25 research outputs found

    Queueing systems with different types of renovation mechanism and thresholds as the mathematical models of active queue management mechanism

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    This article is devoted to some aspects of using the renovation mechanism (different types of renovation are considered, definitions and brief overview are also given) with one or several thresholds as the mathematical models of active queue management mechanisms. The attention is paid to the queuing systems in which a threshold mechanism with renovation is implemented. This mechanism allows to adjust the number of packets in the system by dropping (resetting) them from the queue depending on the ratio of a certain control parameter with specified thresholds at the moment of the end of service on the device (server) (in contrast to standard RED-like algorithms, when a possible drop of a packet occurs at the time of arrivals of next packets in the system). The models with one, two and three thresholds with different types of renovation are under consideration. It is worth noting that the thresholds determine not only from which place in the buffer the packets are dropped, but also to which the reset of packets occurs. For some of the models certain analytical and numerical results are obtained (the references are given), some of them are only under investigation, so only the mathematical model and current results may be considered. Some results of comparing classic RED algorithm with renovation mechanism are presented.Работа посвящена некоторым аспектам использования механизма обновления (различные варианты обновления рассмотрены, определения и краткий обзор представлены) с одним или несколькими порогами в качестве математических моделей механизмов активного управления очередями. Описаны системы массового обслуживания, в которых реализован механизм обновления с порогами, позволяющий управлять числом заявок в системе путем их сброса из накопителя в зависимости от значения некоторого управляющего параметра и пороговых значений. Сброс заявок из накопителя происходит в момент окончания обслуживания заявки на приборе, что отличает данный механизм сброса от RED-подобных алгоритмов, для которых сброс возможен в момент поступления в систему. Представлены модели с одним, двумя или тремя порогами. В этих моделях пороговые значения определяют не только место, с которого в накопителе начинается сброс заявок, но и до какой позиции заявки могут быть сброшены. Для некоторых из описываемых моделей уже получены аналитические и численные результаты (ссылки на работы представлены), но большая часть моделей находится в процессе изучения, поэтому представлены только описания и некоторые текущие данные. Приведены некоторые результаты сравнения классического алгоритма RED с механизмом обновления

    Advanced Parameterisation of Online Handwriting in Writers with Graphomotor Disabilities

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    Grafomotorick© obt­e (GD) vraznÄ ovlivuj­ kvalitu ivota koln­m vÄkem poÄ­naj­c, kde se vyv­jej­ grafomotorick© schopnosti, a do dchodov©ho vÄku. VÄasn diagnza tÄchto obt­­ a terapeutick zsah maj­ velk vznam k jejich zlepen­. Vzhledem k tomu, e GD souvis­ z v­cermi symptomy v oblasti kinematiky, zkladn­ kinematick© parametry jako rychlost, zrychlen­ a vih prokzaly efektivn­ kvantizaci tÄchto symptom. Objektivn­ vpoÄetn­ syst©m podpory rozhodovn­ pro identifikaci a vyeten­ GD vak nen­ dostupn. A proto je hlavn­m c­lem m© disertaÄn­ prce vzkum pokroÄil© metody parametrizace online p­sma pro analzu GD se speciln­m zamÄen­m na vyuit­ metod zlomkov©ho kalkulu. Tato prce je prvn­, kter experimentuje s vyuit­m derivac­ neceloÄ­seln©ho du (FD) pro analzu GD pomoc­ online p­sma z­skan©ho od pacient s Parkinsonovou nemoc­ a u dÄt­ koln­ho vÄku. Byla navrena a evaluovna nov metoda parametrizace online p­sma zaloena na FD vyuit­m Grnwald-Letnikova p­stupu. Bylo dokzno, e navren metoda vznamnÄ zlepuje diskriminaÄn­ s­lu a deskriptivn­ schopnosti v oblasti Parkinsonick© dysgrafie. StejnÄ tak metoda pozitivnÄ ovlivnila i nejmodernÄj­ techniky v oblasti analzy GD u dÄt­ koln­ho vÄku. Vyvinut parametrizace byla optimalizovna s ohledem na vpoÄetn­ nroÄnost (a o 80 %) a tak© na vyladÄn­ du FD. Ke konci prce byly porovnny v­cer© p­stupy vpoÄtu FD, jmenovitÄ Riemann-Liouvillv, Caputv spoleÄnÄ z Grnwald-Letnikovm p­stupem za Äelem identifikace tÄch nejvhodnÄj­ch pro jednotliv© oblasti analzy GD.Graphomotor disabilities (GD) significantly affect the quality of life beginning from the school-age, when the graphomotor skills are developed, until the elderly age. The timely diagnosis of these difficulties and therapeutic interventions are of great importance. As GD are associated with several symptoms in the field of kinematics, the basic kinematic features such as velocity, acceleration, and jerk were proved to effectively quantify these symptoms. Nevertheless, an objective computerized decision support system for the identification and assessment of GD is still missing. Therefore, the main objective of my dissertation is the research of an advanced online handwriting parametrization utilized in the field of GD analysis, with a special focus on methods based on fractional calculus. This work is the first to experiment with fractional-order derivatives (FD) in the GD analysis by online handwriting of Parkinsonâs disease (PD) patients and school-age children. A new online handwriting parametrization technique based on the Grnwald-Letnikov approach of FD has been proposed and evaluated. In the field of PD dysgraphia, a significant improvement in the discrimination power and descriptive abilities was proven. Similarly, the proposed methodology improved current state-of-the-art techniques of GD analysis in school-aged children. The newly designed parametrization has been optimized in the scope of the computational performance (up to 80 %) as well as in FD order fine-tuning. Finally, various FD-approaches were compared, namely Riemann-Liouville, Caputoâs, together with Grnwald-Letnikov approximation to identify the most suitable approach for particular areas of GD analysis.

