14 research outputs found

    Combinatorial models for topology-based geometric modeling

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    Many combinatorial (topological) models have been proposed in geometric modeling, computational geometry, image processing or analysis, for representing subdivided geometric objects, i.e. partitionned into cells of different dimensions: vertices, edges, faces, volumes, etc. We can distinguish among models according to the type of cells (regular or not regular ones), the type of assembly ("manifold" or "non manifold"), the type of representation (incidence graphs or ordered models), etc

    Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of simplicial complexes and finite spaces

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    In this paper we establish a natural definition of Lusternik-Schnirelmann category for simplicial complexes via the well known notion of contiguity. This category has the property of being homotopy invariant under strong equivalences, and only depends on the simplicial structure rather than its geometric realization. In a similar way to the classical case, we also develop a notion of geometric category for simplicial complexes. We prove that the maximum value over the homotopy class of a given complex is attained in the core of the complex. Finally, by means of well known relations between simplicial complexes and posets, specific new results for the topological notion of category are obtained in the setting of finite topological spaces.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, this is a new version with some minor changes and a new exampl

    Removal and Contraction for n-Dimensional Generalized Maps

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    International audienceRemoval and contraction are basic operations for several methods conceived in order to handle irregular image pyramids, for multi-level image analysis for instance. Such methods are often based upon graph-like representations which do not maintain all topological information, even for 2-dimensional images. We study the definitions of removal and contraction operations in the generalized maps framework. These combinatorial structures enable us to unambiguously represent the topology of a well-known class of subdivisions of n-dimensional (discrete) spaces. The results of this study make a basis for a further work about irregular pyramids of n-dimensional images

    Using 2D Topological Map Information in a Markovian Image Segmentation

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    International audienceTopological map is a mathematical model of labeled image representation which contains both topological and geometrical information. In this work, we use this model to improve a Markovian seg-mentation algorithm. Image segmentation methods based on Markovian assumption consist in optimizing a Gibbs energy function. This energy function can be given by a sum of potentials which could be based on the shape or the size of a region, the number of adjacencies,.. . and can be computed by using topological map. In this work we propose the integration of a new potential: the global linearity of the boundaries, and show how this potential can be extracted from the topological map. Moreover, to decrease the complexity of our algorithm, we propose a local modification of the topological map in order to avoid the reconstruction of the entire structure

    Distance Transform Computation for Digital Distance Functions

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    International audienceIn image processing, the distancetransform (DT), in which each object grid point is assigned the distance to the closest background grid point, is a powerful and often used tool. In this paper, distancefunctions defined as minimal cost-paths are used and a number of algorithms that can be used to compute the DT are presented. We give proofs of the correctness of the algorithms

    Incremental Computation of the Homology of Generalized Maps: An Application of Effective Homology Results

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    This paper deals with the incremental computation of the homology of " cellular " combinatorial structures, namely combinatorial maps and incidence graphs. " Incremental " is related to the operations which are applied to construct such structures: basic operations, i.e. the creation of cells and the identification of cells, are considered in the paper. Such incremental computation is done by applying results of effective homology [RS06]: a correspondence between the chain complex associated with a given combinatorial structure is maintained with a " smaller " chain complex , from which the homology groups and homology generators can be more efficiently computed

    Projections et distances discrètes

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    Le travail se situe dans le domaine de la géométrie discrète. La tomographie discrète sera abordée sous l'angle de ses liens avec la théorie de l'information, illustrés par l'application de la transformation Mojette et de la "Finite Radon Transform" au codage redondant d'information pour la transmission et le stockage distribué. Les distances discrètes seront exposées selon les points de vue théorique (avec une nouvelle classe de distances construites par des chemins à poids variables) et algorithmique (transformation en distance, axe médian, granulométrie) en particulier par des méthodes en un balayage d'image (en "streaming"). Le lien avec les séquences d'entiers non-décroissantes et l'inverse de Lambek-Moser sera mis en avant

    Processus de Diffusion Discret Opérateur Laplacien appliqué à l'étude de surfaces

