly available in Europe. Such multiples appeared first as independent images, then as book illustrations, but either way, this process of producing multiple originals and the ability to print as many examples as desired inexorably changed the art and culture of the time and the art and culture to come. Early prints learned from and drew on a variety of past arts and crafts that were made exclusively by hand. Such earlier images, especially panel paintings and manuscript illuminations, were often stunningly beautiful, but they were labor-intensive and costly. The new printed image continued the two-dimensionality and other aspects of such medieval art including size (small to medium), subjects (mostly Christian), the importance of added color, and even typefaces, initials, and compositions for printed books. Yet the printed image, due to its ability to be multiplied and coupled with less expensive materials, namely paper—instead of wooden panels or the animal skin called vellum or parchment used for manuscripts—opened new possibilities by offering more affordable images and more of them. Such works included over the course of the early modern period new subjects, more sophisticated images, and works in new forms (for example, broadsheets and pamphlets), all of which reached a larger audience. This essay considers the three major print techniques of the early modern period and discusses representative examples, showing how prints both continued and broke with past traditions, and exploring print practices and paper, prints’ subjects, numbers, and early collections. It hopes to show how prints changed two-dimensional art in early modern culture by expanding the possibilities of what it meant to be a visual image, at a time that saw the transition from hand to machine during the early modern print revolution. [Includes supplemental artwork.

    Art during the Reign of Rudolf II as Quintessence of Leading Mannerism Trend at Prague Art Center

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    This article is devoted to Rudolfine art as one of the style-forming components and a significant trend in European Mannerism of the 16-17th centuries. A general overview of this style, necessary preconditions that led to its emergence in the artistic culture of Europe, Mannerism major trends and its vectors of spreading in Europe, the role of Rudolfine artists in this process, are laid out in this work. We emphasized the lack of adequate research made in the field of Art History. The personal influence of Emperor Rudolf II on the formation of court art at that time was pointed out. We looked into the background and circumstances at which the Prague Art Center was established by the Emperor and how he provided patronage to the arts and science. The importance of works by prominent artists of the Rudolfine era who worked at the Prague Art Center is highlighted. The main directions of Mannerism distribution through European countries, mainly its further adaptation and style transformation depending on the geographical location, grounds on why the art was so influenced by the Italian movement, the approach and tools of Mannerism in one of the leading European courts. The main characteristics of the Rudolfine art style is highlighted. Its main representatives are defined and their individual creative styles are separately analyzed, including Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Roelant Savery, Bartholomeus Spranger, Joris Hoefnagel, Adriaen de Vries, Joseph Heintz the Elder, and Hans von Aachen. It is pointed out that there was a tendency in the synthesis of Italian, French, and German trends which formed the foregrounds of individual styles of major representatives in Rudolfine art that have been a significant element of Mannerism. General characteristics of stylistic features of Rudolfine artists as representatives of Mannerism who contributed to its fast proliferation in Europe are laid out.Стаття присвячена феномену рудольфінізму як одному з стильоутворюючих компонентів та значному явищу європейського маньєризму межі 16 та 17 ст. Подано загальну характеристику феномену, виокремлені передумови його виникнення в художній культурі Європи, основні складові, вектори розповсюдження маньєризму європейськими теренами та роль у цьому процесі творчості рудольфінців. Наглошено на незадовільному стані дослідженості проблеми у мистецтвознавстві, передусім – пострадянського простору. Акцентовано значення особистості імператора-мецената Рудольфа ІІ у формуванні характеру придворної культури доби, намічено обставини утворення празького художнього центру при дворі монарха-покровителя науки та мистецтв. Акцентовано значення творчості майстрів, які були найхарактернішими представниками рудольфінського мистецтва і працювали при празькому художньому центрі за доби правління Рудольфа ІІ. Намічені головні вектори швидкого поширення маньєризму, тобто географія поліфуркаціі стилю, його тріумфальної ходи європейськими землями, причини об-італення художньої культури, його механізми й інструменти при одному з провідних європейських дворів. Виділено основні стильові характеристики рудольфінського мистецтва, визначено його основних представників, творчі манери яких стали предметом самостійного аналізу: Дж. Арчімбольдо, Р. Саверея, Й. Спрангера, Й. Хофнагеля, А.де Вріса, Й. Хайнца Ст., Г. фон Аахена. Виділено тенденцію до синтезу італійського, французького, німецького впливів як основи творчої манери провідних представників рудольфінського мистецтва, значного сегмента маньєризму. Дано загальну характеристику стилістичних рис творчості представників рудольфінізму як носіїв рис маньєризму, що сприяють його швидкому поширенню по Європі.Статья посвящена феномену рудольфинизма как одному из стилеобразующих компонентов и значительному явлению европейского маньеризма пределы 16 и 17 ст. Представлена ​​общая характеристика феномена, выделены предпосылки его возникновения в художественной культуре Европы, основные составляющие, векторы распространения маньеризма европейскими территориями и роль в этом процессе творчества рудольфинцев. Показано неудовлетворительное состояние изученности проблемы в искусствоведении, прежде всего - постсоветского пространства. Акцентировано значение личности императора-мецената Рудольфа II в формировании характера придворной культуры эпохи, намечено обстоятельства образования пражского художественного центра при дворе монарха-покровителя науки и искусств. Акцентировано значение творчества мастеров, которые были наиболее характерными представителями рудольфинського искусства и работали при пражском художественном центре в эпоху правления Рудольфа II в. Намеченные главные векторы быстрого распространения маньеризма, то есть география полифуркации стиля, его триумфального шествия европейскими землями, причины о-италення художественной культуры, его механизмы и инструменты при одном из ведущих европейских дворов. Выделены основные стилевые характеристики рудольфинського искусства, определены его основные представители, творческие манеры которых стали предметом самостоятельного анализа Дж. Арчимбольдо, Р. Саверея, И. Спрангера, И. Хофнагеля, А. де Вриса, И. Хайнца ст., Г. фон Аахена. Выделена тенденция к синтезу итальянского, французского, немецкого влияния как основы творческой манеры ведущих представителей рудольфинського искусства, значительного сегмента маньеризма. Дана общая характеристика стилистических черт творчества представителей рудольфинизму как носителей рис маньеризма, способствующих его быстрому распространению по Европе

    Logistics management for disaster recovery

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    Die 35. Veranstaltung der AG Logistik und Verkehr der Gesellschaft für Operations Research fand im Juni 2004 an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg statt, wo sich die Teilnehmer intensiv mit der Problematik der „Logistik im Einsatz- und Katastrophenmanagement“ auseinandersetzten. Insgesamt dreizehn Referenten vermittelten eine aktuelle Übersicht zu Anwendungen, Modellen und technologischen Entwicklungen für die Planung und Steuerung der Logistik im Katastrophenfall

    Art during the Reign of Rudolf II as Quintessence of Leading Mannerism Trend at Prague Art Center

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    This article is devoted to Rudolfine art as one of the style-forming components and a significant trend in European Mannerism of the 16-17th centuries. A general overview of this style, necessary preconditions that led to its emergence in the artistic culture of Europe, Mannerism major trends and its vectors of spreading in Europe, the role of Rudolfine artists in this process, are laid out in this work. We emphasized the lack of adequate research made in the field of Art History. The personal influence of Emperor Rudolf II on the formation of court art at that time was pointed out. We looked into the background and circumstances at which the Prague Art Center was established by the Emperor and how he provided patronage to the arts and science. The importance of works by prominent artists of the Rudolfine era who worked at the Prague Art Center is highlighted. The main directions of Mannerism distribution through European countries, mainly its further adaptation and style transformation depending on the geographical location, grounds on why the art was so influenced by the Italian movement, the approach and tools of Mannerism in one of the leading European courts. The main characteristics of the Rudolfine art style is highlighted. Its main representatives are defined and their individual creative styles are separately analyzed, including Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Roelant Savery, Bartholomeus Spranger, Joris Hoefnagel, Adriaen de Vries, Joseph Heintz the Elder, and Hans von Aachen. It is pointed out that there was a tendency in the synthesis of Italian, French, and German trends which formed the foregrounds of individual styles of major representatives in Rudolfine art that have been a significant element of Mannerism. General characteristics of stylistic features of Rudolfine artists as representatives of Mannerism who contributed to its fast proliferation in Europe are laid out

    Armourers and their workshops The tools and techniques of late medieval armour production

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    This thesis is an interdisciplinary study of medieval armour, with the goal of determining the precise techniques used by medieval armourers in the practice of their craft. The corpus for this research is from the collection of the Royal Armouries, as well as a selection of objects from other museums, with a focus on German and Italian armour between 1400 and 1500. The thesis makes use of a new methodology by which the armour itself is used as a primary source, in essence a text, using the interpretation of tool marks left on its surfaces. Although metallurgical studies have been undertaken on armour, the marks have not been systematically studied in the past and provide a means by which the techniques of the medieval armourer may be identified. The thesis also makes use of inventories, artwork, and experimental hammerwork to more accurately understand the workshop environment. Inventories show the variety of tools required in the workshop, as well as what would have been available to an armourer. Artwork showing armourers engaged in their craft is used to interpret some patterns of tool marks as well as identification of certain tools and techniques. The experimental work undertaken was used to recreate particular types of marks and patterns, demonstrating the relation between tools, processes, and the shapes of armour. The research demonstrates that it is possible, using this method, to reconstruct the ways that armourers worked, something that has been largely conjectural previously. This approach to armour studies has not been attempted before and has allowed for several specific questions to be answered. These include finding differences in working techniques of armourers from different regions, the ability to determine if certain unmarked objects were made by the same armourer, changing methods of construction, and whether a piece is a fake or authentic

    Annual report / IFW, Leibniz-Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffforschung Dresden

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