40 research outputs found

    Link Quality Based Power Efficient Routing Protocol (LQ-PERP)

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    Recent years have witnessed a growing interest in deploying infrastructure-less, self configurable, distributed networks such as Mobile AdHoc Networks (MANET) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) for applications like emergency management and physical variables monitoring respectively. However, nodes in these networks are susceptible to high failure rate due to battery depletion, environmental changes and malicious destruction. Since each node operates with limited sources of power, energy efficiency is an important metric to be considered for designing communication schemes for MANET and WSN. Energy consumed by nodes in MANET or WSN can be reduced by optimizing the internode transmission power which is uniform even with dynamic routing protocols like AODV. However, the transmission power required for internode communication depends on the wireless link quality which inturn depends on various factors like received signal power, propagation path loss, fading, multi-user interference and topological changes. In this paper, link quality based power efficient routing protocol (LQ-PERP) is proposed which saves the battery power of nodes by optimizing the power during data transmission. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using QualNet network simulator by considering metrics like total energy consumed in nodes, throughput, packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay and jitter

    Generalized buffering of pass transistor logic (PTL) stages using Boolean division and don't cares

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    Pass Transistor Logic (PTL) is a well known approach for implementing digital circuits. In order to handle larger designs and also to ensure that the total number of series devices in the resulting circuit is bounded, partitioned Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (ROBDDs) can be used to generate the PTL circuit. The output signals of each partitioned block typically needs to be buffered. In this thesis, a new methodology is presented to perform generalized buffering of the outputs of PTL blocks. By performing the Boolean division of each PTL block using different gates in a library, we select the gate that results in the largest reduction in the height of the PTL block. In this manner, these gates serve the function of buffering the outputs of the PTL blocks, while also reducing the height and delay of the PTL block. PTL synthesis with generalized buffering was implemented in two different ways. In the first approach, Boolean division was used to perform generalized buffering. In the second approach, compatible observability don't cares (CODCs) were utilized in tandem with Boolean division to simplify the ROBDDs and to reduce the logic in PTL structure. Also CODCs were computed in two different manners: one using full simplify to compute complete CODCs and another using, approximate CODCs (ACODCs). Over a number of examples, on an average, generalized buffering without CODCs results in a 24% reduction in delay, and a 3% improvement in circuit area, compared to a traditional buffered PTL implementation. When ACODCs were used, the delay was reduced by 29%, and the total area was reduced by 5% compared to traditional buffering. With complete CODCs, the delay and area reduction compared to traditional buffering was 28% and 6% respectively. Therefore, results show that generalized buffering provides better implementation of the circuits than the traditional buffering method

    Power and area efficient clock stretching and critical path reshaping for error resilience

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    Process, voltage and temperature variations are on the rise with technology scaling. Nano-scale technology requires huge design margins to ensure reliable operation. Worst case design margining consumes significant amount of circuits and systems resources. In-situ error detection or correction is an alternative method for cost effective variation tolerance. However, existing in-situ error detection and correction circuits are power and area hungry since they use speculative error management, which gives less power savings at higher error rates. This paper proposes an error resilience technique utilizing available slack in the design. The proposed method uses a clock stretching circuit to relax timing margins on selected critical paths that has sufficient consecutive stage slack. We also propose a power optimization method which reshapes the critical path logic proportionate to the consecutive stage slack. Experimental results show that the proposed method achieves the power and area savings of 40% and 8% respectively compared to the worst case design approach. When compared to the TIMBER error resilience approach, the proposed method saves power more than 74% and area more than 13% at design time. Document type: Articl

