14 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a Time Predictable Processor: Evaluation With a Space Case Study

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    Embedded real-time systems like those found in automotive, rail and aerospace, steadily require higher levels of guaranteed computing performance (and hence time predictability) motivated by the increasing number of functionalities provided by software. However, high-performance processor design is driven by the average-performance needs of mainstream market. To make things worse, changing those designs is hard since the embedded real-time market is comparatively a small market. A path to address this mismatch is designing low-complexity hardware features that favor time predictability and can be enabled/disabled not to affect average performance when performance guarantees are not required. In this line, we present the lessons learned designing and implementing LEOPARD, a four-core processor facilitating measurement-based timing analysis (widely used in most domains). LEOPARD has been designed adding low-overhead hardware mechanisms to a LEON3 processor baseline that allow capturing the impact of jittery resources (i.e. with variable latency) in the measurements performed at analysis time. In particular, at core level we handle the jitter of caches, TLBs and variable-latency floating point units; and at the chip level, we deal with contention so that time-composable timing guarantees can be obtained. The result of our applied study with a Space application shows how per-resource jitter is controlled facilitating the computation of high-quality WCET estimates

    Optimal ILP-Based Approach for Gate Location Assignment and Scheduling in Quantum Circuits

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    Physical design and synthesis are two key processes of quantum circuit design methodology. The physical design process itself decomposes into scheduling, mapping, routing, and placement. In this paper, a mathematical model is proposed for mapping, routing, and scheduling in ion-trap technology in order to minimize latency of the circuit. The proposed model which is a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model gives the optimal locations for gates and the best sequence of operations in terms of latency. Experimental results show that our scheme outperforms the other schemes for the attempted benchmarks

    A priority-based budget scheduler with conservative dataflow model.

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    Currently, the guaranteed throughput of a stream processing application, mapped on a multi-processor system, can be computed with a conservative dataflow model, if only time division multiplex (TDM) schedulers are applied. A TDM scheduler is a budget scheduler. Budget schedulers can be characterized by two parameters: budget and replenishment interval. This paper introduces a priority-based budget scheduler (PBS), which is a budget scheduler that additionally associates a priority with every task. PBS improves the guaranteed minimum throughput of a stream processing application compared to TDM, given the same amount of resources. We construct a conservative dataflow model for a task scheduled by PBS. This dataflow model generalizes previous work, because it is valid for a sequence of execution times instead of one execution time per task which results in an improved accuracy of the model. Given this dataflow model, we can compute the guaranteed minimum throughput of the task graph that implements the stream processing application. Experiments confirm that a significantly higher guaranteed minimum throughput of the task graph can be obtained with PBS instead of TDM schedulers and that a conservative bound on the guaranteed throughput of the task graph can be computed with a dataflow model. Furthermore, our bound on the guaranteed throughput of the task graph is accurate, if the buffer capacities in the task graph do not affect the guaranteed throughput

    Green Technologies for Management on Railroad Transportation

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    Technique and technology development allows us to discuss the possibility of crucial changes into a conservative way of railroad transportation management. One of the options regarding the train control system is aimed at denial of the classic approach being connected with the implementation of a traditional automation kit. The authors of this article are being presented with the conception of a green IT railroad rolling stock control system called Green Interlocking. The above approach helps us rely on effective inexhaustible energy sources and modern know-how of data processing plus important technologies management

    An Efficient Reconfigurable Architecture for Fingerprint Recognition

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    The fingerprint identification is an efficient biometric technique to authenticate human beings in real-time Big Data Analytics. In this paper, we propose an efficient Finite State Machine (FSM) based reconfigurable architecture for fingerprint recognition. The fingerprint image is resized, and Compound Linear Binary Pattern (CLBP) is applied on fingerprint, followed by histogram to obtain histogram CLBP features. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) Level 2 features are obtained by the same methodology. The novel matching score of CLBP is computed using histogram CLBP features of test image and fingerprint images in the database. Similarly, the DWT matching score is computed using DWT features of test image and fingerprint images in the database. Further, the matching scores of CLBP and DWT are fused with arithmetic equation using improvement factor. The performance parameters such as TSR (Total Success Rate), FAR (False Acceptance Rate), and FRR (False Rejection Rate) are computed using fusion scores with correlation matching technique for FVC2004 DB3 Database. The proposed fusion based VLSI architecture is synthesized on Virtex xc5vlx30T-3 FPGA board using Finite State Machine resulting in optimized parameters

