70 research outputs found

    Bridging digital divides in the learning process: challenges and implications of integrating ICTs

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    Abstract: This paper investigates an initiative by a New Zealand School to integrate one-to-one ICTs into the learning process, called \u27Bring your own device\u27 (BYOD). Prior to embarking on the BYOD initiative, similar past initiatives have been studied and some persistent issues have been identified. Before starting with the detailed investigation of BYOD, a preliminary analysis of the public response data from different sources has also been conducted. From the past initiatives and preliminary analysis of public responses, we have been able to form general research questions for the study. A socio-cultural ecological approach to mobile learning has been considered appropriate as a means of analysis for this study. Authors: Janak Adhikari, Doctoral Student; Dr. David Parsons, Associate Professor and Dr. Anuradha Mathrani, Lecturer, in the department of Information Technology, Massey University Auckland. This paper was presented at mLearn 2012 Mobile and Contextual Learning, Helsinki, Finland, October 16 -18, 2012 and published in the Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning .  &nbsp

    a Case study of Mobile Learning Pilot Project in K-12 schools

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    This case study reports findings from a four-month pilot project of one-to-one learning with iPads in four 9th grade Geography classrooms in a large K-12 school district in the United States. The findings of the study revealed many promising opportunities and technical challenges for both teachers and students. The positive impact of iPad integration on student learning includes active engagement, increased time for projects, improved digital literacy, and digital citizenship. The challenge for student learning is mainly distraction by the multitude of irrelevant apps and Websites. With regard to instructional activities, the positive impact includes the implementation of student-centered activities and enhanced teaching practices with updated information. The challenges include a lack of teacher-selected apps and the need for more time to prep and conduct training. Faculty professional development has also played an important role on teaching practices. This study recommends continuous faculty development and student learning support through innovative approaches to transform one-to-one learning with iPads in the classroom

    Parents' points of view: an evaluation of the M'Lop Tapang special needs programme, Cambodia

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    M’Lop Tapang is a registered non-governmental organisation working in South West Cambodia and providing services to 5000 vulnerable children and 2500 families. This evaluation was commissioned to review M’Lop Tapang’s special needs programme. Interviews were conducted with 35 parents / carers of children who receive services from M’Lop Tapang’s special needs programme . Nearly all of these parents / carers reported that they had noticed improvements in their children’s behaviour or functional ability since attending the programme. Significantly, almost all also reported a dramatic reduction in stress as a result of their child attending the programmes. While the study revealed many positive aspects of M'Lop Tapang’s special needs programme it also highlighted areas for improvement, particularly in areas of parental learning and education

    Euronet Lab, A Cloud V-Lab Enviroment

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    In this paper we present a proposal for the creation of a European V-labs web space. In its essence it would result in an open online laboratory, with a primarily practical nature. In this laboratory students will have the opportunity to develop skills in the “know-how-to-do” area, enabling them to conduct a series of practical experiences in “try-out” philosophy that will substantiate and consolidate all knowledge that the students acquired in lectures. It is quite possible that these resources aren’t available in all universities and institutions, specifically in the university where the student is. This environment provides substance to the Directive stated in the declarations of Bologna and Prague that expresses “the teaching process is therefore student-centered”, strengthening the final pedagogical aim of “learning to learn”, as lifelong learning is assumed as an indispensable stage. What we propose is the creation of a virtual environment for e-learning where a series of virtual labs in many areas of electronics, automation and robotics are available, in this environment it will do possible for any student of any of these universities to scheduling of experience in any institution that belongs to this cloud, and thus can perform is work for anytime that will be available and with technical resources available or not available in its own university.Com o apoio RAADRI

    Estudio en nivel de perfil para la implementación de empresa orientada a la venta de productos y servicios informáticos que apoyen a instituciones educativas costarricenses de preescolar, primaria y secundaria

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    Trabajo final de graduación, bajo la modalidad de proyecto, de 86 páginas en formato pdf.El presente trabajo corresponde a un estudio en nivel de perfil para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la comercialización de productos y servicios informáticos para escuelas y colegios costarricenses. Desde el punto de vista de negocio, el estudio parte del supuesto que existe una demanda insatisfecha en el sector educativo, principalmente para los niveles de preescolar, primaria y secundaria, con relación al aprovechamiento de la tecnología informática. Se asume que, la mayoría de estas instituciones no cuentan con una adecuada planificación ni infraestructura tecnológica debido en parte a que los mismos se adoptan en forma ad hoc, a partir del conocimiento empírico de algunos maestros, padres de familia, o, en el mejor de los casos, del profesor de cómputo de la institución. Por otra parte, la principal motivación se centra en el quehacer de este tipo de instituciones educativas, como entes formadores de los adultos del mañana, en donde la docencia y la educación se convierten en una inagotable fuente de crecimiento y desarrollo humano, que engrandecen intelectual y emocionalmente tanto a quien enseña como a quien aprende, y de la cual se benefician, no sólo los niños y jóvenes de hoy, sino aquéllos a quienes el día de mañana ellos mismos enseñarán y darán guía. Desde esta perspectiva, resulta impresionante la cantidad de niños y jóvenes que, teniendo las condiciones y capacidades para estudiar y convertirse en profesionales y personas de bien, optan por abandonar los centros académicos para buscar opciones “más fáciles”, o bien, de escasos beneficios inmediatos, que no les ayudan a surgir ni a crecer, creándose, en muchos casos, un círculo vicioso de ignorancia y pobreza. En nuestros países latinoamericanos, incluso, se llega a convertir en tradición familiar, hereda de padres a hijos. Creemos que, la tecnología, la informática en particular, abre una infinita gama de posibilidades, de oportunidades, para complementar y enriquecer la experiencia de aprendizaje y enseñanza, no sólo porque facilita la fusión de contenido educativo con el motor imaginativo de quien aprende, sino porque ayuda a acortar distancias: distancias geográficas, como las que separan a un estudiante de nuestro país que interactúa por Internet con otro ubicado a miles de kilómetros; distancias culturales, como las que separan a un estudiante costarricense que explica nuestras costumbres y tradiciones a otros niños extranjeros; o, distancias sociales, que pueden separar a estudiantes de países desarrollados de los que aún están en vías de desarrollo. Consideramos que estas distancias podrían estarse acrecentando cada día más en muchas escuelas y colegios por el poco aprovechamiento que se hace de la tecnología, producto muchas veces del desconocimiento más que de la falta de recursos. De esta forma, la empresa que se analiza en el presente estudio, busca contribuir, con un pequeño grano de arena, a la disminución de esta brecha tecnológica, ofreciendo a las instituciones educativas costarricenses, herramientas y criterios en el campo de las tecnologías de información, las cuales sirvan de apoyo, tanto al área académica, como a la administrativa.Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Ric

