72 research outputs found

    Дополненная реальность в библиотеках

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    To design information space, to attract users and to develop collections, the libraries have to implement new technologies, and augmented reality (AR) is among them. This technology combines the real and virtual worlds which enables to visualize demanded information and to facilitate access to this information. Several applications are based on AR principles. However, there are still no popular AR solutions to support library processes. In her study, the author examines the AR technology with the view of its implementation and use in libraries.The study of foreign experience demonstrates AR relevance for the libraries. Both experts and users are interested in implementing AR library solutions.Tours, displays and exhibitions, search navigation and AR-books make the most advisable ideas for AR projects. The positives of AR implementation in libraries are specified, i.e. almost free implementation, high adaptiveness to technologies, and the higher interactive character of libraries. However, AR implementation in libraries is limited due to lacking unified apps and insufficient technological support.Для организации информационного пространства, привлечения читателей, движения фондов необходимо внедрять в библиотечную деятельность новые технологии. Одной из них является «дополненная реальность» (augmented reality – AR): совмещение реального и виртуального миров, позволяющее визуализировать необходимую информацию и упрощать доступ к ней. Существует ряд приложений, основанных на принципах AR, однако общепринятых AR-решений, улучшающих библиотечные процессы, до сих пор не разработано. Цель настоящего исследования – изучение развития AR-технологии, возможностей её реализации и применения в библиотеках.Результаты исследований о применении AR в зарубежных библиотеках свидетельствуют о целесообразностиразностороннего использования этой технологии. Можно отметить, что и эксперты, и пользователи проявляют интерес к AR-решениямдля библиотек. Лучшие идеи в реализации AR-проектов – экскурсии, туры, выставки, навигация в поиске и книги с дополненной реальностью. Положительные моменты внедрения AR в библиотеке – практически безвозмездная реализация, лёгкая адаптивностьк технологиям, возможность сделать библиотеку более интерактивной. Реализация AR в библиотечной сфере сопровождается ограничениями, связанными с отсутствием единого приложения, а также недостаточным уровнем технического обеспечения

    The Power of Urban Water

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    Water is a global resource for modern societies - and water was a global resource for pre-modern societies. The many different water systems serving processes of urbanisation and urban life in ancient times and the Middle Ages have hardly been researched until now. The numerous contributions to this volume pose questions such as what the basic cultural significance of water was, the power of water, in the town and for the town, from different points of view. Symbolic, aesthetic, and cult aspects are taken up, as is the role of water in politics, society, and economy, in daily life, but also in processes of urban planning or in urban neighbourhoods. Not least, the dangers of polluted water or of flooding presented a challenge to urban society. The contributions in this volume draw attention to the complex, manifold relations between water and human beings. This collection presents the results of an international conference in Kiel in 2018. It is directed towards both scholars in ancient and mediaeval studies and all those interested in the diversity of water systems in urban space in ancient and mediaeval times.    

    Austrian Research and Technology Report 2023

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    Der Forschungs- und Technologiebericht ist der Lagebericht über die aus Bundesmitteln geförderte Forschung, Technologie und Innovation in Österreich und wird im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF) in Einvernehmen mit dem Bundesministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Energie, Mobilität, Innovation und Technologie (BMK) sowie dem Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Wirtschaft (BMAW) erstellt. Der vorliegende Bericht steht im Zeichen eines komplexen Wandels auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen, einerseits getrieben durch multiple Krisen, die nicht nur das Innovationsverhalten von Unternehmen und wissenschaftlichen Akteurinnen und Akteuren verändern, sondern auch veränderte Rahmenbedingungen mit sich bringen. Die Twin Transition ist allgegenwärtig. Im vorliegenden Bericht wird mit dem Schwerpunktthema der Fokus auf die Grüne Transformation in Forschung und Wirtschaft gelegt. Abstrac

    Prospects and Challenges for the Ecumenical Movement in the 21st Century

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    "The Global Ecumenical Theological Institute provided a unique opportunity for a new generation of ecumenical leaders from across the globe to engage with each other and with the themes presented at the World Council of Churches (WCC) Assembly in Busan (South Korea). These papers in which the participants reflect their experience show both this engagement and the diversity of their contexts. The papers deal with a variety of themes such as: pilgrimage, Asian Christology, food insecurity, just peace and the shift of the center of gravity of Christianity to the Global South. The collection of these papers provides significant insights into the challenges faced by the ecumenical movement and the prospects for its future. More particularly they articulate the perspective of a new generation of leaders in the ecumenical movement whose voice needs to be heard.