    LoRa Enabled Smart Inverters for Microgrid Scenarios with Widespread Elements

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    The introduction of low-power wide-area networks (LPWANs) has changed the image of smart systems, due to their wide coverage and low-power characteristics. This category of communication technologies is the perfect candidate to be integrated into smart inverter control architectures for remote microgrid (MG) applications. LoRaWAN is one of the leading LPWAN technologies, with some appealing features such as ease of implementation and the possibility of creating private networks. This study is devoted to analyze and evaluate the aforementioned integration. Initially, the characteristics of different LPWAN technologies are introduced, followed by an in-depth analysis of LoRa and LoRaWAN. Next, the role of communication in MGs with widespread elements is explained. A point-by-point LoRa architecture is proposed to be implemented in the grid-feeding control structure of smart inverters. This architecture is experimentally evaluated in terms of latency analysis and externally generated power setpoint, following smart inverters in different LoRa settings. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed LoRa architecture, while the settings are optimally configured. Finally, a hybrid communication system is proposed that can be effectively implemented for remote residential MG management

    GNSS-free outdoor localization techniques for resource-constrained IoT architectures : a literature review

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    Large-scale deployments of the Internet of Things (IoT) are adopted for performance improvement and cost reduction in several application domains. The four main IoT application domains covered throughout this article are smart cities, smart transportation, smart healthcare, and smart manufacturing. To increase IoT applicability, data generated by the IoT devices need to be time-stamped and spatially contextualized. LPWANs have become an attractive solution for outdoor localization and received significant attention from the research community due to low-power, low-cost, and long-range communication. In addition, its signals can be used for communication and localization simultaneously. There are different proposed localization methods to obtain the IoT relative location. Each category of these proposed methods has pros and cons that make them useful for specific IoT systems. Nevertheless, there are some limitations in proposed localization methods that need to be eliminated to meet the IoT ecosystem needs completely. This has motivated this work and provided the following contributions: (1) definition of the main requirements and limitations of outdoor localization techniques for the IoT ecosystem, (2) description of the most relevant GNSS-free outdoor localization methods with a focus on LPWAN technologies, (3) survey the most relevant methods used within the IoT ecosystem for improving GNSS-free localization accuracy, and (4) discussion covering the open challenges and future directions within the field. Some of the important open issues that have different requirements in different IoT systems include energy consumption, security and privacy, accuracy, and scalability. This paper provides an overview of research works that have been published between 2018 to July 2021 and made available through the Google Scholar database.5311-8814-F0ED | Sara Maria da Cruz Maia de Oliveira PaivaN/

    Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    Modern society faces serious problems with transportation systems, including but not limited to traffic congestion, safety, and pollution. Information communication technologies have gained increasing attention and importance in modern transportation systems. Automotive manufacturers are developing in-vehicle sensors and their applications in different areas including safety, traffic management, and infotainment. Government institutions are implementing roadside infrastructures such as cameras and sensors to collect data about environmental and traffic conditions. By seamlessly integrating vehicles and sensing devices, their sensing and communication capabilities can be leveraged to achieve smart and intelligent transportation systems. We discuss how sensor technology can be integrated with the transportation infrastructure to achieve a sustainable Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) and how safety, traffic control and infotainment applications can benefit from multiple sensors deployed in different elements of an ITS. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges that need to be addressed to enable a fully operational and cooperative ITS environment