    Flexible Alternative Seating in the Classroom and On Task Behavior

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    This literature review explores the impact that alternative flexible seating has on student achievement and on task behavior in the classroom environment. The presented method of classroom arrangement offers options for students to select the best environment for their needs and provides measurable improvement in academic achievement. This literature review contains scholarly based articles, journals, and other information from dependable sources to explore a detailed look and explanation of how flexible alternative seating can impact and change the behavior and achievement of students in a general education setting

    Exploring relationships between configurations of technology use and professional development among Ces teachers

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect recent technology integration was having on teaching in the Church Education System (CES). Specifically, this study sought to identify (a) different configurations of technology use; (b) different forms and processes of support; and (c) examine the relationships between the two. Education change theory, particularly the Concerns-Based Adoption Model, was used to guide the research. An Innovation Configuration (IC) Map was developed and used to collect data. Three configurations of use were identified: Independent---teachers who proactively learned technology on their own and implement it well; Interdependent---teachers who are fairly new to technology and are anxious to learn but are limited by time and knowledge; and Codependent---teachers who are intimidated by technology, have limited knowledge, and rely completely on others for help; Some of the different forms and processes of support CES teachers received were: Self-taught---nearly every teacher has learned how to use technology on their own; Help from colleagues---most teachers had someone they could go to for help and many of them use each other to learn; and CES Help Desk---one group found it to be helpful. There was no ongoing formal professional development program; The relationships between configurations of use and professional development revealed that Independent teachers always learn on their own, rarely get help from others, and rarely call the CES Help Desk. A lack of ongoing professional development left these teachers overloaded. The Interdependent teachers mostly learn on their own, rely heavily on Independent teachers, and get help from the CES Help Desk. They seem to be in a good position because they get help and give help without becoming overburdened. The Codependent teachers completely rely on others, rarely spend time learning on their own, and rarely call the CES Help Desk; Conclusions reveal that teachers were given technology with little support and have had to learn on their own, thus making sustained and successful integration difficult. Also, ongoing professional development is critical for teachers to make progress in their use of technology. Finally, IC Maps are useful tools for supporting and analyzing technology integration

    Opiniones, expectativas y valoraciones del profesorado participante en el Programa Escuela 2.0 en España

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    Este trabajo se deriva del proyecto de investigación Las políticas de «un ordenador por niño» en España. Visiones y prácticas del profesorado ante el programa Escuela 2.0. Un análisis comparado entre comunidades autónomas (EDU210-17037), financiado por el Plan Nacional I+D correspondiente a 2010.En este trabajo, se presenta el diseño y los resultados de una investigación que ha explorado las visiones, las valoraciones, las expectativas y las opiniones de más de 5.000 profesores participantes en el proceso de implantación del Programa Escuela 2.0 en las aulas y en los centros docentes españoles. Para ello, se diseñó un estudio específico de opinión donde se recogieron los datos mediante un cuestionario en línea dirigido al profesorado del último ciclo de educación primaria y el primero de educación secundaria de la mayor parte de las comunidades autónomas de España. Los resultados indican que la mayor parte de los docentes considera necesarias estas políticas TIC para la modernización y la mejora de las escuelas y que muestra expectativas positivas hacia las mismas, aunque sigue siendo crítico con algunos de los procesos de implementación desarrollados.En aquest treball, s'hi presenta el disseny i els resultats d'una investigació que ha explorat les visions, les valoracions, les expectatives i les opinions de més de 5.000 professors participants en el procés d'implementació del Programa Escola 2.0 a les aules i als centres escolars espanyols. Per a això es va dissenyar un estudi específic d'opinió on es van recollir les dades mitjançant un qüestionari en línia adreçat al professorat de l'últim cicle d'educació primària i el primer d'educació secundària de gairebé totes les comunitats autònomes d'Espanya. Els resultats indiquen que la major part dels ensenyants considera necessàries aquestes polítiques TIC per a la modernització i la millora de les escoles, a més, les expectatives que hi mostra són positives, encara que segueix sent crític amb alguns dels processos d'implementació desenvolupats.This paper presents the design and results of research that has explored the views, values, expectations and opinions of over 5,000 participating teachers during the implementation of School Program 2.0 in the Spanish schools. We designed a specific study of opinion where data were collected through an online questionnaire sent to teachers of the last cycle of Elementary Education and first cycle of Secondary Education of all the regions of Spain. The results indicate that the majority of teachers considered ICT policies necessary for the modernization and improvement of schools, there is a positive expectation of them, though they are critical of the implementation process developed