17,892 research outputs found

    Single Spin Asymmetry in Charmonium Production

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    We present estimates of Single Spin Asymmetry (SSA) in the electroproduction of J/ψJ/\psi taking into account the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) evolution of the gluon Sivers function and using Color Evaporation Model of charmonium production. We estimate SSA for JLab, HERMES, COMPASS and eRHIC energies using recent parameters for the quark Sivers functions which are fitted using an evolution kernel in which the perturbative part is resummed up to next-to-leading logarithms (NLL) accuracy. We find that these SSAs are much smaller as compared to our first estimates obtained using DGLAP evolution but are comparable to our estimates obtained using TMD evolution where we had used approximate analytical solution of the TMD evolution equation for the purpose.Comment: Conference proceedings of Light Cone 2014 at Raleigh, NC, USA. Talk presented by Prof. Anuradha Misra. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1411.083

    Transverse Single Spin Asymmetries and Charmonium Production

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    We estimate transverse spin single spin asymmetry(TSSA) in the process e+pJ/ψ+Xe+p^\uparrow \to J/\psi +X using color evaporation model of charmonium production. We take into account transverse momentum dependent(TMD) evolution of Sivers function and parton distribution function and show that the there is a reduction in the asymmetry as compared to our earlier estimates wherein the Q2Q^2 - evolution was implemented only through DGLAP evolution of unpolarized gluon densities.Comment: Proceedings of Light Cone 2012, New Delhi, Indi

    Passivation of high temperature superconductors

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    The surface of high temperature superconductors such as YBa2Cu3O(7-x) are passivated by reacting the native Y, Ba and Cu metal ions with an anion such as sulfate or oxalate to form a surface film that is impervious to water and has a solubility in water of no more than 10(exp -3) M. The passivating treatment is preferably conducted by immersing the surface in dilute aqueous acid solution since more soluble species dissolve into the solution. The treatment does not degrade the superconducting properties of the bulk material

    O(^3P) +CO_2 Collisions at Hyperthermal Energies: Dynamics of Nonreactive Scattering, Oxygen Isotope Exchange, and Oxygen-Atom Abstraction

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    The dynamics of O(^3P) + CO_2 collisions at hyperthermal energies were investigated experimentally and theoretically. Crossed-molecular-beams experiments at Ecoll = 98.8 kcal mol^(–1) were performed with isotopically labeled ^(12)C^(18)O_2 to distinguish products of nonreactive scattering from those of reactive scattering. The following product channels were observed: elastic and inelastic scattering (^(16)O(^3P) + ^(12)C^(18)O^2), isotope exchange (^(18)O + ^(16)O^(12)C^(18)O), and oxygen-atom abstraction (^(18)O^(16)O + ^(12)C^(18)O). Stationary points on the two lowest triplet potential energy surfaces of the O(^3P) + CO_2 system were characterized at the CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory and by means of W4 theory, which represents an approximation to the relativistic basis set limit, full-configuration-interaction (FCI) energy. The calculations predict a planar CO_3(C_(2v),^3A″) intermediate that lies 16.3 kcal mol^(–1) (W4 FCI excluding zero point energy) above reactants and is approached by a C_(2v) transition state with energy 24.08 kcal mol^(–1). Quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) calculations with collision energies in the range 23–150 kcal mol^(–1) were performed at the B3LYP/6-311G(d) and BMK/6-311G(d) levels. Both reactive channels observed in the experiment were predicted by these calculations. In the isotope exchange reaction, the experimental center-of-mass (c.m.) angular distribution, T(θ_(c.m.)), of the ^(16)O^(12)C^(18)O products peaked along the initial CO_2 direction (backward relative to the direction of the reagent O atoms), with a smaller isotropic component. The product translational energy distribution, P(E_T), had a relatively low average of E_T = 35 kcal mol^(–1), indicating that the ^(16)O^(12)C^(18)O products were formed with substantial internal energy. The QCT calculations give c.m. P(E_T) and T(θ_(c.m.)) distributions and a relative product yield that agree qualitatively with the experimental results, and the trajectories indicate that exchange occurs through a short-lived CO_3^* intermediate. A low yield for the abstraction reaction was seen in both the experiment and the theory. Experimentally, a fast and weak ^(16)O^(18)O product signal from an abstraction reaction was observed, which could only be detected in the forward direction. A small number of QCT trajectories leading to abstraction were observed to occur primarily via a transient CO_3 intermediate, albeit only at high collision energies (149 kcal mol^(–1)). The oxygen isotope exchange mechanism for CO_2 in collisions with ground state O atoms is a newly discovered pathway through which oxygen isotopes may be cycled in the upper atmosphere, where O(^3P) atoms with hyperthermal translational energies can be generated by photodissociation of O_3 and O_2

    8,14-Secogammacera-7,14(27)-diene-3,21-dione–8,14-secogammacera-7,14-diene-3,21-dione (1.5/0.5) from the bark of Lansium domesticum Corr.

