34 research outputs found

    Applications of reprogrammability in algorithm acceleration

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    This doctoral thesis consists of an introductory part and eight appended publications, which deal with hardware-based reprogrammability in algorithm acceleration with a specific emphasis on the possibilities offered by modern large-scale Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) in computationally demanding applications. The historical evolution of both the theoretical and technological paths culminating in the introduction of reprogrammable logic devices is first outlined. This is followed by defining the commonly used terms in the thesis. The reprogrammable logic market is surveyed, and the architectural structures and the technological reasonings behind them are described in detail. As reprogrammable logic lies between Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) and general-purpose microprocessors in the implementation spectrum of electronics systems, special attention has been paid to differentiate these three implementation approaches. This has been done to emphasize, that reprogrammable logic offers much more than just a low-volume replacement for ASICs. Design systems for reprogrammable logic are investigated, as the learning curve associated with them is the main hurdle for software-oriented designers for using reprogrammable logic devices. The theoretically important topic of partial reprogrammability is described in detail, but it is concluded, that the practical problems in designing viable development platforms for partially reprogrammable systems will hinder its wide-spread adoption. The main technical, design-oriented, and economic applicability factors of reprogrammable logic are laid out. The main advantages of reprogrammable logic are their suitability for fine-grained bit-level parallelizable computing with a short time-to-market and low upfront costs. It is also concluded, that the main opportunities for reprogrammable logic lie in the potential of high-level design systems, and the ever-growing ASIC design gap. On the other hand, most power-conscious mass-market portable products do not seem to offer major new market potential for reprogrammable logic. The appended publications are examined and compared to contemporaneous research at other research institutions. The conclusion is that for relatively wide classes of well-defined computation problems, reprogrammable logic offers a more efficient solution than a software-centered approach, with a much shorter production cycle than is the case with ASICs.reviewe

    Reconfigurable Computing for Speech Recognition: Preliminary Findings

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    Continuous real-time speech recognition is a highly computationally-demanding task, but one which can take good advantage of a parallel processing system. To this end, we describe proposals for, and preliminary findings of, research in implementing in programmable logic the decoder part of a speech recognition system. Recognition via Viterbi decoding of Hidden Markov Models is outlined, along with details of current implementations, which aim to exploit properties of the algorithm that could make it well-suited for devices such as FPGAs. The question of how to deal with limited resources, by reconfiguration or otherwise, is also addressed

    A Reconfigurable Tile-Based Architecture to Compute FFT and FIR Functions in the Context of Software-Defined Radio

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    Software-defined radio (SDR) is the term used for flexible radio systems that can deal with multiple standards. For an efficient implementation, such systems require appropriate reconfigurable architectures. This paper targets the efficient implementation of the most computationally intensive kernels of two significantly different standards, viz. Bluetooth and HiperLAN/2, on the same reconfigurable hardware. These kernels are FIR filtering and FFT. The designed architecture is based on a two-dimensional arrangement of 17 tiles. Each tile contains a multiplier, an adder, local memory and multiplexers allowing flexible communication with the neighboring tiles. The tile-base data path is complemented with a global controller and various memories. The design has been implemented in SystemC and simulated extensively to prove equivalence with a reference all-software design. It has also been synthesized and turns out to outperform significantly other reconfigurable designs with respect to speed and area

    Run-Time Optimized Reconfiguration Using Instruction Forecasting

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    Economic aspects of FPGA technology

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    En este PFC se ha recogido y analizado diversa información acerca de la tecnología de Xilinx. Incluyendo los datasheets de Xilinx notas del E.E. Times, informes financieros, y artículos de internet. Todos los datos se han unificado en unas ciento cincuenta figuras y tablas. Además, se han revisado los proceedings de la conferencia FPL desde 1991 (la primera en Oxford) hasta 2013 (el último en Porto).In this PFC, diverse information about Xilinx technology has been collected and analyzed. It includes Xilinx datasheets, notes on E.E. Times, financial reports, and Internet articles. All the data have been unified in around one hundred and fifty figures and tables. In addition, FPL proceedings from 1991 (the first in Oxford) to 2013 (the last in Porto) have been revised

    Reconfigurable Architectures

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    Generalized disjunction decomposition for evolvable hardware

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    Evolvable hardware (EHW) refers to self-reconfiguration hardware design, where the configuration is under the control of an evolutionary algorithm (EA). One of the main difficulties in using EHW to solve real-world problems is scalability, which limits the size of the circuit that may be evolved. This paper outlines a new type of decomposition strategy for EHW, the “generalized disjunction decomposition” (GDD), which allows the evolution of large circuits. The proposed method has been extensively tested, not only with multipliers and parity bit problems traditionally used in the EHW community, but also with logic circuits taken from the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina (MCNC) benchmark library and randomly generated circuits. In order to achieve statistically relevant results, each analyzed logic circuit has been evolved 100 times, and the average of these results is presented and compared with other EHW techniques. This approach is necessary because of the probabilistic nature of EA; the same logic circuit may not be solved in the same way if tested several times. The proposed method has been examined in an extrinsic EHW system using the(1+lambda)(1 + lambda)evolution strategy. The results obtained demonstrate that GDD significantly improves the evolution of logic circuits in terms of the number of generations, reduces computational time as it is able to reduce the required time for a single iteration of the EA, and enables the evolution of larger circuits never before evolved. In addition to the proposed method, a short overview of EHW systems together with the most recent applications in electrical circuit design is provided

    A faster distributed arithmetic architecture for FPGAs

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    Software radios: unifying the reconfiguration process over heterogeneous platforms

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    Future radio transceivers supporting the software radio concept will provide increased features for radio access networks. However, the reconfiguration of radio equipment requires the existence of architecture, a common framework, which allows the flexible management of software running on radio processors. Such a framework must take into account the heterogeneity of hardware devices and platforms for radio applications. Since the flexibility has a cost in terms of added overhead, a conceptually simple but efficient structure that allows powerful mechanisms to develop and deploy software radio applications is required. This paper describes our approach, the reasons that motivated it, and some implementation issues. The proposed framework is essentially based on four items: an abstraction layer which hides any platform-dependent issue, a simple time-driven software structure, a delimited interface format for software blocks which does not actually constrain communication, and a global time-reference mechanism to guarantee real-time behavior.Peer Reviewe

    A Field Programmable Gate Array Architecture for Two-Dimensional Partial Reconfiguration

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    Reconfigurable machines can accelerate many applications by adapting to their needs through hardware reconfiguration. Partial reconfiguration allows the reconfiguration of a portion of a chip while the rest of the chip is busy working on tasks. Operating system models have been proposed for partially reconfigurable machines to handle the scheduling and placement of tasks. They are called OS4RC in this dissertation. The main goal of this research is to address some problems that come from the gap between OS4RC and existing chip architectures and the gap between OS4RC models and practical applications. Some existing OS4RC models are based on an impractical assumption that there is no data exchange channel between IP (Intellectual Property) circuits residing on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chip and between an IP circuit and FPGA I/O pins. For models that do not have such an assumption, their inter-IP communication channels have severe drawbacks. Those channels do not work well with 2-D partial reconfiguration. They are not suitable for intensive data stream processing. And frequently they are very complicated to design and very expensive. To address these problems, a new chip architecture that can better support inter-IP and IP-I/O communication is proposed and a corresponding OS4RC kernel is then specified. The proposed FPGA architecture is based on an array of clusters of configurable logic blocks, with each cluster serving as a partial reconfiguration unit, and a mesh of segmented buses that provides inter-IP and IP-I/O communication channels. The proposed OS4RC kernel takes care of the scheduling, placement, and routing of circuits under the constraints of the proposed architecture. Features of the new architecture in turns reduce the kernel execution times and enable the runtime scheduling, placement and routing. The area cost and the configuration memory size of the new chip architecture are calculated and analyzed. And the efficiency of the OS4RC kernel is evaluated via simulation using three different task models