    Approximate computing: An integrated cross-layer framework

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    A new design approach, called approximate computing (AxC), leverages the flexibility provided by intrinsic application resilience to realize hardware or software implementations that are more efficient in energy or performance. Approximate computing techniques forsake exact (numerical or Boolean) equivalence in the execution of some of the application’s computations, while ensuring that the output quality is acceptable. While early efforts in approximate computing have demonstrated great potential, they consist of ad hoc techniques applied to a very narrow set of applications, leaving in question the applicability of approximate computing in a broader context. The primary objective of this thesis is to develop an integrated cross-layer approach to approximate computing, and to thereby establish its applicability to a broader range of applications. The proposed framework comprises of three key components: (i) At the circuit level, systematic approaches to design approximate circuits, or circuits that realize a slightly modified function with improved efficiency, (ii) At the architecture level, utilize approximate circuits to build programmable approximate processors, and (iii) At the software level, methods to apply approximate computing to machine learning classifiers, which represent an important class of applications that are being utilized across the computing spectrum. Towards this end, the thesis extends the state-of-the-art in approximate computing in the following important directions. Synthesis of Approximate Circuits: First, the thesis proposes a rigorous framework for the automatic synthesis of approximate circuits , which are the hardware building blocks of approximate computing platforms. Designing approximate circuits involves making judicious changes to the function implemented by the circuit such that its hardware complexity is lowered without violating the specified quality constraint. Inspired by classical approaches to Boolean optimization in logic synthesis, the thesis proposes two synthesis tools called SALSA and SASIMI that are general, i.e., applicable to any given circuit and quality specification. The framework is further extended to automatically design quality configurable circuits , which are approximate circuits with the capability to reconfigure their quality at runtime. Over a wide range of arithmetic circuits, complex modules and complete datapaths, the circuits synthesized using the proposed framework demonstrate significant benefits in area and energy. Programmable AxC Processors: Next, the thesis extends approximate computing to the realm of programmable processors by introducing the concept of quality programmable processors (QPPs). A key principle of QPPs is that the notion of quality is explicitly codified in their HW/SW interface i.e., the instruction set. Instructions in the ISA are extended with quality fields, enabling software to specify the accuracy level that must be met during their execution. The micro-architecture is designed with hardware mechanisms to understand these quality specifications and translate them into energy savings. As a first embodiment of QPPs, the thesis presents a quality programmable 1D/2D vector processor QP-Vec, which contains a 3-tiered hierarchy of processing elements. Based on an implementation of QP-Vec with 289 processing elements, energy benefits up to 2.5X are demonstrated across a wide range of applications. Software and Algorithms for AxC: Finally, the thesis addresses the problem of applying approximate computing to an important class of applications viz. machine learning classifiers such as deep learning networks. To this end, the thesis proposes two approaches—AxNN and scalable effort classifiers. Both approaches leverage domain- specific insights to transform a given application to an energy-efficient approximate version that meets a specified application output quality. In the context of deep learning networks, AxNN adapts backpropagation to identify neurons that contribute less significantly to the network’s accuracy, approximating these neurons (e.g., by using lower precision), and incrementally re-training the network to mitigate the impact of approximations on output quality. On the other hand, scalable effort classifiers leverage the heterogeneity in the inherent classification difficulty of inputs to dynamically modulate the effort expended by machine learning classifiers. This is achieved by building a chain of classifiers of progressively growing complexity (and accuracy) such that the number of stages used for classification scale with input difficulty. Scalable effort classifiers yield substantial energy benefits as a majority of the inputs require very low effort in real-world datasets. In summary, the concepts and techniques presented in this thesis broaden the applicability of approximate computing, thus taking a significant step towards bringing approximate computing to the mainstream. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.

    Enhanced applicability of loop transformations

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    Gestión de jerarquías de memoria híbridas a nivel de sistema