    QoS enabled heterogeneous BLE mesh networks

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    Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a widely known short-range wireless technology used for various Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Recently, with the introduction of BLE mesh networks, this short-range barrier of BLE has been overcome. However, the added advantage of an extended range can come at the cost of a lower performance of these networks in terms of latency, throughput and reliability, as the core operation of BLE mesh is based on advertising and packet flooding. Hence, efficient management of the system is required to achieve a good performance of these networks and a smoother functioning in dense scenarios. As the number of configuration points in a standard mesh network is limited, this paper describes a novel set of standard compliant Quality of Service (QoS) extensions for BLE mesh networks. The resulting QoS features enable better traffic management in the mesh network, providing sufficient redundancy to achieve reliability whilst avoiding unnecessary packet flooding to reduce collisions, as well as the prioritization of certain traffic flows and the ability to control end-to-end latencies. The QoS-based system has been implemented and validated in a small-scale BLE mesh network and compared against a setup without any QoS support. The assessment in a small-scale test setup confirms that applying our QoS features can enhance these types of non-scheduled and random access networks in a significant way

    Multiple resource reuse for device-to-device communication in future cellular networks

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    Aufgrund der stärkeren Verbreitung neuer mobiler Anwendungen, z.B. Autonomes Fahren, automatisierte Prozesssteuerung, intelligente Städte / Wohnen und taktiles Internet, nimmt - die Anzahl und Dichte von Geräten, die drahtlose Verbindungen erfordern, immer weiter zu. Dies erfordert effizientere Verfahren zur Nutzung des verfügbaren Frequenzspektrums für zellulare Netze. Um dieser Herausforderung zu begegnen, wurden Ansätze, wie die gemeinsame Nutzung von Frequenzen, vorgeschlagen, um die gesamte spektrale Effizienz zu verbessern. Die Device-to-Device Kommunikation (D2D) mit paralleler Übertragung zu einem zellularen Netz bietet eine Verbesserung der spektralen Effizienz durch die verstärkte gemeinsame Nutzung des verfügbaren zellularen Spektrums. Mit D2D kommunizieren Geräte in unmittelbarer Nähe direkt miteinander ohne oder mit nur einer minimalen Kontrolle über das Mobilfunknetz. Das 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) unterstützt durch Standardisierung die Integration von D2D in Mobilfunknetze, um die spektralen Effizienzgewinne bei der gemeinsamen Nutzung von Frequenzen unter Gewährleistung der Quality of Service (QoS) zu realisieren. Die Interferenzen zwischen D2D und zellularen Benutzern müssen jedoch während der gemeinsamen Nutzung des Spektrums kontrolliert werden, um diese Gewinne im Netzwerk zu erhalten. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht Lösungen, mit denen das Frequenzspektrum des Mobilfunknetzes mit D2D-Benutzern geteilt werden kann, welche sowohl die spektrale Effizienz maximieren als auch die QoS-Anforderungen aller Benutzer erfüllen (in Bezug auf das Signal-zu-Rausch-plus-Interferenz Verhältnis (SINR)). Die vorliegende Arbeit gliedert sich in zwei Teile: eine analytische und eine algorithmische Studie. Zunächst untersucht die analytische Studie den Ansatz für ein Interferenzmanagement, in welchem mehrere D2D-Benutzer das zellulare Spektrum gemeinsam nutzen. Dabei wird die Zuteilung einer einheitlichen Interferenzleistung (UIP) vorgeschlagen - ein Verfahren, bei dem alle D2D-Benutzer mit gleicher Interferenz an der Basisstation (BS) beitragen. Dieses Schema wird auf ein Szenario einer einzelnen Zelle angewendet, welches sehr positive Ergebnisse bei der Verbesserung der spektralen Effizienz erzielt, obwohl einige D2D-Benutzer ihre SINR-Schwellenwerte nicht erreichen können. Eine wesentliche Erkenntnis aus der analytischen Studie ist, dass eine räumliche Trennung zwischen Benutzern, die das Spektrum gemeinsam nutzen, wichtig ist, um ihre gegenseitige Beeinflussung zu minimieren. Die algorithmische Studie konzentriert sich daher auf die Auswahl geeigneter D2D-Benutzern. Zunächst werden räumliche Auswahlkriterien formuliert mit dem Ziel, mehrere D2D-Benutzer zu identifizieren, die das Spektrum eines bestimmten Mobilfunkbenutzers gemeinsam nutzen können, um die spektrale Effizienz zu maximieren, während alle Benutzer ihre SINR-Schwellenwerte erreichen. Danach werden basierend auf diesen Kriterien zwei Auswahlalgorithmen entwickelt. Der erste Algorithmus wählt opportunistisch D2D-Benutzer aus, die bei bestimmten Auswahlinstanzen die geringste Störung für andere das Spektrum gemeinsam nutzende Benutzer verursachen. Der zweite Algorithmus