69 research outputs found

    Jeremy Bentham and Australia: Convicts, utility and empire

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    Jeremy Bentham and Australia is a collection of scholarship inspired by Bentham’s writings on Australia. These writings are available for the first time in authoritative form in Panopticon versus New South Wales and other writings on Australia, a volume in The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham published by UCL Press. In the present collection, a distinguished group of authors reflect on Bentham’s Australian writings, making original contributions to existing debates and setting agendas for future ones. In the first part of the collection, the works are placed in their historical contexts, while the second part provides a critical assessment of the historical accuracy and plausibility of Bentham’s arguments against transportation from the British Isles. In the third part, attention turns to Bentham’s claim that New South Wales had been illegally founded and to the imperial and colonial constitutional ramifications of that claim. Here, authors also discuss Bentham’s work of 1831 in which he supports the establishment of a free colony on the southern coast of Australia. In the final part, authors shed light on the history of Bentham’s panopticon penitentiary scheme, his views on the punishment and reform of criminals and what role, if any, religion had to play in that regard, and discuss apparently panopticon-inspired institutions built in the Australian colonies. This collection will appeal to readers interested in Bentham’s life and thought, the history of transportation from the British Isles, and of British penal policy more generally, colonial and imperial history, Indigenous history, legal and constitutional history, and religious history

    Jeremy Bentham and Australia

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    Jeremy Bentham and Australia is a collection of scholarship inspired by Bentham’s writings on Australia. These writings are available for the first time in authoritative form in Panopticon versus New South Wales and other writings on Australia, a volume in The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham published by UCL Press. In the present collection, a distinguished group of authors reflect on Bentham’s Australian writings, making original contributions to existing debates and setting agendas for future ones. In the first part of the collection, the works are placed in their historical contexts, while the second part provides a critical assessment of the historical accuracy and plausibility of Bentham’s arguments against transportation from the British Isles. In the third part, attention turns to Bentham’s claim that New South Wales had been illegally founded and to the imperial and colonial constitutional ramifications of that claim. Here, authors also discuss Bentham’s work of 1831 in which he supports the establishment of a free colony on the southern coast of Australia. In the final part, authors shed light on the history of Bentham’s panopticon penitentiary scheme, his views on the punishment and reform of criminals and what role, if any, religion had to play in that regard, and discuss apparently panopticon-inspired institutions built in the Australian colonies. This collection will appeal to readers interested in Bentham’s life and thought, the history of transportation from the British Isles, and of British penal policy more generally, colonial and imperial history, Indigenous history, legal and constitutional history, and religious history

    Устойчивая система цифровых водяных знаков для видео на основе сцен при использовании трехуровневого DWT: концепция, оценка, эксперимент

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    Полный текст доступен на сайте издания по подписке: http://radio.kpi.ua/article/view/S0021347018010016Предложена устойчивая цифровая система водяных знаков для видео с целью защиты авторского права и защиты от копирования. Предложенный метод использует комбинацию дискретного вейвлет-преобразования DWT (discrete wavelet transform) и детектор изменения сцены. Для лучшего понимания данную концепцию можно представить в виде четырех этапов. Первый этап состоит в отыскании кадра, в который необходимо вставить водяной знак. Анализ технологии цифровых водяных знаков при использовании декомпозиции третьего уровня для поддиапазона LL (низкий–низкий) с помощью преобразования DWT описывается на втором этапе. На третьем этапе анализируются прозрачность и устойчивость при воздействии пятнадцати различных атак. На четвертом этапе производится расчет повышения устойчивости и прозрачности по сравнению с технологией цифровых водяных знаков при использовании различных уровней декомпозиции поддиапазона LL в терминах нормированной корреляции (NC) и структурированного индекса подобия. Результаты экспериментов показывают, что предложенный метод обеспечивает хорошее качество извлекаемого изображения водяного знака и хорошее качество видео с водяным знаком, и позволяет выдерживать атаки, связанные с различной обработкой изображений и сжатием JPEG, а также геометрические атаки. Эмпирические результаты доказывают улучшение рабочих характеристик при возрастании уровня декомпозиции от первого до третьего. Сравнительный анализ с существующими системами показывает улучшение устойчивости, улучшение скрытности и сокращение вычислительного времени предложенной системы

    Does Deep Learning-Based Super-Resolution Help Humans With Face Recognition?

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    The last decade witnessed a renaissance of machine learning for image processing. Super-resolution (SR) is one of the areas where deep learning techniques have achieved impressive results, with a speci fi c focus on the SR of facial images. Examining and comparing facial images is one of the critical activities in forensic video analysis; a compelling question is thus whether recent SR techniques could help face recognition (FR) made by a human operator, especially in the challenging scenario where very low resolution images are available, which is typical of surveillance recordings. This paper addresses such a question through a simple yet insightful experiment: we used two state- of-the-art deep learning-based SR algorithms to enhance some very low-resolution faces of 30 worldwide celebrities. We then asked a heterogeneous group of more than 130 individuals to recognize them and compared the recognition accuracy against the one achieved by presenting a simple bicubic-interpolated version of the same faces. Results are somehow surprising: despite an undisputed general superiority of SR-enhanced images in terms of visual appearance, SR techniques brought no considerable advantage in overall recognition accuracy

    Robust segmentation in laser scanning 3D point cloud data

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    Segmentation is a most important intermediate step in point cloud data processing and understanding. Covariance statistics based local saliency features from Principal Component Analysis (PCA) are frequently used for point cloud segmentation. However it is well known that PCA is sensitive to outliers. Hence segmentation results can be erroneous and unreliable. The problems of surface segmentation in laser scanning point cloud data are investigated in this paper. We propose a region growing based statistically robust segmentation algorithm that uses a recently introduced fast Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD) based robust PCA approach. Experiments for several real laser scanning datasets show that PCA gives unreliable and non-robust results whereas the proposed robust PCA based method has intrinsic ability to deal with noisy data and gives more accurate and robust results for planar and non planar smooth surface segmentation