    On Energy Efficient Computing Platforms

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    In accordance with the Moore's law, the increasing number of on-chip integrated transistors has enabled modern computing platforms with not only higher processing power but also more affordable prices. As a result, these platforms, including portable devices, work stations and data centres, are becoming an inevitable part of the human society. However, with the demand for portability and raising cost of power, energy efficiency has emerged to be a major concern for modern computing platforms. As the complexity of on-chip systems increases, Network-on-Chip (NoC) has been proved as an efficient communication architecture which can further improve system performances and scalability while reducing the design cost. Therefore, in this thesis, we study and propose energy optimization approaches based on NoC architecture, with special focuses on the following aspects. As the architectural trend of future computing platforms, 3D systems have many bene ts including higher integration density, smaller footprint, heterogeneous integration, etc. Moreover, 3D technology can signi cantly improve the network communication and effectively avoid long wirings, and therefore, provide higher system performance and energy efficiency. With the dynamic nature of on-chip communication in large scale NoC based systems, run-time system optimization is of crucial importance in order to achieve higher system reliability and essentially energy efficiency. In this thesis, we propose an agent based system design approach where agents are on-chip components which monitor and control system parameters such as supply voltage, operating frequency, etc. With this approach, we have analysed the implementation alternatives for dynamic voltage and frequency scaling and power gating techniques at different granularity, which reduce both dynamic and leakage energy consumption. Topologies, being one of the key factors for NoCs, are also explored for energy saving purpose. A Honeycomb NoC architecture is proposed in this thesis with turn-model based deadlock-free routing algorithms. Our analysis and simulation based evaluation show that Honeycomb NoCs outperform their Mesh based counterparts in terms of network cost, system performance as well as energy efficiency.Siirretty Doriast


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    The emergence of software-defined radio follows the rapidly evolving telecommunicationdomain. The requirements in both performance and dynamicity has engendered softwaredefined-radio-dedicated MPSoCs. Specialization of these MPSoCs make them difficult toprogram and verify. Dataflow models of computation have been suggested as a way to mitigatethis complexity. Moreover, the need for flexible yet verifiable models has led to thedevelopment of new parametric dataflow models.In this thesis, I study the compilation of parametric dataflow applications targetingsoftware-defined-radio platforms. After a hardware and software state of the art in this field, Ipropose a new refinement of dataflow scheduling, and outline its application to buffer size’sverification. Then, I introduce a new high-level format to define dataflow actors and graph,with the associated compilation flow. I apply these concepts to optimised code generation fortheMagali software-defined-radio platform. Compilation of parts of the LTE protocol are usedto evaluate the performances of the proposed compilation flow.Le développement de la radio logicielle fait suite à l’évolution rapide du domaine destélécommunications. Les besoins en performance et en dynamicité ont donné naissance à desMPSoC dédiés à la radio logicielle. La spécialisation de cesMPSoC rend cependant leur programmationet leur vérification complexes. Des travaux proposent d’atténuer cette complexitépar l’utilisation de paradigmes tels que lemodèle de calcul flot de données. Parallèlement, lebesoin demodèles flexibles et vérifiables a mené au développement de nouveaux modèlesflot de données paramétriques.Dans cette thèse, j’étudie la compilation d’applications utilisant un modèle de calcul flotde données paramétrique et ciblant des plateformes de radio logicielle. Après un état de l’artdu matériel et logiciel du domaine, je propose un raffinement de l’ordonnancement flot dedonnées, et présente son application à la vérification des taillesmémoires. Ensuite, j’introduisun nouveau format de haut niveau pour définir le graphe et les acteurs flot de données, ainsique le flot de compilation associé. J’applique ces concepts à la génération de code optimisépour la plateforme de radio logicielle Magali. La compilation de parties du protocole LTEpermet d’évaluer les performances du flot de compilation proposé

    Quality-of-service provisioning for dynamic heterogeneous wireless sensor networks