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    The components of the title cocrystal, 1.5C30H40O2·0.5C30H40O2, each have two tetra­hydro­deca­lin-type fused rings connected through an ethyl­ene fragment [R—CH2—CH2—R′ torsion angles: 158.1 (7) ° in the major component and 157.5 (6)° in the minor component]. The structure is a non-merohedral twin, with a minor twin component of 26%. The exocyclic double-bonded C atom of the major component of the cocrystal is disordered over two sites of equal occupancy

    Evidence for global runoff increase related to climate warming

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    Ongoing global climatic change initiated by the anthropogenic release of carbon dioxide is a matter of intense debate. We focus both on the impact of these climatic changes on the global hydrological cycle and on the amplitude of the increase of global and continental runoff over the last century, in relation to measured temperature increases. In this contribution, we propose an original statistical wavelet-based method for the reconstruction of the monthly discharges of worldwide largest rivers. This method provides a data-based approximation of the evolution of the annual continental and global runoffs over the last century. A consistent correlation is highlighted between global annual temperature and runoff, suggesting a 4% global runoff increase by 1 C global temperature rise. However, this global trend should be qualified at the regional scale where both increasing and decreasing trends are identified. North America runoffs appear to be the most sensitive to the recent climatic changes. Finally, this contribution provides the first experimental data-based evidence demonstrating the link between the global warming and the intensification of the global hydrological cycle. This corresponds to more intense evaporation over oceans coupled to continental precipitation increase or continental evaporation decrease. This process finally leads to an increase of the global continental runoff

    Strange quark production in a statistical effective model

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    An effective model with constituent quarks as fundamental degrees of freedom is used to predict the relative strangeness production pattern in both high energy elementary and heavy ion collisions. The basic picture is that of the statistical hadronization model, with hadronizing color-singlet clusters assumed to be at full chemical equilibrium at constituent quark level. Thus, by assuming that at least the ratio between strange and non-strange constituent quarks survives in the final hadrons, the apparent undersaturation of strange particle phase space observed in the data can be accounted for. In this framework, the enhancement of relative strangeness production in heavy ion collisions in comparison with elementary collisions is mainly owing to the excess of initial non-strange matter over antimatter and the so-called canonical suppression, namely the constraint of exact color and flavor conservation over small volumes.Comment: 22 pages, 9 postscript figures, slightly shortened version published in Phys. Rev.

    Follicular size affects the meiotic competence of in vitro matured prepubertal and adult oocytes in sheep

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    Non-atretic follicles dissected from prepubertal and adult ovaries were allocated in three groups: a) < 1 mm; b) 1-2 mm; c) > 2 mm. After 24 h of maturation, a lower percentage of adult oocytes from group a (P < 0.01) reached metaphase II than those from groups b and c (70.4 versus 89.5 and 95.5). Prepubertal oocytes showed similar results (P < 0.01; 27.2 versus 79.8 and 81.8). There was a significant difference (P < 0.01) in meiotic progression between prepubertal and adult oocytes of < 1 mm follicles. The diameter of prepubertal oocytes derived from group a was significantly lower (P < 0.01) compared to groups b and c (138.1 versus 142.1 and 145.6); adult oocytes showed similar results (P < 0.01; 142.2 versus 157.2 and 158.1 Oocytes with the same diameter derived from different follicles of prepubertal and adult ovaries showed similar meiotic progression rates. Des follicules non-atrétiques sélectionnés à partir d’ovaires d’ovins prépubères et adultes ont été répartis en trois groupes selon leur diamètre : a) < 1 mm ; b) 1-2 mm ; c) > 2 mm. Après 24 h de maturation les ovocytes dérivant des ovaires d’animaux adultes appartenant au groupe a ont atteint la MII dans des pourcentages nettement inférieurs (p < 0,01) à ceux observés pour les groupes b et c (70,4 versus 89,5 et 95,5). Des résultats identiques ont été obtenus avec les ovocytes provenant d’animaux prépubères (p < 0,01 ; 27,2 versus 79,8 et 81,8). Une grande différence (p < 0,01) dans le potentiel à reprendre la méiose existe entre les ovocytes de prépubères et des adultes provenant de follicules < 1 mm. Le diamètre des ovocytes d’agneaux provenant de follicules du groupe a était nettement inférieur (p < 0,01 ) par rapport à ceux provenant de follicules des groupes b ou c (138,1 versus 142,1 et 145,6). Des résultats identiques ont été observés pour les ovocytes provenant d’animaux adultes (p < 0,01, 142,2 versus 157,2 et 158,1). Des ovocytes de même diamètre provenant d’ovaires de prépubères et d’adultes ne diffèrent pas dans leur aptitude à reprendre la méiose