50 research outputs found

    Birds of a Feather Session: “Autonomic Computing: Panacea or Poppycock?”

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    Autonomic Computing

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    Autonomic computing (AC) has as its vision the creation of self-managing systems to address today’s con-cerns of complexity and total cost of ownership while meeting tomorrow’s needs for pervasive and ubiquitous computation and communication. This paper reports on the latest auto-nomic systems research and technologies to influence the industry; it looks behind AC, summarising what it is, the current state-of-the-art research, related work and initiatives, highlights research and technology transfer issues and concludes with further and recommended reading

    PAC-MEN: Personal Autonomic Computing Monitoring Environments

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    The overall goal of this research is to improve the `environment awareness' aspect of personal autonomic computing. Personal Computing offers unique challenges for self-management due to its multiequipment, multi-situation, and multi-user nature. The aim is to develop a support architecture for multiplatform working, based on autonomic computing concepts and techniques. Of particular interest is collaboration among personal systems to take a shared responsibility for environment awareness. Concepts mirroring human mechanisms, such as 'reflex reactions' and the use of 'vital signs' to assess operational health, are used in designing and implementing the personal computing architecture. A proof of concept self-healing tool is considered and lessons learned used for the requirements specification of the community-based environment awareness prototype environment---PACMEN (Personal Autonomic Computing Monitor ENvironment)

    Autonomicity – An Antidote for Complexity?

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    Personal Autonomic Computing Reflex Reactions and Self-Healing

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    The overall goal of this research is to improve theself-awareness and environment-awareness aspect of personal au-tonomic computing (PAC) to facilitate self-managing capabilitiessuch as self-healing. Personal computing offers unique challengesfor self-management due to its multiequipment, multisituation, andmultiuser nature. The aim is to develop a support architecture formultiplatform working, based on autonomic computing conceptsand techniques. Of particular interest is collaboration among per-sonal systems to take a shared responsibility for self-awareness andenvironment awareness. Concepts mirroring human mechanisms,such as reflex reactions and the use ofvital signsto assess oper-ational health, are used in designing and implementing the PACarchitecture. As proof of concept, this was implemented as a self-healing tool utilizing a pulse monitor and a vital signs health moni-tor within the autonomic manager. This type of functionality opensnew opportunities to provide self-configuring, self-optimizing, andself-protecting, as well as self-healing autonomic capabilities topersonal computing

    Adaptive reflex autonomicity for real-time systems

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    PACT: Personal Autonomic Computing Tools

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    Personal Autonomic Computing Self-Healing Tool

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