78 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Bisimulation for Parameterized Systems (Technical Report)

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    Probabilistic bisimulation is a fundamental notion of process equivalence for probabilistic systems. Among others, it has important applications including formalizing the anonymity property of several communication protocols. There is a lot of work on verifying probabilistic bisimulation for finite systems. This is however not the case for parameterized systems, where the problem is in general undecidable. In this paper we provide a generic framework for reasoning about probabilistic bisimulation for parameterized systems. Our approach is in the spirit of software verification, wherein we encode proof rules for probabilistic bisimulation and use a decidable first-order theory to specify systems and candidate bisimulation relations, which can then be checked automatically against the proof rules. As a case study, we show that our framework is sufficiently expressive for proving the anonymity property of the parameterized dining cryptographers protocol and the parameterized grades protocol, when supplied with a candidate regular bisimulation relation. Both of these protocols hitherto could not be verified by existing automatic methods. Moreover, with the help of standard automata learning algorithms, we show that the candidate relations can be synthesized fully automatically, making the verification fully automated

    Strings at MOSCA

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    Pareto-Rational Verification

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    Parameterized Complexity of Safety of Threshold Automata

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    Threshold automata are a formalism for modeling fault-tolerant distributed algorithms. In this paper, we study the parameterized complexity of reachability of threshold automata. As a first result, we show that the problem becomes W[1]-hard even when parameterized by parameters which are quite small in practice. We then consider two restricted cases which arise in practice and provide fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for both these cases. Finally, we report on experimental results conducted on some protocols taken from the literature

    ESBMC-Python:A Bounded Model Checker for Python Programs

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    This paper introduces a tool for verifying Python programs, which, using type annotation and front-end processing, can harness the capabilities of a bounded model-checking (BMC) pipeline. It transforms an input program into an abstract syntax tree to infer and add type information. Then, it translates Python expressions and statements into an intermediate representation. Finally, it converts this description into formulae evaluated with satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) solvers. The proposed approach was realized with the efficient SMT-based bounded model checker (ESBMC), which resulted in a tool called ESBMC-Python, the first BMC-based Python-code verifier. Experimental results, with a test suite specifically developed for this purpose, showed its effectiveness, where successful and failed tests were correctly evaluated. Moreover, it found a real problem in the Ethereum Consensus Specification

    Vérification interactive de propriétés à l'exécution d'un programme avec un débogueur

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    National audienceLe monitoring est l'étude d'un système pendant son exécution, en surveillant les évènements qui y entrent et qui en sortent, afin de découvrir, vérifier ou pour faire respecter des propriétés à l'exécution. Le débogage est l'étude d'un système pendant son exécution afin de trouver et comprendre ses dysfonctionnements dans le but de les corriger, en inspectant son état interne, de manière interactive. Dans ce papier, nous combinons le monitoring et le débogage en définissant un moyen efficace et pratique de vérifier automatiquement des propriétés à l'exécution d'un programme à l'aide d'un débogueur afin d'aider à détecter des anomalies dans son code, en conservant le caractère interactif du débogage classique

    Efficient Bounded Model Checking of Heap-Manipulating Programs using Tight Field Bounds

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    Software model checkers are able to exhaustively explore different bounded program executions arising from various sources of nondeterminism. These tools provide statements to produce non-determinis- tic values for certain variables, thus forcing the corresponding model checker to consider all possible values for these during verification. While these statements offer an effective way of verifying programs handling basic data types and simple structured types, they are inappropriate as a mechanism for nondeterministic generation of pointers, favoring the use of insertion routines to produce dynamic data structures when verifying, via model checking, programs handling such data types. We present a technique to improve model checking of programs handling heap-allocated data types, by taming the explosion of candidate structures that can be built when non-deterministically initializing heap object fields. The technique exploits precomputed relational bounds, that disregard values deemed invalid by the structure’s type invariant, thus reducing the state space to be explored by the model checker. Precomputing the relational bounds is a challenging costly task too, for which we also present an efficient algorithm, based on incremental SAT solving. We implement our approach on top of the CBMC bounded model checker, and show that, for a number of data structures implementations, we can handle significantly larger input structures and detect faults that CBMC is unable to detect.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ
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