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    The context of discrete geometry is in Zn. We propose to discribe discrete curves and surfaces composed of voxels: how to compute classical notions of analysis as tangent and normals ? Computation of data on discrete curves use average mask. A large amount of works proposed to study the pertinence of those masks. We propose to compute an average mask based on random walk. A random walk starting from a point of a curve or a surface, allow to give a weight, the time passed on each point. This kernel allow us to compute average and derivative. The studied of this digital process allow us to recover classical notions of geometry on meshes surfaces, and give accuracy estimator of tangent and curvature. We propose a large field of applications of this approach recovering classical tools using in transversal communauty of discrete geometry, with a same theorical base.Le contexte est la géométrie discrète dans Zn. Il s'agit de décrire les courbes et surfaces discrètes composées de voxels: les définitions usuelles de droites et plans discrets épais se comportent mal quand on passe à des ensembles courbes. Comment garantir un bon comportement topologique, les connexités requises, dans une situation qui généralise les droites et plans discrets?Le calcul de données sur ces courbes, normales, tangentes, courbure, ou des fonctions plus générales, fait appel à des moyennes utilisant des masques. Une question est la pertinence théorique et pratique de ces masques. Une voie explorée, est le calcul de masques fondés sur la marche aléatoire. Une marche aléatoire partant d'un centre donné sur une courbe ou une surface discrète, permet d'affecter à chaque autre voxel un poids, le temps moyen de visite. Ce noyau permet de calculer des moyennes et par là, des dérivées. L'étude du comportement de ce processus de diffusion, a permis de retrouver des outils classiques de géométrie sur des surfaces maillées, et de fournir des estimateurs de tangente et de courbure performants. La diversité du champs d'applications de ce processus de diffusion a été mise en avant, retrouvant ainsi des méthodes classiques mais avec une base théorique identique

    Exploring 3D Shapes through Real Functions

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    This thesis lays in the context of research on representation, modelling and coding knowledge related to digital shapes, where by shape it is meant any individual object having a visual appareance which exists in some two-, three- or higher dimensional space. Digital shapes are digital representations of either physically existing or virtual objects that can be processed by computer applications. While the technological advances in terms of hardware and software have made available plenty of tools for using and interacting with the geometry of shapes, to manipulate and retrieve huge amount of data it is necessary to define methods able to effectively code them. In this thesis a conceptual model is proposed which represents a given 3D object through the coding of its salient features and defines an abstraction of the object, discarding irrelevant details. The approach is based on the shape descriptors defined with respect to real functions, which provide a very useful shape abstraction method for the analysis and structuring of the information contained in the discrete shape model. A distinctive feature of these shape descriptors is their capability of combining topological and geometrical information properties of the shape, giving an abstraction of the main shape features. To fully develop this conceptual model, both theoretical and computational aspects have been considered, related to the definition and the extension of the different shape descriptors to the computational domain. Main emphasis is devoted to the application of these shape descriptors in computational settings; to this aim we display a number of application domains that span from shape retrieval, to shape classification and to best view selection.Questa tesi si colloca nell\u27ambito di ricerca riguardante la rappresentazione, la modellazione e la codifica della conoscenza connessa a forme digitali, dove per forma si intende l\u27aspetto visuale di ogni oggetto che esiste in due, tre o pi? dimensioni. Le forme digitali sono rappresentazioni di oggetti sia reali che virtuali, che possono essere manipolate da un calcolatore. Lo sviluppo tecnologico degli ultimi anni in materia di hardware e software ha messo a disposizione una grande quantit? di strumenti per acquisire, rappresentare e processare la geometria degli oggetti; tuttavia per gestire questa grande mole di dati ? necessario sviluppare metodi in grado di fornirne una codifica efficiente. In questa tesi si propone un modello concettuale che descrive un oggetto 3D attraverso la codifica delle caratteristiche salienti e ne definisce una bozza ad alto livello, tralasciando dettagli irrilevanti. Alla base di questo approccio ? l\u27utilizzo di descrittori basati su funzioni reali in quanto forniscono un\u27astrazione della forma molto utile per analizzare e strutturare l\u27informazione contenuta nel modello discreto della forma. Una peculiarit? di tali descrittori di forma ? la capacit? di combinare propriet? topologiche e geometriche consentendo di astrarne le principali caratteristiche. Per sviluppare questo modello concettuale, ? stato necessario considerare gli aspetti sia teorici che computazionali relativi alla definizione e all\u27estensione in ambito discreto di vari descrittori di forma. Particolare attenzione ? stata rivolta all\u27applicazione dei descrittori studiati in ambito computazionale; a questo scopo sono stati considerati numerosi contesti applicativi, che variano dal riconoscimento alla classificazione di forme, all\u27individuazione della posizione pi? significativa di un oggetto

    Learning cognitive maps: Finding useful structure in an uncertain world

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    In this chapter we will describe the central mechanisms that influence how people learn about large-scale space. We will focus particularly on how these mechanisms enable people to effectively cope with both the uncertainty inherent in a constantly changing world and also with the high information content of natural environments. The major lessons are that humans get by with a less is more approach to building structure, and that they are able to quickly adapt to environmental changes thanks to a range of general purpose mechanisms. By looking at abstract principles, instead of concrete implementation details, it is shown that the study of human learning can provide valuable lessons for robotics. Finally, these issues are discussed in the context of an implementation on a mobile robot. © 2007 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg