138 research outputs found

    Ultrafast wavelength jumping and wavelength adjustment with low current using monolithically integrated FML for long-reach UDWDM-PON

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    Ultrafast wavelength jumping at optical network units (ONUs) for an access network with frequency modulated lasers (FMLs) is demonstrated. This FML consists of an intracavity tunable phase section and filtering gain section. It provides a total of 4.2 nm tuning range with fast wavelength jumping (2.2 nm in 1 µs) and fast adjustment (1.3 nm in 1.8 ns), providing a candidate for the fast tuning ONU for coherent ultradense wavelength-division multiplexing passive optical networks (WDM-PONs).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Photonic devices for next generation fiber-to-the-home access network

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    It would be unaffordable if the WDM-PON technologies were directly applied for massive deployment. Hence, the potential WDM-PON is to be integrated and improved in order to adapt it for NGPON and the future 5G. The UDWDM-PON can be considered as an ultimate solution for the next-generation access network capable of providing unlimited bandwidth for each user, thanks to the coherent detection. Plenty of scientists have believed that it is crucial to increase the operating speed and maximum reach of WDM-PON, while it has no sense if people achieve them without a ordable cost. In order to apply them cost-effciently, the system should require colorless ONUs and bidirectional systems. It is desired that the whole system use modulators on a low bias consumption, even limit the number of amplifiers. However, for bidirectional transmission the backscattering effects would limit the performance if we want to reuse the carrier from OLT. So, we should design a method to separate the wavelength between upstream and downstream. The traditional UDWDM-PON uses 2 laser at ONU, in this thesis, the single-DFB based ONUs are presented with integrated devices. What is the most plausible configuration? The photonic devices such as RSOA, DEML, FML with advanced configurations are presented in this thesis with different applications. The proposed thesis includes these parts: key devices for WDM-PON and the chirp parameters of these integrated photonic devices are measured, the polarization independent RSOA with different applications is also included, demonstration of dual output DEML with bidirectional coherent UDWDM-PON transmission, mitigating residual AM of DEML for phase modulation, and fast tuning for the UDWDM channel via FML are described.Por sus altos requerimientos técnicos, sería inasumible aplicar las tecnologías WDM-PON directamente para el despliegue masivo de Fiber-to-the-Home de nueva generación. Por lo tanto, el potencial se WDM-PON se debe integrar y mejorar con el fin de adaptarlo para NGPON y el futuro 5G. Hoy dia, operadores, usuarios y científicos, ven crucial augmentar la velocitat de funcionament y el alcance de las redes de acceso PON, si bien no tiene sentido conseguirlo con un coste inasequible. El UDWDM-PON puede considerarse como una solución definitiva para la red de acceso de próxima generación, capaz de proporcionar ancho de banda ilimitado para cada usuario, gracias a la detección coherente, por lo que en esta tesis se aborda su realización con un coste e integración prácticos. Con el fin de aplicarlos de manera rentable, el sistema debería exigir a las ONU que sean idénticas, si láseres preseleccionados o incoloros, y ser bidireccionales. Se desea que el conjunto de moduladores del sistema tengan en un bajo consumo, e incluso limitar el número de amplificadores. Sin embargo, para la transmisión bidireccional los efectos de retrodispersión limitarían el rendimiento si queremos volver a utilizar la portadora generada en la OLT. Por lo tanto, debemos diseñar un método para separar la longitud de onda en las transmisiones de bajada y de retorno del usuario a la central. El tradicional UDWDM-PON utiliza 2 láseres en la ONU; en esta tesis, las ONUs usan dispositivos integrados basados en un sólo DFB. ¿Cuál es la configuración más plausible? Los dispositivos fotónicos como RSOA, DEML, FML con configuraciones avanzadas se presentan en esta tesis con diferentes aplicaciones, que resuelven distintos problemas técnicos. La tesis incluye las siguientes partes: análisis y medida de dispositivos fotónicos clave para WDM-PON con modulación de fase, la independencia a la polarización de RSOA con diferentes aplicaciones, demostración de DEML con doble salida para transmisión bidireccional coherente UDWDM-PON, mitigación de AM residual de DEML para la modulación de fase, y la sintonía rápida de canal de UDWDM a través de FML.Postprint (published version

    Dynamically reconfigurable optical access network

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    This dissertation presents the research results on a fiber-optic high-bitrate access network which enables dynamic bandwidth allocation as a response to varying subscribers' demands and bandwidth needs of emerging services. The motivation of the research is given in Chapter 1 "Introduction" together with a brief comparative discussion on currently available and future access networks. The idea of wavelength reconfigurability in the last-mile networks is described as a solution for more efficient bandwidth utilization and a subject of the Broadband Photonics project. Chapter 2 "Wavelength-flexible WDM/TDM access network - architecture" provides a comprehensive description of the proposed solution with each network element being analyzed in terms of its functionalities. This includes a colorless optical network unit and a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer. An estimation of power budget is followed by the choice of wavelength set and network control and management layer overview. In Chapter 3 "Reflective transceiver module for ONU" after discussing different communication schemes and modulation formats three approaches to a colorless high-bitrate transmitter are analyzed in detail. This includes experiment and simulation results on a reflective semiconductor optical amplifier, reflective electro-absorption modulator and a Michelson-interferometer modulator. The Chapter is concluded with a comparative discussion. Chapter 4 "Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer" discusses another key element in the proposed network architecture which is an integrated structure of micro-ring resonators providing wavelength reconfigurability. The measured characteristics assess the applicability of the device able to support unicast and multicast transmission. A range of possible sources of signal degradation in the access links are analyzed in Chapter 5 "Transmission and network impairments in the access network". An estimation of potential power penalties resulting from such impairments in the proposed system follow afterwards. Special attention is paid to optical in-band crosstalk penalties and improvement methods in Chapter 6 "Interferometric crosstalk in the access network with an RSOA". This subject is treated extensively with the support of mathematical considerations and experimental results. Proof-of-concept experiments of the proposed network architecture are presented in Chapter 7 "Reconfigurable WDM/TDM access network - experiments". The results of bidirectional transmission of high-bitrate WDM signals in different wavelength allocation schemes are discussed in detail. From there, by means of simulations the behavior of a full-scale network is assessed. In Chapter 8 "Migration towards WDM/TDM access network" the migration scenario from currently deployed fiber-optic access networks towards the novel solution is proposed. Afterwards, a short dispute on the economics of last-mile fiber technologies is included. Finally, the work is concluded and potential future research ideas based on this thesis are given in Chapter 9 "Conclusions and further work"

    Dynamically reconfigurable optical access network

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    This dissertation presents the research results on a fiber-optic high-bitrate access network which enables dynamic bandwidth allocation as a response to varying subscribers' demands and bandwidth needs of emerging services. The motivation of the research is given in Chapter 1 "Introduction" together with a brief comparative discussion on currently available and future access networks. The idea of wavelength reconfigurability in the last-mile networks is described as a solution for more efficient bandwidth utilization and a subject of the Broadband Photonics project. Chapter 2 "Wavelength-flexible WDM/TDM access network - architecture" provides a comprehensive description of the proposed solution with each network element being analyzed in terms of its functionalities. This includes a colorless optical network unit and a reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer. An estimation of power budget is followed by the choice of wavelength set and network control and management layer overview. In Chapter 3 "Reflective transceiver module for ONU" after discussing different communication schemes and modulation formats three approaches to a colorless high-bitrate transmitter are analyzed in detail. This includes experiment and simulation results on a reflective semiconductor optical amplifier, reflective electro-absorption modulator and a Michelson-interferometer modulator. The Chapter is concluded with a comparative discussion. Chapter 4 "Reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexer" discusses another key element in the proposed network architecture which is an integrated structure of micro-ring resonators providing wavelength reconfigurability. The measured characteristics assess the applicability of the device able to support unicast and multicast transmission. A range of possible sources of signal degradation in the access links are analyzed in Chapter 5 "Transmission and network impairments in the access network". An estimation of potential power penalties resulting from such impairments in the proposed system follow afterwards. Special attention is paid to optical in-band crosstalk penalties and improvement methods in Chapter 6 "Interferometric crosstalk in the access network with an RSOA". This subject is treated extensively with the support of mathematical considerations and experimental results. Proof-of-concept experiments of the proposed network architecture are presented in Chapter 7 "Reconfigurable WDM/TDM access network - experiments". The results of bidirectional transmission of high-bitrate WDM signals in different wavelength allocation schemes are discussed in detail. From there, by means of simulations the behavior of a full-scale network is assessed. In Chapter 8 "Migration towards WDM/TDM access network" the migration scenario from currently deployed fiber-optic access networks towards the novel solution is proposed. Afterwards, a short dispute on the economics of last-mile fiber technologies is included. Finally, the work is concluded and potential future research ideas based on this thesis are given in Chapter 9 "Conclusions and further work"

    Performance improvement of SS-WDM passive optical networks using semiconductor optical amplifiers: Modeling and experiment

