225 research outputs found

    Orbitopal Fixing

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    The topic of this paper are integer programming models in which a subset of 0/1-variables encode a partitioning of a set of objects into disjoint subsets. Such models can be surprisingly hard to solve by branch-and-cut algorithms if the order of the subsets of the partition is irrelevant, since this kind of symmetry unnecessarily blows up the search tree. We present a general tool, called orbitopal fixing, for enhancing the capabilities of branch-and-cut algorithms in solving such symmetric integer programming models. We devise a linear time algorithm that, applied at each node of the search tree, removes redundant parts of the tree produced by the above mentioned symmetry. The method relies on certain polyhedra, called orbitopes, which have been introduced bei Kaibel and Pfetsch (Math. Programm. A, 114 (2008), 1-36). It does, however, not explicitly add inequalities to the model. Instead, it uses certain fixing rules for variables. We demonstrate the computational power of orbitopal fixing at the example of a graph partitioning problem.Comment: 22 pages, revised and extended version of a previous version that has appeared under the same title in Proc. IPCO 200

    Polymake and Lattice Polytopes

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    The polymake software system deals with convex polytopes and related objects from geometric combinatorics. This note reports on a new implementation of a subclass for lattice polytopes. The features displayed are enabled by recent changes to the polymake core, which will be discussed briefly.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    The Niceness of Unique Sink Orientations

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    Random Edge is the most natural randomized pivot rule for the simplex algorithm. Considerable progress has been made recently towards fully understanding its behavior. Back in 2001, Welzl introduced the concepts of \emph{reachmaps} and \emph{niceness} of Unique Sink Orientations (USO), in an effort to better understand the behavior of Random Edge. In this paper, we initiate the systematic study of these concepts. We settle the questions that were asked by Welzl about the niceness of (acyclic) USO. Niceness implies natural upper bounds for Random Edge and we provide evidence that these are tight or almost tight in many interesting cases. Moreover, we show that Random Edge is polynomial on at least nΩ(2n)n^{\Omega(2^n)} many (possibly cyclic) USO. As a bonus, we describe a derandomization of Random Edge which achieves the same asymptotic upper bounds with respect to niceness and discuss some algorithmic properties of the reachmap.Comment: An extended abstract appears in the proceedings of Approx/Random 201

    Solving Integer Linear Programs by Exploiting Variable-Constraint Interactions: A Survey

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    Integer Linear Programming (ILP) is among the most successful and general paradigms for solving computationally intractable optimization problems in computer science. ILP is NP-complete, and until recently we have lacked a systematic study of the complexity of ILP through the lens of variable-constraint interactions. This changed drastically in recent years thanks to a series of results that together lay out a detailed complexity landscape for the problem centered around the structure of graphical representations of instances. The aim of this survey is to summarize these recent developments, put them into context and a unified format, and make them more approachable for experts from many diverse backgrounds

    Lattice based extended formulations for integer linear equality systems

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    We study different extended formulations for the set X={x∈Zn∣Ax=Ax0}X = \{x\in\mathbb{Z}^n \mid Ax = Ax^0\} in order to tackle the feasibility problem for the set X+=X∩Z+nX_+=X \cap \mathbb{Z}^n_+. Here the goal is not to find an improved polyhedral relaxation of conv(X+)(X_+), but rather to reformulate in such a way that the new variables introduced provide good branching directions, and in certain circumstances permit one to deduce rapidly that the instance is infeasible. For the case that AA has one row aa we analyze the reformulations in more detail. In particular, we determine the integer width of the extended formulations in the direction of the last coordinate, and derive a lower bound on the Frobenius number of aa. We also suggest how a decomposition of the vector aa can be obtained that will provide a useful extended formulation. Our theoretical results are accompanied by a small computational study.Comment: uses packages amsmath and amssym

    Probabilistic alternatives for competitive analysis

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    In the last 20 years competitive analysis has become the main tool for analyzing the quality of online algorithms. Despite of this, competitive analysis has also been criticized: it sometimes cannot discriminate between algorithms that exhibit significantly different empirical behavior or it even favors an algorithm that is worse from an empirical point of view. Therefore, there have been several approaches to circumvent these drawbacks. In this survey, we discuss probabilistic alternatives for competitive analysis.operations research and management science;

    Subexponential Algorithms for Partial Cover Problems

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    Partial Cover problems are optimization versions of fundamental and well studied problems like {\sc Vertex Cover} and {\sc Dominating Set}. Here one is interested in covering (or dominating) the maximum number of edges (or vertices) using a given number kk of vertices, rather than covering all edges (or vertices). In general graphs, these problems are hard for parameterized complexity classes when parameterized by kk. It was recently shown by Amini et. al. [{\em FSTTCS 08}\,] that {\sc Partial Vertex Cover} and {\sc Partial Dominating Set} are fixed parameter tractable on large classes of sparse graphs, namely HH.minor free graphs, which include planar graphs and graphs of bounded genus. In particular, it was shown that on planar graphs both problems can be solved in time 2^{\cO(k)}n^{\cO(1)}.publishedVersio