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadoras y Automática y de Ku Leuven, Arenberg Doctoral School, Faculty of Engineering Science, leída el 11/05/2017.In electronics and computer science, the term ‘memory’ generally refers to devices that are used to store information that we use in various appliances ranging from our PCs to all hand-held devices, smart appliances etc. Primary/main memory is used for storage systems that function at a high speed (i.e. RAM). The primary memory is often associated with addressable semiconductor memory, i.e. integrated circuits consisting of silicon-based transistors, used for example as primary memory but also other purposes in computers and other digital electronic devices. The secondary/auxiliary memory, in comparison provides program and data storage that is slower to access but offers larger capacity. Examples include external hard drives, portable flash drives, CDs, and DVDs. These devices and media must be either plugged in or inserted into a computer in order to be accessed by the system. Since secondary storage technology is not always connected to the computer, it is commonly used for backing up data. The term storage is often used to describe secondary memory. Secondary memory stores a large amount of data at lesser cost per byte than primary memory; this makes secondary storage about two orders of magnitude less expensive than primary storage. There are two main types of semiconductor memory: volatile and nonvolatile. Examples of non-volatile memory are ‘Flash’ memory (sometimes used as secondary, sometimes primary computer memory) and ROM/PROM/EPROM/EEPROM memory (used for firmware such as boot programs). Examples of volatile memory are primary memory (typically dynamic RAM, DRAM), and fast CPU cache memory (typically static RAM, SRAM, which is fast but energy-consuming and offer lower memory capacity per are a unit than DRAM). Non-volatile memory technologies in Si-based electronics date back to the 1990s. Flash memory is widely used in consumer electronic products such as cellphones and music players and NAND Flash-based solid-state disks (SSDs) are increasingly displacing hard disk drives as the primary storage device in laptops, desktops, and even data centers. The integration limit of Flash memories is approaching, and many new types of memory to replace conventional Flash memories have been proposed. The rapid increase of leakage currents in Silicon CMOS transistors with scaling poses a big challenge for the integration of SRAM memories. There is also the case of susceptibility to read/write failure with low power schemes. As a result of this, over the past decade, there has been an extensive pooling of time, resources and effort towards developing emerging memory technologies like Resistive RAM (ReRAM/RRAM), STT-MRAM, Domain Wall Memory and Phase Change Memory(PRAM). Emerging non-volatile memory technologies promise new memories to store more data at less cost than the expensive-to build silicon chips used by popular consumer gadgets including digital cameras, cell phones and portable music players. These new memory technologies combine the speed of static random-access memory (SRAM), the density of dynamic random-access memory (DRAM), and the non-volatility of Flash memory and so become very attractive as another possibility for future memory hierarchies. The research and information on these Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) technologies has matured over the last decade. These NVMs are now being explored thoroughly nowadays as viable replacements for conventional SRAM based memories even for the higher levels of the memory hierarchy. Many other new classes of emerging memory technologies such as transparent and plastic, three-dimensional(3-D), and quantum dot memory technologies have also gained tremendous popularity in recent years...En el campo de la informática, el término ‘memoria’ se refiere generalmente a dispositivos que son usados para almacenar información que posteriormente será usada en diversos dispositivos, desde computadoras personales (PC), móviles, dispositivos inteligentes, etc. La memoria principal del sistema se utiliza para almacenar los datos e instrucciones de los procesos que se encuentre en ejecución, por lo que se requiere que funcionen a alta velocidad (por ejemplo, DRAM). La memoria principal está implementada habitualmente mediante memorias semiconductoras direccionables, siendo DRAM y SRAM los principales exponentes. Por otro lado, la memoria auxiliar o secundaria proporciona almacenaje(para ficheros, por ejemplo); es más lenta pero ofrece una mayor capacidad. Ejemplos típicos de memoria secundaria son discos duros, memorias flash portables, CDs y DVDs. Debido a que estos dispositivos no necesitan estar conectados a la computadora de forma permanente, son muy utilizados para almacenar copias de seguridad. La memoria secundaria almacena una gran cantidad de datos aun coste menor por bit que la memoria principal, siendo habitualmente dos órdenes de magnitud más barata que la memoria primaria. Existen dos tipos de memorias de tipo semiconductor: volátiles y no volátiles. Ejemplos de memorias no volátiles son las memorias Flash (algunas veces usadas como memoria secundaria y otras veces como memoria principal) y memorias ROM/PROM/EPROM/EEPROM (usadas para firmware como programas de arranque). Ejemplos de memoria volátil son las memorias DRAM (RAM dinámica), actualmente la opción predominante a la hora de implementar la memoria principal, y las memorias SRAM (RAM estática) más rápida y costosa, utilizada para los diferentes niveles de cache. Las tecnologías de memorias no volátiles basadas en electrónica de silicio se remontan a la década de1990. Una variante de memoria de almacenaje por carga denominada como memoria Flash es mundialmente usada en productos electrónicos de consumo como telefonía móvil y reproductores de música mientras NAND Flash solid state disks(SSDs) están progresivamente desplazando a los dispositivos de disco duro como principal unidad de almacenamiento en computadoras portátiles, de escritorio e incluso en centros de datos. En la actualidad, hay varios factores que amenazan la actual predominancia de memorias semiconductoras basadas en cargas (capacitivas). Por un lado, se está alcanzando el límite de integración de las memorias Flash, lo que compromete su escalado en el medio plazo. Por otra parte, el fuerte incremento de las corrientes de fuga de los transistores de silicio CMOS actuales, supone un enorme desafío para la integración de memorias SRAM. Asimismo, estas memorias son cada vez más susceptibles a fallos de lectura/escritura en diseños de bajo consumo. Como resultado de estos problemas, que se agravan con cada nueva generación tecnológica, en los últimos años se han intensificado los esfuerzos para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías que reemplacen o al menos complementen a las actuales. Los transistores de efecto campo eléctrico ferroso (FeFET en sus siglas en inglés) se consideran una de las alternativas más prometedores para sustituir tanto a Flash (por su mayor densidad) como a DRAM (por su mayor velocidad), pero aún está en una fase muy inicial de su desarrollo. Hay otras tecnologías algo más maduras, en el ámbito de las memorias RAM resistivas, entre las que cabe destacar ReRAM (o RRAM), STT-RAM, Domain Wall Memory y Phase Change Memory (PRAM)...Depto. de Arquitectura de Computadores y AutomáticaFac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu

    The survey on Near Field Communication

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    PubMed ID: 26057043Near Field Communication (NFC) is an emerging short-range wireless communication technology that offers great and varied promise in services such as payment, ticketing, gaming, crowd sourcing, voting, navigation, and many others. NFC technology enables the integration of services from a wide range of applications into one single smartphone. NFC technology has emerged recently, and consequently not much academic data are available yet, although the number of academic research studies carried out in the past two years has already surpassed the total number of the prior works combined. This paper presents the concept of NFC technology in a holistic approach from different perspectives, including hardware improvement and optimization, communication essentials and standards, applications, secure elements, privacy and security, usability analysis, and ecosystem and business issues. Further research opportunities in terms of the academic and business points of view are also explored and discussed at the end of each section. This comprehensive survey will be a valuable guide for researchers and academicians, as well as for business in the NFC technology and ecosystem.Publisher's Versio

    Max Operation in Statistical Static Timing Analysis on the Non-Gaussian Variation Sources for VLSI Circuits

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    As CMOS technology continues to scale down, process variation introduces significant uncertainty in power and performance to VLSI circuits and significantly affects their reliability. If this uncertainty is not properly handled, it may become the bottleneck of CMOS technology improvement. As a result, deterministic analysis is no longer conservative and may result in either overestimation or underestimation of the circuit delay. As we know that Static-Timing Analysis (STA) is a deterministic way of computing the delay imposed by the circuits design and layout. It is based on a predetermined set of possible events of process variations, also called corners of the circuit. Although it is an excellent tool, current trends in process scaling have imposed significant difficulties to STA. Therefore, there is a need for another tool, which can resolve the aforementioned problems, and Statistical Static Timing Analysis (SSTA) has become the frontier research topic in recent years in combating such variation effects. There are two types of SSTA methods, path-based SSTA and block-based SSTA. The goal of SSTA is to parameterize timing characteristics of the timing graph as a function of the underlying sources of process parameters that are modeled as random variables. By performing SSTA, designers can obtain the timing distribution (yield) and its sensitivity to various process parameters. Such information is of tremendous value for both timing sign-off and design optimization for robustness and high profit margins. The block-based SSTA is the most efficient SSTA method in recent years. In block-based SSTA, there are two major atomic operations max and add. The add operation is simple; however, the max operation is much more complex. There are two main challenges in SSTA. The Topological Correlation that emerges from reconvergent paths, these are the ones that originate from a common node and then converge again at another node (reconvergent node). Such correlation complicates the maximum operation. The second challenge is the Spatial Correlation. It arises due to device proximity on the die and gives rise to the problems of modeling delay and arrival time. This dissertation presents statistical Nonlinear and Nonnormals canonical form of timing delay model considering process variation. This dissertation is focusing on four aspects: (1) Statistical timing modeling and analysis; (2) High level circuit synthesis with system level statistical static timing analysis; (3) Architectural implementations of the atomic operations (max and add); and (4) Design methodology. To perform statistical timing modeling and analysis, we first present an efficient and accurate statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) flow for non-linear cell delay model with non-Gaussian variation sources. To achieve system level SSTA we apply statistical timing analysis to high-level synthesis flow, and develop yield driven synthesis framework so that the impact of process variations is taken into account during high-level synthesis. To accomplish architectural implementation, we present the vector thread architecture for max operator to minimize delay and variation. Finally, we present comparison analysis with ISCAS benchmark circuits suites. In the last part of this dissertation, a SSTA design methodology is presented

    Parallel and Distributed Computing

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    The 14 chapters presented in this book cover a wide variety of representative works ranging from hardware design to application development. Particularly, the topics that are addressed are programmable and reconfigurable devices and systems, dependability of GPUs (General Purpose Units), network topologies, cache coherence protocols, resource allocation, scheduling algorithms, peertopeer networks, largescale network simulation, and parallel routines and algorithms. In this way, the articles included in this book constitute an excellent reference for engineers and researchers who have particular interests in each of these topics in parallel and distributed computing