26 research outputs found

    Model Checking: Verification or Debugging?

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    Using SPIN to Analyse the Tree Identification Phase of the IEEE 1394 High-Performance Serial Bus(FireWire)Protocol

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    We describe how the tree identification phase of the IEEE 1394 high-performance serial bus (FireWire) protocol is modelled in Promela and verified using SPIN. The verification of arbitrary system configurations is discussed

    Active Learning of Deterministic Timed Automata with Myhill-Nerode Style Characterization

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    Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 13964)35th International Conference, CAV 2023, Paris, France, July 17ā€“22, 2023We present an algorithm to learn a deterministic timed automaton (DTA) via membership and equivalence queries. Our algorithm is an extension of the L* algorithm with a Myhill-Nerode style characterization of recognizable timed languages, which is the class of timed languages recognizable by DTAs. We first characterize the recognizable timed languages with a Nerode-style congruence. Using it, we give an algorithm with a smart teacher answering symbolic membership queries in addition to membership and equivalence queries. With a symbolic membership query, one can ask the membership of a certain set of timed words at one time. We prove that for any recognizable timed language, our learning algorithm returns a DTA recognizing it. We show how to answer a symbolic membership query with finitely many membership queries. We also show that our learning algorithm requires a polynomial number of queries with a smart teacher and an exponential number of queries with a normal teacher. We applied our algorithm to various benchmarks and confirmed its effectiveness with a normal teacher

    A template-based approach for the generation of abstractable and reducible models of featured networks

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    We investigate the relationship between symmetry reduction and inductive reasoning when applied to model checking networks of featured components. Popular reduction techniques for combatting state space explosion in model checking, like abstraction and symmetry reduction, can only be applied effectively when the natural symmetry of a system is not destroyed during specification. We introduce a property which ensures this is preserved, open symmetry. We describe a template-based approach for the construction of open symmetric Promela specifications of featured systems. For certain systems (safely featured parameterised systems) our generated specifications are suitable for conversion to abstract specifications representing any size of network. This enables feature interaction analysis to be carried out, via model checking and induction, for systems of any number of featured components. In addition, we show how, for any balanced network of components, by using a graphical representation of the features and the process communication structure, a group of permutations of the underlying state space of the generated specification can be determined easily. Due to the open symmetry of our Promela specifications, this group of permutations can be used directly for symmetry reduced model checking. The main contributions of this paper are an automatic method for developing open symmetric specifications which can be used for generic feature interaction analysis, and the novel application of symmetry detection and reduction in the context of model checking featured networks. We apply our techniques to a well known example of a featured network ā€“ an email system

    Refined Interfaces for Compositional Verification

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    The compositional verification approach of Graf & Steffen aims at avoiding state space explosion for individual processes of a concurrent system. It relies on interfaces that express the behavioural constraints imposed on each process by synchronization with the other processes, thus preventing the exploration of states and transitions that would not be reachable in the global state space. Krimm & Mounier, and Cheung & Kramer proposed two techniques to generate such interfaces automatically. In this report, we propose a refined interface generation technique that derives the interface of a process automatically from the examination of (a subset of) concurrent processes. This technique is applicable to formalisms where concurrent processes are composed either using synchronization vectors or process algebra parallel composition operators (including those of CCS, CSP, muCRL, LOTOS, and E-LOTOS). We implemented this approach in the EXP.OPEN 2.0 tool of the CADP toolbox. Several experiments indicate state space reductions by more than two orders of magnitude for the largest processes

    Active Learning of Deterministic Timed Automata with Myhill-Nerode Style Characterization

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    We present an algorithm to learn a deterministic timed automaton (DTA) via membership and equivalence queries. Our algorithm is an extension of the L* algorithm with a Myhill-Nerode style characterization of recognizable timed languages, which is the class of timed languages recognizable by DTAs. We first characterize the recognizable timed languages with a Nerode-style congruence. Using it, we give an algorithm with a smart teacher answering symbolic membership queries in addition to membership and equivalence queries. With a symbolic membership query, one can ask the membership of a certain set of timed words at one time. We prove that for any recognizable timed language, our learning algorithm returns a DTA recognizing it. We show how to answer a symbolic membership query with finitely many membership queries. We also show that our learning algorithm requires a polynomial number of queries with a smart teacher and an exponential number of queries with a normal teacher. We applied our algorithm to various benchmarks and confirmed its effectiveness with a normal teacher

    Groundnut - a global perspective: proceedings of an international workshop, 25-29 Nov 1991, ICRISAT Center. India

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    This workshop brought together scientists working on all different aspects of groundnut research from all parts of the globe. Major papers are presented on: production and trade; regional reviews: donor reports: and special topics including information transfer, processing and products, integrated pest management. genetic resources - including wild species. biotechnology. and crop modeling. Nearly 100 poster abstracts are included. These cover general topics; genetic resources: biotechnology: breeding: crop physiology and nutrition: diseases and insect pests: intercropping and weed management: and processing and products. The proceedings provide a comprehensive record of progress made in groundnut research and production technology in the 1980s. The workshop recommendations, originating from disciplinary group discussions. outline the future research requirements of the crop

    On Supervisor Synthesis via Active Automata Learning

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    Our society\u27s reliance on computer-controlled systems is rapidly growing. Such systems are found in various devices, ranging from simple light switches to safety-critical systems like autonomous vehicles. In the context of safety-critical systems, safety and correctness are of utmost importance. Faults and errors could have catastrophic consequences. Thus, there is a need for rigorous methodologies that help provide guarantees of safety and correctness. Supervisor synthesis, the concept of being able to mathematically synthesize a supervisor that ensures that the closed-loop system behaves in accordance with known requirements, can indeed help.This thesis introduces supervisor learning, an approach to help automate the learning of supervisors in the absence of plant models. Traditionally, supervisor synthesis makes use of plant models and specification models to obtain a supervisor. Industrial adoption of this method is limited due to, among other things, the difficulty in obtaining usable plant models. Manually creating these plant models is an error-prone and time-consuming process. Thus, supervisor learning intends to improve the industrial adoption of supervisory control by automating the process of generating supervisors in the absence of plant models.The idea here is to learn a supervisor for the system under learning (SUL) by active interaction and experimentation. To this end, we present two algorithms, SupL*, and MSL, that directly learn supervisors when provided with a simulator of the SUL and its corresponding specifications. SupL* is a language-based learner that learns one supervisor for the entire system. MSL, on the other hand, learns a modular supervisor, that is, several smaller supervisors, one for each specification. Additionally, a third algorithm, MPL, is introduced for learning a modular plant model.The approach is realized in the tool MIDES and has been used to learn supervisors in a virtual manufacturing setting for the Machine Buffer Machine example, as well as learning a model of the Lateral State Manager, a sub-component of a self-driving car. These case studies show the feasibility and applicability of the proposed approach, in addition to helping identify future directions for research

    On synthesizing test cases in symbolic real-time testing

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