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    Les sources incohérentes sont proposées comme alternatives aux lasers stabilisés en longueur d'onde pour réduire le coût des réseaux optiques passifs utilisant le multiplexage par longueur d'onde découpée dans le spectre (SS-WDM PONs). À cause de leur nature incohérente, ces sources génèrent au récepteur un large bruit d'intensité. Ce bruit limite l'efficacité spectrale et/ou le taux binaire pouvant être achevé. Cette thèse étudie l'utilisation des amplificateurs optique à semi-conducteur SOAs pour nettoyer le bruit d'intensité. De plus, lors de cette thèse, nous explorons les outils numériques et expérimentaux qui nous permettent d'analyser les performances des SOAs dans le cadre de systèmes de communication multi-canaux, incluant le SS-WDM. Nous présentons des modèles mathématiques pour le bruit d'intensité, ce bruit étant celui qui limite les performances des systèmes de communication utilisant des sources incohérentes. Nous discutons les dynamiques complexes des SOAs et présentons les équations qui gouvernent l'évolution des porteurs de charges dans ces amplificateurs. Nous identifions et soulignons l'effet des paramètres les plus importants, qui affectent le processus ainsi que la dynamique de nettoyage du bruit d'intensité. Nous passons en revue, les différentes techniques de nettoyage de bruit avec les SOAs, qui ont démontré les meilleurs résultats connus. De plus, nous effectuons une revue de littérature poussée pour ce qui a attrait au problème de post-filtrage lorsque le SOA est placé au transmetteur, avant la modulation. Notre première contribution pendant ce travail de recherche est de démontrer, en utilisant l'intermodulation de gain d'un SOA au récepteur pour convertir le signal incohérent en laser cohérent, une amélioration significative du taux d'erreur binaire BER. Cette méthode est spectralement efficace, d'autant plus qu'elle ne souffre point la limitation occasionnée par le post-filtrage au récepteur. En contre partie elle nécessite un ample budget de puissance qui doit assurer une saturation suffisante de l'amplificateur au récepteur. Une source laser est aussi nécessaire au récepteur. Ceci est un inconvénient, même si une telle source n'ait pas besoin d'une quelconque stabilisation. Pour contourner le problème causé par le post-filtrage quand le SOA est au transmetteur, nous proposons un nouveau récepteur pour les systèmes de communication WDM, qui permet de mieux garder le nettoyage de bruit, et ce malgré le filtrage optique au récepteur. La nouvelle méthode consiste en un détecteur balancé utilisé au récepteur: d'un bord, tous les canaux sont détectés sans distinction. De l'autre, le signal désiré est bloqué pendant que tous les autres canaux sont détectés. Avec cette méthode, il est facile de saturer l'amplificateur pour une meilleure suppression de bruit tout en évitant en grande partie la dégradation causé par le post-filtrage. Nous avons expérimentalement démontré un système WDM dense de 8 x 10 Gbps avec une source incohérente et un SOA en saturation. Une autre contribution originale de ce travail est le développement d'un outil de simulation pour les SOAs qui est numériquement plus efficace et léger que les modèles connus à ce jour. Nous avons donc développé un modèle théorique simple, pouvant être implémenté par diagramme block, dans le but de simuler les performances des hens de communications WDM. Notre modèle démontre une bonne concordance avec les résultats expérimentaux ainsi qu'une diminution de temps de calcul de l'ordre de 20 fois. Finalement, lors de la dernière partie de ces travaux, nous nous sommes occupés de mesurer, de façon précise, le temps de recouvrement du gain dans un SOA. Le temps de recouvrement des porteurs dans un SOA est un des paramètres les plus importants qui sont à l'origine du phénomène de nettoyage de bruit et qui régissent le comportement ainsi que les dynamiques de l'amplificateur. Nous avons étudié en particulier, la dépendance de ce temps de recouvrement r de la longueur d'onde. Pour le SOA utilisé lors de notre étude expérimentale, nous avons démontré que r dépendait de la longueur d'onde de façon similaire au spectre de gain. Ces mesures ont été possibles grâce au développement d'un nouveau dispositif de mesure pompe/sonde, qui permettait de mesurer le recouvrement du gain pour une pompe et une sonde à la même longueur d'onde et ayant le même état de polarisation