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    A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of a large collection of spatially dis- tributed autonomous devices with sensors to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as air-pollution, temperature and traffic flow. By cooperatively processing and communicating information to central locations, appropriate ac- tions can be performed in response. WSNs perform a large variety of applications, such as the monitoring of elderly persons or conditions in a greenhouse. To correctly and efficiently perform a task, the behaviour of the WSN should be such that sufficient Quality-of-Service (QoS) is provided. QoS is defined by constraints and objectives on network quality metrics, such as a maximum end- to-end packet loss or minimum network lifetime. After defining the application we want the WSN to perform, many steps are involved in designing the WSN such that sufficient QoS is provided. First, a (heterogeneous) set of sensor nodes and protocols need to be selected. Furthermore, a suitable deployment has to be found and the network should be configured for its first use. This configuration involves setting all controllable parameters that influence its behaviour, such as selecting the neighbouring node(s) to communicate to and setting the transmission power of its radio, to ensure that the WSN provides the required QoS. Configuring the network is a complex task as the number of parameters and their possible values are large and trade-offs between multiple quality metrics exist. High transmission power may result in a low packet loss to a neighbouring node, but also in a high power consumption and low lifetime. Heterogeneity in the network causes the impact of parameters to be different between nodes, requiring parameters of nodes to be set individually. Moreover, a static configuration is typically not sufficient to make the most efficient trade-off between the quality metrics at all times in a dynamic environment. Run-time mechanisms are needed to maintain the required level of QoS under changing circumstances, such as changing external interference, mobility of nodes or fluctuating traffic load. This thesis deals with run-time reconfiguration of dynamic heterogeneous wire- less sensor networks to maintain a required QoS, given a deployed network with selected communication protocols and their controllable parameters. The main contribution of this thesis is an efficient QoS provisioning strategy. It consists of three parts: a re-active reconfiguration method, a generic distributed service to estimate network metrics and a pro-active reconfiguration method. In the re-active method, nodes collaboratively respond to discrepancies be- tween the current and required QoS. Nodes use feedback control which, at a given speed, adapts parameters of the node to continuously reduce any error between the locally estimated network QoS and QoS requirements. A dynamic predictive model is used and updated at run-time, to predict how different parameter adap- tations influence the QoS. Setting the speed of adaptation allows us to influence the trade-off between responsiveness and overhead of the approach, and to tune it to the characteristics of the application scenario. Simulations and experiments with an actual deployment show the successful integration in practical scenar- ios. Compared to existing configuration strategies, we are able to extend network lifetime significantly, while maintaining required packet delivery ratios. To solve the non-trivial problem of efficiently estimating network quality met- rics, we introduce a generic distributed service to distributively compute various network metrics. This service takes into account the possible presence of links with asymmetric quality that may vary over time, by repeated forwarding of informa- tion over multiple hops combined with explicit information validity management. The generic service is instantiated from the definition of a recursive local update function that converges to a fixed point representing the desired metric. We show the convergence and stability of various instantiations. Parameters can be set in accordance with the characteristics of the deployment and influence the trade-off between accuracy and overhead. Simulations and experiments show a significant increase in estimation accuracy, and efficiency of a protocol using the estimates, compared to today’s current approaches. This service is integrated in various protocol stacks providing different kinds of network metric estimates. The pro-active reconfiguration method reconfigures in response to predefined run-time detectable events that may cause the network QoS to change signifi- cantly. While the re-active method is generally applicable and independent of the application scenario, the, complementary, pro-active method exploits any a-priori knowledge of the application scenario to adapt more efficiently. A simple example is that as soon as a person with a body sensor node starts walking we know that several aspects, including the network topology, will change. To avoid degradation of network QoS, we pro-actively adapt parameters, in this case, for instance, the frequency of updating the set of neighbouring nodes, as soon as we observe that a person starts to walk. At design time, different modes of operation are selected to be distinguished at run-time. Analysis techniques, such as simulations, are used to determine a suitable configuration for each of these modes. At run time, the approach ensures that nodes can detect the mode in which they should operate. We describe the integration of the pro-active method for two practical monitoring applications. Simulations and experiments show the feasibility of an implementa- tion on resource constrained nodes. The pro-active reconfiguration allows for an efficient QoS provisioning in combination with the re-active approach