    International Student Workshop Tracking the Ljubljana Urban Region 2012/2013

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    Pioniergeist, Ausdauer, Leidenschaft. Festschrift zu Ehren von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke

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    Diese Festschrift ist dem wissenschaftlichen Wirken von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Handke gewidmet und wurde anlässlich seiner Pensionierung im März 2020 zusammengestellt. Der Band behandelt eine Vielzahl an wissenschaftlichen Bereichen, dazu zählen die Linguistik, die digitale Lehre, der Inverted Classroom, das curriculare Design sowie die Educational Robotics. Zu den Beitragenden gehören namhafte Vertreter aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft sowie Jungwissenschaftler und Nachwuchsforscher mit Artikeln in sowohl deutscher als auch englischer Sprache. Darüber hinaus hat sich eine Gruppe Künstler mit dem „Forschungsgegenstand“ Jürgen Handke auf künstlerische Weise auseinandergesetzt

    Strengthening Christian perspectives on human dignity and human rights : perspectives from an international consultative process

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    Given renewed conflicts and widening divisions, and with human rights having all too frequently been misused for political purposes or applied unequally, international human rights law—and its foundational principles—has come under increasing attack. At the same time, different perspectives on the relationship between Christian ethics and international human rights law have become increasingly evident in the ecumenical movement. The World Council of Churches, together with the Protestant Church in Germany and the United Evangelical Mission, recognized the need for a process of ecumenical study and reflection on the relationship between human dignity and human rights from biblical, theological, and victims’ perspectives. This two-year process culminated in a Conference on Christian Perspectives on Human Dignity and Humans Rights held in Wuppertal (Germany) and online from 9–12 April 2022. The rich contributions of papers received from theologians, people with different academic backgrounds, experts in ethics and human rights, and human rights defenders—together with the joint message of the participants of the Wuppertal Conference—are made available in this publication

    Bildung in der digitalen Transformation

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    Die Coronapandemie und der durch sie erzwungene zeitweise Übergang von Präsenz- zu Distanzlehre haben die Digitalisierung des Bildungswesens enorm vorangetrieben. Noch deutlicher als vorher traten dabei positive wie negative Aspekte dieser Entwicklung zum Vorschein. Während den Hochschulen der Wechsel mit vergleichsweise geringen Reibungsverlusten gelang, offenbarten sich diese an Schulen weitaus deutlicher. Trotz aller Widrigkeiten erscheint eines klar: Die zeitweisen Veränderungen werden Nachwirkungen zeigen. Eine völlige Rückkehr zum Status quo ante ist kaum noch vorstellbar. Zwei Fragen bestimmen vor diesem Hintergrund die Doppelgesichtigkeit des Themas der 29. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft (GMW). Erstens: Wie ‚funktioniert‘ Bildung in der sich derzeit ereignenden digitalen Transformation und welche Herausforderungen gibt es? Und zweitens: Befindet sich möglicherweise Bildung selbst in der Transformation? Beiträge zu diesen und weiteren Fragen vereint der vorliegende Tagungsband

    Semantic Systems. The Power of AI and Knowledge Graphs

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    This open access book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Semantic Systems, SEMANTiCS 2019, held in Karlsruhe, Germany, in September 2019. The 20 full papers and 8 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 88 submissions. They cover topics such as: web semantics and linked (open) data; machine learning and deep learning techniques; semantic information management and knowledge integration; terminology, thesaurus and ontology management; data mining and knowledge discovery; semantics in blockchain and distributed ledger technologies

    Timeline design for visualising cultural heritage data

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    This thesis is concerned with the design of data visualisations of digitised museum, archive and library collections, in timelines. As cultural institutions digitise their collections—converting texts, objects, and artworks to electronic records—the volume of cultural data available grows. There is a growing perception, though, that we need to get more out of this data. Merely digitising does not automatically make collections accessible, discoverable and comprehensible, and standard interfaces do not necessarily support the types of interactions users wish to make. Data visualisations—this thesis focuses on interactive visual representations of data created with software—allow us to see an overview of, observe patterns in, and showcase the richness of, digitised collections. Visualisation can support analysis, exploration and presentation of collections for different audiences: research, collection administration, and the general public. The focus here is on visualising cultural data by time: a fundamental dimension for making sense of historical data, but also one with unique strangeness. Through cataloguing, cultural institutions define the meaning and value of items in their collections and the structure within which to make sense of them. By visualising threads in cataloguing data through time, can historical narratives be made visible? And is the data alone enough to tell the stories that people wish to tell? The intended audience for this research is cultural heritage institutions. This work sits at the crossroads between design, cultural heritage (particularly museology), and computing—drawing on the fields of digital humanities, information visualisation and human computer-interaction which also live in these overlapping spaces. This PhD adds clarity around the question of what cultural visualisation is (and can be) for, and highlights issues in the visualisation of qualitative or nominal data. The first chapter lays out the background, characterising cultural data and its visualisation. Chapter two walks through examples of existing cultural timeline visualisations, from the most handcrafted displays to automated approaches. At this point, the research agenda and methodology are set out. The next five chapters document a portfolio of visualisation projects, designing and building novel prototype timeline visualisations with data from the Wellcome Library and Victoria & Albert Museum, London, Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum, New York City, and the Nordic Museum, Stockholm. In the process, a range of issues are identified for further discussion. The final chapters reflect on these projects, arguing that automated timeline visualisation can be a productive way to explore and present historical narratives in collection data, but a range of factors govern what is possible and useful. Trust in cultural data visualisation is also discussed. This research argues that visualising cultural data can add value to the data both for users and for data-holding institutions. However, that value is likely to be best achieved by customising a visualisation design to the dataset, audience and use case. Keywords: cultural heritage data; historical data; cultural analytics; cultural informatics; humanities visualisation; generous interfaces; digital humanities; design; information design; interface design; data visualisation; information visualisation; time; timeline; history; historiography; museums; museology; archives; chronographics