    High-speed low-power modulator driver arrays for medium-reach optical networks

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    The internet is becoming the ubiquitous tool that is changing the lives of so many citizens across the world. Commerce, government, industry, healthcare and social interactions are all increasingly using internet applications to improve and facilitate communications. This is especially true for videoenabled applications, which currently demand much higher data rates and quality from data networks. High definition TV streaming services are emerging and these again will significantly push the demand for widely deployed, high-bandwidth services. The current access passive optical networks (PONs) use a single wavelength for downstream transmission and a separate one for upstream transmission. Incorporating wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) in a PON allows for much higher bandwidths in both directions. While WDM technologies have been successfully deployed for many years in metro and core networks, in access networks they are not commonly used yet. This is mainly due to the high costs associated with deploying entire WDM access networks. However, the present optical networks cannot be simply and cost-effectively scaled to provide the capacity for tomorrow’s users. As an effect there is a strong need for new WDM access components which are compact, cost-competitive and mass-manufacturable. Increasing the number of wavelengths for WDM-PON automatically leads to an increase in the number of single pluggable transceivers, which brings substantial design challenges and additional costs. The multitude of TXs and RXs for different wavelength channels increases the total footprint considerably. Photonic integration of transceivers into arrays will significantly reduce the footprint and cost. However, the total power consumption of an array device is an issue. To avoid the use of a thermoelectric cooler, the integration density of components is severely limited by the heat dissipating capabilities offered by their package. As a result the WDM-PON philosophy necessitates the reduction of the transceiver’s power dissipation. From this plea it is apparent that the main technology challenges for realizing future-proof optical (access) networks are reducing active component power consumption, shrinking form factors and lowering assembly costs. In this perspective an over 100 Gb/s throughput component, composed of 10 channels at 11.3 Gb/s per wavelength channel would be a great contribution to the expansion of customer bandwidth. It can provide increased line rates to the end users at speeds of 10 Gb/s per wavelength. As RXs typically consume much less power than externally modulated TXs, they can relatively easily be integrated into an array. Mainly high speed optical transmitters have significant power consumptions and the heat generation caused by power dissipation forms a critical obstacle in the development of a 10-channel transmitter, which again underlines the importance of power reduction. Alongside the introduction of WDM in access networks, also inter-office point-to-point connections in data center environments could benefit from the WDM philosophy. As data center operators often suffer from fiber scarcity or do not own their fiber infrastructure, WDM technologies are essential to deliver reach and capacity extension for these scenarios. Interdata center communication also benefits from cost-, footprint- and energyefficient components operating at high speed to maximize the throughput. As an effect integrated over 100 Gb/s transceivers, such as 4 channels at 28 Gb/s, are highly desirable. The research described in this dissertation was partly funded by the European FP7 ICT project C3PO (Colourless and Coolerless Components for low Power Optical Networks) and the UGent special research fund. The C3PO project aimed to develop a new generation of green Si-photonic compatible components with record low power consumption, that can enable bandwidth growth and constrain the total cost. C3PO envisioned building high-capacity access networks employing reflective photonic components. To achieve this, cost-competitive reflective transmitters based on electroabsorption modulators (EAM) needed to be closely integrated into arrays. A multi-wavelength optical source provides the required wavelength channels for both downstream and upstream signals in the WDM-PON. Chapter 1 gives a short overview of a PON and describes the main implementations of a WDM-PON access network. It introduces integrated low power transmitter arrays for a cost-effective architecture of WDM-PONs and inter-data center communication. Chapter 2 compares different optical transmitters and gives a short overview of their most important characteristics. External modulation through both Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZMs) and EAMs is described. It shows that EAMs are the best choice for low power transmitter array integration, thanks to their lower drive voltage and smaller form factor, compared to MZMs. To achieve a reduced consumption, the electronic modulator driver topology is studied in chapter 3. The challenge in designing modulator drivers is the need to deliver very large currents in combination with high voltage swings. Four distinct output configurations are compared and techniques to reduce the power consumption of the drivers are described. Chapter 5 presents duobinary (DB), a modulation scheme that is gaining interest in today’s optical transmission. As the required bandwidth is about half that of NRZ, it softens the constraints on the transmitter bandwidth. Thanks to its narrow optical spectrum, it has an improved tolerance to dispersion in long haul single mode links and it can improve the spectral efficiency in WDM architectures. For optical DB a precoder is necessary to assure the received signal is equal to the original binary signal. The conducted research that resulted in this dissertation produced 2 low power EAM driver arrays: A 10-channel 113 Gb/s modulator driver array with state-of-the art ultra-low power consumption. A 2-channel 56 Gb/s duobinary driver array with a differential output with low power consumption. Both designs are elaborately analyzed in chapter 4 and 6 respectively. To the best of our knowledge the 10-channel EAM driver array is the first in its kind, while achieving the lowest power consumption for an EAM driver so far reported, 50% below the state of the art in power consumption. The 2-channel EAM driver array is the fastest modulator driver including on-chip duobinary encoding and precoding reported so far. The final chapter provides an overview of the foremost conclusions from the presented research. It is concluded with suggestions for further research

    Converged wireline and wireless signal distribution in optical fiber access networks

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