wählt zufällig alle D2D-Benutzer aus, die räumliche von anderen Benutzern getrennt sind, jedoch das Spektrum gemeinsam nutzen. Beide Algorithmen werden mit sehr positiven Ergebnissen durch Simulationen in einem Szenario einer einzelnen Zelle mit einer unterschiedlichen Anzahl von Benutzern vorgestellt. In einem Szenario mit mehreren Zellen, in welchem die Interferenz zwischen den Zellen die Leistungsfähigkeit beeinträchtigt, werden Verbesserungen an beiden Algorithmen vorgestellt, um die festgelegten Ziele zu erreichen. Diese Verbesserungen passen die Auswahlkriterien an, um: 1) keine D2D-Benutzer mit Zellenkante auszuwählen und 2) die Auswirkungen der gemeinsamen Nutzung des Frequenzspektrums zwischen benachbarten Zellen zu berücksichtigen. Die Arbeit zeigt deutlich, dass mithilfe eines geeigneten Auswahlkriteriums mehrere D2D Nutzer in der Lage sind, die gemeinsame Frequenzressource mit zellularen Nutzern zu teilen mit Erhöhung der gesamten spektralen Effizienz und Beibehaltung der QoS Anforderungen aller Nutzer. Die hierbei erbrachten Erkenntnisse können zusammen mit den vorhandenen Ergebnissen als Ausgangspunkt für weitere akademische Forschung sowie einer praktischen Anwendung dienen.Owing to the further proliferation of new mobile applications, e.g. autonomous driving, automated process control, smart cities/homes, and tactile internet, the number and density of devices requiring wireless connectivity continue to increase. This demands ever more efficient methods for utilizing the available frequency spectrum for cellular networks. To counter this challenge, approaches like spectrum sharing have been proposed as enablers to improve the overall spectral efficiency. Device to device communication (D2D) as an underlaying transmission to the cellular network presents spectral efficiency improvements through the increased sharing of the available cellular spectrum. In D2D, devices in close proximity communicate directly with each other having either minimal or no control from the cellular network. The third generation partnership project (3GPP) supports, through standardization, the integration of D2D within cellular networks in order to realize the spectral efficiency gains during spectrum sharing and user quality of service (QoS) guarantees. However, the interference between D2D and cellular users during spectrum sharing must be controlled to get these gains in the network. This thesis studies the solutions through which the cellular network's frequency spectrum can be shared with D2D users to concurrently maximize the spectral efficiency and achieve all users' QoS requirements (in terms of threshold signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR)). The thesis is divided into two parts: an analytical study and an algorithmic study. First, the analytical study evaluates the framework for interference management when several D2D users share the cellular network's spectrum. Therein, uniform interference power (UIP) allocation -- a scheme where all D2D users contribute equal interference at the base station (BS), is proposed. This scheme is applied to a single-cell scenario with very positive results in improving spectral efficiency although some D2D users are unable to achieve their threshold SINRs. The main lesson from the analytical study is that spatial separation between users sharing spectrum is important to minimize their mutual interference. So the algorithmic study focuses on D2D-users selection. First, spatial selection criteria are formulated with the objective of identifying multiple D2D users that can share a given cellular user's spectrum to maximize spectral efficiency while all users achieve their threshold SINRs. Thereafter, based on these criteria, two selection algorithms are developed. The first algorithm opportunistically selects D2D users causing the least interference, at given selection instances, to other users sharing the spectrum. The second algorithm randomly selects any D2D users meeting the minimal required spatial separation from other users sharing the spectrum. Both algorithms are presented with very positive results in simulations that consider a single-cell scenario with varying number of users. In a multi-cell scenario, where the experienced inter-cell interference degrades performance, enhancements to both algorithms are applied to achieve the set objectives. These enhancements adapt the selection criteria to: 11) not select cell-edge D2D users and 22) take into account the effects of spectrum sharing between neighbouring cells. The thesis studies clearly showed that, using appropriate selection criteria, multiple D2D users can share a specific cellular user's spectrum resources to improve the network's spectral efficiency and achieve all users' QoS requirements. These findings together with other existing results on D2D spectrum resource reuse can be the starting point for further academic research and practical implementation